-^- ^~.-x-.^.^->w^
I J.AAK (THEODORE), who is said to have first suggested
the weekly meetings of the royal society, and was one of
its first fellows when established after the restoration, was
born in 1605, at Newhausen, near Worms in the Palati-
nate, and educated at home. In 1625 he came to Oxford,
and studied there about half a year, whence he went for
the same time to Cambridge. He then visited some of the
universities abroad, but returned to Oxford in 1629, and
became a commoner of Gloucester-hall (now Worcester
college). Here he remained three years, but without
taking a degree, and, as Wood says, was made a deacon
by Dr. Joseph Hall, the celebrated bishop of Exeter. He
does not, however, appear to have proceeded farther in
ecclesiastical ordination, and both in his translation of the*
" Dutch Annotations," and in the lists of the royal society,
we find him afterwards styled "Theodore Haak, Esq." In
the time of the German wars he was appointed one of the
procurators to receive the benevolence money, which was
raised in several dioceses in England to be transmitted to
Germany, which he used to say " was a deacon's work."
When the rebellion broke out in this country, he appears
to have favoured the interests of parliament. In 1657 he
published in 2 vols. folio, what is called the " Dutch Anno-
tations upon the whole Bible," which is a translation of the
Dutch Bible, ordered by the synod of Dort, and first pub-
lished in 1637. Wood says that the Dutch translators
were assisted in this undertaking by bishops Carleton,
Davenant, Hall, and other English divines, who wer«
members of the synod of Dort ; but, according to the pre-
face, the only assistance they gave was in laying before
the synod an account of the manner in which king James's-
translation had been performed by the co-operation of a
number of the most eminent divines in England. The
synod accordingly adopted the same plan ; and their anno-
tations being considered of great value to biblical students,
the Westminster assembly of divines employed Haak in
making this English translation, and the parliament granted
him a sole right in it for fourteen years from the time of
publication. Haak also translated into Dutch several Eng-
lish books of practical divinity, and one half of Milton's
" Paradise Lost." He left nearly ready for the press, a
translation of German proverbs, but it does not appear
that this was published. He was in 1645 one of several
ingenious men (Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Wallis, Dr. Goddard, &c.)
who agreed to meet once a week to discourse upon subjects
connected with mathematics and natural philosophy, and
it was he who first suggested this humble plan on which,
the royal society was afterwards formed. Mr. Haak died
at the house of his kinsman Dr. Slare, a physician near
Fetter-lane, London, May 9, 1690, and was buried in St.
Andrew's church, Holborn. Dr. Horneck preached his
funeral sermon. He appears to have been the friend and
correspondent of the most learned men of his time, and
has some observations and letters in the " Philosophical
Collections," published in May 1682. There is a portrait
of him in the picture gallery at Oxford, which has never
been engraved.1
HABERKORN (PETER), a learned Lutheran divine,
was born May 9, 1604, at Butzbach in Wetteraw, and de-
scended from a noble and ancient family of Franconia. He,
became pastor, superintendant, and professor of divinity,
at Geissen, where he died, April 1676, having had 14
children and 46 grandchildren. He became eminent by
his writings, and appeared with great distinction at several
conferences on religious subjects. His principal works
are, " Heptas disputationum Anti-Wallemburgicarum,"
in which he takes great pains to overthrow the principles
of Mess, de Walemburg, and in which he is esteemed very-
successful by the Lutherans ; " Vindicatio Lutherans?, fidei
contra H. Ulricum Hunmum," 4to ; " Syntagma Disserts-
1 Atb. Ox. YoJ. Il^-Prefaces to his «« Dutch Annotations."
tionum Theologicarum," 1650 and 1652, 2 vols. 8vo;
" Anti-Valerianus^" 1652, 4to; " Relatio Actorum Collo-
quii Rheinfelsani," &c. All this author's works are much
valued by those of his communion.1
HABERT (GERMAIN), a French poet of the seventeenth
century, was abbot of Notre Dame de Cerisy, one of the
first members of the French academy, and the most dis-
tinguished among the beaux esprits of his time. He died
in 1655, and left several poems; that entitled "Meta-
morphose des Yeux d'Iris changes en Astres," 1639, 8vo,
is particularly admired, and is certainly not without con-
siderable merit. Habert also wrote the " Life, or Pane-
gyric of Cardinal de Berulle," 1646, 4to, and a Paraphrase
on some of the Psalms. His brother, Philip Habert, was
among the first members of the French academy, and ap-
pointed commissioner of artillery, through the interest of
M. de la Meilleraye, who had a great regard for him. He
unfortunately perished at the siege of Emmerick, in 1637,
aged thirty-two, under the ruins of a wall, which was
blown up by a cask of gun-powder, through the negligence
of an unskilful soldier. There is a poem of his in Barbin's
Collection, entitled " Le Temple de la Mort," written
on the death of M. de la "Meilleraye's first wife, which
was once much admired.2
HABERT (ISAAC), was a learned and celebrated doctor
of the society of the Sorbonne, canon and theologal of
Paris, and made bishop of Vabres, in 1645. He died Ja-
nuary 11, 1668. He distinguished himself by his preach-
ing, and by several works on Grace, in which he forcibly
refutes Jansenius, though he defends the doctrine of effi-
cacious Grace, but in another sense. He also left a Latin
translation of the " Pontifical of the Greek Church," with
learned notes, 1643, fol. ; some Latin Poems, Paris, 1623,
4to ; " Hymns for the Feast of St. Louis," in the Paris
Breviary; " De Consensu Hierarchies et Monarchies,"
Paris, 1640, 4to ; and many other works. SUSANNAH Ha-
bert, his aunt, married Charles du Jardin, an officer under
Henry III. and became a widow at twenty-four. This
lady was considered as a prodigy of genius ; she under-
stood Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, philosophy,
and even divinity, which gained her a great reputation
among the learned. She died 1633, in the convent of
1 Mor«ri.— Diet. Hist. »• Ibid.
1 2
4 H A B E R T.
Notre Dame de Grace, at Paris, where she had lived rffear
twenty years, leaving several works in MS. in the hands of
her nephew.1
HABERT (Lewis), a pious and learned doctor of the
society of the Sorbonne, was born at Blois, in 1636. He
was successively grand vicar of Lu^on, Auxerre, Verdun,
and Chalons-sur-Marne ; in all which dioceses he was uni-
versally esteemed for his virtue, learning, and zealous
support of ecclesiastical discipline. He afterwards retired
to the Sorbonne, and employed the rest of his life in de-
ciding cases of conscience, and died there April 7, 1718.
M. Habert left a complete System of Divinity, 7 vols.
12mo, much valued for accuracy and solidity ; but the
additions made to it since his death were not acceptable to
his church, and were complained of by Feneion, as in-
clining to Jansenianism. He published in his life-time a
defence of this system, and " La Pratique de la Peni-
tence," 12mo, best known by the title of " Pratique de
Verdun," of which there have been many additions.2
HABINGTON (WILLIAM), an excellent English poet,
was descended from a Roman catholic family. His great-
grandfather was Richard Habington or Abington of Brock-
hampton, in Herefordshire. His grandfather, John, se-
cond son of this Richard Habington, and cofferer to queen
Elizabeth, was born in 1515, and died in 1581. He
bought the manor of Hindlip, in Worcestershire, and re*
built the mansion about 1572. His father, Thomas Ha-
bington, was born at Thorpe, in Surrey, 1560, studied at
Oxford, and afterwards travelled to Rheims and Paris.
On his return he involved himself with the party who la-
boured to release Mary queen of Scots, and was afterwards
imprisoned on a suspicion of being concerned in Babing-
ton's conspiracy. During this imprisonment, which lasted
six years, he employed his time in study. Having been
at length released, and his life saved, as is supposed on
account of his being queen Elizabeth's godson, he retired
to Hindlip, and married Mary, eldest daughter of Edward
Parker lord Morley, by Elizabeth, daughter and sole heir
of sir William Stanley, lord Monteagle.
On the detection of the gunpowder plot, he again fell
under the displeasure of government, by concealing some
of the agents in that affair in his house, and was con-
i.— Diet. JIU k. * Ibid,
demned to die, but pardoned by the intercession of his
brother-in-law, lord Morley, who discovered the plot by
the famous letter of warning, which Mrs. Habington is re-
ported to have written. The condition of his pardon was,
that he should never stir out of Worcestershire. With
this he appears to have complied, and devoted his time,
among other pursuits, to the history and antiquities of
that county, of which he left three folio volumes of paro-
chial antiquities, two of miscellaneous collections, and one
relating to the cathedral. These received additions from
his son and from Dr. Thomas, of whom bishop Lyttelton
purchased them, and presented them to the society of
antiquaries. They have since formed the foundation of
Dr. Nash's elaborate history. Wood says he had a hand
in the " History of Edward IV." published afterwards
under the name of his son, the poet, whom he survived^
dying in 1647, at the advanced age of eighty -seven.
William Habington, his eldest son, was born at Hindlip,
Nov. 5, 1605, and was educated in the Jesuits' college at
St. Omer's, and afterwards at Paris, with a view to induce
him to take the habit of the order, which he declined. On
his return from the continent he resided principally with,
his father, who became his preceptor, and evidently sent him
into the world a man of elegant accomplishments and virtues.
Although allied to some noble families, and occasionally
mixing in the gaieties of high life, his natural disposition
inclined him to the purer pleasures of rural life. He wa»
probably very early a poet and' a lover, and in both suc-
cessful. He married Lucy, daughter of William Herbert,
first lord Powis, by Eleanor, daughter of Henry Percy,
eighth earl of Northumberland, by Katharine, daughter
and coheir of John Neville, lord Latimer. It is to this
lady that we are indebted for his poems, most of which were
written in allusion to his courtship and marriage. Sha>
was the CASTARA who animated his imagination with ten-
derness and elegance, and purified it from the grosser
opprobria of the amatory poets. His poems, as was not
unusual in that age, were written occasionally, and dis-
persed confidentially. In 1635 they appear to have been
first collected into a volume, which Oidys calls the second
edition, under the title of " Castara." Another edition
was published in 1640, which is by far the most perfect
and correct. The reader to whom an analysis may be ne-
cessary, will find a vsry judicious one in the last voluai«
of the " Censura Literaria." His other works are, the
" Queen of Arragon," a tragi- comedy, which was acted
at court, and at Black-friars, and printed in 1640. It has
since been reprinted among Dodsley's Old Plays. The
author having communicated the manuscript to Philip earl
of Pembroke, lord chamberlain of the household to king
Charles I. he caused it to be acted, and afterwards pub-
lished against the author's consent. It was revived, with
the revival of the stage, at the restoration, about 1666,
when a new prologue and epilogue were furnished by the
author of Hudibras.
Our author wrote also " Observations upon History,"
Loud. 1641, 8vo, consisting of some particular pieces of
history in the reigns of Henry II. Richard I. &c. inter-
spersed with political and moral reflections, similar to what
he had introduced in his larger history, or " History of
Edward IV." 1640, fol. which, as Wood asserts, was both
written and published at the desire of Charles I. He also
insinuates that Habington <c did run with the times, and
was not unknown to Oliver the Usurper," but we have no
evidence of any compliance with a system of political
measures so diametrically opposite to those which we may
suppose belonged to the education and principles of a
Roman catholic family. It is, indeed^ grossly improbable
that he should have complied with Cromwell, who was as
yet no usurper, and during the life of his royal master,
whose cause was not yet desperate. Of his latter days we
have no farther account than that he died Nov. 13, 1645,
and was buried at Hendlip, in the family vault. He left
a son, Thomas, who dying without issue, bequeathed his
estate to sir William Compton.
His poems are distinguished from those of most of his
contemporaries, by delicacy of sentiment, tenderness, and
a natural strain of pathetic reflection. His favourite sub-
jects, virtuous love and conjugal attachment, -are agreeably
varied by strokes of fancy and energies of affection.
Somewhat of the extravagance of the metaphysical poets is
occasionally discernible, but with very little affectation of
learning, and very little effort to draw his imagery from
sources with which the muses are not familiar. The vir-
tuous tendency and chaste language of his poems form no
inconsiderable part of their merit, and his preface assures
us that his judgment was not inferior to his imagination,
They were introduced into the late edition of the English
Poets, and have since been printed separately.1
HACKET (JOHN), bishop of Lichfield and Coventry,
descended from an ancient family in Scotland, was born
near Exeter-house in the Strand, London, September 1,
1592. He was admitted very young into Westminster-
school, where, on account of his proficiency, he was much
noticed by Dr. (afterwards bishop) Andrews, but then dean
of Westminster. In 1608, along with Herbert the poet,
he was elected to Trinity-college, Cambridge. His un-
common parts and learning recommended him to parti-
cular notice ; so that, after taking the proper degrees, he
was chosen fellow of his college, and became a tutor of
great repute. One month in the long vacation, retiring
with his pupil, afterwards lord Byron, to Newstede abbey,
Nottinghamshire, he composed a Latin comedy entitled
" Loyola," which was twice acted before James I. and
printed in 1648. He took orders in 1618, and was col-
lated to the rectory of Stoke Hamon, in Buckinghamshire,
and had singular kindness shewn him by bishop Andrews
and several great men. But above all others, he was re-
garded by Dr. Williams, dean of Westminster and bishop
of Lincoln, who, being appointed lord-keeper of the great
seal in 1621, chose Hacket for his chaplain, and ever pre-
served a high esteem for him. In 1623, he was made
chaplain to Jame$ I. with whom he became a favourite
preacher, and was also made a prebendary of Lincoln ; and
the year following, upon the lord-keeper's recommendation,
rector of St. Andrew's, Holborn, in London. His patron
also procured him the same year the rectory of Cheam, in.
Surrey ; telling him that he intended Holborn for wealth,
and Cheam for health.
When rector of St. Andrew's, having soon after the re-
storation, received notice of the interment of a dissenter
belonging to his parish, he got the burial-office by heart.
As he was a great master of elocution, and was himself
always affected with the propriety and excellence of the
composition of that service, he delivered it with such em-
phasis and grace as touched the hearts of every one pre-
sent, and especially of the friends of the deceased, who
unanimously declared they had never heard a finer dis-
course. But their astonishment was great, when they
were told that it was taken from our liturgy, a book which,
1 Johnson and Chalmers's English Poets, 1810, 21 vols.-
though they had never read, they had heen taught to re*
gard with contempt and detestation. This story, but
without the name of Dr. Hacket, for which we are in-
debted to Mr. Granger, is circumstantially told in bishop
Sprat's excellent " Discourse to his Clergy," 1695. The
worthy bishop Bull, when a parish priest, is known to
have practised the same honest art with like success, in
using other offices of the liturgy.
In 1625 he was named by the king himself to attend an
ambassador in to Germany; but was dissuaded from the jour-
ney by being told, that on account of his severe treat-
ment of the Jesuits in his " Loyola," he might be in
danger, though in an ambassador's train. In 1628, he
commenced D. D. and in 1631 was made archdeacon of
Bedford, to which charge he usually went once in a year,
and frequently exhorted his clergy " to all regular con-
formity to the doctrine and discipline by law established,
without under or overdoing, asserting in his opinion, that
puritanism lay on both sides ; whosoever did more than
the church commanded, as well as less, were guilty of it;
and that he only was a true son of the church, who broke
riot the boundals of it either way." His church of St. An-
drew being old and decayed, he undertook to rebuild it,
and for that purpose got together a great sum of money
in stock and subscriptions; but, upon the breaking out of
the civil war, this was seized by the parliament, as well as
what had been gathered for the repair of St. Paul's ca-
thedral. In March 1641, he was one of the sub-com-
mittee appointed by the house of lords to consult of what
was amiss and wanted correction in the liturgy, in hopes
by that means to dispel the cloud hanging over the church.
He delivered a masterly speech against the bill for taking
away deans and chapters, which is published at length in
his life by Dr. Plume. In March 1642 he was presented
to a residentiary's place in St. Paul's, London ; but the
troubles coming on, he had no enjoyment of it, nor of his
rectory of St. Andrew's. Besides, some of his parishioners
there having articled against him at the committee of plun-
derers, his friend Seltlen told him it was in vain to make
any defence; and advised him to retire to Cheam, where
he would endeavour to prevent his being molested. He
was disturbed here by the earl of Essex's army, who,
marching that way, took him prisoner along with them ;
but he was soon after dismissed, and from that time lay
H A C K E T. 9
hid in his retirement at Cheam, where we hear no more
of him, except that in 1648-9, he attended in his last mo-
ments Henry Rich, earl of Holland, who was heheaded
for attempting the relief of Colchester.
After the restoration of Charles II. he recovered all his
preferments, and was offered the bishopric of Gloucester,
which he refused ; but he accepted shortly after that of
Lichfield and Coventry, and was consecrated December
22, 1661. The spring following he repaired to Lichfield,
where, finding the cathedral almost battered to the ground,
he rebuilt it in eight years, in a very magnificent style, at
the expence of 20,000/. of which he had 1000/. from the
dean and chapter; and the rest was of his own charge, or
procuring from benefactors. He laid out lOOOl. upon a
prebendal house, which he was forced to live in, his palaces
at Lichfield and Ecclestiall having been demolished during
the civil war. He added to Trinity college, in Cambridge,
a building called Bishop's hostel, which cost him 1200/.
ordering that the rents of the chambers should be laid out
in books for the college library. Besides these acts of
munificence, he left several benefactions by will ; as 50/.
to Clare-hall, 50/. to St. John's college, and all his books,
which cost him about 1500/. to the university library. He
died at Lichfield, October 21, 1670, and was buried in the
cathedral, under a handsome tomb, erected by his eldest
son sir Andrew Hacket, a muster in chancery : he was twice
married, and had several children by both his wives.
He published only the comedy of " Loyola" above-men-
tioned, and " A Sermon preached before the king, March
22, 1660;" but, after his decease, "A Century of Ser-
mons upon several remarkable subjects1' was published by
Thomas Plume, D. D. in 1675, folio, with his life. His
sermons are rather too much in the quaint style of bishop
Andrews. In 1693 appeared his " Life of archbishop Wil-
liams," folio, of which an abridgement was published in
1700, 8vo, by Ambrose Philips. He intended to have
written the life of James I. and for that purpose the lord-
keeper Williams had given him Camden's MS notes or
annals of that king's reign ; but, these being lost in the
confusion of the times, he was disabled from doing it.
According to his biographer, Dr. Plume, he was zealous
against popery, and all separation from the church of Eng-
land. In the dispute between the Calvinists and the Ar-
zmuians he was ever very moderate ; bu-t being bred under
bishop Davenant and Dr. Samuel Ward in Cambridge, ad-
hered to their sentiments. He was exemplary in his be-
haviour, chearful in conversation, hospitable, humble, and
affable, though subject to great eruptions of anger, but at
the same time very placable and ready to be appeased, and
of too generous a nature to be vindictive. When he was a
bishop he desired to hold nothing in commendam ; he re-
newed all his leases for years, and not for lives, and upon
very moderate fines, and spent a very considerable share
thereof in the repair of his cathedrals and acts of charity.
In his younger years he had been much addicted to School
learning, which was then greatly studied in the university ;
but he afterwards grew weary of it, and professed " that he
found more shadows and names than solid juice and substance
in it, and would much dislike their horrid and barbarous
terms, more proper for incantation than divinity ; and be-
came perfectly of Beatus Rhenanus's mind, that the school-
men were rather to be reckoned philosophers than divines ;
but if any pleased to account them such, he had much
rather, with St. John Chrysostom, be styled a pious divine,
than an invincible or irrefragable one with Thomas Aquinas,
or our own countryman Alexander Hales. For knowledge
in the tongues, he would confess he could never fix upon
Arabian learning ; the place was siticulosa regio, a dry and
barren land, where no water is ; and he being discouraged
in his younger years, by such as had plodded most in it;
and often quarrelled with his great friend Salmasius, for
saying he accounted no man solidly learned without skill in
Arabic and other eastern languages. Our bishop declared
his mind otherwise, and bewailed that many good wits of
late years prosecuted the eastern languages so much as to
neglect the western learning and discretion too sometimes.
Mr. Selden and bishop Creighton had both affirmed to him,
that they should often read ten pages for one line of sense,
and one word of moment ; and did confess there was no
learning like to what scholars may find in Greek authors,
as Plato, Plutarch, &c. and himself could never discern
but that many of their quotations and proofs from them
were, in his own words, iucerta, et inexplorata." !
vine, and eminent oriental scholar, was born in 1607, at
1 Life by Dr. Plume, prefixed to his Sermons. — Gen. Diet. — Biog. P.rit. —
Ath. Ox. vol. II.— See a letter in the Gent. Mag. vol. LXVl. on his tomb and
epitaph, written, if we mistake not, by Mr. Gougli.
H A C K S P A N. 11
Weimar. Becoming early attached to the study of sacred
philology, he endeavoured to acquire a knowledge of the
Oriental languages as necessarily connected with it, and
therefore, after attending the philosophical and theological
schools of Jena for seven years, he went to Altdorf, to
profit hy the instructions of Schwenter, who was then
esteemed one of the ablest Orientalists. From Altdorf he
removed to Helmstadt, where he applied to his theological
studies under Calixtus, Horneius, and others, and on his
return to Altdorf in 1636 was the first who gave lessons in
public on the Oriental languages in that place. In 1654
lie became professor of theology, and in both situations
evinced great talents and persevering industry. No man
in his time was better skilled in the Hebrew, Syriac, Chal-
dean, and Arabic, and being the first who attempted to
teach these languages, he wished to assist his students by
proper elementary books, but the German press at that
time was so deficient in the requisite types, that he must
have abandoned his design if Jodocus Schmidmaier, an ad-
vocate at Nuremberg, had not established a printing-office
properly supplied with Oriental characters; and at this
place Hackspan was enabled to print his valuable works.
He died of a decline in 1659. His principal writings are,
1. u Tractatus de usu librorum rabbinicorum," 1644, 4to.
2, " Lucubrationes Frankrallenses, sive specimen aliquod
interpretationum et expositionum, quas plurimas in diffi-
cillima quaeque utriusque Testamenti loca meditatus est
B. C. Bertramus," Altdorf, 1645, 8vo, reprinted in Cre-
nius's "Thesaurus." 3. " Sylloge disputation ujn theologi-
carum etphilologicarum," Altdorf, 1663,4to, most of which
were published before in separate tracts. 4. " Fides et
leges Mohammedis, ex Alcorano," ibid. 1646, 4to. The
following appear to have been printed after his death : 5.
" Miscellaneorum sacrorum libri duo/' ibid. 1660. 6.
" Notae philologico-theologicoe in varia et difficiliora Ve-
teris et Novi Testamenti loca," ibid. 1664, 3 vols. 8vo.
7. " Observationes Arabico-Syriacae in quaedam loca Veteris
et Novi Testamenti," ibid. 1662, 4to, &c. l
HADDON (Dr. WALTER), an eminent scholar, and one
of the revivers of the learned languages in England, was
descended from a good family in Buckinghamshire, and
1 Moreri, from the " Gloria academiae AltdorCnae." — Le Long Bibl. Sacra.—.
Saxii Onomast.
12 H A D D O N.
born in 1516. He was educated at Eton school, under
Dr. Richard Cox, afterwards bishop of Ely, and was thence
elected to King's college, in Cambridge; where he greatly
distinguished himself by his parts and learning, and par-
ticularly by writing Latin in an elegant, but, as Mr. War-
ton thinks, not a very pure style. He studied also the civil
law, of which he became doctor ; and read public lectures
in it in 1547, and the two years following, arid was so much
approved, that upon a vacancy in the professor's chair in
.1550, the university employed the celebrated Ascham to
write to king Edward VI. in his favour. He was accord-
ingly appointed professor, and was also for some time pro-
fessor of rhetoric and orator .of the university. During
king Edward's reign, he was one of the most illustrious
promoters of the reformation; and therefore, upon the
deprivation of Gardiner, was thought a proper person to
succeed him in the mastership of Trinity-hall. In Sep-
tember 1552, through the earnest recommendation of the
court, though not qualified according to the statutes, he
was chosen president of Magdalen college in Oxford ; but,
in October 1553, upon the accession of queen Mary, he
quitted the president's place for fear of being expelled, or
perhaps worse used, at Gardiner's visitation of the said
college. He is supposed to have lain concealed in Eng-
land all this reign ; but, on the accession of Elizabeth, was
ordered by the privy council to repair to her majesty at
Hatfield in Hertfordshire, and soon after was constituted
by her one of the masters of the court of requests. Arch-
bishop Parker also made him judge of his prerogative-
court. In the royal visitation of the university of Cam-
bridge, performed in the beginning of Elizabeth's reign,
he was one of her majesty's commissioners, as appears by
the speech he then made, printed among bis works. In
1566 he was one of the three agents sent to Bruges to re-
store commerce between England and the Netherlands
upon the ancient terms. He died Jan/21, 1571-2, and
was buried in Christ Church, London, where a monument
was erected to his memory, but was destroyed in the great
fire of Lofndon. He was engaged, with sir John Cheke,
in turning into Latin and drawing up that useful code of
ecclesiastical law, published in 1571, by the learned John
Fox, under this title, " Reformatio Legum Ecclesiastica-
rum," in 4to. He published, in 1563, a letter, or answer
tp an epistle, directed to queen Elizabeth, by Je,rom Osorio,
bishop of Silva in Portugal, and entitled " Admonitio ad
Elizabethan! reginam Anglise," in which the English na-
tion, and the reformation of the church, were treated in a
scurrilous manner. His other works were collected and
published in 1567, 4to, under the title of " Lucubra-
tiones." This collection contains ten Latin orations, four-
teen letters, besides the above-mentioned to Osorio ; and
also poems. Several of his original letters are in the Har-
leian collection ; and his poems, " Poemata," containing a
great number of metrical epitaphs, were separately pub-
lished with his life in 1576. Many of our writers speak in
high terms of Haddon, and not without reason ; for, through,
every part of his writings, his piety appears equal to his
learning. When queen Elizabeth was asked whether she
preferred him or Buchanan ? she replied, " Buchananum
omnibus antepono, Haddonum nemini postpono." *
HAEN ( ANTHONY DE), professor of medicine in the uni-
versity of Vienna, was born at Leyden in 1704, and edu-
cated under the celebrated Boerhaave. After having re-
ceived the degree of M. D. at his native place, he settled
at the Hague, where he practised with success for nearly
twenty years. Baron Van Swieten being acquainted with
the extent of his talents, invited him to remove to Vienna,
with the view of uniting with him in the proposed plan of
reform, which he had prevailed on the empress to support,
in the medical faculty of that capital. De Haen accord-
ingly repaired to that city in 1754 ; and his merits were
found fully equal to the expectations that had been formed
of them. At the express command of Maria Theresa, he
undertook a system of clinical education, in the hospital
which he superintended, as the most advantageous method
of forming good physicians : the result of this duty was the
collection of a great number of valuable observations, which
were published in the successive volumes of the work en-
titled " Ratio Medendi in Nosocomio Practico," Vienna,
1757, which amounted ultimately to sixteen. He died
Sept. 5, 1776, at the age of seventy- two.
He published other medical works of considerable repu-
tation, but added little to his fame by the last of them,
1 Eiog. Brit. — Alumni Etonenses. — Ath. Ox. vol. I. — Strype's Cranmer, pv
134, 231, 249.— Strype's Parker, p. 28, 43, 82, 105, 222, 365.— Warton's
Hist, of Poetry. — Lloyd's State Worthies. — Peck's Desiderata. — Nichols's Pjc-
$ress«g of Queeu ElizaVeU^—Gent, Mag. vol. LXXXI. part 2nd. p. 414.
" De Magia," 1775, in which he attempted to prove the
reality of magical operations.1
HAGEDORN (FREDERIC), a celebrated German poet
of the last century, was born at Hamburgh in 1708. His
father was minister from the king of Denmark to the circles
of Lower Saxony, a well informed man, who associated
with men of letters, and was capable of giving a direction
to his son's studies suitable to his genius. By various mis-
fortunes, however, he lost his property, and died when our
poet was only fourteen, and very ill provided for the liberal
education which his father intended. His mother endea-
voured to make up this loss by placing him at a college at
Hamburgh, where, having previously imbibed a taste for
poetry, he read the ancient as well a* the modern poets
with eagerness and assiduity. Without the help of a mas-
ter, or the salutary aid of criticism, he endeavoured to
draw from his own stock the power of dissipating the fogs
of dulness in the north, as Haller had done in the south of
German}-. In 1728 or 1729, he published a small collec-
tion of poems, which have many marks of youth, and
though his versification is free, and his language often very
pure, the thoughts are frequently cold, and the expression
too concise. In subjects which require little taste and
philosophy, he has succeeded better than in works of sen-
timent and imagination. Of his taste at this time, he has
given a bad specimen in his satire entitled " The Poet," in
which he puts Pietsch by the side of Virgil.
About this time (1729), he came to London with the
Danish ambassador, baron Stoelenthal, and here he com-
posed some of his most beautiful odes, and his best songs.
In 1733 he was appointed secretary of the English factory
at Hamburgh, which united him with our countrymen,
whom he always esteemed. In 1734 he married the
daughter of an English taylor, of the name of Butler, a
step which does not seem to have added to his happiness.
In 1738 he published the first volume of his "Fables," an
original work, which contributed much to his reputation. In
1740, he composed the beautiful satire of " The Philoso-
pher;" in 1741, the sublime picture of the "Sage;" in
1742, the Universal Prayer, from the Paraphrase of Pope ;
and, in 1743, his celebrated poem on " Happiness." This
last piece is equally favourable to his opinions and his
1 Diet, Hist.--Rees's Cyclopaedia.
H A G E D O R N. 15
poetical talents. His modest muse does not succeed in
sublime descriptions, or the dithirambic flights : it has
more of the elegance that pleases, than the splendour that
dazzles ; more Socratic wisdom, than oriental sublimity.
His Moral Poems are like the Sermones of Horace. His
" Considerations on some of the Attributes of God" con-
tains the sublimest passages of Scripture : " The Prattler'*
is a dialogue full of familiar descriptions of human life :
*/ The Letter to a Friend" is an instructive commentary
on the " Nil Adrnirari" of Horace. Various other pieces
followed; but, in 1750, he first excited the gaiety of his
nation, by mixing sports and graces with the solemn poetry
of the Germans. His odes and songs are highly pleasing.
Nature, sprightliness, simplicity, enthusiasm, and harmony,
unite to render them seductive : for spirit and elegance,
he may be said to resemble our own Prior.
The second edition of his " Moral Poems" appeared in
1752, with a considerable supplement, and many new epi-
grams. In 1754, was published an enlarged edition of his
songs, with a translation of two discourses, on the songs of
the Greeks, by Ebert. In this year he died of a dropsy,
aged only forty-seven. His works have gone through so
many editions, that they may be considered as perpetuatiirg
his reputation, and placing him among the standard poets
of his country. — He had a brother, CHRISTIAN LEWIS Hage-
dorn, who was born at Hamburgh in 1717, and died at
Dresden in 1780, counsellor of legation and director of
the academy of arts in Saxony. He wrote a work entitled
" Meditations on Painting," one of the few which the Ger-
mans think have not been equalled by their neighbours ;
" Lettre a un Amateur de Peinture," 1755, and many
pieces in the Leipsic Journal entitled " The Library of the
Fine Arts," to the progress of which arts in Saxony he con-
tributed greatly.1
HAHN (SiMON FREDERIC), ayoungrnan of extraordinary
talents, was born at Bergen, in the duchy of Hanover, in
1692. He soon acquired an extensive knowledge of the
learned languages, and when he was only fourteen years
of age, he pronounced, at the university of Halle, a Latin
harangue on the origin of the monastery of Bergen, which
was printed with some other pieces. In 1703, he published
1 Bilduise, &c. Portraits of Illustrious Germans, from Crit, Rev, vol. XI. N.S,
~Maty's Review, vol. VIII. p. 102^
1C H A H N.
a continuation of the " Chronicon Bergense" of Meibo-
mius; and, in 171 1, printed two "Dissertations;" one on
" Henry the Fowler," the other on the kingdom of Aries,
which do him great honour. After giving public lectures
fo'r some years at Halie, he was appointed professor of his-
tory at Helmstadt, though but twenty-four years old, and
afterwards was made counsellor, historiographer, and libra-
rian to his Britannic majesty at Hanover. He died in 1729,
leaving the first four volumes of a " History of the Empire;17
and " Collectio Monumentorum veterum et recentium in-
editorum," 2 vols. 8vo, &C.1
HAILLAN (BERNARD DE GIRARD, lord of), a French
historian, of an ancient family, was born at Bourdeaux about
1535. He went to court at twenty years of age, and in
1556 and 1557 was secretary to Francis de Noailles, bishop
of Acqs, in his embassies to England and Venice. After
that, his first appearance in the republic of letters was in
the quality of a poet and translator. In 1559, he published
a poem, entitled " The Union of the Princes, by the Mar-
riages of Philip King of Spain and the Lady Elizabeth of
France, and of Philibert Emanuel Duke of Savoy, and the
Lady Margaret of France ;" and another entitled " The
Tomb of the most Christian King Henry II." In 1560 he
published an abridged translation of " Tully's Offices,7'
and of " Eutropius's Roman History;" and, in 1568, of
" The Life of JEmilius Probus." He applied himself
afterwards to the writing of history, and succeeded so well,
that by his first performances of this nature, he obtained
of Charles IX. the title of Historiographer of France 1571.
He had published the year before at Paris a book entitled
" Of the State and Success of the Affairs of France ;" which
was reckoned very curious, and was often reprinted. He
augmented it in several successive editions, and dedicated it
to Henry IV. in 1594 : the best editions of it are those of
Paris 1609 and 1613, in 8vo. He had published also the
same year a work entitled " Of the Fortune and Power of
France, with a Summary Discourse on the Design of a His-
tory of France :" though Niceron suspects that this may be
the same with "The Promise and Design of the History of
France," which he published in 1571, in order to let
Charles IX. see what he might expect from him in support
of the great honour he had conferred of historiographer of
1 Uibi. Germanique, vol. XXII.— Moreri.— Diet, Hist.
ti A I L L A tf. 17
France. In 1576, he published a history, which reaches
from Phararnond to the death of Charles VII. and was the
first who composed a body of the French history in French.
Henry III. shewed his satisfaction with this by the advan-
tageous and honourable gratifications he made the author.
The reasons which induced de Haillan to conclude his
work with Charles Vllth's death were, that the event being-
recent, he must eitlier conceal the truth, or provoke the
resentment of men in power, but he afterwards promised
Henry IV. to continue this history to his time, as may be
\een in his dedication to him of this work in 1594 ; nothing
however of this kind was found among his papers after his
death : the booksellers, who added a continuation to his
work as far as to 1615, and afterwards as far as to 1627,
took it from Paulus ^Emilius, de Comines, Arnoul Ferron,
du Bellay, &c.
Du Haillan died at Paris, Nov. 23, 1610. Dupleix
remarks, that he was originally a protestant, but changed
his religion, in order to ingratiate himself at court. His
dedications and prefaces indeed shew, that he was not
very disinterested either as to fame or fortune. He dis-
plays his labours too ostentatiously, and the success of his
books, their several editions, translations, &c. and he too
palpably manifests that species of puffing quackery which
disgraces the literary character.1
HAKEWILL (GEORGE), a learned English divine, was
the son of a merchant in Exeter, and born there in 1579.
After a proper education in classical literature, he was ad-
mitted of St. Alban's-hall, in Oxford, in 1595, where he
became so noted a disputant and orator, that he was unani-
mously elected fellow of Exeter college at two years stand-
ing. He then studied philosophy and divinity, and having
received holy orders, travelled abroad. In 1610 he was
admitted to the reading of the sentences, and in 1611 took
his degrees in divinity. He was afterwards made chaplain
to prince Charles, and archdeacon of Surrey, in 16] 6 ; but
never rose to any higher dignity, on account of the zealous
opposition he made to the match of the infanta of Spain
with the prince his master. Wood relates the story thus :
After Hakevvill had written a small tract against that match,
not without reflecting on the Spaniard, he caused it to be
transcribed in a fair hand, and then presented it to the
1 Niceron, vol. XIV. — Gen. Diet.— Moren,
prince. The prince perused it, and shewed it to the king ;
who, being highly offended at it, caused the author to be
imprisoned, in August 1621 ; soon after which, being re-
leased, he was dismissed from his attendance on the prince.
He was afterwards elected rector of Exeter college, but
resided very little there, although he proved a liberal be-
nefactor to the college ; for, the civil war breaking out, he
retired to his rectory of Heanton near Barnstaple in De-
vonshire, and there continued to the time of his death in
1649. He wrote several things, enumerated by Wood ;
but his principal work, and that for which he is most
known, is " An Apology or Declaration of the Power and
Providence of God in the Government of the World, prov-
ing that it doth not decay, &c." in four books, 1627. To
which were added two more in the third edition, 1635, in
He had a brother JOHN, who was mayor of Exeter in 1632;
and an elder brother WILLIAM, who was of Exeter college,
and removed thence to Lincoln's-inn, where he arrived at
eminence in the study of the common law. He was always
a puritan, and therefore had great interest with the pre-
vailing party in the civil war. He published some pieces
in his own way ; and, among the rest, " The Liberty of
the Subject against the pretended Power of Impositions,
&c. 1641," 4to.!
HAKLUYT (RICHARD), an eminent naval historian, was
descended from an ancient family at Eyton or Yetton, in
Herefordshire, and born about 1553. He was trained up
at Westminster school; and, in 1570, removed to Christ
church college in Oxford. While he was at school, he
used to visit his cousin Richard Hakluyt, of Eyton, esq. at
his chambers in the Middle Temple, a gentleman well
known and esteemed, not only by some principal ministers
of state, but also by the most noted persons among the
mercantile and maritime part of the kingdom, as a great
encourager of navigation, and the improvement of trade,
arts, and manufactures. At this gentleman's chambers
young Hakluyt met with books or' cosmography, voyages,
travels, and maps ; and was so pleased with them, that he
resolved to direct his studies that way, to which he was not
a little encouraged by his cousin. For this purpose, as
• Ath. Ox. vol. II.— Walker's. Si.ftVfings of the Clerey.— Lloyd's Memoirs,
folio, p. 540.— Usher'* Life and Letter*, t>, 393.
H A K L U Y f . 19
soon as he got to Oxford, he made himself master of the
modern as well as ancient languages ; and then read over
whatever printed or written discourses of voyages and dis-
coveries, naval enterprizes, and adventures of all kinds, he
found either extant in Greek^ Latin, Italian, Spanish, Por-
tuguese, French, or English. By such means he became
so conspicuous in this new branch of science, that he was
chosen to read public lectures on naval matters at Oxford,
and was the first who introduced maps, globes, spheres, and
other instruments of the art, into the common schools. The:
zeal and knowledge he displayed made him acquainted
with and respected by the principal sea-commanders, mer-
chants, and manners of our nation ; and^ though it was but
a few years after that he went beyond sea, yet his fame
travelled thither long before him. He held a correspond-
ence with the learned in these matters abroad, as with Or-
telius, the king of Spain's cosmographer, Mercator, &c.
In 1582, he published a small " Collection of Voyages
and Discoveries ;" in the epistle dedicatory of which to
Mr. Philip Sidney it appears, that his lecture upon naviga-
tion above mentioned was so well approved of by sir Francis
Drake, that the latter made some proposals to continue
and establish it in Oxford. The same year, he was much
encouraged by secretary Walsingham to pursue the study
of cosmography, and to persevere in the same commend-
able collections and communications. The secretary also
gave him a commission to confer with the mayor and mer-
chants of Bristol, upon the naval expedition they were un-
dertaking to Newfoundland ; and incited him to impart to
them such intelligence as he should think useful. Hakluyt
readily complied, and in acknowledgment of the services
he had done them, the secretary sent him a very polite
letter, which is printed in the third volume of his voyages
in folio.
About 1584, he attended sir Edward Stafford as his
chaplain, when that gentleman went over ambassador to
France ; and continued there some years with him, and
during his absence, being then master of arts and in order^
he was made a prebendary of Bristol. While at Paris, he
contracted an acquaintance with all the eminent mathema-
ticians, cosmographers, and other persons of a similar taste
with himself. He inquired after every thing that had any
relation to our English discoveries ; and prevailed with
some to search their libraries for the same* At last, hav-
c 2
20 H A K L U Y T.
ing met with a narrative in MS. containing " The notable
History of Florida," which had been discovered about
twenty years before by captain Loudonniere and other
French adventurers, he procured the publication of it at
Paris at his own expence in 1586; and in May 1587, he
published an English translation of it, which he dedicated ,
after the example of the French editor, to sir Walter
Raleigh. The same year he published a new edition of
Peter Martyr's book, entitled " De Orbe Novo," illustrated
with marginal notes, a commodious index, a map of New
England and America, and a copious dedication, also, to
sir Walter Raleigh ; and this book he afterwards caused to
be translated into English.
Hakluyt returned to England in the memorable year
1588, and applied himself to methodize the naval history
of England more accurately and more extensively than had
ever yet been attempted, in which he was, as usual, en-
couraged by sir Walter Raleigh. He applied himself also
to collect, translate, and digest, all voyages, journals, nar-
ratives, patents, letters, instructions, &c. relating to the
English navigations, which he could procure either in print
or MS. ; and towards the end of 1589 he published these
collections in one volume folio, with a dedication to sir
Francis Walsingham, who was a principal patron and pro-
moter of the work. About 1594 he entered into the state
of matrimony, which did not divert him from going on
with his collections of English voyages, till he had in-
creased them to three volumes folio : and, as he was per-
petually employed himself, he did not cease to invite
others to the same useful labours. Thus, Mr. John Pory,
whom he calls his honest, industrious, and learned friend,
undertook, at his instigation, and probably under his in-
spection, to translate from the Spanish " Leo's Geogra-
phical History of Africa," which was published at London,
1600, in folio. Hakluyt himself appeared in 1601, with
the translation of another history, written by Antonio Gal-
vano in the Portuguese tongue, and corrected and amended
by himself. This history was printed in 4to, and contains
a compendious relation of the most considerable discoveries
in various parts of the universe from the earliest to the
later times.
In 1605 he was made a prebendary of Westminster;
which, with the rectory of Wetheringset in Suffolk, is all
the ecclesiastical promotion \ve find he obtained. About
H A K L U Y T. 21
this time the translation of Peter Martyr's " History of the
West Indies" was undertaken, and first published by Mr.
Lock, at the request and encouragement of our, author:
for, besides his own publications of naval history, far su-
perior to any thing of the like kind that had ever appeared
in this kingdom, he was no less active in encouraging
others to translate and familiarize among us the conquests
and discoveries of foreign adventurers. This, and the
spirit with which he also animated those of his countrymen
who were engaged in naval eriterprizes, by his useful com-
munications, gained the highest esteem and honour to his
name and memory, from mariners of all ranks, in the most
distant nations no less than his own. Of this there are
several instances ; and particularly in those northern dis-
coveries made at the charges of the Muscovy merchants in
1608, under captain W. Hudson: when among other
places there denominated, on the continent of Greenland,
which were formerly discovered, they distinguished an
eminent promontory, lying in 80 degrees northward, by
the name of Hakluyt's Headland. In 1609 he published a
translation from the Portuguese of an history of Virginia,
entitled "Virginia richly valued, by the description of the
rpaine land of Florida, her next neighbour, &c." and de-
dicated to the right worshipful counsellors, and others the
chearful adventurers for the advancement of that Christian
and noble plantation of Virginia.
In 1611 we find Edmund Hakluyt, the son of our author,
entered a student of Trinity college, Cambridge. In the
same year, the northern discoverers, in a voyage to Peckora
in Russia, called a full and active current they arrived at,
by the name of Hakluyt's River; and, in 1614, it appears
that the banner and arms of the king of England were
erected at Hakluyt's Headland above-mentioned. Our
historian died November 23, 1616, and was buried in
Westminster-abbey. His MS remains, which might have
made another volume, falling into the hands of Mr. Pur-
chas, were dispersed by him throughout his " Pilgrimage,"
printed 1613 — 1625, in 5 vols. fol. His own work, having
become uncommonly scarce, was lately reprinted in five
handsome quarto volumes, with some valuable additions. *
HALDE (JoiiN BAPTIST DU) the historian of China, was
born at Paris, Feb. 1, 1674, and entered into the society
1 Biog. Brit. — Oldys's Librarian, p. 136. — Ath. Ox. vol. L— Locke's " Ex«
flapatory Catalogue of Voyages,— Clarke's Progress of Maritime Discovery.
22 H A L D E.
of the Jesuits. In 1708 be was removed to one of their
houses in Paris, where he was employed in collecting and
publishing the letters received from their missionaries
abroad. He was also secretary to father Tellier, the king's
confessor, and director of the corporation of artisans. In
the latter part of his life he was much afflicted with the
ague, but bore it with great resignation. He was a man of
an amiable temper, and of great zeal in his profession.
He died at Paris, Aug. 18, 1743. He published various
complimentary Latin poems, and some pious works; but
was principally known for his share in the *' Lettres edifi-
antes et curieuses,1' or correspondence from the Jesuit
missionaries, which he published from collection 9th to
the 26th ; and for his " Description geographique, histo-
riqae, chronologique, et physique de Tempire de la Chine,
et de la Tartarie Chinoise," Paris, 1735, 4 vols. fol. which
has been often reprinted, and considered as the most am-
ple history we have of the Chinese empire. It was trans-
lated into English soon after its appearance, by persons
employed by Cave, the printer, and another translation
having been attempted at the same time, occasioned a
controversy, the particulars of which may amuse the reader.1
HALE (Sir MATTHEW), a most learned lawyer, an$
upright judge, was born at Alderley, in Gloucestershire,
November J, 1609. His father was a barrister of Lincoln's
Inn, a man of such tenderness of conscience, as to with-
draw from his profession because unwilling to tamper with
truth in giving that colour to pleadings which barristers
call « doing their best for their client;" and this, with
some other practices, customary in those days, appearing
unworthy of his character, he retired to his estate in the
country, where he died in 1614, at which time his son was
but five years old. His wife having died two years before,
their son was committed to the guardianship of Anthony
Kingscot, esq. to whom he was related, and by whom, for
grammatical learning, he was placed under the care of
Mr. Staunton, vicar of Wotton-under-Edge, a noted pu-
ritan. In 1626 he was admitted of Magdalen-hall, Oxford,
under the* tuition of Obadiah Sedgwick, another puritan,
where he laid the foundation of that learning and know-
ledge, on which he afterwards raised so vast a superstruc-
ture. Here, however, he fell into many levitres and exr
1 Nichols's Bovcyer. — Moreri.
HALE. 23
travagances, and was preparing to go along with his tutor,
who went chaplain to lord Vere into the Low Countries,
with a resolution of entering himself into the prince of
Orange's army, when he was diverted from this design by
being engaged in a law-suit with sir William Whitmore,
who laid claim to part of his estate. Afterwards, by the
persuasions of Serjeant Glanville, who happened to be his
counsel in this case, and had an opportunity of observing
his capacity, he resolved upon the study of the law, and
was admitted of Lincoln's Inn, November 8, 1629. Sen-
sible of the time he had lost in frivolous pursuits, he now-
studied at the rate of sixteen hours a day, and threw aside
all appearance of vanity in his apparel. He is said, in-
deed, to have neglected his dress so much, that, being a
strong and well-built man, he was once taken by a press-
gang, as a person very fit for sea-service; which pleasant
mistake made him regard more decency in his cloaths for
the future, though never to any degree of extravagant
finery. What confirmed him still more in a serious and
regular way of life, was an accident, which is related to
have befallen one of his companions. Hale, with other
young students of the inn, being invited out of town, one
of the company called for so much wine, that, notwith-
standing all Hale could do to prevent it, he went on in his
excess till he fell down in a fit, seemingly dead, and was
with some difficulty recovered. This particularly affected
Hale, in whom the principles of religion had been early
implanted, and therefore retiring into another room, and,
falling down upon his knees, he prayed earnestly to God,
both for his friend, that he might be restored to life again,
and for himself, that he might be forgiven for being pre-
sent and countenancing so much excess : and he vowed to
God, that he would never again keep company in that
manner, nor drink a health while he lived. His friend re-
covered ; and from this time Mr. Hale forsook all his gay
acquaintance, and divided his whole time between the
duties of religion and the studies of his profession.
Noy, the attorney- general, who was one of the most
eminent men of his profession, took early notice of him,
directed him in his studies, and discovered so much friend-
ship for him, that Mr. Hale was sometimes called Young
While pursuing his studies, he not only kept the hours
«f the hall constantly in term-time, but seldom put him?
24 HALE.
self out of commons in vacation -time, and continued
to pursue his studies with unwearied diligence. Not
being satisfied with the law-books then published, he was
very , diligent in searching records; and with collections
out of the books he read, together with his own learned
observations, he made a most valuable common-place
book. Selden soon found him out, and took such a liking
to him, that he not only lived in great friendship with him,
but left him at his death one of his executors. Selden
also prescribed to him a more enlarged pursuit of learning,
which he had before confined to his own profession ; so
that he arrived in time to a considerable knowledge in the
civil law, in arithmetic, algebra, and other mathematical
sciences, as well as in physic, anatomy, and surgery. He
was also very conversant in experimental philosophy, and
other branches of philosophical learning; and in ancient
history and chronology. But above all, he seemed to have
made divinity his chief study, so that those who read some
of his works, might naturally think that he had studied
nothing else.
It was by indefatigable application that he acquired so
great an extent of knowledge. He rose early, was never
idle, and scarce ever held any discourse about the passing
events of the day, except with some few in whom he con-
fided. He entered into no correspondence, unless on ne-
cessary business or matters of learning, and spent very
little time at his meals. He never went to public feasts,
and gave no entertainments but to the poor, literally fol-
lowing our Saviour's direction, of feasting none but these.
He always rose from dinner with an appetite, and able to
enter with an unclouded mind on any serious employment
that might present itself.
Some time before the civil wars broke out, he was called
to the bar, and began to make a figure in the world ; but,
observing how difficult it was to preserve his integrity, and
yet live securely, he resolved to follow those two maxims
of Pomponius Atticus, who lived in similar times; viz.
" To engage in no faction, nor meddle in public business,
and constantly to favour and relieve those that were lowest."
He often relieved the royalists in their necessities, which
so ingratiated him with them, that he became generally
employed by them in his profession. He was one of the
counsel to the earl of Strafford, archbishop Laud, and king
Charles himself 5 as also to the duke of Hamilton, the earl
HALE. 3$
of Holland, the lord Capel, and the lord Craven. Being
esteemed a plain honest man, and of great knowledge in
the law, he was equally acceptable to the presbyterians
and the loyalists. In 1643 he took the covenant, and ap-
peared several times with other lay -persons among the
assembly of divines. He was then in great esteem with
the parliament, and employed by them in several affairs,
particularly in the reduction of the garrison at Oxford ;
being as a lawyer added to the commissioners named by
the parliament to treat with those appointed by the king.
In that capacity he was instrumental in saving the univer-
sity, by advising them, especially the general Fairfax, to
preserve that seat of learning from ruin. Afterwards,
though no man more lamented the murder of Charles I.
he took the oath called " The Engagement;" and, Janu-
ary 1651-2, was one of those appointed to consider of the
reformation of the law. Cromwell, who well knew the
advantage it would be to have the countenance of such a
man as Hale to his courts, never left importuning him, till
he accepted the place of one of the justices of the common
bench, as it was called ; for which purpose he was by writ
made serjeant at law January 25, 1653-4. In that station
he acted with great integrity and courage. He had at first
serious scruples concerning the authority under which he
was to act ; and, after having gone two or three circuits,
he refused to sit any more on the crown side ; that is, to
try any more criminals*. He had indeed so carried himself
in some trials, that the powers then in being were not un-
willing he should withdraw himself from meddling any far-
ther in them; of which Burnet gives the following instance.
Soon after he was made a judge, a trial was brought before
him, upon the circuit at Lincoln, concerning the murder
of one of the townsmen who had been of the king's army,
and was killed by a soldier of the garrison there. He was
in the field with a fowling-piece on his shoulder, which
the soldier seeing, he came to him, and said, he was acting
* Blackstone observes, that " if and try prisoners, having very strong
judgment of death be given by a judge objections to the legality of the usur-
not authorised by lawful commission, per's commission as to capital offences,
and execution is done accordingly, the but that it was necessary to decide the
judge is guilty of murder; and upon disputes of civil property in the worst
this argument sir M. Hale himself, of times; a distinction, perhaps, ra-
though he accepted the place of a ther too refined, since the punishment
judge of the common-pleas under of crimes is at least as necessary to so-
CromwelPs government, yet declined ciety as maintaining the boundaries of
to sit on the crown side at the assizes, property."
26 HALE.
against an order the protector had made, viz. " That none
who had been of the king's party should carry arms ;" and
so would have forced the piece from him. But the other
not regarding the order, and being the stronger man, threw
down the soldier, and having beat him, left him. The
soldier went to the town, and telling a comrade how he
had been used, got him to go with him, and help him to
be revenged on his adversary. They both watched his
coming to town, and one of them went to him to demand
his gun; which he refusing, the soldier. struck at him ; as
they were struggling, the other came behind, and ran his
sword into his body, of which he presently died. It was
in the time of the assizes, so they were both tried. Against
the one there was no evidence of malice prepense, so he
was only found guilty of manslaughter, and burnt in the
hand; but the other was found guilty of murder: and
though colonel Whaley, who commanded the garrison,
came into the court, and urged that the man was killed
only for disobeying the protector's order, and that the
soldier was but doing his duty; yet the judge regarded
both his reasonings and threatenings very little, and there-
fore not only gave sentence against him, but ordered the
execution to be so suddenly done, that it might not be
possible to procure a reprieve. — On another occasion he
displayed both his justice and courage in a cause in which
the protector was deeply concerned, and had therefore
ordered a jury to be returned for the trial. On hearing
this, judge Hale examined the sheriff about it, and having
discovered the fact, shewed the statute which ordered all
juries to be returned by the sheriff or his lawful officer,
and this not being done, he dismissed the jury, and would
not try the cause. The protector was highly displeased
with him, and at his return from the circuit (for this hap-
pened in the country) told him in great anger, that " he
wa£ not fit to be a judge." Hale replied only, with in-
imitable aptness of expression, that " it was very true."
When Cromwell died, he not only excused himself from
accepting the mourning that was sent him, but also refused
the new commission offered him by Richard; alleging,
that " he could act no longer under such authority." He
did not sit in Cromwell's second parliament in 1655;«but
in Richard's, which met in January 1658-9, he was one^of
the burgesses for the university of Oxford. In the healing
parliament in 1660, which recalled Charles II, he was
HALE. 27
elected one of the knights for the county of Gloucester ;
and moved, that a committee might be appointed to look
into the propositions that had been made, and the conces-
sions that had been offered by Charles I. during the late
war, that thence such propositions might be digested as
they should think fit to be sent over to the king at Breda.
The king upon his return recalled him in June by writ, to
the degree of serjeant-at-law ; and upon settling the courts
in Westminster-hall, constituted him in November chief
baron of the exchequer. When chancellor Clarendon de-
livered him his commission, he told him that " if the king
could have found out an honester and fitter man for that
employment, he would not have advanced him to it; and
that he had therefore preferred him, because he knew none
that deserved it so well." As he knew it was usual for
persons in his present station to be knighted, he endea-
voured to avoid that honour, by declining for a considerable
time all opportunities of waiting on the king ; which Cla-
rendon observing, sent for him upon business one day,
when the king was at his house, and told his majesty,
" there was his modest chief-baron,'1 on which he was un-
expectedly knighted. He continued eleven years in this
place, and very much raised the reputation and practice
of the court by his impartial administration of justice, and
by his cautious diligence, and great exactness in trials.
This gave occasion to the only complaint that was made
of him, " that he did not dispatch matters quick enough ;"
but on the other hand his deliberation had this good effect,
that causes tried before him were seldom if ever tried
He would never receive private addresses or recom~
mendations from any persons of whatever rank, in any
matter in which justice was concerned. One of the first
peers in England went once to his chamber, and told him,
*c that having a suit in law to be tried before him, he was
come to acquaint him with it, that he might the bet-
ter understand it when it should be heard in court."
Judge Hale interrupted him, and said, " he did not deal
fairly to com-e to his chamber about such affairs, for he
never received any information of causes but in open court,
where both parties were to be beard alike," and therefore he
would not suffer him to go on. The nobleman complained of
this to the king, as a rudeness that was not to be endured ; but
fcis majesty bid him "content himself that he was no worse
28 HAL E.
used," and added, " he verily believed Hale would have
used himself no better, if he had gone to solicit him in
any of his own causes." Two other stories are told to
prove his strict integrity, one of a gentleman who sent him
a buck for his table, and the other of the dean and chapter
of Salisbury, who made him a present of six sugar-loaves,
and as the gentleman and the dean and chapter had causes
pending before him, he insisted on paying for these ar-
ticles before he would try them. Too much, however,
has been made of these stories, for it was proved that both
presents were compliments which the parties had been ac-
customed to pay to the judges for the time being on the
circuit. So many are the testimonies to judge Hale's in-
tegrity, that it cannot stand in need of such petty supports
as these.
Judge Hale, probably in consequence of his rule of fa-
vouring and relieving those that were lowest, and perhaps
owing to the connections he had formed in early life, was
now very charitable to the nonconformists, and screened
them as much as possible from the severities of the law.
He thought many of them had merited highly in the affair
of the king's restoration, and at least deserved that the
terms of conformity should not have been made stricter
than they were before the war. In 1671 he was promoted
to the place of lord chief justice of England, and behaved
in that high station with his usual strictness, regularity, and
diligence ; but about four years and a half after this ad-
vancement, he was attacked by an inflammation in the
diaphragm, which in two days time broke his constitution
to that degree that he never recovered ; for his illness
turned to an asthma, which terminated in a dropsy. Find-
ing himself unable to discharge the duties of his function,
he petitioned in January 1675-6, for a writ of ease ; which
being delayed, he surrendered his office in February. He
died December 25th following, and was interred in the
church-yard of Alderley, among his ancestors ; for he did
not approve of burying in churches, but used to say, " That
churches were for the living, and church-yards for the
dead." He was twice married, having by his first wife ten
children, all of whom he outlived except his eldest daugh-
ter and youngest son. The male line of the family became
extinct in 1784, by the death of his great grandson, Mat-
thew Haje, esq. barrister at law.
HALE. 2»
To enter more minutely into the character of this great
and good man would be to enlarge this article beyond ail
reasonable bounds. The testimonies to the excellence of
his character are numerous. Whoever knew him spoke
well of him. One enemy only, Roger North (in his Life
of the Lord Keeper North) has endeavoured to lessen the
respect due to sir Matthew Hale's character ; but in so
doing, it has been justly remarked, has degraded his own.
Sir Matthew was, for the brightness and solidity of his ge-
nius, the variety and elegance of his learning, and the po-
liteness of his manners, the delight and envy of his con-
temporaries. His knowledge in divinity and humanity was
a radicated habit : and there was scarce ever any appeal
from his judgment as a casuist or a critic. Biirnet's Life
of Hale cannot be too often read.
He was the author of several things which were pub-
lished by himself; namely, 1. " An Essay touching the-
Gravitation or Non -gravitation of Fluid Bodies, and the
Reasons thereof." 2. " Difficiies Nugse, or observations-
touching the Torricellian Experiment, and the various so-
lutions of the same, especially touching the weight and
elasticity of the air." 3. " Observations touching the Prin-
ciples of natural motion, and especially touching rarefac-
tion and condensation." 4. "Contemplations moral and
divine." 5. " An English Translation of the Life of
Pomponius Atticus, written by Corn. Nepos ; together
with observations political and moral." 6. " The Pri-
mitive Origination of Mankind considered and explained
according to the Light of Nature, &e." He left also at
his decease other works, which were published ; namely,
1. His "Judgment of the Nature of true Religion, the
Causes of its Corruption, and the Church's Calamity by
men's addition and violences, with the desired Cure.'*
,2. "Several Tracts; as a f Discourse of Religion under
three heads'," &c. 3. "A Letter to his Children, ad-
vising them how to behave in their speech." 4. " A Letter
to one of his sons after his recovery from the small-pox/'
5. " Discourse of the Knowledge of God and of ourselves,
first by the light of nature ; secondly, by the sacred Scrip-
tures." All these, under the title of his " Moral and Re-
ligious Works," were published by the rev. Thomas Thirl-
wall, 1805, 2 vols. Svo, with his life by bishop
and an appendix to it.
30 HALE,
Of his law tracts, one only was printed in his life-time^
viz. : " London Liberty, or an argument of Law and Rea-
son,'* 1650, which was reprinted in 1682, under the title
of " London's Liberties, or the opinions of those great
lawyers, lord chief justice Hale, Mr. justice Wild, and
serjeant Maynard, about the election of mayor, sheriffs,
aldermen, and common councel of London, and concerning
their charter." In 1668 he wrote a preface to Rolle's
" Abridgment," which he published with the whole of that
After his death, appeared, 1. "The Pleas of the Crown,
or a Methodical Summary," 1678, 8vo, continued by Jacob
and reprinted in 1716. To this edition is often annexed
" The Treatise of Sheriffs7 Accounts," and " The Trial of
the Witches." It must not be concealed that this other-
wise learned and sagacious man was so far prejudiced by
early opinions, as to believe in witchcraft, and to preside
on the trials of some persons accused of it. The " Pleas"
has passed through seven editions, the last of which was in
1773. It was not, however, considered by the author as a
complete work, but intended as a plan for his " Historia
Placitorum Coronse," of which hereafter. 2. " Treatise
shewing how useful, &c. the inrolling and registering of
all conveyances of land," 1694, 4to, reprinted with addi-
tions in 1756. 3. " Tractatus de Successionibus apud An-
glos, or a treatise of Hereditary Descents," 1700, and
1735, 8vo. This forms a chapter in his " History of the
Common Law." 4. u A treatise on the original Institution,
&c. of Parliaments," 1707, republished by Francis Har-
grave, esq. in 1796, 4to, under the title of " Hale's Juris-
diction of the House of Lords," with an introductory pre-
face, including a narrative of the same jurisdiction, from
the accession of James I. 5. " Analysis of the Law,"
without date, but seems to have been only a design for a,
6. " History of the Common Law of England, in twelve
chapters," 1713, 8vo, a fourth and fifth edition of which
were published in 1779 and 1794, 2 vols. 8vo, by Mr. ser-
jeant Runnington. 7. " Historia Placitorum Coronie, or
History of the Pleas of the Crown," 1739, 2 vols. folio,
edited by Sollom Emlyn, esq. and again in 1772, by George
Wilson, esq. 2 vols. 8vo, and lastly in the same size, in
1800, by Thomas Dogherty, esq. There are a few other
tracts and opinions published by Mr. Hargrave and other
law writers in tbeir collections,
Sir Matthew Hale by his will bequeathed to the so-
ciety of Lincoln's-inn his MS books, of inestimable value,
which he had been near forty years in gathering with great
industry and expence. " He desired they should be kept
safe and all together, bound in leather, and chained; not
lent out or disposed of: only, if any of his posterity of that
society should desire to transcribe any book, and give good
caution to restore it again in a prefixed time, they should
be lent to him, and but one volume at a time : " They are,'*
says he, " a treasure not fit for every man's view; nor is
every man capable of making use of them."1
HALES (ALEXANDER), an eminent scholastic divine of
the thirteenth century, is supposed by some to have been
a native of Gloucestershire, but others think he was a na-
tive of Hales in Norfolk. He was educated probably at
Oxford, whence he went to the university of Paris, studied
divinity and the canon law, and excelled so in both as to
be called the " Irrefragable Doctor," and the " Fountain
of Life." Nothing indeed can exceed the encomiums be-
stowed upon him in extravagance, although he appears to
have been a good man, and well versed in the learning of
his time. In 1222 he entered into the order of the Friars
Minims, and took up his principal residence at Paris,
where he died August 27, 1245. By order of Innocent
IV. he wrote a commentary on the four books of sentences,
or " Sum of Divinity," printed at Nuremberg, 1482, and
often reprinted ; but there is a commentary on the sen-
tences printed at Lyons in 1515, with his name to it,
which is not his ; and Dupin is inclined to think that the
" Sum of the Virtues," Paris, 1509, and the " Destruc-
torium Vitiorum," Nuremberg, 1496, and Venice, 1582,
are improperly attributed to his pen. Other works are
enumerated by Dupin, of which doubts may be entertained,
and many of his MSS. are said to be lost, but neither the
authenticity of the one, or the loss of the other, "will now
be thought matters of much interest or regret.2
HALES, or HAYLES (JOHN), a learned Englishman,
was the younger son of Thomas Hales, of Hales'- place, at
Halden in Kent, and was liberally educated, although at
no university. He became an excellent scholar in the
Latin, Greek, and Hebrew tongues, and was well skilled
* Life by Buruet. — Biog. Brit,— Life by Runnington, — Granger, &^
2 Tanner. — Dupin.— Care.
3$ HALES..
in the municipal laws and antiquities. In the reign of
Henry VIII. he was clerk of the ha,naper for several years^
and in 1548 was appointed a commissioner to inquire into
inclosures, decayed houses, and the unlawful converting
of arable land into pasture, for the counties of Oxfordj,
Berks, &c. On this occasion he made an excellent charge,
which is printed at length hy Strype. He obtained a good
estate in Warwickshire and elsewhere, upon the dissolution
of the monasteries, and founded a free-school at Coventry.
For the use of the scholars there, he wrote " Introduc-
tiones ad Grammaticam," Latin and English. He was also
the author of the " High way to Nobility," Lond. 4to ; and
translated into English " Plutarch's Precepts for the pre-
servation of good health," Lond. 1543, 8vo. Being a
zealous protestant, he went abroad during queen Mary's
reign, and took every pains to compose the unhappy dif-
ferences that took place among the English exiles at Franc-
fort. On the accession of queen Elizabeth, he distin-
guished his loyalty in " An Oration to Queen Elizabeth
at her first entrance to her reign," which was, however,
not spoken, but delivered in manuscript to the queen.
He also wrote a treatise in favour of the succession of the
house of Suffolk to the crown on the demise of Elizabeth,
who was so displeased with it, as to commit the author to
the Tower. It was answered by Lesley, bishop of Ross.
Mr. Hales, whose imprisonment was probably of no long
duration, died Jan. 28, 1572, and was buried in the church
of St. Peter le Poor, Broad-street, London. Some of his.
MSS. are in the Harleian collection.1
HALES (JOHN), an eminent divine and critic, usually
distinguished by the appellation of THE EVER MEMORABLE,,
was the fourth son of John Hales, of High Church, near
Bath, in Somersetshire, by Bridget his wife, one of the
Goldsburghs of Knahill, in Wiltshire. He was born April
19, 1584, at Bath, where his father then resided, but ac-
cording to his register at Corpus college, Oxford, at High-
church. His parents, who are stated to have been of
" genteel quality," placed him to school at Mells and Kill-
maston,'in Somersetshire, until fit for the university, in
which he was entered of Corpus college April 16, 1597,,
but being then under age, was not sworn till April 17>
» Ath, Ox. new edit. voL I.— Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials.— Stryp**a
Cranmer, p. 147.
1599. He continued at this college until he toolc his ba-
chelor's degree in arts July 9, 1603, and had distinguished
himself in the interval hy equal diligence and proficiency
in his studies. The reputation he thus acquired engaged
the attention of sir Henry Savile, then warden of Merton-
college, who being always desirous of increasing the num-
ber of its learned members, persuaded him to remove ;
and accordingly he was chosen probationer of Merton in
September, and admitted fellow Oct. 13, 1606. He pro-
ceeded to his master's degree in 1609. He had not been
long in this station before the warden availed himself of
his assistance in preparing his edition of St. Chrysostom's
works, and found him a very able coadjutor, as he was an
excellent Greek scholar. His reputation indeed for skill
in this language was such as to procure him the place of
lecturer in Greek in the college.
On the death of sir Thomas Bodley, Jan. 28, 1613, he
was appointed by sir Henry Savile to deliver the funeral
oration at Merton -college, where sir Thomas was buried;
and this was published the same year at Oxford, " Oratio
funebris habita in collegio Mertonensi, a Johanne Halesio,
magistro in artibus, et ejusdem collegii socio, anno 1613;
Martii 29, quo die clarissimo equiti D. Thoniae Bodleio
funus ducebatur," 4to. It is reprinted in Bates's " Vitae
On May 24 of this year, Mr. Hales quitted his fellow-
ship at Merton, and was admitted fellow of Eton col-
lege. He was then in orders, and had acquired fame as a
preacher. In 1616 he held a correspondence with Mr.
Oughtred, as appears by a letter of his to that excellent
mathematician, printed in the General Dictionary, hi
1618 he accompanied sir Dudley Carlton, ambassador to
the Hague, as his chaplain, by which means he procured
admission into the synod of Dort, though he was not pro-
perly a member. This indeed seems to have been his
principal view in accompanying sir Dudley, who, besides
his brother the bishop of Llandaff, first English commis-
sioner, recommended him to Bogerman, president of the
synod, and some other leading men. Ail this afforded him
a favourable opportunity of collecting that information re-
specting the proceedings of the synod, which was after-
wards published in his " Golden Remains." The effect of
these proceedings on his own mind was, that he became a
convert to Arminianism. His friend Mr. Faringdon. informs
us that " in his younger days he was a Calvinist, but that
some explanation given by Episcopius* of the text in St.
John iii. 16, induced him, as he said, to " bid John
Calvin good night." It does not appear, however, from
his sermons, that he became a decided anti-predestinarian,
although he pleads strongly for a toleration between the
two parties, and thinks they may remain in Christian
charity with each other. It is more remarkable that he
should be induced by the arguments advanced in this sy-
nod, to think with indifference of the divinity of Jesus
Christ as a necessary article of faith. This, however,
seems obvious from some passages in his " Tract on
Schism ;" and such was his free and open manner both of
talking and writing on these subjects, that he soon incurred
the suspicion of inclining to Socinianism. Dr. Heylin
went so far as to attribute two works to him, published with
fictitious names, which have been since printed in the
" Phoenix;" but it has been proved that they were written
by Socinian authors. His biographers, however, all allow
that he may be classed among those divines who were
afterwards called Latitudinarians. He returned from the
synod Feb. 8, 1619.
About 1636 he wrote his tract on " Schism" for the use
of his friend Chilling-worth, in which, as already noticed,
he expresses his sentiments on liturgies, forms of worship,
&c. in exact conformity with those who are for dispensing
with all obligations of the kind in established churches.
Being informed that archbishop Laud was displeased with
it, he drew up a vindication of himself in a letter addressed
to his grace, who in 1638 sent for him to Lambeth, and
after a conference of several hours, appears to have been
reconciled to him. Of this conference we have a curious
account by Dr. Heylin, in his " Cyprianus Anglicus,"
some particulars of which have been eagerly contested by
Des Maizeaux, in his Life of Hales. What seems most
clear is, that Hales made some kind of declaration to the^
archbishop, purporting that he was a true son of the church
of England, both in doctrine and discipline, which cer-
tainly implies a change or intended change of opinion,
unless we allow to the writer of his life in the Biographia
Britannica, that " a true son of the church," or an " or-
* Such is the story given by all his 87 and 92, we shall see more reasor.
biographers ; but if we consult his to think that he was influenced by the
Letters in the " Golden Remains," p. opinions of Martinius.
thodox son of the church," were phrases used, not in op-
n ^ition to heretics, but to puritans. In either way, the
archbishop appears to have been satisfied, and informed
Mr. liuies that he might have any preferment he pleased.
Hales at this time modestly declined the offer, but the
year following was presented by the archbishop at a public
dinner, with a canonry of Windsor, in which he was in-
stalled June 27, 1639. With respect to the letter above-r
ttientioned, which he wrote to the archbishop, it is said to
have been first published by Dr. Hare in the seventh edi-
tion of his pampnlet entitled " Difficulties and Discourage-
ments which attend the study ot the Scriptures in the way
of private judgment." Des Maizeaux says it was probably
found among the papers of archbishop Laud, which after
the restoration were taken from Prynne; but this conjecture
is erroneous; it was found in the house of Mrs. Powney,
where Mr. Hales died, and there are even some reasons for
doubting whether it was ever sent to the archbishop, al-
though this is certainly not improbable. The original is at
Eton, and appeared in print before it fell into the hands
of Dr. Hare, the author of " Difficulties and Discourage-
ments," if indeed Dr. Hare was that author, which has
been questioned.
In 1642 his tract on " Schism" was printed* without
his consent, as favouring the disorganizing principles then
prevailing, a clear proof that its tendency before had not
been mistaken ; but this procured our author no favour ;
for the same year he was ejected from his stall at Windsor.
About the time of archoishop Laud's death, in 1644, Mr.
Hales retired from his lodgings in the college to a private
chamber at Eton, where he remained for a quarter of a
year unknown to any, and spent in that time only six-
pence a week, living upon bread and beer; and as it was
his custom formerly to fast from Tuesday night to Thurs-
day night, now in his retirement he abstained during the
same time from his bread and beer ; and when he iieard of
the archbishop's murder, he wished that his own head had
been taken off instead of his grace's. Another account
* It was published with the title " A printed in the same year R. C. i.e.
Tract concerning Schism* and Sdiis- Richard Cud worth's Tract, <c The
matiques; wherein is briefly discovered Union of Christ and the Church in a
the original causes of all schisme. Shadow. '» The tract on Schistn has a
Written by a learned and judicious curious wood-cut in the title-jjage. If,
divine," London, 4to, printed for R. B. occasioned some controversy, not uew
supposed, to be Richard Bishop, who worth reviving.
D 2
forms us that he was bursar about the time when the con-
test began between the king and parliament, and when
both armies had sequestered the college rents, so that he
could not get any to pay wages to the servants, or to buy
victuals for the scholars. But after nine weeks hiding him-
self to preserve the college writings and keys, he was
forced to appear. The old woman that concealed him
demanded but six-pence a week for his brown bread and
beer, which was all his meat, and he would give her
twelve-pence. This concealment was so near the college
or highway, that he used to say, " those who searched for
him might have smelt him if he had eaten garlick."
He continued in his fellowship at Eton, although he re-
fused the covenant, but was ejected upon his refusal to take
the engagement " to be faithful to the Common- wealth of
England, as then established without a king, or a house
of lords." His successor, a Mr. Penwarn, or Penwarden,
kindly offered him half the profits of his fellowship ; but
Mr. Hales refused to accept it, saying, if he had a right
to any part, he had a right to the whole. Both Wood and
Des Maizeaux have misrepresented this expression, which
we give on the authority of Mr. Montague, one of his
executors. About the same time he refused a liberal offer
from a gentleman of the Sedley family, in Kent, of 100/.
his board, and servants to attend him. In this spirit of in-
dependence he retired to the house of a Mrs. Salter, at
Rickings, near Colebrook, accepting of a smaller salary of
50/. with his diet, to instruct her son. Here he also offi-
ciated as chaplain, performing the service according- to
the liturgy of the church of England, in company with
Dr. Henry King, the ejected bishop of Chichester, who
was in the same house. But this retirement was soon dis-
turbed by an order from the ruling powers, prohibiting all
persons from harbouring malignants, or royalists ; and al-
though Mrs. Salter assured Mr. Hales that she was prepared
to risk the consequences, he would not suffer her to incur
any danger upon his account, but retired to the house of
Hannah Dickenson, in Eton, whose husband had been his
servant, and who administered the humble comforts she
could afford with great care and respect. But being now
destitute of every means of supporting himself, ne was
obliged to sell (not the whole, as Wood says, but) a part
of his valuable library to Cornelius Bee, a bookseller in
London, for 700/. which, Walker informs us, and the fact
seems to be confirmed by Dr. Pearson in his preface to the
" Golden Remains," he shared with several ejected cler-
gymen, scholars, and others.
We shall now relate a story which has appeared in the
various accounts of his life, and which is at least interesting-,
but in most particulars questionable. It is thus related,:
" His friend Mr. Faringdon" (See FARINGDON) " coming
to see Hales some few months before his death, found him
in very mean lodgings at Eton, but in a temper gravely
ch earful, and well becoming a good man under such cir-
cumstances. After a slight and homely dinner, suitable
to their situation, some discourse passed between them
concerning their old friends, and the black and dismal
aspect of the times ; and at last Hales asked Faringdon to
walk out with him into the church-yard. There this un-
happy man's necessities pressed him to tell his friend that
he had been forced to sell his whole library, save a few
books which he had given away, and six or eight little
books of devotion which lay in his chamber ; and that for
money, he had no more than what he then shewed him,
which was about seven or eight shillings ; and ' besides,'
says he, < I doubt I am indebted for my lodging.' Fa-
ringdon, it seems, did not imagine that it had been so very
low with him, and therefore was much surprised to hear it ;
but said that ' he had at present money to command, and
to-morrow would pay him fifty poui>ds, in part of the
many sums he and his wife had received of him in their
great necessities, and would pay him more as he shoukl
want it.' But Hales replied, < No, you don't owe me a
penny ; or if you do, I here forgive you ; for you shall
never pay me a penny. I know you and yours will have
occasion for much more than what you have lately gotten;;
but if you know any other friend that hath too full a purse,
and will spare me some of it, I will not refuse that.' To
this Hales added, ' When I die, which I hope is not far
off, for I am weary of this uncharitable world, I desire you
to see me buried in that place in the church-yard,' point-
ing to the place. l But why not in the church-/ said Fa-
ringdon, * with the provost (sir Henry Savile), sir Henry
Wotton, and the rest of your friends and predecessors?'
' Because,' says he, * I am neither the founder of it, nor
have I been a benefactor to it, nor shall I ever now be able
to be SQ.'"
Dr. Walker, who , relates this story, informs us of the
persons from whom he received it; but it is now unneces-
sary to trace a narrative so flatly contradicted by Mr.
Ha,es's will*, in which we find him bequeathing a very
* The following: is a copy of his
will, from Eton college register. " In
Dei nomine Amen. May 19, 1656.
My soul having been Ion;: since bf-
qutaihed unto the mercies of God in
Jesus Christ my ouly Saviour, and my
body naturally bequeathing itself to
dust and ashes, out of which it was
taken, I John Hales, of Eton, in the
county of Bucks, C'eik, by this my
last will and testa in- nt, do dispose of
the small remainder of my poor and
broken- estate, in manner and form
following. First, I give to my sister
Cicely Combes, 51. I give to my sis-
ter Bridget Guilliford, J/. More, I
give to the poor of the town of Eton,
to be distributed at the disci etion of
iny executrix hereafter named, 51.
More, I give to .six persons, to be ap-
pointed by my said executiix to carry
my body to the grave, 31. to be dis-
tributed among them by even portions.
More, I give to Mr. Thomas Mans-
field, of Windsor, grocer, 51. More,
I give to Mrs. Mary Collins, wife to
Mr. John Collins, of Eton, 51. to this
end and purpose, that she would be
pleased to provide her a ring in what
manner she listeth, to remain with her
in memory of a poor <ler< aser friend.
All which monies here bequt^ted, do
nt this present rest intrusted in the
hands of ray singular good friends Mr.
William Smith, and Mr. Thomas Mon-
" Moreover, all my Greek and Latin
books (except St. Jerome's works,
which 1 give to Mr. Thomas Monta-
gue), I give to my most deservedly
beloved friend W.I iam Salter of Rich-
kings, esq. ; to whom 1 further give 51.
to this end, that he would provide him
a fair seal-ring of gold, engraven with
his arms and hatchments doubled and
mantled, to preserve the memory of a
poor deceased friend. All my Eng-
lish books, together with the remainder
of all monies goods and utensils what-
soever, I give and bequeath to Mrs.
Hannah Dickenson of Eton, widow
and relict of John Dickenson, lately
deceased. In whose house (for her's
indeed it is, and not mine, as being
bought with her money, howsoever
for some reasons I have suffered the
public voice to entitle me to it) — in
whose house I say, I have for a long
time (especially since my unjust and
causeless extrusion from my college)
been with great caieand good respect
entertained. And her the said Han-
nah, I do by these presents constitute
and ordain my sole executrix. And
unto this my last will I make overseers
rny very good friends Mr. Thomas
Montague and Mr. William Smith, of
Eton, and to each of them I give 5/.
humbly requesting them to be assis-
tant to my said executrix with their
besr advice to help, it so be .^he chance
to find any trouble.
" Now because monies are many
times not at command, but may re-
qtfire some time to take them up, I
ordain, that in six months after my
departure, she see all these my be-
quests and legacies orderly and faith-
fully discharged. As for my funeral,
I ordain that at the time of the next
evensong after my departure (if con-
veniently it may be) my body be laid
in the church-yard of the town of Eton
(if 1 chance to die there), as near as
may be to the body of my little god-
son, Jack Dickenson the elder ; and
this to be done in plain and simple
manner, without any sermon, or ring-
ing the bell, or calling the people to-
gether; without any unseasonable com-
me-sation or compotatiou. or other
solemnity on such occasions usual.
And t strictly command rny executiix,
that neither of her own head, nor at
the importunity or authority of any
other, neither upon any other pretence
whatsoever, to take upon her to dis-
pense with this part of my will ; for
as in my life I have done the church
no service, so I will not, that in my
death, the church do me any honour."
Mr. Montague, mentioned here as
an overseer or executor, was at that
time usher of Eton school, afterwards
head-master, and then fellow of the
college. Mrs. Dickenson afterwards
was married to Simon Powney, and
has already been mentioned by that
considerable property, and a very considerable part of his
library, and indeed leaving such friendly legacies as are
wholly inconsistent with the circumstances of a man re-
duced to a few shillings, and in debt for his lodging.
His last illness was of short duration, nor did it appear
serious to his friends, with whom he conversed as freely as
if in perfect health, within half an hour of his death. Mr.
Montague, to whom he had been talking, left the room for
about that time, and found him dead on his return. During
this sickness, being aware that he was suspected of holding
opinions adverse to the faith of the church of England, he
made a declaration of his belief to his pupil, Mr. Salter,
and appears to have recanted, if ever he held, opinions
unfavourable to the doctrine of the Trinity. Mr. Salter
made a memorandum of this from his mouth, which was
long in possession of that family, as Mr. Fulman, when
collecting materials for Hales' s life, was credibly assured,
both by Mr. Salter and by Mr. Montague. There is an
article indeed in his u Remains" which seems to confirm
this point, entitled his " Confession of the Trinity," and
may probably be the manuscript which Mr. Salter penned.
He died May 19, 1656, aged seventy-two, and was bu-
ried, according to his own desire, in Eton church-yard,
where a monument was erected over his grave by Mr. Peter
Curwen. In person, he was of an ingenuous and open
countenance, sanguine, cheerful, and vivacious; his body
was well proportioned, and his motion quick and sprightly.
As to the excellence of his character, all writers seem
agreed. Whatever his errors, he was esteemed a good
man by those who knew him, and an able writer, as ap-
pears by the testimonies of lord Clarendon, lord Say and
Sele, Dr. Pearson, bishop of Chester, Dr. Heylin, An-
drew Marvel, Wood, Sailing-fleet, and others, quoted by
sir David Dalrymple lord Hailes, in his fine edition of
Hales's works, and in the Biographia Britannica. "They,"
says lord Hailes, " who are acquainted with the literary
and political history of England, will perceive that the
leading men of all parties, however different and discordant,
have, with a wonderful unanimity, concurred in praise of
the virtues and abilities of the ever memorable Mr. John
Hales of Eton.'7
We do not find that Hales ever suffered any thing to be
published in his life-time, except his oration at the funeral
of sir Thomas Bodley. Bishop Pearson says, that " while
he lived, none was ever more solicited and urged to write,
and thereby truly teach the world, than he ; but that none
was ever so resolved, pardon the expression, so obstinate
against it." In 1659, however, there appeared a collec-
tion of his works with this title, " Golden Remains of the
ever-memorable Mr. John Hales of Eton college, &c."
which was enlarged with additional pieces in a second
edition of 1673. This collection consists of sermons, mis-
cellanies, and letters ; all of them written upon particular
occasions. In 1677 there appeared another collection of
his works, entitled " Several Tracts by the ever-memo-
rable Mr. John Hales, &c." The 1st of which is, " Con-
cerning the. Sin against the Holy Ghost;" 2. " Concern-
ing the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and whether the
Church may err in Fundamentals;" 3. " A Paraphrase on
the 12th chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew ;"
4. " Concerning the power of the Keys, and auricular
Confession ;" 5. " Concerning Schism and Schismatics ;"
and some short pieces entitled " Miscellanies." There is
no preface nor advertisement to this volume, which seems
to have been put out by the editor, who was thought to
be sir Robert Filmer, with caution : but it is finely and
correctly printed, with a portrait of Mr. Hales. To these
volumes of posthumous works we must add the letter to
archbishop Laud, mentioned before, which was printed in
1716. In 1765 lord Hailes edited a beautiful edition of
his whole works, 3 vols. 12mo, with a very few alterations
of obsolete words, and corrections in spelling, &c. Dr.
Johnson blamed him for taking these liberties. We are
more inclined to blame him for omitting bishop Pearson's
preface to the " Golden Remains," with Faringdon's Let-
ter, which give a particular value to the edition of 1673.
On the other hand, lord Hailes has added some letters
and other articles which enhance the merit of his labours.
It remains to be mentioned, that Wood informs us that
Mr. Hales not only associated with, and was respected by
the wits of his time, sir John Suckling, sir William Da-
venant, Ben Jonson, &c. but would sometimes divert him-
self with writing verses; and that he had a talent for
poetry he thinks appears from sir John Suckling's
tioning him in his " Session of Poets :"
" Hales, set by himself, most gravely did smile
To see them about nothing keep such a coil.
Apollo had spied him, but knowing his mind,
Past by, and called Falkland that sat just behind."
But there is no proof that Mr. Hales of Eton was meant
here, and still less proof of a letter in verse by sir John
Suckling having been written to Mr. Hales at Eton, and be-
ginning"" Sir, whether these lines do find you out," &c.
It has more the appearance of one written to some person,
at Oxford or Cambridge, than at Eton.
Mr. had collected materials with a view to the
life of Mr. Hales, which, Mr. Zouch informs us, were on
his demise consigned to the care of Isaac Walton, by Mr.
Fulman of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, who had pro-
posed to finish the work, and on that occasion had applied
for the assistance of Mr. Walton. Mr. Zouch adds, that
" the result of this application is not known." Having,
however, by the kindness of Henry Ellis, esq. of the Bri-
tish museum, had access to a transcript of Mr. Fulman's
MSS. in Corpus college, as far as they regard the project
of writing Hales's life, we are enabled to say that it was a
Mr. Milington, and not Mr. Fulman, who sent Faringdon's
materials to Mr. Walton, and that the latter gave Fulman
every information in his power. By the same MSS. we have
been enabled to correct many mistakes in Des Maizeaux's
life of Haiti,, as well as in those in the General Dictionary,
and Biographia Britannica. l
HALES (STEPHEN)^ an eminent natural philosopher,
particularly distinguished by his experiments on the phy-
siology of plants, was the sixth son of Thomas Hales, esq.
of Beakeborn, or Beckesbourn, Kent, and grandson of sir
Robert Hales, bart. of Beckesbourn, where he was born,
Sept. 17, 1677, and was admitted a pensioner of Bene't
college, Cambridge, under the tuition of Mr. Moss, June
19, 1696, where, after taking his first degree in arts, he
was admitted a fellow, Fob. 25, 1702-3. He proceeded
M. A. at the next commencement, and was admitted B. D.
in 1711. The degree of D. D. was conferred on him by
the university of Oxford in 1733. Botany and anatomy
formed his studies of relaxation while at Cambridge, his
companion in which 'was the celebrated antiquary Dr.
Stukeiey, He was advanced successively to the perpetual
curacy of Teddington, Middlesex, and "to the livings of
Portlock, Somersetshire, and Farringdon, Hampshire. He
married Mary, the daughter and heiress of Dr. Henry
1 Gen. Diet. — Biog. Brit. — Des Maizeaux's Life interleaved with MS notes
and corrections, apparently intended as materials for a life. — Letters} by emi-
nent persons, 3 vols. 8vo, 1813.
Newce of Much-Hadham, in the county of Hertford, and
rector of Halisham in Sussex. This lady died at the end
of two years, leaving no issue, nor did he ever marry
strain. He resided to the end of his life at Teddington,
wliere he was visited by persons of rank and taste, amongst
others by late prince of Wales, after whosedeath
Dr. Hales was made clerk of the closet to the princess
dowager, who always entertained a high respect for him,
and after his decease erected a handsome monument to his
memory in Westminster-abbey, near that of Handel. On
this is liis bust in a large medallion, supported by a female
figure representing Botany, accompanied by Religion. The
epitaph is in Latin. He refused a canonry 01 Windsor,
that he migbt continue to devote himself to his parochial
duties, and his favourite scientific pursuits ; and as piety,
truth, and virtue were the principles of his character, he
lived in universal esteem to the age of eighty-four, dying
at Teddington, January 4, 1761, where he was buried,
under the church tower, which he had rebuilt at his own
Dr. Hales, having been elected a fellow of the royal so-
ciety in 1717, communicated to that learned body his first
essay in Vegetable Physiology, containing an account of
some experiments concerning the effect of the sun's heat
in raising the sap. In 1727 appeared the first edition of
his " Vegetable Staticks," in 8vo, illustrated by plates, of
which a second edition was published in 1731, followed
afterwards by several others. This work was translated
into French by Buffon in 1735, and into Italian by a Nea-
politan lady named Ardinghelli, in 1756. There are also
German and Dutch editions. The original book was, in
fact, the first volume of a work entitled " Statical Essays,"
of which the second, relating to the circulation of the
blood in animals, was called "Hemastaticks," and came out
in 1733. In this the subject of the urinary calculus also is
treated chemically and medically. With a laudable view
of preventing as well as curing, the sufferings and crimes
of his fellow-creatures, this good man published anony-
mously " a friendly admonition to the drinkers of gin,
brandy, and other spirituous liquors," which has often
been reprinted and distributed gratis, by those who consi-
der the temporal and eternal interests of their fellow sub-
jects rather than the increase of the revenue. His inven-
tion of a ventilator for mines, prisons, hospitals, and the
holds of ships, laid before the royal society in 1741, and
applied also to the ventilation and consequent preservation
of corn in granaries, has proved one of the most exten-
sively useful contrivances for the preservation of health
and human life. His philosophy was not a barren accu-
mulation for the ignorant to wonder at, or for its professor
to repose on in sottish self-sufficiency and uselessness ; but
an inexhaustible bank, on which his piety and his bene-
volence were continually drawing. Such philosophy and
such learning alone entitle their possessors to authority or
respect, and such are the best fruits of religion. In this
instance at least they were duly honoured, both at home
and abroad. The fame of Hales was widely diffused
throughout the learned world, of which he received a most
distinguished testimony, in being elected one of the eight
foreign members of the French academy of sciences, in
1753, in the place of sir Hans Sloane, who died that same
year. In 1732 he had been appointed, by the British go-
vernment, a trustee for settling a colony in Georgia. He
was well acquainted with Mr. Ellis, and other naturalists of
his day, with whose views and pursuits of all kinds he ar-
dently concurred ; but it does not appear that his foreign
correspondence was extensive. His name does not occur
among the correspondents of Haller, who nevertheless held
him in the highest estimation, as a philosopher and a man.
As a vegetable physiologist, Dr. Hales is entitled to the
highest honour. His experiments and remarks led the
way to those of Du Hamel, Bonnet, and all that have fol-
lowed. His accuracy of observation, and fidelity of rela-
tion, have never been impeached, and his ideas in physics,
in many instances, went before the knowledge of his day,
and anticipated future discoveries : such are his observa-
tions relative to airs, and to vegetable secretions. One of
his more able successors in the study of vegetable physio-
logy has doubted the accuracy of one of his plates only,
tab. 11, in which three trees, having been united by en-
grafting their branches, the intermediate one, by the earth
being removed from its roots, iy left hanging in the air,
but an experiment of the late Dr. Hope's at Edinburgh,
upon three willows, of which Dr. Smith was an eye-witness,
and which was conducted with success in imitation of this
of Hales, puts his account beyond all doubt whatever. '
1 Masters's Hist, of C. C. C. C.— Annual Register, 1764. — Rees's Cyclopaedia.
—Gent. MaS. vol. LXIX,— Butler's Life of Hildesley, p. 362,— Lysons's £a-
yiroiis, vol. III.
44 H A L I - B E I G H.
HALI-BEIGH, a Polande'r, of the seventeenth century,
whose original name was Albert Bobowski, was born a
Christian ;°but, being taken by the Tartars while a child,
was sold to the Turks, who educated him in their religion.
He acquired the knowledge of seventeen languages, among
the rest, of the French, English, and German, having had
part of his education in these countries ; and became in-
terpreter to the grand seignior. He translated into the
Turkish language the catechism of the church of England,
and all the Bible. He composed a Turkish grammar and
dictionary, and other things which were never printed.
His principal work is, " A Treatise upon the Liturgy of
the Turks, their pilgrimages to Mecca, their circumcision,
and manner of visiting the sick," which he was induced to
write by Dr. Smith, chaplain to the English embassy at the
Porte, and who gave the MS. to Dr. Hyde, by whom it was
published in Latin, in the appendix of the " Itinera mun-
cli ab Abrahamo Peritsol," Oxford, 1691. His death,
which happened in 1675, prevented the execution of a
design which he had formed of returning to the Christian
religion. He is supposed to have furnished Ricaut, the
consul of Smyrna, with some materials for his book en-
titled " The State of the Ottoman Empire." l
HALKET (LADY ANNE), a learned English lady, the
daughter of Mr. Robert Murray of the Tullibardin family,
and allied by the mother's side to the Perth family, was
born in London, Jan. 4, 1622. Her father was preceptor
to Charles I. and afterwards provost of Eton college, and
her mother was subgoverness to th.Q duke of Gloucester
and the princess Elizabeth. Anne was instructed by her
parents in every polite and liberal science ; but theology
and physic were her favourite studies. She became so
particularly versed in the latter art, and in the practice of
surgery, that she was consulted by the first personages in
the kingdom : and the reputation of her skill was also dif-
fused over Holland, whence many persons came for her
advice. She was a faithful royalist, and a sufferer in the
cause of Charles. On March 2, 1656, she was married to
sir James Halket, a worthy and amiable man, to whom she
bore four children, one of which, Robert, her eldest son,
only survived. During her first pregnancy she wrote,
mder the apprehension that she should not survive her
! Moreri — Gen, Diet.
H A L K E -T. 45
delivery, a tract, containing excellent instructions, entitled
"The Mother's Will to the Unborn Child." She was
fourteen years a wife, and twenty-eight a widow. She was
an acute theologian and a profound student. Her learning,
simplicity, unaffected piety, exemplary conduct, and sweet-
ness of manners, conciliated universal respect and esteem.
She left twenty-one volumes, principally on religious sub-
jects, some in folio, and others in quarto, from which a
volume of " Meditations" was printed at Edinburgh in
1701. She died April 22, 1699. l
HALL (ANTHONY), a learned, but not very accurate
editor, was the son of the rev. Henry Hall, of Kirkbridge
in Cumberland, where he was born in 1679. He received
the rudiments of learning at Carlisle, whence he was re-
moved to Queen's college, Oxford, and admitted battiler
July 7, 1696, but for some reason was not matriculated till
Nov. 18, 1698. He took his bachelor's degree in 1701,
and that of master in 1704, having just entered into holy
orders; and war, elected fellow of his college, April 18,
1706. In 1719, upon the death of Dr. Hudson, keeper of
the Bodleian library, he became a candidate for that office,
and it appears that Dr. Hudson, a little time before his
death, expressed a wish that Mr. Hall should be his suc-
cessor; but his endeavours failed. Dr. Hudson, at the
time of his death, had nearly finished his edition of Jose-
phus; and by Mr. Hall's exertions it was soon published.
Shortly after, he married Dr. Hudson's widow. On April
8, 1720, he was instituted to the rectory of Hampton Poyle,
in Oxfordshire, at the presentation of his college ; and in
the following year took his degrees in divinity. He died
at Garford, in Berkshire, and was buried at Kingston, in
that county, April 6, 1723.
Dr. Hall, by his literary labours, deserved far more at-
tention than he acquired. He had a quick apprehension,
and his judgment was clear and penetrating; but it was his
misfortune never to compare or revise the manuscripts he
had once transcribed. His edition of " Leland de Scrip-
toribus" is very erroneously printed, and in some parts are
great omissions, from his negligence. This was his first
publication, and appeared in 2 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1709.
From a letter of bishop Tanner, we learn that he originally
designed to publish Leland's work only, and not what he
» Ballard's Memoirs.
afterwards completed in his " Bibliotheca ;" and that he
was at first somewhat concerned to find himself antici-
pated, although he allows Mr. Hall's fitness for the task.
Mr. Hail published also " N. Triveti Annales," 1718, 3vo,
the " Continuatio" of the same, 1722, 8vo ; and drew up
the account of Berkshire for the " Magna Britannia," but
was not, as reported, the author of the account of Cumber-
land in that work.1
HALL, or HALLE (EDWARD), an English lawyer and
historiographer, was the son of John Halle of Northall in
Shropshire, by Catherine his wife, daughter and heir of
Thomas Gedding, and was descended from sir Francis Van
Halle, knight of the garter in the time of Edward III. who
was the son of Frederic Van Halle, of the Tyrol, in Ger-
many, natural son of Albert king of the Romans and arch-
duke of Austria. He was born, probably about the last
year of the fifteenth century, in the parish of St. Mildred's,
London. He was educated at Eton, whence in 1544 he
was sent to King's college, Cambridge, where he continued
until he became a junior fellow. He afterwards studied at
GrayVinn, and resided there until he was made a judge in
the sheriffs' court. Wood, however, says that he went to
Oxford about 1518, when cardinal Wolsey founded certain
lectures there; and adds that, that being the common mart
of learning, no person of ingenuity or curiosity thought
themselves complete until they had been there. But Mr.
Baker of St. John's, in a letter to Hearne, seems to think
this doubtful, as he is not to be traced from GrayVinn to
After he had been called to the bar, he became first one
of the common Serjeants, and then under-sheriff of the city
of London, in both which offices he gave much satisfaction.
In 1533 he was appointed summer reader of GrayVinn,
and in 1540 double reader in Lent, and one of the judges
of the sheriffs' court. About the same time, according to
Fox, he was a member of the house of commons, and was
one of those who supported the bill for establishing the Six
Articles by which popery was in a great measure upheld.
He died in 1547, and was buried, but without any memo-
rial, in the church of St. Bennet Sherehog, London. He
wrote " The Union of the Houses of York and Lancaster,"
iMt'*' *\*?' Vn ' L^X* wrUfen by a ?entle™n, on whose accuracy we can
licitly rely.— Mutchmsou's Cumberland, vol. II. p. 485.
HALL. 47
Lond/1548, folio*. This was continued only to the reign
of Henry VIII. 1532. The continuation to the latter end
of that king's reign in 1546, he left in manuscript, which
falling into the hands of Grafton, he completed it, and
printed it in 1550. In 1555 it was protiibiied by procla-
mation. A third edition was printed in Lond. 1809, 4to,
by the booksellers, who have reprinted the whole of the
English Chronicles, with a care and at an expence which
cannot be too highly commended.
There are various characters given of this chronicle by
antiquaries. Bishop Nicolson speaks of it with disrespect,
as a record of the fashions of clothes ; but Peck vindicates
Hall with some warmth. The author of a fragment, sup-
posed to be Stow, published by Hearne in the appendix
to the chartulary of Worcester, also vindicates the merit
of the work ; and Hearne says it is written in a masculine
and elegant style, and contains nothing but what is agree-
able to the dignity and majesty of an historian. On the
other hand Fox and Ascham object to the fidelity and style
of our author. Hall has been accused of being no favourer
of the clergy, and some instances of misrepresentation in
that respect have been pointed out by Fiddes in his life of
cardinal Wolsey (p. 50, &C.)1
HALL (HENRY), a learned English divine, was born in
London in 1716. Of his parents little is known. His fa-
ther is said to have occasionally resided at an old house at
Poplar, which had a large hanging garden and a building
at the bottom, and this, tradition reported, had been the
laboratory of sir Richard Steele. The subject of this memoir
was sent early to Eton, admitted on the foundation in 1729;
and elected to King's college, Cambridge, in 1735, where
of course he became a fellow in 1738, and took the degrees
in arts. Being recommended by Dr. Chapman to arch-
bishop Potter, his grace appointed him his librarian at
Lambeth in 1748, on the resignation of Mr. Jones. In
that station he continued till the death of his patron in
1749; when archbishop Herring, who succeeded to the
primacy, being sensible of his merit, not only continued
him in that office, but, on his taking orders, appointed
him one of his chaplains; and, in April 1750, collated him
to the rectory of Harbledown (vacant by the promotion of
* That of Bertholette of 1542 seems doubtful.
1 Ath. Ox. rol. I. — Cole's MS Athens Cantab, in Brit. Mns. — Harwood's
Alumni Etoaenses. — Tanner and Piu.~P«<;k'$ J^sideiala, rol, II,
48 H A L L.
Mr, Thomas Herring to the rectory of Chevening) ; in
November 1752, the archbishop collated him also to the
vicarage of Herne, which he held by dispensation ; to
which his grace afterwards added the sinecure rectory of
Orpington, in the deanery of Shoreham, one of his pecu-
liars. °In 1756, Mr. Hall vacated Herne, on being pre-
sented to the vicarage of East Peckham by the dean and
chapter of Canterbury, by whom he was much esteemed,
having greatly assisted their auditor in digesting many of
the records, charters, &c. preserved in their registry. In
return, the late Dr. Walwyn (one of the prebendaries, who
vacated that vicarage) was called by the archbishop to the
rectory of Great Mongeham, void by the death of Mr.
Byrch. On the death of archbishop Herring in 1757, he
resigned the librarianship of Lambeth, and from that time
resided chiefly at Harbledown, in a large house, which he
hired, afterwards the seat of Robert Mead Wilmot, esq.
Soon after the death of archbishop Herring, Mr. Hall was
presented by his executors to the treasurership of the cathe-
dral of Wells, one of his grace's options. He was also at
first a competitor for the precentorship of Lincoln, an op-
tion of archbishop Potter (which Dr. Richardson gained in
1760 by a decree of the house of lords) ; but soon withdrew
his claim, well grounded as it seemed. His learning and
abilities were great, but not superior to his modesty ; and
by his singular affability he obtained the love and esteem
of all who knew him. His charitable attention to his poor
parishioners, especially when they were ill, was constant
and exemplary. At archbishop Seeker's primary visitation
at Canterbury, in 17.58, Mr. Hall was "pitched upon" (his
grace's official expression) to preach before him at St.
Margaret's church, which he did from Acts xvii. 21. He
died a bachelor, at Harbledown, Nov. 2, 1763, in the forty-
seventh year of his age, after a short illness, occasioned by
a violent swelling in the neck, which could not be ac-
counted for by the eminent physicians who attended him.
He was buried under the communion-table, at Harble-
down -church, without any epitaph.1
HALL (JOHN), an English poet of some note, was born
Durham, August 1627, and after one year spent at St.
John's college, Cambridge, removed to Gray's-inn, Lon-
un, where he was called to the bar- but entering into
* Bri,
HALL. 49
the politics of the times, and writing on subjects favour-
able to the rebellion, he attracted the notice of parliament,
who sent him into Scotland to attend Oliver Cromwell,
and afterwards distinguished him by other marks of favour :
but, being too much addicted to pleasure, he fell a sacri-
fice to its indulgence; and returning to his native city of
Durham, died there, August 1, 1656. In 1646 (during his
short residence at Cambridge), being then but nineteen
• years of age, he published " Horas Vacivse, or Essayes," a
sufficient proof of his abilities. His poems came out the
same year. He published the first English version of Lon-
ginus, which he entitled " The Height of Eloquence,"
Lond. 1652, 8vo. This he translated from the Greek, as
he also did " Hierocles upon the Golden Verses of Pytha-
goras ;" before which is an account of the ingenious trans-
lator and his works, by John Davis of Kidwelly, by whom
it was published in 1657, 8vo. Several of his poems are
preserved in Nichols's " Select Collection," reprinted from
a little volume, entitled " Poems by John Hall, Cambridge,
printed by Roger Daniel, printer to the universitie, 1646,
for J. Rothwell at the Sun in St. Paul's Churchyard," to
which in 1647 was added "The Second Booke of Divine
Poems by J. H." which is now become exceedingly scarce.
Recommendatory verses are prefixed to it by Jo. Pawson
(his tutor), H. More, W. Dillingham, W. Harrington, Ja.
Windet, R. Marshall, T. Smithsby, and Edw. Holland.1
HALL (JOSEPH), a very eminent, pious, and learned
English prelate, was born July 1, 1574, in Bristow-park,
within the parish of Ashby de la Zouch, in Leicestershire.
His father was an officer to Henry earl of Huntingdon, then
president of the North, and under him had the government
of that town, which was the chief seat of the earldom. His
mother was of the family of the Bembridge's, and accord-
ing to his own account, a woman of great piety. His pa-
rents had twelve children, and therefore, although disposed
to bring up Joseph for the church, were inclined from mo-
tives of oeconomy to confine his education to the care of a
private tutor. But Mr. Gilby, fellow of Emanuel college,
hearing of tbis design, represented its disadvantages in
such a manner to Mr. Hall's eldest son, that the latter im-
portuned his father that Joseph might be sent to the uni-
versity, and generously offered to sacrifice part of his in-*
1 Ath. Ox. vol. I.— Ellis's Specimens, vol. II.— Nichols's Poems.
10 HALL.
beritance, rather than prevent his brother from enjoying
the advantages of academical education. His father, struck
with this mark of brotherly affection, declared that, what-
ever it •might cost him, Joseph should be sent to the uni-
He was accordingly removed to Cambridge at the age
of fifteen, and admitted of Ernanuel college, of which he
was chosen scholar, and took the degree of bachelor of arts.
His residence, however, was not without its difficulties. In
1591, as his expences began to be felt in so large a family,
he was recalled to fill the office of schoolmaster at Ashby
de la Zouch, and would have been prevented from ever
returning to college, had not Mr. Edmund Sleigh of Derby,
an uncle by marriage, offered to defray half the expences
of his residence at Cambridge, until he should attain the
degree of master of arts; and this he liberally performed.
Another difficulty still presented itself. In 1395, his
•rholar&hip exnir*^ a^rj +hQ statutes of the college per-
mitting only one person of a county to become fellow, he
was about to leave the university a second tinie, when the
earl of Huntingdon prevailed on his countryman and tutor,
Mr. Gilby, to resign his fellowship, on promise of being
made his lordship's chaplain, and receiving higher promo-
tion ; Mr. Gilby consented, and the days of examination for
die fellowship were appointed ; but before two of the three
days of trial had expired, news was brought of the sudden
death of the earl, by which event Mr. Gilby was likely to
be deprived of the conditions on which he resigned.
Alarmed at this, our author, with very honourable feeling,
went to the master of the college, Dr. Chaderton, and
stated the case, offering at the same time to leave college,
and hoping that Mr. Gilby could be re-admitted. The
latter, however, he was told, could not take place, as the
fellowship had been declared void, and the election must
proceed whether he continued to be a candidate or not.
Mr. Hall accordingly went to the third examination, and
was unanimously chosen.
In 1596 he took his degree of master of arte, and ac-
quitted himself on every public trial with great reputation.
He read also the rhetoric lecture in the schools, but re-
signed it, when he found that it interfered with an object
more dear to him, the study of divinity ; and he soon after
entered into holy orders. As we have no account of him
when at college, except the few particulars in his " Spe-
HALL. 51
cialities," written by himself, we cannot trace the progress
of his muse. It is not improbable that, like other juvenile
poets, he had written some pieces at a very early period of
life. All that is certain, however, is, that his satires were
published in 1597 and 1598 in the following order : " Vir-
gidemiarurn (i. e. a gathering or harvest of rods), sixe
bookes. First three bookes of tooth-lesse satyrs, 1. Poetical.
2. Academical!. 3. Moral." Printed by T. Creede for R.
Dexter. " The three last bookes of byting satyrs," by R.
Bradock for Dexter, 1598 ; both parts, 1599*.
Soon after his entering into the church, he was recom-
mended by Dr. Chaderton to the lord chief justice Popham,
to be master of Tiverton -school in Devonshire, then newly
founded by Mr. Blundel ; but he had scarcely accepted the
appointment, when lady Drury of Sufteld offered him the
rectory of Halsted near St. Edmundsbury, which induced
him to relinquish the school. Two years after his settle-
ment at this place, he married a daughter of sir George
Winniff of Bretenham. In 1605, he accompanied sir Ed-
mund Bacon to the Spa, where he composed his " Second
Century of Meditations,'* the first having been published
before he set out. At Brussels he entered into a confer-
ence with Coster the Jesuit, and confirmed his own reli-
gious persuasion by what he had occasion to see of the
practices and actual state of the Romish church, which he
states as the principal object that induced him to take this
journey. About a year and a half after, happening to be
in London, he was invited to preach before prince Henry
at Richmond palace, which he performed so much to his
highness' s satisfaction, that he made him one of his chap-
lains f,
His errand to London was a dispute with his patron sir
Robert Drury, whom we have noticed as the patron of the
poet Donne, but who in Mr. Hall's case does not appear
to have acted with liberality or justice. He had detained
about ten pounds per annum belonging to the living of
* Warton observes, not with his once proscribed by authority, as unfit
usual judgment, that " the poet is bet- to be circulated or read. See Warton's
ter known than the prelate or the pole- Hist, of Poetry, and the Life of Hall in
roic." So far is this from being the the late edition of the Poets,
case, that of many thousands who have f Wood says that in 1611, Oct. 30,
read bishop Hail's Meditations and he was collated to the archdeaconry of
Sermons with pleasure and advantage, Nottingham, upon the promotion of
few have ever heard that he was a poet. Dr. John King to the see of London,
and still fewer that his poems were Wood's Ath. vpl. I. Fasti. 155.
E 2
Halsted, notwithstanding the remonstrances of the incum-
bent, who assured him that with such a deduction it was an
incompetent maintenance, and that he had been obliged
to write books in order to be able to buy some. These ar-
guments not prevailing, he was about to resign Halsted,
when Edward lord Denny, afterwards earl of Norwich,
gave him the donative of Waltham Holy Cross in Essex.
About the same time (1612) he took the degree of doctor
in divinity. .
He now returned home, and resumed his professional
duties, happy in having overcome his perplexities, an£ in
the acquisition of a new patron, whom he valued so highly
as to refuse the prince's invitation to reside near his per-
son, and in the road to higher preferment. He was after-
wards made a prebendary of the collegiate church of Wol-
verhampton, a very small endowment, but acceptable to
our author from the prospect it afforded of public useful-
ness ; and after many law-suits he was the means of reco-
vering some revenues belonging to the church which had
been unjustly withheld. He is said by all his biographers
to have retained the living of Waltham for twenty-two
years, and this assertion is founded on his own words in
his " Specialities ;" but as he expressed the time in nume-
rals, there may be a mistake in the printing, for if he re-
mained at Waltham twenty -two years, he must have kept
that living after he was bishop of Exeter, which is not very
probable, especially as we find there were three incum-
bents on the living of Waltham before 1637.
In 16)6 he attended the embassy of James Hay, viscount
Doncaster, into France, and during his absence king James
performed a promise he had made before his setting out,
of conferring upon him the deanery of Worcester. In the
following year he accompanied his majesty into Scotland
as one of his chaplains ; but on his return it was insinuated
to the king that Dr. Hall leaned too much to the presby-
terian interpretation of the five points *, the discussion of
which at that time occupied the attention of the protestant
world : on this he was required to give his opinion in writ-
ing, with which the king was so well satisfied, and found
himself s* much of his way of thinking, that he commanded
it to be read in the university of Edinburgh. In 1618 he
* Viz. Predestination j the extent of Christ's death ; Man's free-will and cor-
ruption, the manner of our conversion, to Gcdj ami, Perseverance.
HALL. 53
was sent to the synod of Dort, which was summoned by
the states-general, and consisted of the most eminent di-
vines deputed from the United Provinces, and churches of
England, Scotland, Switzerland, &c. and its object .was to
decide the controversy between the Calvinists and Armini-
ans respecting the five points. Dr. Hairs companions on
this mission were Dr. Carleton, bishop of Landaff, and
afterwards of Chichester, Dr. Davenant, master of Queen's
college, Cambridge, and Dr. Ward, master of Sidney ; bujt
the state of his health requiring his return after about two
months, his place was supplied by Dr. Goad. During his
short residence, however, he preached a Latin sermon be-
fore the synod, and on his departure, among other honour-
able testimonies of their esteem, received from them, a
rich gold medal which is painted suspended on his breast
in the fine portrait now in Emanuel college. It appears
by his treatise entitled " Via Media," that he was not
extremely rigid with respect to all the five points; but his
was not an age for moderation, and no party sought a
middle way.
In 1624- he refused the bishopric of Gloucester, but in
1627 accepted that of Exeter, to which he was consecrated
Dec. 23, holding with it in commendam the rectory of St.
Breock in Cornwall. At this time he appears again to
have lain under the suspicion of being a favourer of the
puritans. What he says in his defence is worthy of no-
tice. " I entered upon that place (the bishopric) not with-
out much prejudice and suspicion on some hands ; for some
who sat at the stern of the church, had me in great jea-
lousy for too much favour of puritanism. I soon had intel-
ligence who were set over me for spies; my ways were
curiously observed and scanned. Some persons of note in
the clergy, finding me ever ready to encourage those
whom I found conscionably forward and painful in their
places, and willingly giving way to orthodox and peace-
able lecturers, in several parts of my diocese, opened
their mouths against me, both obliquely in the pulpits, and
directly at the court, complaining of my too much indul-
gence to persons disaffected, and my too much liberty of
frequent lecturings within my charge. The billows went
so high, that I was three several times upon my knees to
his majesty, to answer these great criminations ; and what
contest I had with some graat lords concerning these par-
ticulars, it would be too long to report : only this, under
54 HALL.
how dark a cloud I was here upon, I was so sensible, that
I plainly told the lord archbishop of Canterbury (Laud)
that rather than I would be obnoxious to these slanderous
tongues of his misinformers, I would cast off my rochet ; I
knew I went right ways, and would not endure to live
under undeserved suspicion."
It must be allowed that the religious principles which he
inculcated from the pulpit and the press, were much more
consonant to what the puritans maintained, than the lax
Arminianism for which Laud contended, but at the same
time bishop Hall's zeal for episcopacy was not inferior to
that of any supporter of the church. Few men, indeed,
wrote more, or suffered more, in the cause. He published,
even when publishing became hazardous, several able
treatises in defence of the liturgy and church discipline ;
and was the powerful antagonist of Marshall, Calamy,
Young, Newcomen, and Spurstow, who wrote a celebrated
book called Smectymnuus (a title made up of their initials,
Christian and surname), and all this he boldly ventured,
when the republican party had possessed themselves of the
fortresses of civil and ecclesiastical government, and were
about to substitute power for argument ; nor was it long
before they made him experience the dangers of a high
station in the church.
On the 15th of November, 1641, he was translated, by
the little power now left to the king, to be bishop of Nor-
wich ; but on the 30th of December following, having joined
with the archbishop of York, and eleven other prelates, in
a protest against the validity of such laws as should be
made during their compelled absence from parliament, he
was ordered to be sent to the Tower with his brethren on
the 30th of January, 1641-2. Shortly after, they were im-
peached by the commons of high treason, and on their
appearance in parliament were treated with the utmost
rudeness and contempt. The commons, however, did not
think fit to prosecute the charge of high treason, having
gained their immediate purpose by driving them from the
house of lords, and he and his brethren were ordered to
be dismissed ; but upon another pretext they were again
sent to the Tower, and it was not until June following that
he was finally released on giving bail for 5000/. He im-
mediately returned to Norwich, and being received with
rather more respect than could be hoped for in the then
state of popular opinion, he resumed his functions, fre-
HAL L. 55
quently preaching, as was his custom, to crowded audien-
ces, and enjoying the forbearance of the predominant
party till the beginning of April, 1643, when the destruc-
tion of the church could no longer be delayed. About this
time, the ordinance for sequestering notorious delinquents
having passed, and our prelate being included by name, a
distinction which his writings and his popularity had me-
rited, all his rents were stopped, even the half-year then
due ; and a few days after, the sequestrators entered his
palace, and began the work of devastation with unfeeling
brutality, seizing at the same time all his property real
and personal. Some notion of their proceedings may be
formed from his own brief account.
" The sequestrators sent certain men appointed by them
(whereof one had been burned in the hand) to appraise all
the goods that were in my house; which they accordingly
executed with all diligent severity, not leaving so much as
a dozen of trenchers, or my children's pictures out of their
curious inventory : yea, they would have apprized our
very wearing-apparel, had not some of them declared their
opinion to the contrary. These goods, both library and
household-stuff of all kinds, were appointed to be exposed
to public sale ; but in the mean time, Mrs. Goodwin, a
religious good gentlewoman, whom yet we had never
known or seen, being moved with compassion, very kindly
offered to lay down to the sequestrators the whole sum at
which the goods were valued ; and was pleased to leave
them in our hands, for our use, till we might be able to
re-purchase them. As for the books, several stationers
looked on them, but were not forward to buy. At last Mr.
Cooke, a worthy divine of this diocese, gave bond to the
sequestrators, to pay them the whole sum whereat they
were set ; which was afterwards satisfied out of that poor
pittance which was allowed me for my maintenance."
This " poor pittance" had at first the appearance of
liberality, for when he applied to the committee of seques-
trators at Norwich, they were either so ashamed of what
they had been compelled to do, or entertained so much
respect for his character, as to agree that he should have
400/. a-year out of the revenues of the bishopric. But
their employers at the seat of government disdained to vary
their proceedings by such an act of generosity, and the
Norwich committee were told that they had no power to
allow any such thing, but if his wife needed a maintenance.
56 HALL.
upon her application to the lords and commons she might
receive a fifth part. After long delays, this was granted ;
but the sequestrators produced such confused accounts, that
the bishop could never ascertain what a fifth part meant,
and was obliged to take what they offered. And that even
this pittance might wear the appearance of insult and per-
secution, after they had cut off all his resources they de-
manded assessments and monthly payments for the very
estates they had seized, and levied distresses upon him in
spite of every assurance that he had given up all. They
even commanded him to find the arms usually furnished
by his predecessors, although they had deprived him of all
power over his diocese.
While he remained in his palace, he was continually ex-
posed to the insolence of the soldiery and mob, who were
plundering and demolishing the windows and monuments
of the cathedral. At length he was ordered to leave his
house, and would have been exposed to the utmost extre-
mity, had not a neighbour offered him the shelter of his
humble roof. Some time after, but by what interest we
are not told, the sequestration was taken off a small estate
which he rented at Higham near Norwich, to which he re-
tired. His sufferings had not damped his courage, as in
1644 we find him preaching in Norwich, wherever he
could obtain the use of a pulpit, and, with yet more bold-
ness, in the same year he sent " A modest offer of some
meet considerations," in favour of episcopacy, addressed
to the assembly of divines. During the rest of his life he
appears to have remained at Higham unmolested, perform-
ing the duties of a faithful pastor, and exercising such
hospitality and charity as his scanty means permitted. He
died Sept. 8, 1656, in the eighty-second year of his age,
and was buried in the church-yard of Higham without any
memorial. In his will he says, " I leave my body to be
buried without any funeral pomp, at the discretion of my
executors, with this only monition, that I do not hold
God's house a meet repository for the dead bodies of the
greatest saints." His wife died in 1647. He left a family
behind, according to Lloyd, of whom Robert, the eldest
son, was afterwards a clergyman and D. D. and archdeacon
of Cornwall, and George was bishop of Chester.
His works were published at various periods in folio,
quarto, and duodecimo. They have lately been collected
w a very handsome, correct, and well-arranged edition,
HALL. 57
by the rev. Josias Pratt, in 10 vols. 8vo. The " Medita-
tions" have been often reprinted. As a moralist he has
been entitled the Christian Seneca ; his knowledge of the
world, depth of thought, and elegance of expression, place
him nearer our own times than many of his contemporaries,
while he adorned his age by learning, piety, and the uni-
form exercise of all the Christian graces. It would, in-
deed, be difficult to mention a prelate of more excellent
character, or one, of his time, whose talents and sufferings,
whose zeal in prosperity, and courage in adversity, deserve
more honourable mention.1
HALL (GEORGE), son of the preceding, was born at
Waltham Holy Cross in 1612, while his father was rector
there, and was admitted commoner of Exeter college, Ox-
ford, in 1628. After taking his degrees and obtaining a
fellowship, he was in 1639 collated to a prebend of Exeter.
In 1641 he was made archdeacon of Cornwall on the re-
signation of his brother Robert, and had also the rectory
of Minhinnet in that county, but was sequestered by the
usurping powers, and although he would have kept a
school for his subsistence, was not suffered even that re-
source. On the restoration, he was first made canon of
Windsor, and afterwards bishop of Chester, with which he
held Wigan in Lancashire, a living that was for several
turns presented to the bishops of Chester. His death, on
Aug. 23, 1668, was occasioned by a wound received by a
knife, which happened to be in his pocket, when he fell
from the mount in his garden at Wigan. He published
some sermons, and a treatise entitled " The Triumphs of
Rome over despised Protestancy," Lond. 1655. He was
a considerable benefactor to Exeter college.2
HALL (RICHARD), a Roman catholic writer, was edu-
cated at Christ's college, Cambridge, which his principles
obliged him to leave about 1572. He then went to Doway,
and thence to Italy, where he resumed his studies and took
his degree of D. D. Returning afterwards to Doway, he
obtained a professorship and some preferment. He died
in 1604-. He wrote some books of controversy; but is
chiefly worthy of notice now, as the author of that " Life
of bishop Fisher" which goes under the name of Bailey.
He left it in manuscript at his death, and it was long pre-
1 Life by himself in his " Specialities," &c.— Biog. Brit.— Johnson and Chal-
mers' English Poets, 1810.— Warton's Hist, of Poetry.
2 Atji. Ox. vol. II — Birch's Life of Tillotson.
served as a choice rarity in the library of the English Bene-
dictines at Dieuward in Lorraine ; but several transcripts
getting abroad, one fell into the hands of Thomas Bailey,
D. D. a son of Bailey, or Bayly, bishop of Bangor. This
Dr. Bailey, who was a Roman catholic, sold it to a book-
seller, by whom it was printed at London in 1655, under
the editor's name. In 1739 another edition was published
at London, 12mo, edited by Coxeter. It is valued as a
narrative of considerable interest and authenticity. '
HALL (THOMAS), a learned nonconformist, was born at
Worcester July 22, 1610, and after being educated in
grammar at the king's school there, under Mr. Henry
Bright, was entered at Baliol-college in 1624, whence he
soon removed to Pembroke, and had for his tutor a Mr.
Thomas Lushington, a man eminent for learning. After
taking his first degree in arts, he returned home, and for
a while taught a private school, and preached at King's-
Nortou. About this time Wood says he began to adhere
to the puritans, but he adds, " was so rigid in his persua-
sion that he was disliked by the brethren.'* This perhaps
may he gathered from his works, some of which were writ-
ten in opposition to unlicensed preachers, fifth-monarchy
men, and other extravagancies of the times. He was after-
wards master of the free-school at KingVNorton, and cu-
rate of the place, the only preferments he had. He ap-
pears to have been a man of retired and studious habits,
and although averse to episcopacy and the ceremonies, free
from turbulence or open interference in the commotions of
the times. He died April 13, 1665, and was buried at
KingVNorton, to the school of which he was a bountiful
benefactor in the establishment of a library there, as well
as to the library of Birmingham school. Among his works
are many controversial tracts enumerated by Wood, com-
mentaries on some parts of the Scriptures, and some trans-
lations, adapted apparently for the use of schools, from
Ovid. =
HALLE (PETER), professor of canon law in the univer-
sity of Paris, was born at Bayeux in Normandy, Septem-
ber 8, 1611. He studied philosophy, law, arid divinity,
five years in the university of Caen ; and also applied
himself to poetry, under the direction of his uncle Anthony
iSt' V01' "•~Cole's MS AthenjB in British Museum,
H A L L E. 59
Halle, who was a Latin poet of some note, with such suc-
cess, that he gained the prizes in the poetical exercises
that are performed every year in these two cities, " to the
honour of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary."
This procured him so much reputation, that, though he
was still very young, he was chosen professor of rhetoric
in the university of Caen. Some time afier, being rector
of the university, he made an oration to M. Seguier, chan-
cellor of France, then in Normandy, to -suppress some
popular insurrections; which was so much approved by
that head of the law, that he received a doctor of law's de-
gree from him in 1640. He attended M. Seguier to Paris,
and gained such reputation by some pieces he published,
that they offered him the mastership of five different col-
leges ; and he was incorporated in his absence (a very un-
usual thing) into the body of the university in 1641. He
was made king's poet, and reader of the Latin and Greek
tongues in the royal college in 1646. His assiduous appli-
cation to study having ruined his health, he was obliged to
rest for two years, in order to recover it. He afterwards
resolved to raise the glory of the faculty of the law, which
was miserably sunk; and in 1655 he obtained the post
of regius professor of the canon law, when he vigorously
began, and, though he met with great difficulties, success-
fully executed what he had resolved. Besides " Canoni-
cal Institutions," which he published in 1685, he wrote
also for the use of his pupils several treatises upon the
civil and canon laws ; as, concerning councils, the Pope's
authority, the regale, simony, usury, censures, regular per-
sons, ecclesiastical benefices, matrimony, last wills and
testaments, &c. He had published in 1G55, 8vo. "A Col-
lection of Latin Poems and Orations." He died Decem-
ber 27, 1689.1
HALLER (ALBERT DE), one of the most eminent phy-
sicians and philosophers of the eighteenth century, was
born at Berne, Oct. 16, 1708. He was the son of Nicholas
de Haller, an advocate of considerable distinction in his
profession, who had a numerous family. Albert was the
youngest of five sons. „ From the commencement of his
education, he discovered a great capacity for literature of
every kind; to forward the progress of his studies, his
father took into his family a private tutor, named Abraham
J Gen. Diet.— Niceron, vol. III.
60 H A L L E R.
Billodz ; but such was the discipline employed by this pe-
dagogue, that the accidental sight of him at any subse-
quent period of life, excited in Haller those painful recol-
lections, of which all may have some idea who have been
tutored with rigid severity. The progress of Haller's
studies, however, at the earliest periods of life, was rapid
almost beyond belief. When other children were be-
ginning only to read, he was studying Bayle and Moreri,
and at nine years of age he was able to translate Greek,
and was beginning to learn Hebrew. Not long after this,
however, the course of his education was somewhat inter-
rupted by the death of his father, which happened when
he was in the thirteenth year of his age. After this he was
sent to the public school at Berne, where he exhibited
many specimens of early and uncommon genius. He was
distinguished for his knowledge in the Greek and Latin
languages, but principally for his poetical genius; and his
essays of this kind, which were published in the German
language, were read and admired throughout the whole
In the sixteenth year of his age he began the study of
medicine at Tubingen, under those eminent teachers Du-
vernoy and Camerarius ; and continued there for the space
of two years, when the reputation of the celebrated Boer-
haave drew him to Leyden. Nor was this distinguished
teacher the only man from whose superior abilities he had
there an opportunity of profiting. Ruysch was still alive,
and Albinus was rising into fame. Animated by such ex-
amples, he spent all the day, and the greatest part of the
night, in the most intense study ; and the proficiency
which he made gained him universal esteem, both from his
teachers and fellow-students. From Holland, in 1727, he
came to England, where, however, his stay was but short,
t being his intention rather to visit the illustrious men of
that period than to prosecute his studies at London, and he
ormed connections with some of the most eminent of
them. He was honoured with the friendship of Douglas
and Cheselden, and he met with a reception proportioned
nis merit from sir Hans Sloane, president of the royal
>ciety. After his visit to Britain he went to France, and
ere, under those eminent masters, Winslow and Le Bran,
with the latter of wbom he resided during his stay in Paris,
be had opportunities of prosecuting anatomy which he
bad not before enjoyed. But the zeal of our youno- ana.
H A L L E R. 61
tomist was greater than the prejudice* of the people at that
period, even in the enlightened city of Paris, could admit
of. An information being lodged against him to the police,
for dissecting dead bodies, he was obliged to make a pre-
cipitate retreat to Basil, where he became a pupil to the
celebrated Bernoulli!.
Thus improved and instructed by the lectures of the most
distinguished teachers of that period, by uncommon na-
tural abilities, and by unremitting industry, he returned to
Berne in the twenty-sixth year of his age. Not long after
this, he offered himself a candidate, first for the office of
physician to an hospital, and afterward for a professorship.
But neither the character which he acquired before he left
his native country, nor the fame which he had accumulated
abroad, were sufficient to combat the interest opposed to
him. He was disappointed in both ; and it was even with
difficulty that he obtained in the following year the ap-
pointment of keeper to a public library at Berne. The
exercise of this office, however, although ill suited to his
great abilities, was agreeable to him, as it afforded him an
opportunity for that extensive reading by which he has
been so justly distinguished; nor did this neglect of his
merit diminish his ardour, or detract from his reputation
either at home or abroad. He was soon after nominated
a professor in the university of Gottingen, by king George
II. The duties of this important office, which he dis-
charged with no less honour to himself than advantage to
the public, afforded him an ample field for the exertion
of those great talents he possessed. Extensively acquainted
with the sentiments of others respecting the ceconomy of
the human body, struck with the diversity of opinions
which they held, and sensible that the only means of in-
vestigating truth was by careful and candid experiment, he
undertook the arduous task of exploring tbe phenomena
of human nature from the original source. In these pur-
suits he was no less industrious than successful, and there
was hardly any function of the body on which his expe-
riments did not reflect either a new or a stronger light.
Nor was it long necessary for him, in this arduous under-
taking, to labour alone. The example of the preceptor
inspired his pupils with the spirit of industrious exertion.
Zinn, Zimmerman, Caldani, and many others, laboured
with indefatigable industry to prosecute and to perfect the
discoveries of their great master. And the mutual exertions
62 H A L L E R.
of the teacher and his students not only tended to for-
ward the progress of medical science, but placed the phi-
losophy of the human body on a more sure, and an almost
entirely new basis.
But the labours of Dr. Haller during his residence at
Gottingen, were by no means confined to any one depart-
ment of science. He was not more anxious to be an im-
prover himself, than to instigate others to similar pursuits.
To him, the anatomical theatre, the school of midwifery,
the chirurgical society, and the royal academy of sciences
at Gottingen, owe their origin. Such distinguished merit
could not fail to meet with a suitable reward from the
sovereign under whose protection he then taught. The
king of Great Britain not only honoured him with every
mark of attention which he himself could bestow, but pro-
cured him also letters of nobility from the emperor. The
title, however, of baron de Haller, he never assumed,
although it was often bestowed on him. On the death of
Dillenius he had an offer of the professorship of botany at
Oxford ; the states of Holland invited him to the chair of
the younger Albinus ; and the king of Prussia was anxious
that he should be the successor of Maupertuis at Berlin.
Marshal Keith wrote to him in the name of his sovereign,
offering him the chancellorship of the university of Halle,
vacant by the death of the celebrated Wolff. Count Orlowr
invited him to Russia, in the name of his mistress, the
empress, offering him a distinguished place at St. Peters-
burgh. The king of Sweden conferred on him an unso-
licited honour, by raising him to the rank of knighthood,
of the order of the polar star; and the late Joseph II. em-
peror of Germany, honoured him with a personal visit.
Thus honoured by sovereigns, revered by men of lite-
rature, and esteemed by all Europe, he had it in his power
to have held the highest rank in the republic of letters.
Yet, declining all the tempting offers which were made to
him, he continued at Gottingen, anxiously endeavouring
to extend the rising fame of that medical school. But
after seventeen years residence there, an ill state of health
rendering him less fit for the duties of the important of-
fice which he held, he solicited and obtained permission
from the regency of Hanover to return to his native city of
Berne. His fellow-citizens, who might at first have fixed
inm among themselves, with no less honour than advantage
to their city, were now as sensible as others of his superior
H A L L E R. 63
merit. A pension was settled upon him for life, and he
was nominated at different times to fill the most important
offices in the state. These occupations, however, did not
diminish his ardour for useful improvements. He was the
first president, as well as the greatest promoter, of the
economical society at Bern ; and may he considered as the
father and founder of the orphan hospital of that city.
Declining health at length restrained his exertions in the
more active scenes of life, and for many years he was
confined entirely to his own house. But even this could
not put a period to his studies ; he continued his favourite
employment of writing till within a few days of his death,
and preserved his senses and composure to the last mo-
ment, meeting death with the calmness of a philosopher,
and what is transcendently superior, the lively faith of a
Christian. His last words were addressed to the physician
who attended him. " My friend," said he to M. Rosselet,
u the artery no longer beats," and immediately he ex-
pired, at the age of sixty-nine years, on the 12th of De-
cember, 1777.
The personal character of this extraordinary man is uni-
versally acknowledged to deserve the highest praise. In
conversation he was most agreeable. His elocution was
free, strong, and concise ; and his knowledge remarkably
diversified. His immense reading, fertile and faithful me-
mory, and sound judgment, gave satisfaction to men of
all dispositions. He was superior to the affectation of wit,
and equally disdained to make a parade of his knowledge.
His disposition was gentle, and his heart replete with sen-
sibility. All his writings are expressive of his love of vir-
tue. Ever pure in his own morals, he beheld with regret
the neglect of them in others ; and sincerely lamented the
influence which irregularities in private life seemed likely
to produce on the manners of the state.
But his religious principles form his highest honour.
Religion was the object of his most serious inquiries, even
from his earliest youth, at which period it was his happiness
to enjoy a religions education. His comprehensive mind,
ever capable of a just mode of thinking, had beeo happily
impressed with the grand idea of a God, the great origin
of all beings, and with the belief of eternity, " that an-
cient source as well as universal sepulchre of worlds and
ages, in which the duration of this globe is lost as that of a
day, and the life of map. as a moment." Persuaded of a
64 H A L L E R.
future life, he waited with confidence for that consumma-
tion which shall dissipate the mists of human wisdom, and
display to us the universe such as it actually is, by the
light of a new luminary, emanating from the Divinity him-
self. It was impossible that a spirit thus elevated, and
constantly employed in researches after truth, could neglect
to inquire into that most important one, the religion of his
ancestors and of his country. Convinced of the reality of
revelation, by diligently studying the scriptures, he could
not behold with indifference any attacks on this funda-
mental law, this strongest bond of society ; and at a time
when other illustrious men prostituted their fame and ta-
lents in making dangerous attacks upon religion, he thought
it his duty to enter the lists as her avowed champion and
It has been usual for modern infidels to associate with
themselves, if at all possible, men of eminent literary
talents, and it must be confessed, they have been often too
successful, especially with medical professors and prac-
titioners, but Haller disdained such an association. Of
this we have a remarkable proof which occurred soon after
he had published his discoveries relative to irritability.
On this property of animated matter, the unprincipled La
Mettrie, the Dr. Sangrado of his day, laid the foundation
of a system of materialism ; and he had the impudence to
dedicate it to Haller, declaring that to him he owed the
acquisition of the great truths which it contained. Haller
considered what La Mettrie meant for jocularity, as a se-
rious insult ; and observed, with horror, that he was held
up to Europe as a favourer of materialism, or at least as
the inventor of principles which served as a basis for that
doctrine. Neither the respect which he had constantly
declared for Christianity, in all his works, nor his mode of
life, so conformable to the precepts of the Gospel, seemed
sufficient to secure him against this imputation. He com-
plained of it bitterly, and La Mettrie, in his answer, as-
sumed the same tone ; and Haller had prepared to publish
a long and serious refutation of the charge, when he was
informed of the death of his antagonist, and discovered,
that, deceived by an excess of delicacy, which was, doubt-
less, laudable, he alone had been made the dupe of La
Mettrie's irony.
Another trait of his character may here be introduced,
which is of more importance than the institutors of wanton
H A L L £ R. 65
experiments are disposed to allow. His humanity must
have suffered in making experiments which could not be
conducted without subjecting a great number 'of animals to
most excruciating pains. This would have been pur-
chasing an useless fact at too great a price. Haller per-
ceived it, and the compassion he felt for the victims of his
researches is often apparent in the narrative of his expe-
riments. We behold him impressed with a kind of re-
morse, and omitting no occasion of expatiating on the
utility which may be derived from them to mankind. He
even seems desirous to believe that these animals suffer no
pain, and is unwilling to renounce the opinion of Des-
cartes. To such dilemmas may the best of men be re-
duced, when, from whatever motive, they are performing
an action in itself wrong. We are willing, however, to
believe, that he was as sparing as possible in such ex-
In person Haller was tall and majestic, and of a serious
and expressive countenance ; he had at times an open
smile, always a pleasing tone of voice, usually low, and
seldom elevated, even when he was most agitated. He
was fond of unbending himself in society, and was on those
occasions remarkably cheerful, polite, and attentive ; he
would converse with the ladies on fashions, modes of dress,
and other trifles, with as much ease as if he had never
secluded himself from the world. Mr. Bonnet informed
Mr. Coxe that Haller wrote with equal facility the German,
French, and Latin tongues ; that he was so well acquainted
with all the European languages, except the Russian, Po-
lish, and Hungarian, as to speak with the natives in their
respective idioms. When he conversed on any science or
subject of literature, his knowledge was so extensive, that
he seemed to have made that his particular study. His
profound erudition in every branch of science is well
known to all who are conversant with his works : but the
variety of his information, and the versatility of his talents,
are thus delineated by Tscharner Lobrede, who was his
particular friend : " He possessed a fundamental knowledge
of natural history ; was well read in history, both ancient
and modern, universal and particular; and uncommonly
versed in the state of agriculture, manufactures, trade,
population, literature, and languages of the respective
nations of Europe ; he had read with attention the most
remarkable voyages and travels : and was particularly con-
versantin the late discoveries which tend to illustrate the
geography of the globe. He had even perused many
thousand novels and plays ; and possessed such an astonish-
ing memory, that he could detail their contents with the
utmost precision. As it was his custom to make extracts,
and to give his opinion of every book which came into his
hands, as well for his own private use, as for the Gottin-
gen Review (in which his department embraced history,
medicine, anatomy, natural history, and several miscel-
laneous works, especially those which appeared in Italy),
he read most new publications; and so eager was he usually
in the perusal, that he laid them upon the table even when
he was at dinner, occasionally looking into them, and
marking those parts with a pencil which he afterward ex-
tracted or commented upon. He was accustomed to make
his remarks on small pieces of paper, of different sizes,
which he placed in order and fastened together ; a method
he learned from Leibnitz." It may be added, as one
weakness in this great character, that he was always im-
patient under sickness, as well from his extreme suscepti-
bility of pain, as because he was precluded in that situa-
tion from his literary occupations. He was fond, therefore,
of taking violent remedies, more calculated to remove the
immediate effects of pain, and to check his disorder, than
to cure it radically. In his latter years he accustomed him-
self to opium, which, Zimmerman informs us, he took in
so large a dose as eight grains, aud which operated as a
temporary palliative, but increased his natural impatience.
This restlessness of temper, which occasionally disturbed
his tranquillity even in his younger clays, and in the full
flow of his health and spirits, was considerably heightened
by the advances of age, and the disorders which shattered
his frame toward the close of his days.
In his youth, during a residence of some time at Bienne
in 1723, he composed several pieces in the epic, dra-
matic, and lyric styles, his genius being awakened by the
romantic scenery of the country to poetical enthusiasm.
At this period he was so entirely absorbed in his favourite
study, that on a fire breaking out in the house in which he
lived, he rushed into his apartment, and rescued his poetry
from the flames, leaving his other papers, with little regret,
to destruction. Afterward, when a more mature age had
ripened his judgment, he was frequently heard to say that
he had preserved from the flames those composition^ which
H A L L E R. 67
he then thought the finest productions of human genius,
in order at a future period to consign them to destruction,
as unworthy of his pen. In the sequel, however, he was
more successful in his poetical effusions. In 1729 he
composed his poem " On the Alps," on which critics have
been highly lavish of praise. He likewise wrote some
ethic epistles on the " The Imperfection of human Virtue,
on Superstition and Infidelity, the origin of Evil, and on
the vanity of Honour ;" also various " Satires," " Doris3"
a pastoral on his first wife, and his much admired " Elegy
on her death*." It is a convincing proof of Haller's ver-
satile genius and extraordinary mental powers, that be
should have so eminently excelled in poetry, which, except
in his early youth, he never considered otherwise than as
an amusement, either to soothe him under afflictions, or to
console him for the envy and neglect of his contemporaries.
The soundest German critics place Haller among the most
eminent of their poets : and consider sublimity as the grand
characteristic of his writings. They acknowledge that he
improved the harmony and richness of his native tongue ;
that he possessed the highest powers of invention and
fancy; great originality both in his ideas and language;
that he is the true colourist of nature ; that he sounded the
depths of metaphysical and moral science ; and that he
equally excels in picturesque descriptions, in soft and
delightful imagery, in elevated sentiments, and philoso-
phical precision. A few supercilious critics have re-
proached his poetry with occasional obscurities, and accuse
him of having introduced a new language affectedly averse
to the common modes of diction ; but twenty- two succes-
sive editions of his German poems, and the translation of
them into the principal languages of Europe, prove that
they possess the great aim of poetry, that of pleasing and
interesting the reader.
To his other writings he added, in the German tongue,
" Letters to his Daughter, on the truth of the Christian
Revelation," which have been translated into English. He
published also an extract from Ditton's " Truth of the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ," which he acknowledges to
have first cleared any doubts he might entertain on that
subject. He avows at the same time tflat he received in-
* These poems were translated into proae and verse by Mrs. Haworth, 1794,
.• feno» The prosaic versions are much the best.
finite satisfaction from the study of the New Testament,
because he was never more certain of holding converse
with the Deity than when he read his will in that divine
book. In 1775 he published, in German, " Letters con-
cerning several late attempts of Free-thinkers yet living,
against Revelation." His own religious principles, it has
been already remarked, were fixed ; and having imbibed
the system of Calvin, this was supposed to have occasioned
some uneasiness and anxiety to him on his death, but he
finally obtained consolation.
His scientific works form an imperishable monument to
his memory. The most of his various dissertations on ana-
tomical and physiological subjects, published during hi*
residence at Gottingen, were collected, revised, and re-
printed in 1751, under the title of" Opuscula Anatomica,
de respiratione, de rnonstris, aliaque minora, quae recensuit,
emendavit, auxit. Addidit alia inedita, et novas icones,"
Gottingae, 8vo. The principal publications within the pe-
riod just mentioned were, his great work on the botany of
Switzerland, the first edition of which appeared in 1742,
under the title of " Enurneratio methodica Stirpium Helve-
tise indigenarum, &c." folio ; which, after undergoing con-
siderable corrections and augmentations, was given under
its perfect form, entitled " Historia Stirpium Helvetiae in-
digenarum," in 1768, 3 vols. folio, with many plates. This
admirable work, which was the most copious then published,
was remarkably accurate in specific distinctions, and very
full upon the economical and medicinal uses of the plants.
The arrangement was peculiar to himself, and he shewed
an unwillingness to adopt the improvements of Linnaeus.
His " Commentarii ad Hermanni Boerhaave Praelectiones
Academicas, &c." appeared in seven successive volumes,
8vo, between 1739 and 1744. Immediately after the death
of his venerable preceptor Boerhaave in 1738, Haller un-
dertook to publish his " Prelections," from a MS copy of
his own, collated with others. In 1743, he began to pub-
lish fasciculi of anatomical plates in folio, particularly re-
lative to the blood-vessels in situ, which are among the
most valuable of these helps to the study of the human
frame. They were entitled " Iconum Anatomicarum,
quibus praecipuae partes corporis humani delineate conti-
nentur, Fascic." The plates amount to thirty-six in num-
ber. The first edition of his excellent little work " PrimsB
Lmese Physiologic in usum Praelectionum Academicarum "
H A L L E R. 69
was published in 1747, 8vo. It passed through many sub-
sequent editions, and several translations, and is an outline
of the system afterwards developed in his larger work. In
1751 he published at Amsterdam another work of great
labour and research, viz. an edition of Boerhaave's " Me-
thodus Studii Medici," with so many additions, that by
much the greater part was his own ; it may be considered
as a prelude to his later " Bibliothecae." He delivered two
academical discourses in 1752, in which he proposed his
peculiar opinions respecting the properties of sensibility
and irritability in living bodies ; they were written in
French (of which language he had a perfect commarjd),
under the title of " Dissertation sur les parties sensibles et
irritables des Animaux," Lausanne, 12mo. Besides these
works, he printed a catalogue of plants growing in the
botanic garden, and in the district, of Gottingen ; obser-
vations made in a journey to the Hercynian forest in 1738,
and an "Iter Helveticum, anni 1739;" and likewise a num-
ber of botanical papers, which were collected in his
" Opuscula Botanica," 1749, 8vo, or contained in the
memoirs of the Gottingen academy, and other periodical
In 1755 he published his " Opuscula Pathologica, quibus
sectiones cadaverum morbosorum potissimum continentur,"
at Lausanne, 8vo. In the following year he printed " Deux
Memoires sur le Mouvement du Sang, et sur les Effets de
la Saignee, &c. ;" and a continuation of his inquiries re-
specting irritability and sensibility, entitled " Memoires sur
la nature sensible et irritable des partes du Corps Animal,"
Lausanne, 4 vols. I2mo. He likewise sent to the press a
collection of theses, under the title of " Disputationes Chi-
rurgicae selects," ibid. 1755 — 6, in 5 vols. 4to. Soon after-
wards, his great work, " Elementa Physiologiae Corporis
Humani," began to make its appearance : the first volume,
in 4 to, having been published at Lausanne in 1757, and
the eighth and last in 1766. Such a vast collection of
well- authenticated facts, with so much accurate descrip-
tion and truly scientific argumentation, so well arranged,
was never perhaps brought together upon any subject; and
of this the author's own discoveries made a very conspi-
cuous part. His other anatomical writings are principally
comprised in his " Opera anatomica minora," in 1762 — 68,
3 vols. 4to. He had published in 1758, " Deux Memoires
sur la Formation du Cceur dans le Poulet, &c." containing
the result of three years* experiments at Berne, in which
he traced, hour after hour, the developement of the parts
of the chick in ovo, and especially of the heart. There
are besides many separate tracts, which it would be tedious
to enumerate.
But before we complete the catalogue of the labours of
Haller in favour of medical science, we have to notice a
series of volumes, which alone would have entitled him to
the praise of a life well spent in the service of his profes-
sion. These were his (t Bibliothecse," containing a chro-
nological list of every book, of every age, country, and
language, respecting subjects connected with medicine,
which had come to his knowledge, with brief analyses, and
opinions. Of these he published the " Bibl. Botanica,"
1777, 2 vols. 4to; " Bibl. Chirurgica," 1774, 2 vols. 4to ;
"Bibl. Anatomica," 1774, 2 vols. 4to ; "Bibl. Medicine
PracticED," 1776 — 88, 4 vols. 4to. The third and fourth
volumes of this last were published from his papers by
Drs. Tribolet and Brandis.
Haller was three times married ; first to Marianne Wyt-
*en, in 1731, who died in 1736; secondly to Elizabeth
Buchers, in 1738, who died in childbed the same or the
following year ; both natives of Berne ; and lastly in 1739,
to Amelia Frederica Teichmeyer, a German lady, who sur-
vived him. He left eight children, four sons and four
daughters, all of whom he lived to see established. — His
eldest son, GOTLIEB EMMANUEL, who was bom in 1735,
followed his father's example in dedicating himself to the
service of his country, and to the pursuits of literature,
He was elected member of the great council, and obtained
various employments under government, particularly the
baillage of Nyon, in which situation he died in 1786. He
distinguished himself as an author by various publications
tending to illustrate the history and literature of Swisser-
land, and particularly by his " Swiss Library," in 6 vols.
8vo, of which he lived to publish only the first Another
valuable work of his was entitled " Cabinet of Swiss Coins
and Medals.1
HALLET (JOSEPH), a dissenting clergyman, was born
at Exeter in 1692, and educated under the care of Mr.
Pierce, who was assistant to his father Mr. Hallet, minister
. s,A5adelmicieus' ™l. H—Coxe's Travels in Swisserland, to which
HaUe? WHKMUiZ thepgrefo P?rt °f thc above "ticle.-Henry's Memoirs of
Waller, 1783, 12mo.— Kees's Cyclopaedia,
H A L L E T. 71
of a congregation of protestant dissentars in that city. Jo-
seph was ordained in 1713, and in 1722 he succeeded his
father as joint-minister with Mdf. Pierce. Prior to this
event he had engaged in the controversy, then warmly
carried on in the west of England, concerning the Trinity ;;
and in 1720, adopted the principles of Dr. Clarke, which
he demonstrated in a treatise entitled " The Unity of God
not inconsistent with the Divinity of Christ; being remarks
upon Dr. Waterland's Vindication, relating to the Unity of
God, and the Object of Worship." He published other
pieces on the same subject ; but his reputation is chiefly
founded on his work entitled " A free and impartial Study
of the Holy Scriptures recommended, being notes on some
peculiar texts, with discourses and observations," 1729 —
1736, 3 vols. published at different times. Our author
published many other works, which being of the contro-
versial kind, are now forgotten. Those which merited
most general approbation were his " Discourse of the na-
ture, kinds, and numbers of our Saviour's Miracles ;" his
" Immorality of the Moral Philosopher," and his " Con-
sistent Christian," against the infidel writers, Woolston,
Morgan, and Chubb. Mr. Hallet died in 1744.1
HALLEY (EDMUND), an eminent English philosopher
and astronomer, was born at Haggerston, in the parish of
St. Leonard, Shoreditch, near London, October 29, 1656.
His father, a wealthy soap-boiler in Winchester-street,
put him to St. Paul's school, under the learned Dr. Tho-
mas Gale, but his h'rst tutor is said to have been his fa-
ther's apprentice, who taught him writing and arithmetic
at nine years old. At school he not only excelled in all
parts of classical learning, but made such uncommon pro-
gress in mathematics, that, as Wood says, he had perfectly
learnt the use of the celestial globe, and could make a
complete dial ; and we are informed by Halley himself,
that he observed the change of the variation of the mag-
netic needle at London, in 1672, that is, one year before
he left school. In 1673 he was entered a commoner of
Queers-college, in Oxford, where he applied himself to
practical and geometrical astronomy, in which he was
greatly assisted by a curious apparatus of instruments
which his father, willing to encourage his son's genius,
had purchased for him. At nineteen he began to publish
' British Biography, vol. X.
72 H A L L E Y.
new observations and discoveries, and continued to do so
to the end of a very long life; nor did he distinguish him-
self less in the practical part of the science. Several ob-
servations made by him concerning a spot in the sun, seen
at Oxford in July and August 1676, were published, with
others by Flamsteed upon the same subject, in the Philo-
sophical Transactions. By these the motion of the sun
round its own axis, a phenomenon till then not well ascer-
tained, was finally determined. The same year he like-
wise observed there, on Aug. 21, a.n occultation of Mars
by the Moon, which he made use of afterwards, with others,
in settling the longitude of the Cape of Good Hope against
the objections of the French astronomers.
He had from his first admission into college, pursued a
general scheme for ascertaining the true places of the fixed
stars, and thereby correcting the errors of Tycho Brahe.
His original view was to carry on the design of that first
restorer of astronomy, by completing the catalogue of
those stars from his own observations ; but upon farther
inquiry, finding this province taken up by Hevelius and
Flamsteed, he dropped that pursuit, and formed another ;
which was, to perfect the whole scheme of the heavens by
the addition of the stars which lie so near the south pole
that they could not be observed by those astronomers, as
never rising above the horizon either at Dantzick or Green-
wich. With this view he left the university, before he had
taken a degree, and applied himself to sir Joseph William-
son, then secretary of state, and to sir Jonas Moore, sur-
veyor of the ordnance, both encouragers of these studies ;
who, applauding his purpose, mentioned it to Charles II.
The king was much pleased with the plan, and immediately
recommended him to the East India Company, who readily
promised to supply him with every convenience, and to
carry him to St. Helena, then in their possession by a grant
from the crown, which he had been told was a proper situa-
tion for his design. Accordingly he embarked for that island
November 1676, and arriving there safely in three months,
began his task ; but the frequent fogs which hover over the
island made it much more difficult than he expected, and
it was only by embracing every opportunity which offered
during his abode on the island, that he was enabled to exe-
cute his purpose. He ascertained the position of 350
Stars, and published an account of his labours in 1676,
under the title of" Catalogus Stellarum Australian." In
H A L L E Y. 73
honour of his royal patron, he formed a new southern con-
stellation, to which he gave the name of Kobur Carolinum,"
or the " Royal Oak." During his stay at St. Helena, he
had an opportunity of observing the transit of Mercury
over the sun's disk ; an observation of some importance,
because it could not be completely made in Europe, the
sun not being risen in that country at the beginning of the
transit. Having returned to England November 1678, the
king, greatly satisfied, gave him, at his own request, a let-
ter of mandamus to the university of Oxford for the degree
of M. A. the words of which are, that " his majesty has
received a good account of his learning as to the mathe-
matics and astronomy, whereof he has gotten a good tes-
timony by the observations he has made during his abode
in the island of St. Helena." This letter was dated No-
vember 18, and the same month he was also chosen fellow
of the royal society. Indeed his catalogue of these south-
ern stars merited particular honour; it was an entirely
new acquisition to the astronomical world, and might not
unaptly be called " Ccelum Australe eo usque incogni-
tum ;" and thence he acquired a just claim to the title,
which by Flamsteed was not long after given him, the
Southern Tycho.
In 1679 he was appointed by the royal society to go to
Dantzick, for the satisfaction of Hevelius the consul, to
adjust a dispute between him and our Hooke, about the
preference of plain or glass sights in astroscopical instru-
ments. He set out May 14 of this year, with a letter re-
commendatory from the society, and arrived at that city
on the 26th. He waited on the consul immediately, and
after some conversation, agreed to enter upon the business
of his visit that same night ; on which, and every night
afterwards, when the sky permitted, the two astronomers
made their observations together till July 18, when Halley
left Dantzick, and returned to England. Here he con-
tinued till the latter end of the following year, 1680 ; when
he set out upon what is usually called the grand tour, ac-
companied by the celebrated Mr. Nelson, who had been
his school-fellow, and was his friend. They crossed the
water in December to Calais ; and in the mid-way thence
to Paris, Haliey had, first of any one, a sight of the re-
markable comet as it then appeared a second time that
year in its return from the sun. He had the November
before seen it in its descent, and now hastened to complete
his observations upon it, in viewing it from the royal
observatory of France. That building had been finished
not many years before; and Halley's design in this part
of his tour was to settle a friendly correspondence between
the two royal astronomers of Greenwich and Paris ; em-
bracing in the mean time every opportunity of improving
himself under so great a master as Cassini, as he had done
before under Hevelius. From Paris he went with his fel-
low-traveller, b}' the way of Lyons, to Italy, where he
spent a great part of the year 1681 ; but his affairs then
calling him home, he left Mr. Nelson at Rome, and re-
turned to England, after making some stay a second time
at Paris.
Soon after his return to England, he married the daugh-
ter of Mr. Tooke, auditor of the Exchequer ; and took a
house at Islington, where he immediately set up his tube
and sextant, and eagerly pursued his favourite study. In
1683 he published his "Theory of the Variation of the
Magnetical Compass," in which he supposes the whole
globe of the earth to be one great magnet, having four
rnagnetical poles or points of attraction, two near the north
and two near the south pole. The same year also he en-
tered early upon a new method of finding out the longitude
by a most accurate observation of the moon's motion. His
pursuits are said to have been interrupted about this time
by the death of his father, who having suffered greatly by
the fire of London, as well as by a second marriage, into
which he had imprudently entered, was found to have
wasted his fortune. He soon, however, resumed his usual
occupations; for, January 1684, he turned his thoughts to
the theory of the planetary motions ; and gravity occurred
to him, as it bad done to Dr. Hooke, as the probable cause.
But he could not satisfy himself as to the law according to
which this power diminishes, and therefore first applied to
Dr. Hooke and sir Christopher Wren ; who not affording him
any assistance, he went to Cambridge to Newton, who
supplied him fully with what he had so ardently sought.
But Halley having now found an immense treasure, could
not rest till he had prevailed with the owner to enrich the
public with it, and to this interview the world is in some
measure indebted for the celebrated " Principia" of New-
ton, which were published in 1686 ; and Halley, who had
the whole care of the impression by the direction of the
royal society, presented it to James II, with a discourse of
his own, giving a general account of the astronomical part
of that book. He also wrote some very elegant verses in
Latin, which are prefixed to the " Principia."
In 1685 he became clerk to the royal society, and seems,
for several years about that period, to have been the prin-
cipal person employed in drawing up the " Philosophical
Transactions." In 1687 he undertook to explain the cause
of a natural phenomenon, which had till then baffled the
researches of the ablest geographers. The Mediterranean
Sea is observed not to swell in the least, although there is
no visible discharge of the prodigious quantity of water
which runs into it from nine large rivers, besides several
small ones, and the constant setting-in of the current at
the mouth of the Streights. His solution of this difficulty
gave so much satisfaction to the society, that he received
orders to prosecute these inquiries, in the course of which,
having shewn by the most accurate experiments, how that
great increase of water was actually carried off in vapours
raised by the action of the sun and wind upon the surface,
he proceeded with the like success to point out the method
used by nature to return the said vapours into the sea.
This circulation he supposes to be carried on by the winds
driving these vapours to the mountains ; where, being col-
lected, they form springs, which uniting, becomte rivulets
or brooks, and many of these again meeting in the valleys,
grow into large rivers, emptying themselves at last into the
sea ; thus demonstrating in the most beautiful manner the
way in which the equilibrium of receipt and expence is
continually preserved in the universal ocean. In 1698 he
was candidate for the Savilian professorship at Oxford, but
lost it by the intervention of bishop Stillingtteet, who re-
fused to recommend him, on account of his opinions, which
were considered as unfavourable to Christianity. We shall
find, however, that he was afterwards elected*.
Halley published his " Theory of the Variation of the
Magnetical Compass," as already observed, in 1683;
* Whiston, in the Memoirs of his ley should talk with him about it, which
own Life, tells us from Dr. Bentlev, he did. But Halley was so sincere in
that Halley " being thought of for sue- his infidelity, that he would not so
cessor to the mathematical chair at Ox- much as pretend to believe the Chris-
ford, bishop Stilling&eet was desired tiau religiou, though he thereby was
to recommend him at courti; but, hear- likely to lose a professorship; which
ing that he was a sceptic and a ban- he did accordingly, and it was the»
terer of religion, the bishop scrupled given to Dr. Gregory."
fco be concerned, till his chaplain Bent.
76 H A L L E Y.
which, though it was well received both at home and
abroad, he found upon a review liable to great and insu-
perable objections. Yet the phenomena of the variation
of the needle, upon which it is raised, being so many cer-
tain and indisputed facts, he spared no pains to possess
himself of all the observations relating to it, he could pos-
sibly come at. To this end he procured an application to
be made to king William, who appointed him commander
of the Paramour Pink, August 19, 169S; with express
orders to seek by observations the discovery of the rule of
the variations, and, as the words of his commission run,
" to call at his majesty's settlements in America, and make
such farther observations as are necessary for the better
laying down the longitude and latitude of those places, and
to attempt the discovery of what land lies to the south of
the Western ocean." He set out on this attempt Novem-
ber 24th following, and proceeded so far as to cross the
line ; but his men growing sickly and untractable, and his
first lieutenant mutinying, he returned home in June 1699.
After getting his lieutenant tried and cashiered, he sailed
September following, a second time, having the same ship
with another of less bulk, of which he had also the com-
mand. He traversed the vast Atlantic Ocean from one
hemisphere to another, as far as the ice would permit him
to go ; and, in his way back touched at St. Helena, the
coast of Brazil, Cape Verd, Barbadoes, Madeiras, the Ca-
naries, the coast of Barbary, and many other latitudes,
arriving in England in September 1700. Having thus fur-
nished himself with a competent number of observations,
he published in 1701, "A General Chart, shewing at one
view the Variation of the Compass in all those seas where
the English navigators were acquainted ;" and was the first
who laid a sure foundation for the discovery of the law or
rule whereby the said variation changes all over the world.
In 1775 the original journals of Dr. Halley's two voyages
were published by Mr. Alexander Dalrymple, in a thin
quarto volume, but they are not of much value, and were
obviously never intended for publication by Dr. Halley
Halley had been at home little more than half a year,
•en he went in the same ship with another express com-
mission from the king, to observe the course of the tides in
•cry part of the British channel at home, and to take the
wigitude and latitude of the principal head-lands, in order
H A L L E Y. 77
to lay down the coast truly. These orders were executed
with his usual expedition and accuracy ; and soon after his
return he published, in 1702, a large map of the Britisli
channel. The emperor of Germany having resolved to
make a convenient and safe harbour for shipping in that
part of his dominions which borders upon the Adriatic,
Halley was sent this year by queen Anne to view the two
ports on the Dalmatian coast,, lying to that sea. He em-
barked November 27, went over to Holland, and passing
thence through Germany to Vienna, proceeded to Istria,
with a view of entering upon the execution of the emperor's
design ; but, some opposition being given to it by the
Dutch, it was laid aside. The emperor, however, pre-
sented him with a rich diamond ring from his finger, and
gave him a letter of high commendation, written with his
own hand, to queen Anne. He was likewise received with
great respect by the king of the Romans, by prince Eugene,
and the principal officers of that court. Presently after his
arrival in England, he was dispatched again upon the same
business; and, passing through Osnaburgh and Hanover,
arrived at Vienna, and was presented the same evening to
the emperor, who directly sent his chief engineer to attend
him to Istria.
He returned to England November 1703; and, Wallis
being deceased a few weeks before, Halley was appointed
Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford in his room, and
had the degree of LL. D. conferred upon him by that
university. He was scarcely settled at Oxford when Aid-
rich, dean of Christ Church, engaged him to translate into
Latin from the Arabic "Apollonius de Sectione llationis."
At the same time, from the account given of them by
Pappus, he restored the two books, which are lost, of the
same author, " De Sectione Spatii ;" and the whole was
published by him in one. volume, 8vo, at Oxford, 1706.
Afterwards he took a share with his colleague, Dr. David
Gregory, in preparing for the press the same Apollonius's
" Conies ;" and ventured to supply the whole 8th book,
which is lost, of the original. He likewise added Serenus
on the " Section of the Cylinder and Cone," printed from
the original Greek, with a Latin translation, and published
the whole, 1710, in folio; not to mention, that in the
midst of all these publications the " Miscellanea Curiosa,"
in 3 vols. 8vo, had come out under his direction in 1708.
Jn 1713 he succeeded Dr. (afterwards sir) Haas Sloane, in
78 H A L L E T.
the post of secretary to the royal society; and, upon the
death of Flamsteed in 1719, was appointed to succeed him
at Greenwich by George I. which made Halley, that he
might be more at liberty for the proper business of his
situation, resign the post of secretary to the royal society
in 1721.
Upon the accession of king George II. his consort queen
Caroline thought proper to make a visit at the royal obser-
vatory ; and, being pleased with every thing she saw, took
notice that Dr. Halley had formerly served the crown as a
captain in the navy ; and she soon after obtained a grant of
his half-pay for that commission, which he enjoyed from
that time during his life. An offer was also made him of
being appointed mathematical preceptor to the duke of
Cumberland ; but he declined that honour in consideration
of his advanced age, and because he deemed the ordinary
attendance upon that employment not consistent with the
performance of his duty at Greenwich. In August 1729
he was admitted as a foreign member of the academy of
sciences at Paris. About 1737 he was seized with a pa-
ralytic disorder in his right hand, which, it is said, was the
first attack he ever felt upon his constitution : however,
he came as usual once a week till within a little while be-»
fore his death, to see his friends in town on Thursday, be-
fore the meeting of the royal society. His paralytic disor-
der increasing, his strength gradually wore away, and he
came at length to be wholly supported by such cordials as
were ordered by his physician Dr. Mead. He expired as
he sat in his chair, without a groan, January 14, 1741-2,
in his eighty-sixth year, and was interred at Lee, near
Halley's astronomical tables, on which he laboured from
1725 till his death, were published in 1749, and were for
many years the best and most complete with which astro-
nomers were furnished, though of late years other tables
have been constructed still more perfect, and entitled to a
greater degree of confidence.
Dr. Halley was of a middle stature, inclining to tallness,
of a thin habit of body, and fair complexion, and always
spoke and acted with an uncommon degree of sprightliness
and vivacity. He was of an ardent and glowing temper, of
a generous and friendly disposition, and of great candour,
He retained his good spirits to the last, and used to say
" that 9. studious life generally contributes to make a long
H A L L E Y. 79
•ne, by keeping a man out of harm's way." That he was,
with all his learning and amiable qualifications, an infidel
in religions matters, seems as generally allowed as it ap-
pears unaccountable. It must, however, be deeply re-
gretted that he cannot be numbered with those illustrious
characters who thought it not beneath them to be Chris-
tians, with Bacon and Milton, Boyle, Locke, and Newton. *
HALLIER (FRANCIS), a celebrated French bishop, was
born in 1595. He rose to be doctor and professor of the
Sorboune, archdeacon of Dinan, prebendary of Chartres,
syndic of the faculty of divinity at Paris, and, at length,
bishop of Cavaillon in 1656. He travelled into Greece,
Italy, and England. Urban VIII. had so great a value for
him, that he twice nominated him to the bishopric of Toul;
and wishing to create two cardinals, one of which should
be a Frenchman, the other a Spaniard, proposed him, with
father de Lugo, for that dignity; but a strong faction, and
some reasons of state, placed the hat designed for M. Hal-
lier on the head of the commander of Valencey. M. Hal-
lier appeared with great distinction, as proctor, at the
assembly of the French clergy, 1645, in which the rules
concerning the regulars were revived, which he explained
by a learned " Commentary." On his second visit to
Kome in 1652, he solicited, both by personal application
and by writing, the condemnation of the five famous pro-
positions of Jansenius, and obtained the bull " Cum occa-
sione" against them. He died in 1659, worn out with sick-
ness and infirmities, aged sixty -four. His principal works
are, " Defence of a censure of the faculty of theology at
Paris respecting the Bishops of England against the Je-
suits ;" " Treatise on the Hierarchy ;" and a " Treatise
on Elections and Ordinations," 1636, folio; by which he
acquired great reputation, both at Rome and in France.
He wrote also various pieces against the five propositions
of Jansenius, which, in the estimation of his church, dis-
cover profound learning, and abound with very strong and
solid reasoning. They are all in Latin.2
HALLIFAX (SAMUEL), a learned English prelate, was
born at Mansfield in Derbyshire, Jan. 18, 1733. He was
the eldest son of Mr. Samuel Hallifax, apothecary, by
Hannah, daughter of Mr. Jebb, of Mansfield, by which
1 Biog. Brit.— Birch's Life of Tillotson.— Whiston's IJfV.— Ath. Ox. vol. II.
— Thompson'^ Hist, of the Royal Society.
* Morw, — Diet. Hist..
$0 H A L L I F A X.
alliance our author became first cousin of the late sir
Richard, and Dr. John Jebb. He was admitted of Jesus
college, Cambridge, where he distinguished himself in his
academical exercises, and he was in the list of wranglers,
as they are called, and obtained the chancellor's gold medal
forclassical learning, and some prize dissertations. He pro-
ceeded A. B. in 1744, and A.M. in 1747, and afterwards re-
moved to Trinity Hall (where are only two fellowships in di-
vinity), and proceeded LL.D. in 1761. In Nov. 1 7 65 he was
presented to the rectory of Chaddington, in Buckingham-
shire, and in 1768 was elected professor of Arabic in the uni-
versity of Cambridge, which he resigned in 1770 on being
made regius professor of civil law. In February 1774 he was
appointed chaplain in ordinary to his majesty; in 1775 was
created D. D. by royal mandate, and on the death of Dr.
Topham succeeded him as master of the faculties in Doc-
tors Commons. Galley, relict of Dr. Galley,
prebendary of Gloucester, he received, without any soli-
citation on his part, but merely as a reward for his eminent
services in the cause of religion, the valuable rectory of
Warsop, in Nottinghamshire, in 1778. In 1781 he was
advanced to the see of Gloucester, and thence was trans-
lated to the see of St. Asaph in 1787, being the first Eng-
lish bishop that was translated to that see, and the second
that was translated to a bishopric in North Wales. He
died of the stone, March 4, 1790, when only fifty-seven
years of age. He married one of the daughters of Dr.
Cooke, provost of King's college, Cambridge, who wrote
the elegant epitaph on his monument in the church of
Warsop, where bishop Hallifax was buried at his own de-
sire, near a favourite son who was interred there. By his
wife he left another son and six daughters.
Bishop Hallifax published at various times, fourteen •
sermons, preached on occasional subjects ; an " Analysis
of the Roman Civil Law compared with the Laws of Eng-
land, being the heads of a course of lectures publicly read
in the university of Cambridge," 1774, 8vo ; « Twelve
Sermons on the Prophecies concerning the Christian Reli-
gion, and in particular concerning the church of Papal
Home, preached in Lincoln's Inn chapel, at bishop War-
burton's lecture," 1776, 8vo. He published also an ex-
cellent analysis of bishop Butler's Analogy annexed to a
charge of that prelate ; and Wi,s tjie etutor of j)r. Ogden'*
H A L L O I X. *T
Sermons. He was a man of great ability, an excellent
civilian, and a very acute and elegant public speaker. *
HALLOIX (PETER), a learned Jesuit, born at Liege in
1572, acquired great reputation by his critical knowledge
of the learned languages, and of ecclesiastical history. He
was also an admired preacher in his day. He died in 1656.
His principal works are; 1. " Anthologia poetica, Gr. Lat."
Douay, 1617, 12mo; and 2. " Illustrium ecclesiae orientalis
Scriptorum Vitae et documenta," Douay, 1633, and 1636,
2 vols. fol. comprising the lives of the eminent men of the
first and second age of the Eastern church. He wrote the
lives of some other eminent ecclesiastics and saints, which
are inserted in the " Acta Sanctorum," and other col-
lections. 2
HALS (FRANCIS), a portrait painter of great celebrity,
was born at Mechlin in 1584. He was a pupil of C. Van
Mander, and by a careful observation of nature obtained
that accurate knowledge of the structure of the human
frame, which is so useful in his art. No man ever set the
features of a face together with more truth than Frank
Hals, or with a readier pencil ; and he did it with great
truth and spirit also of colour, as well as of execution. He
avoided the laboured mode of finish so much admired
•among his countrymen at the time, and gave his portraits
much expression and animation of countenance, particu-
larly of a gay and humourous nature. A decided charac-
ter of individual nature is remarkable in his portraits, and
is not found in an equal degree in any other painter. If
he had joined to this most difficult part of the art, a pa-
tience in finishing what he had so correctly planned, he
might justly have claimed the place which Vandyke, all
things considered, so justly holds as the first of portrait
painters. This last mentioned artist was so delighted with
his works, that he went to Haerlem, where he resided, for
no other purpose than to pay him a visit. He introduced
himself as a gentleman on his travels, who wished in haste
to have his portrait painted. Hals was hurried from the
tavern, where he usually passed his leisure time, seized
the first canvas he could find, and began his labour. In a
short time he had proceeded so far, that he asked Vandyke
to look at what he had done, who expressed himself as very
1 Edwards's new edition of Willis's Survey of St. Asaph. — Nichols'* Bowyer.
* Alegambe. — Foppen Bibl. Eelg. — Saxii Onomast.
well pleased with it, at the same time saying that he
thought such work so easy, he was persuaded he could do
it himself. Taking the palette and pencils, he desired F.
Hals to sit down, and in a quarter of an hour shewed him
the portrait. The moment he saw it he recognized his
visitor, and embraced him with transport. Vandyke en-
deavoured to prevail upon Hals to accompany him to Eng-
land, engaging to enrich him ; but he was not able to suc-
ceed ; Hals declaring that his happiness consisted in the
enjoyment of his friends and his bottle, and while he pos-
sessed these he was satisfied with his condition. For his
treatment of Brouwer, see our account of that artist. He
died in 1666, at the age of eighty-two. He had a brother,
Dirk Hals, a painter of animals, merry-makings, conver-
sations, feasts, and subjects of drollery, to whom, however,
as an artist, he was far superior in all the better qualities
of art: yet Dirk's works gained him much reputation, and
he practised with great success till he was sixty-seven
years old, when he died in 1656. '
HALYBURTON (THOMAS), a pious Scotch divine, and
professor of divinity in the university of St. Andrew's, was
born at Duplin in the parish of Aberdalgy, near Perth,
Dec. 25, 1674. His father had been minister of that
parish, from which he was ejected after the restoration, for
nonconformity. He died in 1682, and as the country was
still unsafe for those who professed the presbyterian reli-
gion, his mother went over to Holland with her son, then
about eight years old. During their stay there, he was
educated at Erasmus's school, and made great proficiency
in classical literature. On his return to Scotland in 1687,
he resumed his studies, and was also sent to the university.
When he had finished his philosophical course there, he
entered upon the study of divinity; and being, in June
1699, licensed to preach, he was in May 1700, appointed
minister of the parish of Ceres, in which he performed the
part of a zealous and pious pastor; but his labours proving
too many for his health, the latter became gradually im-
paired. In April 1710, he was appointed by patent from
queen Anne, professor of divinity in the college of St.
Leonard at St. Andrew's, through the mediation of the
.synod of Fife. On this occasion he entered on his office
an inaugural oration, « in qua, post exhibitam ra~
1 Pilkiugton.— Sir J. Reynolds's Work?.
tionem suscepti muneris, examinatur schedula nupera, cui
titulus ' Epistola Archimedis ad Regem Gelonem Albae
Graecae reperta anno serae Christianas 1688, A. Pitcarnio,
M. D. ut vulgo creditur, auctoreV Pitcairn's reputation
as a deist was at that time very common in Scotland, how-
ever justly he may have deserved it; and Mr. Halyburton's
attention had been much called to the subject of deism as
revived in the preceding century. He did not, however,
enjoy his professorship long, dying Sept. 23, 1712, aged
only thirty-eight. It does not appear that he published
any thing in his life-time ; but soon after his death two
works were published, which still preserve his memory in
Scotland. 1. "The Great Concern of Salvation," 1721,
8vo. 2. " Ten Sermons preached before and after the
celebration of the Lord's Supper," 1722. But the work
which proves his ability as a controversial writer, and the
great extent of his reading, although it is less known than
the preceding, is his " Natural Religion insufficient ; and
Revealed necessary to man's happiness," Edinburgh, 1714,
4to. This was written in confutation of the deism of lord
Herbert and Mr. Blount. In this elaborate performance
he largely and distinctly shews that the light of nature is
greatly defective, even with respect to the discoveries of a
Deity, and the worship that is to be rendered to him ; with
respect to the inquiry concerning man's true happiness ;
with respect to the rule of duty, and the motives for en-
forcing obedience, &c. Dr. Leland says that " whosoever
carefully examines what this learned and pious author has
offered on these several heads, will find many excellent
things ; though the narrowness of his notions in some points
has prejudiced some persons against his work, and hin-
dered them from regarding and considering it so much as
it deserves."1
HAMBERGER (GEORGE EDWARD), professor of che-
mistry and of the practice of medicine in the university of
Jena, was born in that city, December 21, 1697, his father
being professor of mathematics in the same university.
From his earliest years he had evinced a disposition to the
study of anatomy, and was accustomed to steal from his
parents, whf> destined him for the church, to attend the
lectures of Slevoight on that subject. After the death of
his father he relinquished even the study of the mathe-
1 Life written partly by himself, 12rao. — Leland's View of Deistical Writers
G 2
St H A M B E R G E R.
matics, to which he had applied himself during several
years, and gave up his attention exclusively to medical
pursuits. In 17-21 he took the degree of M. D. and in 1726
was appointed professor; and he held the chair of the
practice of medicine at the time of his death, which oc-
curred June '22, 1755.
Hamberger is entitled to the merit of having illustrated
physiology by the doctrines of philosophy, and of having
rendered both more popular than they had ever before
been in Germany ; but in the dispute with the celebrated
Haller, in which the publication of his hypothesis concern-
ing respiration involved him, and which was carried on
with considerable asperity, he was altogether in error; he
lived long enough, indeed, to be convinced of the weak-
ness of his hypothesis, which he avowed to his friends. Jt
was contained in a dissertation, " De Respirationis me-
chanismo et usu genuino," published in 1727. His other
principal works are, 1. " Elementa Physices, methodo Ma-
thematica in usum auditorum conscripta," Jense, 1727, 8vo.
2. " Disputatio de Venaesectione, quatenus motum san-
guinis mutat," ibid. 1729. 3. " Dissertation stir la me-
chanique des Secretions dans le corps humain," Bour-
deaux, 1746. This dissertation obtained a prize from the
academy of that city. 4. " Physiologia Medica, seu do
actionibus corporis humani sani doctrina," Jense, 1751,
4to. 5. " Elementa Physiologiae Medicse, &c." 1757, an
abridgment of the preceding for students : and 6. " Me-
tfiodus medendi Morbos, cum prafatione de prsestantia
Theorise Hambergeri, prae ceteris," ibid. 1763, published
by professor Baldinger. *
HAMEL (JOHN BAPTISTS DU), a very learned French
philosopher and divine, was born at Vire in Lower Nor-
mandy, 1624. He passed through his first studies at Caen,
and his course of rhetoric and philosophy at Paris. At
eighteen he wrote a treatise, in which he explained, in a,
very simple manner, and by one or two figures, Theodo-
sius's three books upon spherics ; to which he added a tract
upon trigonometry, extremely short, yet perspicuous, and
designed as an introduction to astronomy. In one of his
latter works he observes, that he was prompted by the va-
nity natural to a young man to publish this book : but, as
Fontenelle remarks, there are few persons of that age
1 Rees's Cyclopaedia, from Eloy, &,c.
H A M E L. 85
capable of such an instance of vanity. At nineteen he en-
tered himself in the congregation of the oratory, where he
continued ten years, and left it in order to be curate of
Neuilli upon the Marne. He applied in the mean time in-
tensely to study, and acquired much reputation' by pub-
lishing works upon astronomy and philosophy. In 1666,
Colbert proposed to Lewis XIV. a scheme, which was ap-
proved by his majesty, for establishing a royal academy of
sciences ; and appointed our author secretary of it. In
1668, he attended M. Colbert de Croissy, plenipotentiary
for the peace at Aix la Chapelle ; and, upon the conclu-
sion of it, accompanied him in his embassy to England,
where he formed an acquaintance with the most eminent
persons of this nation, particularly with Boyle, Hay, and
Willis. Thence he went over to Holland, and returned to
France, having made a great number of useful observations
in his travels. In 1678 his "Philosophia Vetus etNova, ad
usum scholae aceommodatain regia Burgundia pertractata,"
was printed at Paris in 4 vols. 12mo; and, in 1681, en-
larged and reprinted there in six. This work, which was
done by the order of M. Colbert, contains a judicious col-
lection of the ancient and modern opinions in philosophy.
Several years after its publication, the Jesuits carried it
to the East-Indies, and taught it with success ; and father
Bovet, a missionary in China, wrote to Europe, that when
his brethren and himself engaged in drawing up a system of
philosophy in the Tartarian language for the emperor, one
of their chief aids was Du Hamel's " Philosophia e't Astro-
nomia ;" and they were then highly valued, though the
improvements in philosophy since his time have rendered
them of little use. In 1697 he resigned his place of secre-
tary of the royal academy of sciences, which by his recom-
mendation he procured for M. de Fontenelle. He had
some years before this devoted himself to divinity, and
published various works in that science. However, he did
not entirely resign his former studies, but published at
Paris, in 1698, " Regiae Scientiarum Academiae Historia,"
4to, in four books ; which, being much liked, he after-
wards augmented with two books more. It contains an
account of the foundation of the royal academy of sciences,
and its transactions, from 1666 to 1700, and is now the
most useful of any of his works relating to philosophy ; as
perhaps the most useful which he published in theology is
his last work printed at Paris, 1706, in folio, and entitled
86 H A M E L.
" Biblia Sacra Vulgatae editionis, una cum selectis ex op-
timis quib usque interpretibus notis, prolegomenis, novis
tabulis chronologicis et geographicis."
He died at Paris August 6, 1706, without any sickness,
and of mere old age, being almost eighty-three. Though
he had quitted his cure at Neuilli in 1663, yet he went
every year to visit his old flock ; and the day he spent there
was kept as an holy- day by the whole village. He was
highly esteemed by the most eminent prelates of France,
though he enjoyed but very small preferments. He was a
man of great modesty, affability, piety, and integrity ; he
was disinterested, averse to all contests, and exempt from
jealousy and affectation. He wrote Latin with remarkable
purity and elegance.1
nent French writer on rural ceconomy and vegetable phy-
siology, was born at Paris in 1700. Being a member of
the academy of sciences, he published in the memoirs of
that body in 1728, "his first ceconomical essay, on a kind of
parasitical fungus which infests the roots of the cultivated
saffron, and is fatal to them. In the same year he pub-
lished in that work his first treatise on a much more im-
portant subject, the propagation of trees by grafting,
where he hazarded some physiological opinions, and en-
tered on a course of experiment and observation, subse-
quently pursued to an extent which has been of great ser-
vice to science, and has justly rendered his name famous.
He continued from time to time to communicate to the
academy various papers relative to these matters. In 1750
he began to publish in 12mo, his " Traite de la Culture
des Terres," which was continued in following years till
1761, when the sixth volume came out. Our English
writer Tull was his first guide, but he subsequently pro-
fited widely by the experience of himself and of various
other people, aided by his physiological sagacity, of which
he made a far more cautious use than is general with farm-
ing philosophers, and deserves to be reckoned the father
of intelligent agriculture in France. His " Elements d'Agri-
culture," in 2 vols. 12mo, published in 1764, may be con-
sidered as a sequel to the preceding work. These two
volumes have been translated into German, Spanish, and
1 Hen. Diet.— Moreri.— Niceron, vol. I. and X.— Saxii Onoma^t.— Hutton'*
II A M E L. 87
English. Du. Hamel wrote also on the cultivation and pre-
paration of Madder, in 1757, 4to.
A more splendid and extensive work of our author was
published in 1755, making 2 vols. 4to, entitled " Trait6
des Arbres et Arbustes qui se cultiventen France en pleine
terre." Having been made inspector of the marine, he
undertook to investigate all that concerned the cultivation
and preservation of timber, and in this work extended his
views to the treatment and botanical discrimination of all
trees and shrubs capable of bearing the climate of France.
Hence a number of American species became first known
to his countrymen, and even to other nations by his means.
Haller reckons that this work treats of a thousand species
and varieties. They are arranged alphabetically, according
to their Latin generic names, and he took for the basis of
the work the nomenclature of Tournefort. It is to be regret-
ted that he did not regularly adopt the Linnaean nomencla-
ture as to species, which had appeared two years before in
the '* Species Plautarum," a work he occasionally cites ; but
he was not enough of a practical botanist to feel its tran-
scendant utility. His most eminent and important work,
the " Physique des Arbres," came out in 1758, in 2 vols.
4to, with numerous copper-plates ; and on this his merit
as a physiologist securely rests. In it he has collected and
revised all that had been done before him, especially by
Malpighi, Grew, Hales, and Bonnet, as well as his own
preceding experiments and remarks. The great merit of
this work consists in its details respecting the structure and
anatomy of plants, and the physiology of their different
In 1760 he published another valuable practical volume
in 4to, with plates, entitled " Des Semis et Plantations
des Arbres, et de leur Culture." This had an especial
view to the great national object of improving the forests
of the kingdom, highly important in a country where so
much wood is continually used for fuel, and so little, in
proportion to some other countries, naturally produced.
The author laudably takes advantage of the panic with
which his countrymen are every now and then seized, of
a scarcity of fuel, to excite their attention to the means he
would recommend for the prevention of so dreadful an
evil, and his book is a mine of practical information for
the woodman, the planter, and the gardener, of the first
authority and value. The same subject is followed up in
S3 HA M E L.
2 vols. 4to, published in 1764, under the title of " De
1'exploitation des Bois, ou moyen de tirer parti des taillis
demi futayes et hautes futayes ;" and in 1767 appeared
another 4to volume, " Du transport, de la conservation,
et de la force du Bois," full of practical information re-
lative to the properties, qualities, and uses of different
woods, intermixed with physiological remarks, as in the
preceding performances of this excellent writer, who pub-
lished also in 1764, upon the art of refining sugar, in folio,
and in 1765, on the preservation of grain, in 12mo. His
most splendid work was printed at Paris in 1768, in 2 vols.
4to, with fine coloured plates. Its title is " Traite des
Arbres fruitiers." In this the varieties of fruit-trees are ele-
gantly distinguished by figures and descriptions, and their
treatment illustrated with the usual science of the author.
Du Hamel was associated to the chief learned societies
of Europe, lived in high respect and esteem, and died at
Paris in 1782, when he was dean of the academy of sciences.
Besides the above works, he wrote on the management of
rope-yards and fisheries, and on naval architecture.1
HAMELMANNE (HERMAN), a learned Lutheran di-
vine, was born at Osnabrug, in 1525, and began to pub-
lish his opinions at Camen ; but being driven from thence,
was received by the canons at Bilefeldt,~ and taught the
youth there according to Luther's catechism. His enemies
having obliged him to retire to Rostock, he took a doctor
of divinity's degree, and attended the conference at Ant-
werp in 1567, by desire of the prince of Orange. He was
appointed superintendant of the churches in the duchy of
Brunswick, that they might be regulated according to the
confession of Augsburg ; and at last, superintendant-ge-
neral of the county of Oldenburg, 1593; where he died
June 27, 15L»5. His principal works are, 4* Commentaria
in Pentateuchum," Dilingae, 1563, fol. ; « Cbronicum
Dldenburgicum,".&c. and "Opera Genealogico-Historica
de M -estphalia et Saxonia inferiori," 1711, 4to, new edit.*
HAMILTON (ANTONY COUNT), of whom some notice
has been taken in our account of GRAMMONT, was of an
ancient Scotch family, but born in Ireland, whence with
his family he passed over to France, as followers of the
Charles the Second. At the Restoration he agaia
returned to England, but was a second time compelled to
leave this country at the revolution. He was an elegant
and accomplished character, and was for many years the
delight and ornament of the most splendid circles of so-
ciety, by his wit, his taste, and above all, his writings.
His works have been often published, particularly in 6
vols. 12mo, 1749, and in 3 vols. 8vo, 1805, and consist of
pieces of poetry, fairy-tales, and " Memoirs of the Count
de Grammont," all of which are excellent in their kind.
The Fairy Tales were intended as a refined piece of ridi-
cule on the passion for the marvellous, which made the
Arabian Nights Entertainments so eagerly read at their
first appearance. The " Memoirs of Grammont" will
always excite curiosity, as giving a striking and too faith-
ful detail of the dissolute manners of Charles II. 's court.
Count Hamilton died at St. Germain's, in 1720, aged se-
venty-four. l
HAMILTON (GAVIN), an excellent painter, descended
from the ancient family of the Hamiltons of Murdieston,
originally of Fife, but now of Lanarkshire, in Scotland,
was born at Lanark, and having discovered from his in-
fancy a great predilection for historic painting, went young
to Rome, where he became the scholar of Augustine Mas-
suchi. With the exception of a few occasional visits to
Britain, he resided the whole of his life at Rome, where
he died in 1797. He had not perhaps the genius of an
inventor; but the advantages of liberal education, and of
a classic taste in the choice of his subjects, and the style
at which he always, and often successfully, aimed, made
him at least equal to his most celebrated contemporaries.
Some of the subjects which he painted from the Iliad bear
ample evidence of this. Achilles grasping the body of
Patroclus, and rejecting the consolation of the Grecian
chiefs, and Hector tied to his chariot, have something of
Homeric sublimity and pathos ; the moment chosen is the
crisis of the fact, and the test of the hero's character.
But in this last he is not always happy, as in Achilles dis-
missing Briseis, where the gesticulation of an actor sup-
plants the expression of the man. Of his women the Bri-
seis in the same subject is the most attractive. Neither
his Andromache mourning over Hector, nor the Helen in
the same, or the scene with Paris, reach our ideas of the
1 Moreri.— Diet. Hist,
former's dignity and anguish, or the form and graces of
the latter. Indeed, what idea can be supposed to reach
that beauty, which, in the confession of age itself, de-
served the ten years' struggle of two nations ? And yet, in
the subject of Paris, those graces and that form are to be
subordinate to the superior ones of Venus. He would
rank with the first names in art, who from such a combi-
nation should escape without having provoked the indig-
nation, contempt, or pity of disappointed expectation.
Though he was familiar with the antique, the forms of
Hamilton have neither its correctness nor characteristic
purity ; something of the modern eclectic principle prevails
in his works, and his composition is not seldom as much
beholden to common-place ornamental conceits and ha-
bits, as to propriety. Though solicitous about colour, he
was no colourist ; he should have disdained what the gran-
deur of his subjects rejected, and contented himself with
negative hues, and grave and simple tones, instead of the
clammy greys, harsh blues, and sordid reds, the refuse of
the Roman and Bolognese schools, that cut his breadth
and dim his chiaroscuro.
A considerable part of the latter periods of this artist's
life was dedicated to the discovery of antique monuments.
He opened scavos in various places of ttye Roman state, at
Centumcellue, Velletri, Ostia* and above all at Tivoli,
among the ruins of Adrian's Villa ; and it must be owned
that the success which attended most of his researches made
amply up to art in general for the loss which painting per-
haps may have suffered by the intermission of his practice
and example. In the collection of the Museo Clementino,
next to the treasures of Belvedere, the contributions of
Hamilton in statues, busts, and basso relievos, were by far
the most important to the progress of art and classic learn-
ing ; and the best collections scattered over Russia, Ger-
many, and this country, owe many of their principal or-
naments to his discoveries. Nor was he less attentive to
modern art; he published his " Schola Italica Picture"
to trace the progress of its styles from Lionardo da Vinci
to the successors of the Caracci. It yet remains to be said
Hamilton, that however eminent his talents or other
.qualities were, they were excelled by the liberality, bene-
volence, and humanity of his character.1
to Lor^OrTord ^ ^ XVI— Pilk'»Ston, by Fuseli.—Edwards's Supplement
HAMILTON (GEORGE), earl of Orkney, a brave offi-
cer, was the fifth son of William earl of Selkirk, and very
early embraced the profession of arms. In March 1689-90
he was made a colonel, and distinguished himself with
particular bravery at the battle of the Boyne, under king
William, July 1, 1690; and those of Aghrim, July 12,
1691; of Steinkirk, Aug. 3, 1692, and of Lauden, July
19, 1693. Nor did he appear to less advantage at the
sieges of Athlone, Limerick, and Namur. His eminent
services in Ireland and Flanders through the whole
course of the war, recommended him so highly to the
favour of William III. that on Jan. 10, 1695-6, he was
advanced to the dignity of a peer of Scotland, by the title
of earl of Orkney. His lady, likewise, whom he married
in 1695, and who was the daughter of sir Edward Villiers,
knight-marshal, and a special favourite with the king, re-
ceived a grant under the great seal of Ireland, of almost all
the private estates of the abdicated king James, of very
considerable value. Upon the accession of queen Anne,
the earl of Orkney was promoted to the rank of major-
general March 9, 1701-2, to that of lieutenant-general
Jan. 1, 1703-4, and in February following was made knight
of the thistle. In 1 704 his lordship was at the battle of
Blenheim, which was crowned with so important a victory
in favour of the allies ; and he made prisoners of war a
body of 1300 French officers and 12,000 common soldiers,
who had been posted in the village of Blenheim. In July
1705, he was detached with 1200 men to march before the
main body of the army, and to observe the march of a
great detachment of the enemy, which marshal Villars
had sent off to the Netherlands, as soon as he found the
march of the allies was directed thither ; and his lordship
used such expedition, that he seasonably reinforced the
Dutch, and prevented marshal Villeroy-'s taking the citadel
of Liege, about which his troops were then formed. The
next month his lordship marched with fourteen battalions-
of foot, and twenty-four squadrons of horse, to support
the passage over the Dyle, which was immediately effected.
In July 1706, he assisted at the siege of Menin ; and on
Feb. 12, 1706-7, was elected one of the sixteen peers for
Scotland, to sit in the first parliament of Great Britain
after the union. The same year he again served under the
duke of Marlborough in Flanders; being in the latter end
of May detached with seven battalions of foot from Mel-
92 HA M I L T 0 N.
dart to the pass of Louvain, in order to preserve the com-
munication with it, and on that side of Flanders; which
his lordship did, and abode there during the time of the
allied army's encamping at Meldart. When they decamped
on Aug. 1, to Nivelle, within two leagues of the French
army, and a battle was expected, the earl, with twelve bat-
talions of foot, and thirty squadrons of horse and dragoons,
and all the grenadiers of the army, advanced a little out
of the front of it, and lay all night within cannon-shot of
the enemy ; and the next morning charged their rear in
their retreat for above a league and a half, and killed, dis-
abled, and caused to desert, above 4000 of them. In the
beginning of September following his lordship was again
detached with another considerable body of troops to Tur-
quony, under a pretence of foraging by the Scheld, but
really with the design of drawing the enemy thither from
Tournay to battle, and getting between them and the city.
In November 1708, the earl commanded the van of the
army at the passing of the Scheld ; and in June the year
following, assisted at the siege of Tournay, and took St.
Amand and St. Martin's Sconce; and on Aug. 20, was de-
tached from the camp at Orchies towards St. Guilliampass,
on the river Heine, towards the northward of MOMS, in
order to attack and take it, for the better passage of the
army to Mons ; and on the 30th of that month, was pre-
sent at the battle of Malplaquet. In 1710 he was sworn
of the privy-council; and made general of foot in Flanders,
and in 1712 colonel of the royal regiment of foot-guards
called the fuzileers, and served in Flanders under the
duke of Ormond. In October, 1714, his lordship was ap-
pointed gentleman extraordinary of the bed-chamber to
king George I. and on Dec. 17 following, governor of
Virginia. He was likewise afterwards constable, governor
and captain of Edinburgh castle, lord-lieutenant of the
county of Clydesdale, and field-marshal. He died in
London, at his house in Albemarle-street, Jan, 29, 1736-7. 1
HAMILTON (HUGH), bishop of Ossory, and an emi-
nent mathematician, was born in the county of Dublin,
March 26, 1729. He entered of Trinity-college, Dublin,
Dublin, Nov. 17, 1742, and in 1751 was elected a fellow
that college. In 1758 he published his treatise on conic
ions, < De Sectionibus Conicis," and in 1759 was
1 Birch's Lives. — Scotch Peerage.
elected Erasmus Smith's professor of natural philosophy.
In 1764 he resigned his fellowship, having accepted a col-
lege living ; and in 1767 obtained the living of St. Anne's,
Dublin, which in the following year he resigned at the
proposal of the primate Robinson, for the deanery of Ar-
magh. In 1772 he married an Irish lady of good family
of the name of Wood. In 1796 he was consecrated 'bishop
of Clonfert, having been recommended to that dignity
without his solicitation or knowledge ; and in 1799 was
removed to the see of Ossory, where he continued till his
death, Dec. 1, 1805.
Dr. Hamilton's works have lately been collected and
published by his son, in 1809, 2 vols. 8vo. The first con-
tains his treatise on conic sections already mentioned ; the
second, " An Essay on the existence and attributes of the
Supreme Being;" u An Essay on the permission of Evil;"
three philosophical essays on the ascent of vapours, the
aurora borealis, and the principles of mechanics ; " Re-
marks and hints on the improvement of Barometers ;" " On
the power of fixed alkaline salts to preserve flesh from pu-
trefaction ;" and " Four introductory Lectures on Natural
Philosophy,'" written originally in discharge of his duty as
professor of natural philosophy ; and received at their first
publication, as the work of an acute and sound philosopher.
In every office, whether ecclesiastical or otherwise, he
seems to have been anxious to perform all the duties it
imposed with fidelity and care.1
HAMILTON (PATRICK), usually reckoned the first
Scotch reformer, is said by all the Scotch ecclesiastical
writers to have been of royal descent, as by his father, he
was nephew to James Hamilton, earl of Arran, and by
his mother, nephew to John Stewart, duke of Albany :
Mackenzie, however, who cannot be suspected of any
wish to degrade his countryman, maintains that his fa-
ther was only a bastard brother of the earl of Arran, and
his mother a bastard sister of the duke of Albany. What-
ever truth there may be in this, it appears that he had
great family interest, and being possessed of uncommon
abilities, was intended for the higher offices in the church,
had he not become its decided enemy. He was born in
1503, and after completing the usual course of studies at
the university of St. Andrew's, went to Germany, where
1 Life prefixed to his Works.
9* H A M I L T O N.
he was, according to Dempster, made a professor in the
university of Marpurg, which was newly erected by Phi-
lip, Landgrave of Hesse. During his residence abroad he
imbibed the opinions of Luther, Melanchthon, and other
reformers ; and on his return to his own country, where he
had been made abbot of Ferme, or Feme, in Ross-shire,
he spared no pains in exposing what he considered as the
corruptions of the Church of Rome, and the many errors,
both in doctrine and practice, that had crept into the Chris-
tian religion.
In this employment he was both zealous and successful^
for he was a young man of great learning, of a courteous
disposition, and unblameable in private life. This alarmed
the clergy, who, under pretence of conferring with him,
enticed him to St. Andrew's, at that time the principal
seat of the dignified clergy, where after repeated disputa-
tion, in which some of the clergy appeared to lean to his
opinions, he was one night suddenly apprehended in his
bed, and carried prisoner to the castle. The next day he
was presented before the archbishop of St. Andrew's, James
Beton, assisted by the archbishop of Glasgow, the bishops
of Brechin, Dunkeld, and Dumblaine, with a number of
abbots, priors, and doctors, before whom he was accused of
the following articles: 1. That the corruption of sin re-
mains in children after baptism. 2. That no man by the
power of his free-will can do any thing that is truly good.
3. That no man is without sin altogether, so long as he
liveth. 4. That every true Christian may know himself
to be in a state of grace. 5. That a man is not justified
by works, but by faith only. 6. That good works make
not a good man, but that a good man doeth good works,
as it is the good tree which bringeth forth good fruit, not
the fruit that maketh the tree good. 7. That faith, hope,
and charity, are so linked together, that he who hath one
hath all, and he who lacketh one lacketh all. 8, That
remission of sin is not purchased by any actual penance.
9. That auricular confession is not necessary to salvation.
10. That there is no purgatory. H. That the holy pa-
triarchs were in heaven before Christ's passion. 12. That
the pope is Antichrist, and that every priest has as much
power as the pope.
In his defence he maintained the first seven of these ar-
:les to be undoubtedly true, and sound doctrine, and as
such they appear to have been afterwards adopted by Cal-
vin, and, in substance, make part of that system known by
his name, and incorporated in the national creed of Scot-
land. The rest of the articles, Mr. Hamilton allowed, were
disputable points, but such as he could not condemn, un-
less he saw better reasons than had been offered. They
were all condemned, however, as heretical, and on the
1st of March, 1527, sentence was pronounced against him,
declaring him a heretic, and giving him over to the se-
cular power, to suffer the punishment due to heretics,
which was burning alive. On the same day the secular
power pronounced its sentence, which was immediately
executed with every circumstance of savage barbarity,
which, all historians agree, he bore with firmness and in-
vincible constancy to the principles he had professed. The
place of execution was the gate of St. Salvador's college.
A circumstance accompanied his execution which made
a deep impression on the people. One friar Campbell,
who had often conferred with him, and appeared to be
convinced by his arguments, now molested him much when
tied to the stake. Hamilton exclaimed " Wicked man,
thou knowest that I am not an heretic, and that it is the
truth of God for which I suffer. So much thou didst con-
fess to me in private, and thereupon I appeal thee to an-
swer before the judgment-seat of Christ." This Campbell
died raving mad a short time after, when the people be-
gan to compare his end with that of the martyr's, and
upon inquiring more closely into the cause of the latter's
death, became many of them converts to his doctrines.
One Lindsay, an intimate friend of the archbishop, said,
" My lord, if ye burn any more, except ye follow my
counsel, ye will utterly destroy yourselves ; if ye will burn
them, let them be burned in hollow cellars, for the smoke
of Mr. Patrick Hamilton hath infected as many as it blew
upon." It is certain that his unjust and precipitate exe-
cution raised a general clamour against the churchmen,
for condemning such a man because he maintained doc-
trines some of which they could not prove to be heretical,
and others of them were proposed only as theological
problems to be disputed among divines. He was only
twenty-three years of age when he suffered, and his youth
and excellent character undoubtedly weighed much with
the people.
A treatise of his, entitled " Patrick's Places," or " Com-
mon Places," was translated into English by John Firth,
and is published in Fox's " Acts and Monuments." It is
a very ingenious explanation and defence of the doctrines
of justification, free-will, election, &c. and has not in
closeness of reasoning and aptness of quotation been ex-
ceeded by any divines of the Calvinistic persuasion in later
times. If we consider his extreme youth and the age in
which he wrote, it will yet appear a more extraordinary
HAMILTON (ROBERT), "a skilful physician, was born
at Edinburgh, Dec. 6, 1721, and educated at the high
school there. He was afterwards apprenticed to Mr. Wil-
liam Edmonston, a surgeon and apothecary at Leith, and
after continuing in that station three years, studied* medi-
cine at the university of Edinburgh. In 1741, he went as
surgeon's mate on board the Somerset, and for some time
had the care of the military hospital at Port Mahon. In
1744, he was appointed surgeon to the Wolf sloop of war.
The four following years were divided between his occu-
pations at sea, and his attendance upon the lectures of
Drs. Hunter and Smellie in London. In 1748, he went
to Lynn in Norfolk, invited thither by his brother, a mer-
chant in that town. He afterwards accepted an offer of
settling at Lynn ; and in 1766, having received the degree
of M. D. from the university of St. Andrew's, he succeeded
to the practice of Dr. Lidderdale, who died about that time.
In this situation he continued to the time of his death,
which happened Nov. 9, 1793. As he was of an inquisi-
tive and industrious turn of mind, the time that could be
spared from his practice he employed in endeavouring to
make improvements in his profession, and of his success
several valuable monuments remain. He was a frequent,
correspondent of the royal societies of London and Edin-
burgh. In 1791, he published a " Treatise on the Scro-
fula," which has been well received. He invented a ma-
chine for reducing dislocated shoulders, and an apparatus
for keepiug the ends of fractured bones together, to pre-
vent lameness and deformity from those accidents. In
801, was published a posthumous work, entitled " Ob-
servations on the marsh remittent fever ; also on the water
canker, or cancer aquaticus of Van Swieten, with some re-
marks on the leprosy," 8vo. Prefixed to this volume is an
» Keith's, Spottiswood's, and Knox's Histories.— Cook's Hist, of the Reforma-
tion.—Mackenzie's Scots Writers.— Fox, &c.
account of the author, from which we have extracted the
preceding sketch.1
HAMILTON (WILLIAM), of Bangour, an ingenious
poet, was the son of a man of fortune and family in Airshire,
where he was born in 1704. He received a liberal educa-
tion, to which he joined the accomplishments of the man
of the world, and amidst the lighter dissipations of society,
cultivated a taste for poetry, of which he exhibited fre-
quent specimens for the amusement of his friends. In
1745 he joined the unfortunate cause of the Pretender,
and conceived great hopes from the temporary success of
the rebels at Preston-pans ; but after the battle of Culloden,
which terminated the struggle, was obliged to provide for
his safety in flight, and after many narrow escapes, reached
the continent, where he remained until he received a par-
don, and was enabled to visit his native land. To recruit
his health, however, he was obliged to return to the more
genial climate of France, where he died in 1754.
Among the revivers of his fame, professor Richardson,
and lord Woodhouslee, are entitled to the highest respect.
The latter, in his elaborate life of lord Kames, says, "With
the elegant and accomplished William Hamilton of Ban-
gour, whose amiable manners were long remembered with
the tenderest recollection by all who knew him, Mr. Home
(lord Kames) lived in the closest habits of friendship. The
writer of these memoirs has heard him dwell with delight
on the scenes of their youthful days ; and he has to regret,
that many an anecdote to which he listened with pleasure,
was not committed to a better record than a treacherous
memory. Hamilton's mind is pictured in his verses. They
are the easy and careless effusions of an elegant, fancy and
a chastened taste ; and the sentiments they convey are the
genuine feelings of a tender and susceptible heart, which
perpetually owned the dominion of some favourite mistress ;
but whose passion generally evaporated in song, and made
no serious or permanent impression. His poems had an
additional charm to his contemporaries, from being com-
monly addressed to his familiar friends of either sex, by
It appears from Hamilton's letters, that he communi-
cated his poems to his friends for their critical remarks, and
was easily induced to alter or amend them by their advice.
* Life a? above.
He had sent the piece entitled " Contemplation*" one of
the most laboured of his productions, to Mr. Home, who
suggested some alterations. In a letter from Hamilton, in
July 1739, he says, " I have made the corrections on the
moral part of Contemplation, and in a post will send it to
Will. Crawford, who has the rest, and will transmit it to
you. I shall write to him fully on the subject." It is
pleasing ^to remark, that the Will. Crawford here men-
tioned, was the author of the beautiful pastoral ballad of
Tweed-side, which, with the aid of its charming melody,
will probably live as long as the language is understood.
Hamilton may be reckoned among the earliest of the Scotch
poets who wrote English verse with propriety and taste,
and with any considerable portion of the poetic spirit.
Thomson, Mallet, and he, were contemporaries. — " The
poems of Hamilton," says professor Richardson, " display
regular design, just sentiments, fanciful invention, pleas-
ing sensibility, elegant diction, and smooth versification,
His genius was aided by taste, and his taste was improved
by knowledge. He was not only well acquainted with the
most elegant modern writers, but with those of antiquity.
Of these remarks, his poem entitled c Contemplation, or
the Triumph of Love,' affords sufficient illustration."
Some of Hamilton's poems were first published at Glas-
gow in 1748, and afterwards reprinted, not only without
the author's name, but without his consent, and even with-
out his knowledge. He corrected, however, many errors
of that copy, and enlarged some of the poems, though he
did not live to make a new and complete publication. The
improvements he made were carefully inserted in the edi-
tion published at Edinburgh in 1760, with the addition of
many pieces taken from his original manuscripts. Since
that time, although they have been inserted in the new
edition of the English Poets, there has been no demand
for a separate edition. It would be of importance, but it
is seldom easy, to account for the various fates of poets.
Hamilton, if not of the first class, and in whom we find only
those secondary qualities which professor Richardson has
so ably pointed out in the " Lounger," surely excels some
whose works are better known and more current. The
neglect which he has experienced naay be partly attributed
to his political principles, and partly to the local interest
which his effusions excited, and to which they were long
confined. Verses of compliment and personal addresses
tnust have extraordinary merit, if they attract the notice of
distant strangers. Prejudice, however, is now at an end,
ami the friends of Scottish genius, who have lately called
the attention of the puhlic to this writer, have proved that
he deserves a higher rank than has yet been assigned to
him. He is perhaps very unequal, and the blemishes in
his verse and diction to which professor Richardson has
alluded are frequent, yet it is no inconsiderable merit to
have been one of the first of his countrymen who culti-
vated the purity and harmony of the English language,
and exhibited a variety of composition and fertility of sen-
timent that are rarely to be found in the writings of those
whose poetical genius is of the second degree.1
HAMILTON (WILLIAM GERARD), a statesman of some
note, was the only son of William Hamilton, esq. an advo-
cate of the court of session in Scotland, who after the union
came to London, and was admitted to the English bar.
His son was born in Lincoln's-inn Jan. 28, 1728-9, and
was educated at Winchester school, and at Oriel college,
Oxford, where he was admitted a gentleman commoner,
March 1, 1744-5. During his residence at Oxford, it is
supposed he wrote those poems which were printed in
1750, 4to> for private distribution only, but have lately
been published by Mr. Malone. On leaving Oxford, he
became a member of Lincoln's-inn, with a view to study
the law ; but on his father's death in 1754, he betook hifn-
self to a political life, and in the same year was chosen,
member of parliament for Petersfield in Hampshire. Hi$
first effort at parliamentary eloquence was made Nov. 1 3,
1755, when, to use the words of Waller respecting Den-
ham, " he broke out, like the Irish rebellion, threescore
thousand strong-, when nobody was aware, or in the least
suspected it." Certainly no first speech in parliament
ever produced such an effect, or acquired such eulogies,
both within and without the house of commons. Of this
speech, however, no copy remains. For many years it was
supposed to have been his only attempt, and hence the
familiar name of Single -speech was fixed upon him ; but he
spoke a second time, Feb. 1756, and such was the admira-
tion which followed this display of his talents, that Mr,
P\>jc, then one of the principal secretaries of state, pro-
cured him to be appointed, in April of the same year, one
1 Johnson and Chalmers's English Poet?. — Lor4 Woodhouslee's Lif« «f
Kaaics. — The Louoger.
H 2
of the lords of trade. At this board he sat five years with-
out ever exerting his oratorical talents; and in 1761 ac-
cepted the office of principal secretary to George earl of
Halifax, then appointed lord-lieutenant of Ireland. In the
Irish parliament, as he filled an office of responsibility, it
was necessary for him to support the measures of adminis-
tration ; and accordingly in 1761 and 1762, he made five
speeches on various occasions, which fully gratified the
expectations of his auditors. Mr. Hamilton continued se-
cretary to the succeeding lord lieutenant, Hugh earl of
Northumberland, in 1763, but it is believed his exertions
in that session were less splendid and less frequent; and
before it concluded, on some disgust he resigned his office.
On his return to England, and for a long time after-
wards, he meditated taking an active part in the political
warfare of the house of commons, but he never again ad-
dressed the chair, though he was chosen into every new
parliament that was summoned from that time till May 1796,
a little before his death. In this period, the only office hg
filled was that of chancellor of the exchequer in Ireland,
which he held from Sept. 1763 to April 1784. During
this interval he was one of those on whom common rumour
bestowed the authorship of Junius's letters, and perhaps
never was any rumour so completely devoid of a probable
foundation. He died at his house in Upper Brook-street,
July 16, 1796, and was buried in the chancel vault of the
church of St. Martin in the Fields. In 1803, Mr. Malona
published his works under the title of " Parliamentary
Logic ; to which are subjoined two Speeches delivered in
the House of Commons in Ireland, and other pieces,*' 8vof
with a life of the author prefixed. These speeches give
us but a faint idea of the splendid abilities which once so
enraptured his hearers, nor does his poetry entitle him to
rank above the elegant versifiers of his time. His «« Par^
liamentary Logic" is a performance of a more singular cast.
It consists of a string of maxims, or rules, for managing a
debate in parliament, in which the author appears serious,
else we should have supposed « parliamentary logic" to
imply a ridicule on the language of that house. These
maxims, however, seem admirably qualified to make a par-
tizan; although we much doubt whether they have a ten-
dency to make that more valuable character, an honest man.1
th6 ab°Ve *°*— Bosw.ll'g Life of Johnson.-
.— Lord Orford'» Works, vol. V. pp. 42, 47.
HAMILTON (Sir WILLIAM), a gentleman of great emi-
nence in the literary and political world, was born in Scot-
land in 1730. He was of a branch of the family of Hamil-
ton, which was considerably reduced in circumstances at
the time of his birth ; he himself having repeatedly de-
clared to his friends in Naples, that " he was condemned
to make his way in the world with an illustrious name and
a thousand pounds." He was not, however, doomed to
spend many years of his youth in such narrow circum-
stances ; as in 1755 he married a young lady of amiable
character, with whom he received a fortune of 5000/. a
year. The active and important part of his life began
from the moment in which he entered the diplomatic line ;
and we may consider it as a circumstance peculiarly for-
tunate for the literary world, that he was destined to re-
main nearly the rest of his life in a country truly classical,
in regard to the fine arts and natural history ; pursuits for
which he had early evinced the greatest predilection.
Mr. Hamilton was appointed ambassador to the court of
Naples in 1764; and from that time to 1800, in which he
was recalled, it may be said, with the strictest justice, that
he did much more for the advancementof the fine arts, natural
history, and antiquities, than any individual or corporation
in that metropolis ; perhaps, or even the government it-
self. In Naples the state of those branches of knowledge,
which constituted Mr. Hamilton's pursuits, was at this time
very low, and as far as early and intense application may
be considered proofs of a predominant passion, it appears
that the objects of natural history chiefly engaged his at-
tention. In a short period from his arrival, he had already
collected a vast number of articles connected with this
science, and had thus formed a valuable cabinet, of which,
according to the expression of one of his friends, " he
could be himself the ablest demonstrator." Between 1764,
and the middle of 1767, he visited Vesuvius no less than
twenty-two times, and had as often observed the different
spots around Naples affected by volcanic eruptions; and
it was universally remarked by those who had the pleasure,
to accompany him in these excursions, that he was the*
best and most instructive " Cicerone1* that could possibly'
be found for such occasions. He also visited Mount Etua,;
and the Eolian islands, places which had not been exa-
mined with such attention before. The phenomena which
their surface presented to his view did not satisfy his cu-
riosity : he observed the interior parts of the soil, and every
minute circumstance that attended the operations of na-
ture : not one of the different substances which had ever
issued from these volcanoes was left unnoticed. In all his
excursions he was constantly accompanied by an artist of
great merit, Mr. Fabris, who drew plans and delineated
such objects as were most interesting and striking.
These observations, though since reduced to systematic,
works, were first communicated in partial letters to the
royal society, from 1766 to 1779; in whose Transactions
for the above years, and also in the Annual Register, these
letters are preserved ; the perusal of which will amply
gratify those who are fond of curious incidents, and per-
sonal anecdotes relating to the subject of this memoir,
The works themselves were two : viz. " Observations on
Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other Volcanoes of the
Two Sicilies," which appeared in 1772, London, 8vo, and
the " Campi PhJegraei," published at Naples in 1776, in
2 vols folio. In the former his chief position was, "that
volcanoes lie dormant for several years, nay even for cen-
turies." " When 1 arrived," says he, " at Naples, Vesu-
vius was quiet, very seldom was smoke visible on its top ; in
the year 1766, it seemed to take fire, and has never since been,
three months without either throwing up red hot stones, or
disgorging streams of lava ; nor has its crater been ever
free from smoke. At Naples, when a lava appears, and
not till then, it is styled an eruption; whereas I look upon
the five nominal eruptions I have been witness to, from
March 1766 to May 1771, as in effect but one continued
eruption. — It is certain, that by constant attention to the
smoke that issues from the crater, a very good guess may
be given as to the degree of fermentation within the vol-
cano. By this alone 1 foretold the two last eruptions ; and
by another very simple observation, I pointed out, some
time before, the very spot from whence the lava has is-
sued. When the cone of Vesuvius was covered with snow,
I remarked a spot on which it would not lie."
The " Campi Phlegraei" were chiefly calculated to ex-
hibit the view of the several spots already described. The
drawings, by Mr. Fabris, were coloured with surprising
art and great force of expression, and represented nature
with the utmost accuracy and truth. Each plate was ac-
companied by concise and perspicuous explanations in
English, and French. In the first volume, a large map was
Also exhibited of the gulph of Naples and the country
contiguous, which is unrivalled for its beauty and splen-
dour. And in the author's letter to sir John Pringle, dated
Naples, May 2, 1776 (which may be considered as a dedi-
cation of the \Vork to the royal society), some additional
observations on the subject were communicated, which had
not been inserted either in the partial letters to the late
Mr. Maty, or in the 8vo edition of them in 1772. In short,
the publication was so accurate, so splendid, and so mag-
nificent, as to have excited a surprise how such an invalu-
able performance could make its appearance in the south
of Italy.
A new phenomenon, however, occurred after this pub-
lication, which was too striking not to excite a peculiar
attention in our ingenious naturalist, and not to engage
him in a new work. — We allude to the great eruption of
Mount Vesuvius, on the 8th of August, 1779, and to the
" Supplement" to the " Campi Phiegraei," to which it
gave rise. As was his custom, Mr. Hamilton had commu-
nicated a description of that wonderful event to the royal
society, which was printed in the first part of the Philoso-
phical Transactions for the year 1780. He afterwards,
however, as he had done with his former ones, collected
these observations, and formed of them a regular work. In
the year of the great eruption, he published in Naples, a
fine edition of the above-mentioned book, beautifully il-
lustrated by coloured prints, from the drawings of the
same artist, Peter Fabris ; the drawings and illuminations
being likewise copied from nature, under his own inspection.
In the science of antiquities, so early as 1765, he had
promoted the publication of the magnificent and elegant
ttrork, "Antiquites Etrusques, Grecques,etRomaines, tire*es
du Cabinet de Mr. Hamilton ;" a fine collection of designs
from Etruscan, Greek, and Roman vases, which was received
with the greatest satisfaction by the lovers of antiquity and
the arts. The design of this work was professedly the ad-
vancement of the arts. It was intended to shew on what
system the ancients gave their vases that elegance so gene-
rally acknowledged and admired, and how they were able
to assign the exact measures of their proportion ; and to
establish certain principles for the artist who would per-
form something in the same way. It was, in short, a most
valuable present to the learned and to artists, and above
all to manufacturers of earthen ware and china, and of vase»
in silver, glass, &c. who found here an infinite variety of
beautiful models, most of which had been until then un-
known ; and indeed it may be observed, that since that
period our articles of the above description are universally
formed with more beauty, taste, and elegance; qualities in
which we as yet remain unequalled by any other country.
We are informed in the abbe Winkelman's Letters, that
the above-mentioned work was intended to be comprised
in four large folio volumes. Of these, the two former only
appeared at the stated time. The two latter volumes (as we
are informed by a note in the last edition of the Letters of
Winkelnian) were published in Naples in 1775; but the
writer of this article has never been able to procure a sight
of them, or even to gain the least information on the sub-
ject. The two former volumes were reduced to a smaller
size, and republished at Paris, by Mr. David, in 1787, in
five 8vo volumes. The adventurer D'Hancarville, editor
of the work, as we are told by Winkelman, expected, by
that publication, to acquire a fortune of twenty thousand
pounds. It is not probable that he ever realized this ex-
pectation, but we know from D'Hancarville himself, that
Mr. Hamilton allowed him to reap the emolument which
might arise from the work. Of the particulars of which,
he himself says, that " long since Mr. Hamilton had taken
pleasure in collecting those precious monuments, and had
afterwards trusted them to him for publication, requiring
only some elegance in the execution ; and the condition,
that the work should appear under the auspices of his Bri-
tannic majesty." — " It answers no purpose to have of the
ancient vases that general and vague idea which is given
of them by the books of Caylus, or Montfaucon. — There
are few antiquaries and scholars who have not entertained
a wish to see such a collection executed with care and
precision. — They can now compare the present with that
of cardinal Gualtieri, reported by Montfaucon, and with
all the others which have hitherto appeared. — Mr. Hamil-
ton, justly apprehensive that the vases, already destined
for England, might be damaged in their way, has resolved
to have them engraved at Naples."
Part of the vases which gave rise to D'Hancarville's
work, is that precious collection which is now seen in one
of the rooms of the British Museum, and which formerly
belonged to the senatorial house of Porcinari, in Naples.
Mr. Hamilton purchased it from the proprietors in. 1765,
and it still is a matter of surprise with the greatest of our
artists, that it was ever suffered to go out of its native land.
In Naples, however, it never occasioned any surprise ; as
it is there known, that full rive years before the purchase,
the same valuable property, through the means of the
famous Theatin lather Paciaudi, had been offered to the
count of Caylus; and, in fact, the best-informed Neapo-
litans were fully convinced that it was much better that
such precious monuments should be in the power of some
active nation, in which they might be put to the best use,
than to remain in their own country, where they would
have been forever useless. About the same time (in 1767),
the British Museum received from Mr. Hamilton two other
valuable presents: — 1st. A complete collection of every
sort of matter produced by Mount Vesuvius, by which he
thought it might be proved that " many variegated marbles
and many precious stones are the produce of volcanos,
and that there have been volcanos in many parts of the
world, where at present there are no traces of them visible."
2. Two very scarce and interesting books, respecting the
formation of the celebrated new mountain at Pozzuolt,
published at Naples, a few months after the event, in 1538:
the one written by Marc Antony delli Falconi ; and the
other by Peter James di Toledo.
Among the several persons whom Mr. Hamilton honour-
ed with his patronage at Naples, we shall only mention the
celebrated engraver, Morghen ; as it was owing to his en-
couragement that this eminent artist, in 1769, published
that elegant collection of views at Pozzuoli and other spots
in the neighbourhood of Naples. It is pleasing to say that
Mr. Morghen soon evinced his gratitude towards his patron,
and the nation to which the latter belonged : the collection
was dedicated to the Society of arts in London ; and the
greatest part of the views were inscribed to some indivi-
duals of our nobility who then happened to be in Naples.
Ever since the year 1770, Mr. Hamilton had established a
regular correspondence with various intelligent persons 4n
the several provinces of the kingdom, concerning such mo-
numents of arts or antiquities as might happen to be found
near their respective residences, and which might answer
his further purposes. This correspondence was carried on
with a peculiar activity in the province of Campania, that
province being indeed the spot in which the greatest num-
ber of ancient vases .has been found, and which for this
106 H A M I L T O N.
reason is thought to have possessed the chief manufactures
• /. ihat article.
Whilst at this period Mr. Hamilton so successfully in-
dulged in scientific and literary pursuits, he had no op-
portunity of exerting himself to any advantage in his pub-
lic and diplomatic capacity, nothing of importance being
then in agitation in the political world ; and, with regard
to private connexions, it is still in the remembrance of his
old friends, that, till he became acquainted with some con-
genial characters, he found himself, in the midst of an
immense metropolis, as insulated as if he had been in a
village. Of his domestic life, about this period, we fortu-
nately have an account from the celebrated secretary of
the French academy, Duclos, from which we shall here
give an extract, the more properly, as, with the alteration
of time and place, it is his characteristic picture in every
part of his life. " Mr. Hamilton," says he, " was in the
habit of taking his dinner at home with a select number of
friends, among whom I had the honour of being admitted.
He had also a weekly party of the most distinguished per-
sons of Naples. In these parties, a concert was sometimes
given, in which Miss Hamilton played on the harpsichord
so eminently, that her talents were acknowledged in a town
decidedly superior in musical science to the rest of Italy.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are the happiest couple I ever saw.
Both still in the vigour of youth, with good hearts and
cultivated minds, and tenderly attached to each other, they
presented to me the image of a patriarchal life. The lady,
mistress of a considerable fortune, enjoys the pleasure of
making that of her husband, who had nothing of his own
but an illustrious name. The gentleman, duly sensible of
what he owes to a beloved wife, is highly pleased to ac-
knowledge it, and the sentiment of his gratitude increases
the happiness of his situation."
The twelve years which elapsed from 1772 to 1784,
formed a remarkable epoch in Mr. Hamilton's life, with
respect to his advancement and domestic affairs. On the
SAU °f Januar>"> 1772> he was created knight of the bath.
About 1775, he lost his only daughter. In 1782, he like-
wise lost his lady. And in 1784, after twenty years' ab-
sence, he visited his native country. He had been made
a tellow of the royal society in 1766.
This time, however, was equally well employed in the
service of the sciences; for, in 1779, he repeated his
visits to Mount Vesuvius, and published the Supplement
already mentioned; in February 1783, he undertook the
journey to Calabria, to observe the phenomena produced
by the dreadful earthquake which just before had desolated
that beautiful province, and of which he subsequently gave
an account, in a letter to sir Joseph Banks, inserted in the
« Transactions of the Royal Society ;" and, so early as
1777, he wrote an excellent memoir on the discoveries
until then made in Pompeii ; which memoir, accompanied
with 13 beautiful plates, was inserted in the fourth volume
of the " Archaeologia," and by which we are informed,
** that the city was supposed to have been a mile in length,
and about three miles and a half round ; that only one hun-
dred yards of a principal street, supposed to run through
the whole city, had then been cleared ; that the width of
the horse-way was said to be in general ten feet eight
inches English, and the elevated foot- way on each side,
about three feet wide ; that the plan of most of the houses
was a square court, with a fountain in the middle, and
small rooms round, communicating with that court ; and
that fragments of large panes of glass were found there,
shewing that the ancients of this period knew well the use
of glass for windows."
His most truly meritorious labours, however, at the close
of the above mentioned period, were those which had in
view the unrivalled museum of Portici ; an object which
lad not yet been accessible to his researches. The history
of the discovery of Herculaneum, and of the Royal mu-
seum to which it gave rise, is too well known to require any
detailed notice in this place : it is equally alien to our pur-
pose to relate the several tardy and unsuccessful measures
which the government took to illustrate that unrivalled
establishment ; and we shall only notice the ancient manu-
scripts in the Museum, which are immediately connected
with our subject. It is known that about eight hundred
objects of this kind had been found in the several excava-
tions of Herculaneum ; and that on application being made
to Mr. Assemanni of the Vatican, on the subject, this
learned man had recommended an able, industrious, and
indefatigable Piarist monk, named Father Anthony Piaggi,
who possessed the art of completely unfolding the'deca3ed
manuscripts. Some successful trials were made : a work
on the philosophy of Epicurus, another on morals, a third
«>a rhetoric, and a fourth on music, were brought to light ;
log H A M I L T O N.
and of the last, the author of which was a Greek named
Philodemus, thirty-eight full columns were happily copied.
Father Anthony's services were still more beneficial ; he
instructed in his art a pupil named Merli, afterwards as
able as himself. Neither of them, however, persevered
in their tasks : they complained of the supineness of the
ministry, and of their own scanty allowance.
Among the papers left by sir William at his death, are
found more than fifty memoirs directed by Father Anthony
to the marquis of Sambuca, soliciting his patronage for the
great work of the manuscripts, to which solicitations that
minister seemed to be deaf. Numberless other memoirs of
the kind were also presented to several persons in the
royal service, and they met with no better success. — The
consequence was, that Father Anthony at last put himself
under the protection of sir William, and tendered his ser-
vices for any information which the latter might wish con-
cerning the Museum. The propriety of accepting this
offer may be questioned. It was considered, however, by
one who was not particularly acquainted with the adminis-
tration of the establishment, as too important not to meet
with an immediate compliance: a treaty was concluded,
that sir William should grant to Father Anthony a pension
of 600 ducats a year (100/.), and the latter should regu-
larly send to him every week a sheet of original informa-
tion; and in order to elude any ministerial inquisition, it
was also agreed that the correspondence should be carried
on in cyphers. This correspondence lasted till the death
of Father Anthony in 1798; and, if we except a want of
delicacy, and perhaps also a breach of trust in the monk,
we may presume that, in the main object, it proved satis-
factory to both parties: sir William was indeed so satisfied,
that, some years after the commencement of the treaty,
he procured for Father Anthony an additional pension, of
the same sum of 600 ducats a year (100/.), from his royal
highness the Prince of Wales ; and Father Anthony, on
his side, seemed also so sensible of the favours he had re-
ceived, that on his death, he bequeathed all his manuscripts
and papers of every kind to his patron.
In 1791, sir William was appointed a privy counsellor;
and in the same year he married Miss Harte, the present
lady Hamilton. About the same time also, in order to
give a further illustration to his favourite doctrine respect-
ing the constant state of eruption of Mount Vesuvius, he
charged a Dominican friar at Resina, to compile for hit
use, a daily calendar of the several phenomena of that
mountain ; a compilation which, most probably, will also
be found among his papers.
In December 1798, when the French attacked the king-
dom of Naples, he accompanied his Sicilian majesty to
Palermo, from whence, towards the close of 1800, he was
recalled to England: where he died April 6, 1803, in the
72d year of his age.
During the short interval between his arrival in England
and his death, this respectable philosopher and naturalist
was occupied in ordering and classifying his numerous
manuscripts, which had been conveyed from Naples to
Palermo, at the time of his removal ; and from the latter
place to London, on his return to England. These manu-
scripts consisted of eight large boxes ; four of which con-
tained his correspondence with Father Anthony, and the
other four, the valuable papers which the latter had be-
queathed to him. Jt was his intention, alter a due ar-
rangement, to favour the public with two works collected
from their contents, one of which was to exhibit a series
of original observations on the best monuments of art in
the Museum of Portici ; and the other, a series of histori-
cal anecdotes concerning its literary and economical ad-
ministration, from its first establishment, of both which
there is a prospect of publication.
With regard to his diplomatic exertions, which naturally
constituted the immediate duties of his station, we may
notice, 1. the explanations, which, in 1772, he had with
the first minister, marquis Tanucci, on account of Michael
Torcia, who, in his performance, "The Political Sketch
of Europe," had used some improper expressions : 2. the
negotiations whichjbe successfully concluded for the neu-
trality of his Sicilian majesty in the American war: 3. his
excellent conduct during the family misunderstanding be-
tween Spain and Naples, from 1784 to 1786: but these
are matters which belong to political history. The fame
of sir William Hamilton will ultimately rest on his talents,
learning, and patriotic spirit. l
HAMILTON (WILLIAM), an historical painter, the son
of a Scotch gentleman who resided many years at Chelsea,
4s deputy to Mr. Robert Adams, the celebrated architect,
1 Baldwin's Literary Journal for 180i.
110 H A M I L t O N.
when clerk of the works to that college, was born in 1750*,
and sent to Italy, when very young, under the patronage
of Mr. Adams. He was there some time under the tuition
of Zucchi, the painter of arabesque ornaments at Rome,
and although Mr. Edwards thinks he was then too young to
receive any material benefit from this tour, it served at
least to increase his early taste for the art, and he caught
a pleasant manner of painting, much in the style of his
master. When he returned to England he became a pupil
in the royal academy, and by attention to his studies, ac-
quired considerable employment. He practised in many
different ways, mostly history, and frequently arabesque,
of which latter kind he executed some decorations at the
seat of the late earl of Bute at High Cliff, Hampshire. He
sometimes painted portraits, but his manner was not well
adapted to that branch, yet his portrait of Mrs. Siddons in
the character of lady Randolph (now in the possession of
Samuel Whitbread, esq.) was allowed to have great merit.
He was much employed by the late alderman Boydell, for
his Shakspeare, and by Macklin for his edition of the Bible
and of the Poets. In the former his " Woman of Samaria7'
deserves much praise. One of his most capital works was
a picture of the "Queen of Sheba entertained at a banquet
by Solomon," a design for a window in Arundel castle.
His manner of painting was light, airy, and pleasant, and
he excelled in ornaments to which he gave a propriety,
richness, and a classic air. His coloured drawings imitate
the fulness of his oil-paintings with more freshness, and,
without much labour, are finished with taste. He was
elected associate of the royal academy Nov. 8, 1784, and
royal academician, February 10, 1789. He died in the
vigour though not in the bloom of life, Dec. 2, 1801, of a
violent fever of only three days1 duration, deeply lamented
by his friends, and regretted by the public. He was a
man of great affability and gentle manners ; his politeness
covered no insincerity, nor his emulation envy. He was
one of the few artists we have personally known who spoke
with high respect of his brethren, and was equally re-
spected by them for his amiable temper. *
HAMMOND (ANTHONY, esq.), descended from a family
long situated at Somersham-place, in Huntingdonshire,
was born in 16u3, and educated at St. John's college,
1 Edwards's Supplement to Lord Orford.— Pilkington by Fuseli.
Cambridge. He was a commissioner of the navy, a good
speaker in parliament, had the name of " silver-tongued
Hammond" given him by lord Bolingbroke, and was a
man of note among the wits, poets, and parliamentary
writers, in the beginning of the last century. A volume of
" Miscellany Poems," was inscribed to him, in 1694, by
his friend Mr. Hopkins; and in 1720 he was the editor of
" A new Miscellany of Original Poems," in which he had
himself no small share. His own pieces, he observes in
his preface, " were written at very different times, and
were owned by him, lest in a future day they should be
ascribed to other persons to their prejudice, as the ' Ode
on Solitude' has been, in wrong, to the earl of Roscom-
mon, and as some of the rest have been to others." He
was the intimate friend of Mr. Moyle, and wrote the "Ac-
count of his Life and Writings," prefixed to his works in
1727. Their acquaintance began, through sir Robert
Marsham, in the latter end of 1690, soon after Hammond's
return from a short tour into Holland and some parts of
Flanders. The places of resort for wits at that period were
May n waring' s coifee-house in Fleet-street, and the Grecian
near the Temple; where Moyle, having taken a disgust
against the clergy, had several friendly disputes with Ham-
mond, and at the same place had a share with Trenchard
in writing the argument against a standing army. In
Moyle's works are three valuable letters to Hammond; a
copy of verses, by Hammond, to Moyle ; another, by
Hopkins, to the same; and a third, by Hopkins, to Ham-
mond. Mr. Hammond is said to have married Susanna, a
sister of Mr. Walpole, afterwards the celebrated minister
of state ; but that Mr. Hammond was a different person.
Our author married a Miss Clarges, and died in 1738, as
Winston informs us, in the Fleet-prison, where he was con-
fined for debt, and so preserved what he had not spent of
his estate for his eldest son. His second son is the subject
of the following article.1
HAMMOND (JAMES), well remembered as a man
esteemed and caressed by the elegant and great, was the
second son of Anthony Hammond mentioned above: he was
born about 1710, and educated at Westminster-school;
but it does not appear that he was of any university, ai-
1 Gibber's Lives.— Gent. Mag. LXI. 1090, LXXIX. 1 1?!.— Nichols's Poems.
— Chesterfield's Meflaairs, p. 47, — Whiiton'a MS notes on a copy of this Did
112 H A M M O N D.
though Mr. Cole claims him for Cambridge, but without
specifying his college. When about eighteen, he was in-
troduced to the earl of Chesterfield, and from a con-
formity of character, manners, and inclinations, soon be-
came particularly attached to his lordship. He was equerry
to the prince of Wales, and seems to ha\ne come very early
into public notice, and to have been distinguished by those
whose patronage and friendship prejudiced mankind at that
time in favour of those on whom they were bestowed ; for
he was the companion of Cobham, Lyttelton, and Chester-
field. He is said to have divided his life between pleasure
and books; in his retirement forgetting the town, and in
his gaiety losing the student. Of his literary hours all the
effects are exhibited in his memorable " Love Elegies,"
which were written very early, and his " Prologue" not
long before his death. In 1733, he obtained an income of
400/. a year by the will of Nicholas Hammond, esq. a near
relation. In 1741 he was chosen into parliament for Truro
in Cornwall, probably one of those who were elected by
the prince's influence; and died June 2, 1742, at Stowe,
the famous seat of the lord Cobham. His mistress long
outlived him, and, in 177D, died unmarried, bed-chamber
woman to the queen. The character which her lover be-
queathed her was, indeed, not likely to attract courtship,
yet it was her own fault that she remained single, having
had another very honourable offer. The " Elegies" were
published after his death ; and while the writer's name was
remembered with fondness, they were read with a resolu-
tion to admire them. The recommendatory preface of the
editor, who was then believed, and is affirmed by Dr.
Maty, to be the earl of Chesterfield, raised strong preju-
dices in their favour ; but Dr. Johnson is of opinion that
they have neither passion, nature, nor manners, and Dr.
Beattie was informed on very good authority that Hammond
was not in love when he wrote his " Elegies." »
HAMMOND (Dr. HENRY), a learned English divine,
was born at Chertsey in Surrey, August 18, 1605; and
was the youngest son of Dr. John Hammond, physician to
Henry prince of Wales, svho was his godfather, and gave
him his own name. In his infancy he was remarkable for
sweetness of temper, the love of privacy, and a devotional
turn. He was educated at Eton-school, and sent to Mag-
1 Johnson and Chalmers's English Poets. — Gent. Mag. LVII. LXV. and
LXV I.— Seattle's Dissertations, p. 554, 4to.
dalen-college, Oxford, in 1618; of which, after taking his
degrees in a regular way, he was elected fellow in July
1625. During the whole of his residence here, he gene-
rally spent thirteen hours every day in study ; in the course
of which he not only went through the usual academic
studies, but read almost all the classics, writing emenda-
tions, critical remarks, &c. as he proceeded. Having ap-
plied himself also with great diligence to the study of di-
vinity, he was admitted to holy orders in 1629, and soon,
after took the degree of bachelor of divinity. In 1633 he
was presented to the rectory of Penshurst in Kent, by
Robert Sidney earl of Leicester. That nobleman, happen-
ing to be one of his auditors while he was supplying a turn
at court for Dr. Frewen, the president of his college, and
one of his majesty's chaplains, was-so deeply affected with
the sermon, and conceived so high an opinion of the
preacher's merit, that he conferred on him this living, then
void, and in his gift. Upon this he quitted his college,
and went to his cure, where he resided as long as the times
permitted him, punctually performing every branch of the
ministerial function in the most diligent and exemplary
manner. In 1639 he took the degree of D. D. ; in 1640,
was chosen one of the members of the convocation, called
with the long parliament, which began that year ; and, in.
1643, made archdeacon of Chichester by the unsolicited
favour of Dr. Brian Duppa, then bishop of Chichester, and
afterwards of Winchester. The same year also he was
named one of the assembly of divines, but never sat
amongst them.
In the beginning of the national troubles he continued
undisturbed at his living till the middle of July 1643 ; but,
joining in the fruitless attempt then made atTunbridge in
favour of the king, and a reward of 100/. being soon after
promised to the person that should produce him, he was
forced to retire privily and in disguise to Oxford. Having
procured an apartment in his owu college, he sought that
peace in retirement and study which was no where else to
be found. Among the few friends he conversed with was
Dr. Christopher Potter, provost of Queen's college ; by
whose persuasion it was, that he published his " Practical
Catechism," in 1644. This was one of the most valuable
books published at that time ; but great objections were
raised against it by fifty-two ministers within the provincQ,
of London ; and especially by the famous Francis Chey-
iiell, on account of its containing Arminian tenets. Ham-
mond, however, defended his book, and the same year
and the following, published several useful pieces, adapted
to the times. In December of the same year he attended
as chaplain the duke of Richmond and earl of Southamp-
ton ; who were sent to London by Charles I. with terms of
peace and accommodation to the parliament; and when
a treaty was appointed at Uxbridge, he appeared there as
one of the divines on the king's side, where he managed,
greatly to his honour, a dispute with Richard Vines, one
of the presbyterian ministers sent by the parliament.
A few days after the breaking of this treaty, a canonry
of Christ Church in Oxford becoming vacant, the king
bestowed it upon him about March 1645 ; and the univer-
sity chose him their public orator. His majesty also,
coming to reside in that city, made him one of his chap-
lains in ordinary : notwithstanding all which employments,
he did not remit from his studies, or cease to publish books,
principally contrived to do service in the times when they
were written. When Oxford surrendered, his attendance
as cbaplain was superseded; but when the king came into
the power of the army, he was permitted to attend him
again, in his several confinements and removes of Woburn,
Caversham, Hampton-court, and the Isle of Wight : at
which last place he continued till Christmas, 1647, when all
his majesty's servants were removed from him. He then
returned again to Oxford, where he was chosen sub- dean
of Christ Church ; in which office he continued till March
30, 1648, and was then forcibly turned out of it by the
parliamentary visitors. The accusations against him were,
his refusing to submit to the visitors' power; his being
concerned in drawing up the reasons which were presented
to the convocation against the authority of that visitation ;
and his refusing to publish the visitors' orders for the ex-
pulsion of several of the members of Christ Church. In-
stead, however, of being commanded immediately to quit
Oxford, as others were, a committee of parliament voted
him and Dr. Sheldon to be prisoners in that place, where
they continued in restraint for about ten weeks. During
this confinement he began his " Paraphrase and Annota-
tions on the New Testament;" the ground- work of which
is said to be this. Having written in Latin two large vo-
lumes of the way of interpreting the New Testament, with
inference to the customs of the Jews, and of the first here-
tics in the Christian church, and also of the heathens,
especially in the Grecian games ; and, above all, of the
importance of the Hellenistical dialect ; he began to con-
sider, that it might be more useful to the English render,
to write in our vulgar language, and set every observation
in its natural order, according to the direction of the text.
And having some years before collated several Greek copies
of the New Testament, and observed the variation of our
English from the original, and made an entire translation
of the whole for his own private use, he cast his work into
that form in which it now appears. It came out first in
1653; in 1656, with additions and alterations; and, in
1698, Le Clerc put out a Latin translation of it, viz. of
the " Paraphrase and Annotations," with the text of the
Vulgate, in which he has intermixed many of his own ani-
madversions, explained those points which Dr. Hammond
had but slightly touched, and corrected many of his
From Oxford he was removed to the house of sir Philip
Warwick at Clapham in Bedford shire. The trial of king
Charles drawing on, and Dr. Hammond being in no other
capacity to interpose than by writing, he drew up an ad-
dress to the general and council of officers, which he pub-
lished under this title : " To the right honourable the lord
Fairfax, and his council of war, the humble Address of
Henry Hammond.1' It is unnecessary to add that this pro-
duced no effect, as his majesty's doom was fixed. Dr.
Hammond's grief for the death of his royal master was
extreme ; but, as soon as he had in some measure recovered
his spirits, he resumed his studies, and published several
pieces. The rigour of his restraint being taken off in the
beginning of 1649, he removed to Westwood in Worces-
tershire, the seat of the loyal sir John Packington, from
whom he received a kind invitation ; and here spent the
remainder of his days. In 1651, when Charles II. came
into those parts, he waited upon him, and received a letter
from his own hand of great importance, to satisfy his loyal
subjects concerning his adherence to the religion of the
church of England. In 1653 he published, as already ob-
served, his great work on the New Testament, and went
on applying antidotes to the distempers of the church and
state, and opposing the absurd tenets of the sectaries,
particularly those of the anabaptists. Afterwards he un-
dertook a "Paraphrase and Commentary on all the books
I 2
of the Old Testament;" of which he published the Psalms,
and went through a third part of the book of Proverbs.
His want of health only hindered him from .proceeding
farther: for that strength of body which had hitherto
attended his indefatigable mind, beginning to fail him
about 1654, he was attacked by a complication of disor-
ders, the stone, the gout, the colic, and the cramp ; but
the stone put an end to his life. While Charles II. was
designing him for the bishopric of Worcester, and he was
preparing to go to London, whither he had been invited
by the most eminent divines, he was seized with a sharp fit
of the stone the 4th of April, of which he died the 25th of
the same month, 1660.
Dr. Hammond was a very handsome man, well-made,
and of a strong and vigorous constitution ; of a clear and
florid complexion, his eye remarkably quick and sprightly,
and in his countenance there was a mixture of sweetness and
dignity. He had a free, graceful, and commanding elo- •
quenee. King Charles I. said of him, that he was the most
natural orator he ever heard. He had not, however, a
technical memory, and used to complain that it was harder
for him to get ope sermon by heart than to pen twenty. He
was of a very kind, social, benevolent, and friendly dis-
position; extremely liberal to the poor, to whom he ren-
dered his bounty more valuable by his manner of bestow-
ing it. " Misery and want,'7 says his excellent biographer,
" wherever Dr. Hammond met with them, sufficiently en-
deared the object. His alms were as exuberant as his love;
and in calamities, to the exigence he never was a stranger,
whatever he might be to the man that suffered." Among
other evidences which Hammond gave of his benevolence,
Dr. Fell informs us, that, when he saw a man honest and
industrious, he would trust him with a sum, and let him pay
it again at such times and in such proportions as he found
himself able ; all this accompanied by an inquiry into his
condition, and advice as to the better disposal of the mo-
ney, closing his discourse with prayer, and dismissing the
object of his benevolence with the utmost kindness. To
persons of rank and fortune his advice was, to " treat their
poor neighbours with such a cheerfulness, that they may
be glad to have met with them."
Dr. Hammond was a man of great temperance; his diet
was of the plainest kind, and he frequently practised fast-
»ng. He seldom went to bed until midnight, or remained
in it beyond five or six o'clock. By these means he was
enabled to endure cold and fatigue, and in the severest
weather sat at a distance from a fire. His studious in-
dustry was unceasing. He not only avoided, but had a
strong aversion to idleness. " To be always furnished with
somewhat to do" he considered as the best expedient both
for innocence and pleasure, saying, that no burthen was
more heavy, or temptation more dangerous, than to have
time lie on one's hand." His piety was fervent, and from
his youth he spent much of his time in secret devotion.
Bishop Burnet says of him, that " his death was an un-
speakable loss to the church ; for as he was a man of great
learning, and of most eminent merit, he having been the
person that during the bad times had maintained the cause
of the church in a very singular manner ; so he was a very
moderate man in his temper, though with a high principle,
and would probably have fallen into healing counsels. He
was also much set on reforming abuses, and for raising the
clergy to a due sense of the obligations they lay under."
He published a great many controversial and practical
tracts and sermons, commentaries, &c. in his life-time,
which, with many posthumous pieces, were collected to-
gether by his amanuensis, the learned Mr. William Fulman,
and published in 4 vols. fol. 1684 ; and in 1739 Mr. Peck
published a collection of his letters, amounting to nineteen.1
HAMPDEN (JOHN, esq.), of Hamden, in Buckingham-
shire, a celebrated political character in the reign of Charles
I. was born at London in 1594. He was of as ancient
(Whitlocke says the ancientest) extraction as any gentle-
man in his county; and cousin-german to Oliver Crom-
well, his father having married the protector's aunt. In.
1609 he was sent to Magdalen college in Oxford ; whence,
without taking any degree, be removed to the inns of
court, and made a considerable progress in the study of the
law. Sir Philip Warwick observes, that " he had great
knowledge both in scholarship and the law." In his en-
trance into the world, he is said to have indulged himself
in all the licence of sports, and exercises, and company,
such as were used by men of the most jovial conversation;
but afterwards to have retired to a more reserved and
1 Life by bishop Fell, 1601, 12mo, lately reprinted at Oxford, 1806. — Biog.
Brit. — Wordsworth's Eccl. Biography, — Berwick's Life. — Lloyd's Memoirs, fol.
— Ath. Ox. vol. II. — Peck's Desiderata, vol. II. — Chm ton's Life of Nowell.—
Wsher's Life, and Letters, p. 541—543.
118 H A M P D-E N.
austere society, preserving, however, his natural cheer-
fulness and vivacity. In the second parliament of king
Charles, which met at Westminster, February 1625-6, he
obtained a seat in the house of commons, as he also did in
two succeeding parliaments; but made no figure till 1636,
when he became universally known, by a solemn trial at
the king's bench, on his refusing to pay the ship-money.
He carried himself, as Clarendon tells us, through this
whole suit with such singular temper and modesty, that he
obtained more credit and advantage by losing it, than the
king did service by gaining it. From this time he soon
grew to be one of the most popular men in the nation, and
a leading member in the long parliament. " The eyes of
all men," says the same writer, " were fixed upon him as
their pater patrite, and the pilot that must steer the vessel
through the tempests and rocks which threatened it."
After he had held the chief direction of his party in the
house of commons against the king, he took up arms in
the same cause, and was one of the first who opened the
war by an action at a place called Brill, a garrison of the
king's, on the edge of Buckinghamshire, about five miles
from Oxford. He took the command of a regiment of foot
under the earl of Essex, and shewed such skill and bravery,
that, had he lived, he would; probably, soon have been
raised to the post of a general. But he was cut off early
by a mortal wound, which he received in a skirmish with
prince Rupert, at Chalgrove-field, in Oxfordshire, where,
it is generally reported, he was shot in the shoulder with a
brace of bullets, which broke the bone, June 18, 1643;
and, after suffering much pain and misery, he died the
24th, an event which affected his party nearly as much as
if their whole army had been defeated *. " Many men
observed," says Clarendon, " that the field in which this
skirmish was, and upon which Hampden received his death-
wound, namely, Chalgrove-field, was the same place in
which he had first executed the ordinance of the militia,
and engaged that county, in which his reputation was very
great, in this rebellion : and it was confessed by the pri-
soners that were taken that day, and acknowledged by all,
* So little is known of Hampden, See Noble's Memoirs of Cromwell, vol.
n T^ / W§ death h&S IL P" 70' where there is a ]onS "count
of one of hia own pistols.-^.
H A M P D E N. H9
that upon the alarm that morning, after their quarters were
beaten up, he was exceeding solicitous to draw forces to-
gether to pursue the enemy; and, being a colonel of foot,
put himself amongst those horse as a volunteer, who were
first ready, and that, when the prince made a stand, all
the officers were of opinion to stay till their body came up,
and he alone persuaded and prevailed with them to ad-
vance : so violently did his fate carry him to pay the mulct
in the place where he had committed the transgression
about a year before. This was an observation made at that
time ;" but lord Clarendon does not adopt it as an opinion
of his own.
Hampden, if we form our judgment of him only from
the account of those who were engaged in the opposite
party to him, was, perhaps, one of the most extraordinary
men that ever lived ; and is thus delineated by the noble
historian already quoted. " He was a man of much greater
cunning, and it may be of the most discerning spirit, and
of the greatest address and insinuation to bring any thing
to pass which he desired, of any man of that time, and who
laid the design deepest. — He was not a man of many words,
and rarely began the discourse, or made the first entrance
upon any business that was assumed, but a very weighty
speaker; and after he had heard a full debate, and ob-
served how the house was like to be inclined, took up the
argument, and shortly, and clearly, and craftily, so stated
it, that he commonly conducted it to the conclusion he
desired. He was of that rare affability and temper in de-
bate, and of thatseeming humility and submission of judg-
ment, as if he brought no opinion of his own with him,
but a desire of information and instruction ; yet he had so
subtle a way, and under the notion of doubts insinuating
his objections, that he infused his own opinions into those
from whom he pretended to learn and receive them. And
even with them who were able to preserve themselves from
his infusions, and discerned those opinions to be fixed in
him with which they could not comply, he always left the
character of an ingenuous and conscientious person. He
was, indeed, a very wise man, and of great parts, and
possessed with the most absolute spirit of popularity, and
the most absolute faculties to govern the people, of any
man I ever knew. For the first year of the parliament he
seemed rather to moderate and soften the violent and
distempered humours than to inflame them. But wise and
120 H A M P D E N.
dispassionate men plainly discerned, that that moderation
proceeded from prudence, and observation that the season
was not ripe, rather than that he approved of the modera-
tion ; and that he begot many opinions and notions, the
education whereof he committed to other men ; so far dis-
guising his own designs, that he seemed seldom to wish
more than was concluded. And in many gross conclusions,
which would hereafter contribute to designs not yet set on
foot, when he found them sufficiently backed by a majo-
rity of voices, he would withdraw himself before the ques-
tion, that he might seem not to consent to so much visible
unreasonableness ; which produced as great a doubt in
some as it did approbation in others of his integrity. After
he was among those members accused by the king of high
treason, he was much altered ; his nature and carriage
seeming much fiercer than it did before: and without
.question, when he first drew his sword, he threw away the
scabbard. He was very temperate in diet, and a supreme
governor over all his passions and affections ; and had
thereby a great power over other men's. He was of an
industry and vigilance not to be tired out or wearied by
the most laborious ; and of parts not to be imposed upon
by the most subtle and sharp ; and of a personal courage
equal to his best parts : so that he was an enemy not to be
wished wherever he might have been made a friend ; and
as much to be apprehended where he was so, as any .man
could deserve to be. And therefore his death was no less
pleasing to the one party than it was condoled in the other.
In a word, what was said of Cinna might well be applied to
him : he had ahead to contrive, a tongue to persuade, and
a hand to execute, any mischief, or,'-' as the historian says
elsewhere, " any good." Thus is Hampden described by
Clarendon, agreeably to the notions usually formed of his
character after the restoration ; which was that of a great,
rather than a good man. But as the characters of states-
men, commanders, or men acting in a public capacity,
always vary with the times and fashions of politics, at the
revolution, and since, he has been esteemed a good man
as well as a great. l
HANDEL (GEORGE FREDERIC), the greatest musical
ser of his time, or perhaps of any time or country,
Halle, in the duchy of Magdeburgh, February
Cromwell. Brlt"~ Hume a"d Ra*in's Hist.-Claremlon.-Noble'S Memoirs of
£4, 1684, by a second wife of his father, who was an emi-
nent physician and surgeon of the same place, and then
above sixty years of age. From his very childhood he dis-
covered such a propensity to music, that his father, who
always intended him for the civil law, took every method
to oppose this inclination, by keeping him out of the way
of, and strictly forbidding him to meddle with, musical in-
struments of any kind. The son, however, found means
to get a little clavicord privately conveyed to a room at
the top of the house ; and with this he used to amuse him-
self when the family was asleep. While he was yet under
seven years of age, he went with his father to the duke of
Saxe Weisenfels, where it was impossible to keep him
from harpsichords, and other musical instruments. One
morning, while he was playing on the organ, after the
service was over, the duke was in the church ; and some-
thing in his manner of playing affected his highness so
strongly, that he asked his valet-de-chambre (who was
Handel's brother-in-law) who it was that he heard at the
organ? The valet replied, that it was his brother. The
duke demanded to see him ; and after making proper in-
quiries about him, expostulated very seriously with his
father, who still retained his prepossessions in favour of
the civil law. He allowed that every father had certainly
a right to dispose of his children as he should think most
expedient; but that in the present instance he could not
but consider it as a sort of crime against the public and
posterity to rob the world of such a rising genius. The
issue of this conversation was, not only a toleration for mu-
sic, but consent also that a master should be called in to
forward and assist him.
The first thing his father did at his return to Halle, was
to place him under one Zackau, organist to the cathedral
church, a person of great abilities in his profession, and
not more qualified than inclined to do justice to any
pupil of promising hopes. Handel pleased him so much,
that he never thought he could do enough for him. He
was proud of a pupil who already began to attract the at-
tention of the public ; and glad of an assistant who by his
extraordinary talents was capable of supplying his place
whenever he had a mind to be absent. If it seem strange
to talk of an assistant at seven years of age, it will appear
stranger that at nine Handel began to compose the church
service for voices and instruments, and from that time was
accustomed to compose a service every week for three
years successively. Having far surpassed his master, the
master himself confessing it, and made all the improve-
ment he could at Halle, it was agreed he should go to
Berlin in 1698, where the opera was in a flourishing con-
dition under the encouragement of the elector of Bran-
denburg, afterwards king of Prussia. Handel had not
been long at this court before his abilities became known
to the sovereign, who frequently sent for him, and made
him large presents. He farther offered to send him to
Italy, where he might be formed under the best masters,
and have opportunities of hearing and seeing all that was
excellent in the kind ; but his father refused this offer
from a spirit of independence. During his stay at Berlin,
he became acquainted with two Italian composers, Buo-
noncini and Attilio ; the same who afterwards came to
England while Handel was here, and were at the head of
a formidable opposition against him.
Next to the opera of Berlin, that of Hamburgh was in the
highest request ; and thither it was resolved to send him,
with a view to improvement ; but his father's death hap-
pening soon after, and his mother being left in narrow
circumstances, he thought it necessary to procure scholars,
and obtain some employment in the orchestra; and by this
means was enabled to prove a great relief to her. He had
a dispute at Hamburgh with one of the masters, in oppo-
sition to whom he laid claim to the first harpsichord, which
was determined in his favour. The honour, however, had
like to have cost him dear ; for his antagonist so resented
his being constrained to yield to such a stripling compe-
titor, that, as they were coming out of the orchestra, he
made a push at him with a sword, which had infallibly
pierced his heart, but for the friendly score which he
carried accidentally in his bosom. " Had this happened,"
says his historian, "in the early ages, not a mortal but
would have been persuaded that Apollo himself interposed
to preserve him in the form of a music-book." Dr. Bur-
ney, however, has subdued this flourish a little, by in-
forming us that the sword broke against a metal button. t
From conducting the performance he became composer
to the Chouse ; and " Almeria," his first opera, was com-
posed when he was not much above fourteen years of age.
The success of it was so great, that it ran for thirty nights
without interruption ; and this encouraged him to com-
pose others, as lie did also a considerable number of so-
natas during his stay at Hamburgh, which was about four
or five years. He contracted an acquaintance at this place
with many persons of note, among whom was the prince
of Tuscany, brother to the grand duke. The prince, who
was a great lover of the art for which his country was fa-
mous, would often lament Handel's not being acquainted
with the Italian music ; shewed him a large collection of
it,; and was very desirous he should return with him to
Florence. Handel plainly answered, that he could see
nothing in the music answerable to the prince's character
of it ; but, on the contrary, thought it so very indifferent,
that the singers, he said, must be angels to recommend it.
The prince smiled at the severity of his censure, yet
pressed him to return with him, and intimated that no con-
venience should be wanting. Handel thanked him for
the offer of a favour which he did not chuse to accept ; for
he resolved to go to Italy on a speculation of his own, as
soon as he could raise a sum sufficient for the purpose.
He had in him from his childhood a strong spirit of inde-
pendence, which was never known to forsake him in the
most distressful seasons of his life ; and it is remarkable
that he refused the greatest offers from persons of the first
distinction, because he would not be cramped or confined
by particular attachments.
Soon after, he went to Italy, and Florence was his first
destination ; where at the age of eighteen, he composed
the opera of " Rodrigo," for which he was presented with
100 sequins, and a service of plate. This may serve to
shew what a reception he met with at a place where the
highest notions were conceived of him before he arrived.
Vittoria, a celebrated actress and singer, bore a principal
part in this opera. She was a fine woman, and had been
some time in the good graces of his serene highness; yet
Handel's youth and comeliness, joined with his fame and
abilities in music, had raised emotions in her heart, which,
however, we do not find that Handel in the least encou-
raged. After about a year's stay at Florence, he went to
Venice, where he was first discovered at a masquerade,
while he was playing on a harpsichord in his vizor. Scar-
latti happened to be there, and affirmed it could be no
one but the famous Saxon or the devil. Being earnestly
importuned to compose an opera, he finished his " Agrip-
jpina" in three weeks; which was performed twenty-seven
nights successively, and with which the audience were en-
raptured. From Venice he went to Rome, where his ar-
rival was no sooner known than he received polite mes-
sages from persons of the first distinction. Among his
greatest admirers was the cardinal Ottoboni, a man of re-
iined taste and princely magnificence ; at whose court he
met with the famous Corelli, with whom he became well
acquainted. Attempts were made at Rome to convert him
to Popery; but he declared himself resolved to die a mem-
ber of that communion, whether true or false, in which he
had been born and bred. From Rome he went to Naples ;
and after he quitted Naples, made a second visit to Flo-
rence, Rome, and Venice. The whole time of his abode
in Italy was six years ; during which he had composed a
great deal of music, and some in almost every species of
composition. These early fruits of his studies would doubt-
less be great curiosities, could they be met with.
He now returned to his native country, but could not
prevail on himself to settle while there was any musical
court which he had not seen. He accordingly visited Ha-
nover, where he met with Steffani, with whom he had
been acquainted at Venice; and who was then master of
the chapel to George I. when elector of Hanover. There
also was a nobleman who had taken notice of him in Italy,
and who afterwards did him great service when he came to
Kngland for the second time, baron Kilmansegge, who
now introduced him at court, and so well recommended
him to his electoral highness, that he immediately offered
him a pension of 1 500 crowns per annum, as an induce-
ment to stay. Handel excused his not accepting this high
favour, because he had promised the court of the elector
palatine, and had also thoughts of going to England, whi-
ther he had received strong invitations from the duke of Man-
chester. On this he obtained leave to be absent for a twelve-
month or more at a time, and to go whithersoever he
pleased ; and on these conditions he thankfully accepted
the pension.
After paying a visit to his mother, who was now ex-
tremely old and blind, and to his old master Zackau, he
set out for Dusseldorp. The elector was highly pleased
with him, and at parting made him a present of a fine set
of wrought plate for a dessert. From Dusseldorp he made
the best of his way through Holland; and embarking for
England, he arrived at London in the winter of 1710,
H A N D E L. 125
where he was soon introduced at court, and honoured with
marks of the queen's favour. Many of the nobility were
impatient for an opera from him ; on which he composed
" Rinaldo," which succeeded so wonderfully, that his
engagements at Hanover became the subject of much
concern. He returned however thither in about a twelve-
month ; for besides his pension, Steffani had resigned to
him the mastership of the chapel; but in 17 12 he obtained
leave of the elector to visit England again, on condition
that he returned within a reasonable time. The poor state
of music here, and the wretched proceedings at the Hay-
market, made the nobility desirous that he might be em-
ployed in composing for the theatre. To their applica-
tions the queen added her own authority ; and as an en-
couragement, settled on him for life a pension of 20O/,
per annum. All this induced Handel to forget his obli-
gations to Hanover ; so that when George I. came over at
the death of the queen, in 1714, conscious how ill he had
deserved at his hands, he durst not appear at court. It
happened, however, that his noble friend baron Kilman-
segge was here ; and he, with others of the nobility, con-
trived the following scheme for reinstating him in his ma-
jesty's favour. The king was persuaded to form a party
on the water; and Handel was desired to prepare some
music for that occasion. This, which has since been so
justly celebrated under the title of the " Water Music/*
was performed and conducted by himself, unknown to his
majesty, whose pleasure on hearing it was equal to hig
surprize. Upon his inquiring whose it was, the baron
produced the delinquent, and presented him to his ma-
jesty, as one that was too conscious of his fault to attempt
an excuse for it. Thus Handel was restored to favour,
and his music honoured with the highest approbation; and
as a token of it, the king was pleased* to add a pension foe
life of 200/. a year to that which queen Anne had before
given him. Some years after, when he was employed to
teach the young princesses, another pension was added to
the former by her late majesty.
Handel was now settled in England, and well provided
for. The first three years he was chiefly, if not constantly,
at the earl of Burlington's, where he frequently met Pope.
The poet one day asked his friend Arbuthnot, of whose
knowledge'in music he had an high idea, what was his real
opinion of Handel, as a master of that science? who re-,
plied, " Conceive the highest you can of his abilities, and
they are much beyond any thing that you can conceive."
Pope nevertheless declared, that Handel's finest things,
so untoward were his ears, gave him no more pleasure
than the airs of a common ballad. The two next years
Handel spent at Cannons, then in its glory, and composed
music for the chapel there. About this time a project was
formed by the nobility for erecting an academy in the
Haymarket; the intention of which was to secure a con-
stant supply of operas, to be composed by Handel, and
to be performed under his direction. For this purpose
the sum of 50,000^. was subscribed, the king subscribing
lOOOl. and a society was formed called " the Royal Aca-
demy.'* Handel immediately was commissioned to go to
Dresden in quest of singers, whence he brought Senesino
and Duristanti. At this time Buononcini and Attilto,
whom we have mentioned before, composed for the opera,,
and had a strong party in their favour, which produced
a violent opposition, ridiculed by Swift and the other wits
of the time, although of great importance to the fashion-
able world ; but at last the rival composers and performers
were all united, and each was to have his particular part.
The academy being now firmly established, and Handel
appointed principal composer, all things went on pros-
perously for a course of ten years. Handel maintained an
absolute authority over the singers and the band, or rather
kept them in total subjection. What, however, they re-
garded for some time as legal government, at length ap-
peared to be downright tyranny; on which a rebellion
commenced, with Senesino at the head of it, and all be-
came tumult and civil war. Handel perceiving that Se-
nesino was grown less tractable and obsequious, resolved
to subdue him. To manage him by gentle means he dis-
dained ; yet to controul him by force he could not, Se-
nesino's interest and party being too powerful. The one,
therefore, was quite refractory, the other quite outrageous.
The merits of the quarrel are not known ; but, whatever
they were, the nobility would not consent to his design of
parting with Senesino, and Handel had resolved to have
no farther concerns with him. And thus the academy,
after it had gone on in a flourishing state for above nine
years, was at once dissolved.
Handel still continued at the Haymarket, but his audi-
ence gradually sunk away. New singers must be sought,
and could not be had any nearer than Italy, to which, how-
ever, he was obliged to go, and returning with several
singers, he carried on the opera for three or four years
without success. Many of the nobility raised a new sub-
scription for another opera at Lincoln's-inn-fields, and
sent for Farinelli and others ; and in short, the opposition
was so strong, that in spite of his great abilities, his affairs
declined, and his fortune was not more impaired than his
health and his understanding. His right arm was become
useless to him from a stroke of the palsy ; and his senses
were greatly disordered at intervals for a long time. In
this unhappy state, it was thought necessary that he should
go to the vapour-baths at Aix-la-Chapelle ; and thence he
received a cure, which from the manner, as well as quick-
ness of it, passed with the nuns for a miracle.
Soon after his return to London, in 1736, his " Alex-
ander's Feast" was performed at Covent-garden, and ap-
plauded ; and several other attempts were made to reinstate
him, but they did not prevail; the Italian party were too
powerful; so that in 174-1 he went to Dublin, where he
was well received, and began to repair his fortune. At
his return to London in 1741-2, the minds of most men
were disposed in his favour, and the aera of his prosperity
returned. He immediately began his oratorios in Covent-
garden, which he continued with uninterrupted success
and unrivalled glory, till within eight days of his death.
The last was performed on the 6th, and he expired on the
13th of April, 1759. He was buried in Westminster- abbey,
where by his own order, and at his own expence, a monu-
ment is erected to his memory.
As a composer, it would be affectation to attempt any
character of Handel after what Dr. Burney has given.
" That Handel was superior in the strength and boldness
of his style, the richness of his harmony, and complication
of parts, to every composer who has been most admired
for such excellencies, cannot be disputed ; and while
fugue, contrivance, and a full score were more generally-
reverenced than at present, he remained wholly unrivalled.
We know it has been said that Handel was not the original
3-nd immediate inventor of several species of music for which
his name has been celebrated ; but with respect to origi-
nality, it is a term to which proper limits should be set
before it is applied to the productions of any artist. Every
invention is clumsy in its beginning j and Shakspeare was
not the first writer of plays, or Corelli the first composer
of violin solos, sonatas, and concertos, though those which
he produced were the best of his time ; nor was Milton the
inventor of epic poetry. The scale, harmony, and ca-
dence of music being settled, it is impossible for any com-
poser to invent a genus of composition that is wholly and
rigorously new, any more than for a poet to form a lan-
guage, idiom, and phraseology for himself. All that the
o-reatest and boldest musical inventor can do, is to avail
himself of the best effusions, combinations, and effects of
his predecessors ; to arrange and apply them in a new
manner; and to add from his own source, whatever he can
draw, that is grand, graceful, gay, pathetic, or in any
other way pleasing. This Handel did in a most ample and
superior manner ; being possessed in his middle age and
full vigour, of every refinement and perfection of his time;
uniting the depth and elaborate contrivance of his own
country with Italian elegance and facility ; as he seems
while he resided south of the Alps, to have listened atten-
tively in the church, theatre, and chamber, to the most
exquisite compositions and performers of every kind that
were then existing. We will not assert that his vocal me-
Todies were more polished and graceful than those of his
countryman and contemporary Hasse ; or his recitatives or
musical declamation, superior to that of his rivals Buonon-
cini and Porpora. But in his instrumental composition*
there is a vigour, a spirit, a variety, a learning, and invention,
superior to every other composer that can be named ; and
in his organ fugues and organ playing, there is learning
always free from pedantry; and in his choruses a grandeur
and sublimity which we believe has never been equalled
since the invention of counterpoint."
The figure of Handel was large, and he was somewhat
corpulent and unwieldy in his motions, and his general
cast of countenance seemed rather heavy and sour ; yet,
when animated in conversation, his visage was full of fire
and dignity, and such as impressed ideas of superiority
and genius; and when he smiled, there was an uncommon
sudden flash of intelligence, wit, and good-humour beam-
ing in his countenance. Though he was generally rough
and peremptory in his manners and conversation, he was
totally devoid of ill-nature or malevolence; indeed, there
was an original humour and pleasantry in his most lively
sallies of anger or impatience, which, with his broken
ft A N D E L
English, were extremely risible. His natural propensity
to wit and humour, and happy manner of relating common
occurrences in an uncommon way, enabled him to throw
persons and things into very ridiculous attitudes. Had he
been as great a master of the English language as Swift,
his bon-mots would have been as frequent, and somewhat
of the same kind.
Handel, with many virtues, was addicted to no vice that
was injurious to society. Nature, indeed, required a great
supply of sustenance to support so huge a mass, and he
was rather Epicurean in the choice of it ; but this seems
to have been the only appetite which he allowed himself
to gratify ; and though he was frequently rough in his
language, and in the habit of swearing, a' vice then much
more in fashion than at present, he became more regular
during the last years of his life, and constantly attended
public prayers twice a day, winter and summer, both in
London and Tunbridge.
It has been said of him, that out of his profession he was
ignorant and dull, but, if the fact was as true as it is se-
vere, it must be allowed in extenuation, that to possess a
difficult art in the perfect manner in which he did, and to
be possessed by it, seems a natural consequence, and all
that the public had a right to expect, as he pretended to
nothing more. So occupied and absorbed was Handel by
the study and exercise of his profession, that he had little
time to bestow, either on private amusements or the culti-
vation of friendship. Indeed, the credit and reverence
arising from these, had Handel possessed them, would
have been transient, and confined to his own age and ac-
quaintance ; whereas the fame acquired by silent and
close application to his professional business is universal.
Dr. Burney thinks it probable that his name, like that of
many of his brethren, will long survive his works. The
most learned man can give us no information concerning
either the private life or compositions of Orpheus, Am-
phion, Linus, Olympus, Terpander, or Timotheus, yet
every school-boy can tell us that they were great musicians,
the delight of their several ages, and many years after,
of posterity. Though totally free from the sordid vices of
meanness and avarice, and possessed of their opposite vir-
tues, charity and generosity, in spite of temporary adver-
sity, powerful enemies, and frequent maladies of body,
which sometimes extended to intellect, Handel died worth
upwards of 20,000/. ; which, except 1000/. to the fund for
decayed musicians and their families, he chiefly bequeathed
to his relations on the continent.1
HANCKIUS (MARTIN), a learned German professor,
was born February 16, 1633, at Breslaw. Some theses
which he maintained did him so much honour, that he
was invited to Gotha, where he was made professor of
morality, politics, and history ; and appointed afterwards
professor of history, politics, and rhetoric, at Breslaw,
1661 ; librarian of the Elizabeth library, in the same city,
1670 -y patron of the college of Elizabeth, 1631 ; and in
1688, teacher and inspector of all the schools of the Augs-
burg confession in that country. He died at Breslaw,
April 24, 1709. He wrote many works which established
his reputation among his countrymen as an acute critic and
profound scholar. His principal performance, and that
for which he is most esteemed among scholars, is his book
" De Romanarum rerum Scriptoribus," 2 vols. 4to, 1669,
1675, to which was added another, " De By z an tin arum
rerum Scriptoribus Grsecis," 1677, 4to. His other publi-
cations, also on history and antiquities, are in considerable
HANMER (MEREDITH), an English divine of a very
mixed character, was son to Thomas Hanmer of Porking-
ton, in Shropshire, where he was born in 1543, though
Fuller says he was born in Flintshire. He became chaplain
of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, where he took a degree
in arts in April 1567. He afterwards was presented to the
living of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, during his holding of
which his conduct was such as to bring great odium on him.
Out of avarice he tore away the brass plates from the grave-
stones and monuments, and sold them; and he also ap-
pears by Fleetwood's Diary to have paid very little regard to
his oath in a court of justice. In 1581 or 1582, betook
his degrees in divinity, and in Nov. 4th, 1583, was pre-
sented to the vicarage of Islington, which he resigned in
1590. Two or three years afterwards he resigned Shore-
ditch, went to Ireland, and at length became treasurer to
the church of the holy Trinity, in Dublin, which he kept
until his death in 1604. Weever says he committed sui-
cide ; and there is still a tradition to this effect among the
1 Barney's Hist, of Music, and article in Rees's Cyclopadia.— £urney'«
Hist, of the Commemoration of Handel.
3 tfictron, rol. XXXVI 11,—Chaufepie.— Saxii
H A N M E R. 131
inhabitants of Shoreditch parish. Whatever his errors, he
was esteemed an exact disputant, and a good preacher; an
excellent Greek scholar, and well versed in ecclesiastical
and civil history. Besides some tracts against the Jesuits,
he published " A Chronography," &c. Lond. 1585, folio,
which Harris says was added to his translation of " The
Ancient Ecclesiastical Histories of the first 600 years after
Christ, originally written by Eusebius, Socrates, and Eva-
grius," 1576, folio, reprinted 1585. With this were printed
the lives of the prophets and apostles, &c. by Dorotheus,
bishop of Tyre ; the Ephemeris of the Saints of Ireland ;
and " The Chronicle of Ireland, in two parts," the third
part of which was published in 1633, at Dublin, fol. He
published also, " A Sermon on the Baptising of a Turk,'*
preached in the collegiate church of St. Katherine, 1586,
HANMER (Slit THOMAS, Bart.) a distinguished states-
man and polite writer, was born about 1676, and had hi*
education at Westminster-school, and Christ-church, Ox-
ford. When he arrived at years of maturity, he was chosen
knight of the shire for the county of Suffolk, and sat in
parliament near thirty years, either as a representative for
that county, or for Flintshire, or for the borough of Thet-
ford. In this venerable assembly he was soon distinguished ;
and his powerful elocution and unbiassed integrity drew
the attention of all parties. In 17 13 he was chosen speaker
of the house of commons ; which office, difficult at all
times, but at that time more particularly, he discharged
with becoming dignity. All other honours and emolu-
ments he declined. Having withdrawn himself by degrees
from public business, he spent the remainder of his life in
an honourable retirement amongst his books and friends ;
and there prepared an elegant and correct edition of the
works of Shakspeare. This he presented to the university
of Oxford; and it was printed there 1744, in 6 vols. 4to,
with elegant engravings, by Gravelot, at the expence of
sir Thomas. He died at his seat in Suffolk, April 5,
1746. 2
HANNEKEN (MEMNON), a celebrated Lutheran divine,
was born March 1, 1595, at Blaxen in the county of Olden-
burg, into which county, and Delmenhorst, his ancestors
1 Fuller's Worthies.— -Ath. Ox. vol. I.— Ellis's Hist, of Shoreditch.
2 Biog. Brit. vol. VI. part II. Supplement, where there are many particulars
«f his quarrel with Warburton, &c.— Swift's Works, see Index.
had introduced Lutheranism. He was professor of mora-
lity, afterwards of divinity and oriental languages at Mar-
purg, and, lastly^ superintendant of the churches of Lu-
bec, where he died February 17, 1671. His principal
works are, " Scutum Catholic® veritatis," against the Je-
suit Thomas Henrici ; an " Examination of the Jesuit Be-
can's Manual ;" a " Hebrew Grammar ;" " Expositio Epis-
tolse Pauli ad Ephesios," Marpurg, 1631, 4to ; " Synopsis
Theologiae ;" " Irenicum Catholico Evangelicum ;" " De
Justificatione Hominis," &c.— His son, PHILIP LEWIS
Hanneken, who died professor of divinity at Wittemberg,
June 16, 1706, has also left several works on the Scriptures.1
HANNEMAN (JOHN, or according to lord Orford,
ADRIAN), an historical and portrait painter, was born at
the Hague in 1611, and as some writers report, was a dis-
ciple of Vandyke; But with more probability, was a dis-
ciple of Hubert Kavestein. However, he formed his taste,
and his manner of penciling, by studying and copying the
works of Vandyke, observing particularly the airs of the
heads, which he very happily imitated ; and in the tints of
his carnations he had somewhat so extremely soft and de-
licate, as to give them an appearance little inferior to those
of Vandyke. Several of Hannetnan's copies after that il-
lustrious painter's works shewed such exactness, and at
the same time such a freedom of hand, that they are fre-
quently mistaken for offegirials. Although he was usually
employed in portrait- painting, yet he sometimes designed
historical and allegorical subjects. Of the latter kind there
is^a large picture in the hall of the States of Holland, re-
presenting Peace, under the figure of a beautiful woman
seated on a throne, holding a dove on her knees, and
crowned with wreaths of laurel by two genii. The com-
position is rich, and it is painted with a great deal of force;
the carnations approaching very near to the tints of Van-
dyke. He came to England in the reign of Charles I. and
continued here for sixteen years, and, at his return to the
Hague, became the favourite painter of the princess Mary
of Orange. There is a picture of her, and the prince in
armour, at lord Stratford's at Wentworth castle, painted,
as lord Orford thinks, by him ; there are also portraits by
him at Windsor, Worksop, and other places. He died
ahmir 1 £fin 2 *
about 1680."
1 Chaufepie.— Moreri.— Saxii Onomait.
9 .-Walpole'i Anecdotes,
H A N N O. 133
IIANNO, a Carthaginian general, who was employed
to sail round Africa, entered the ocean by what is now
called the Strait of Gibraltar; discovered several countries,
and would have continued his voyage, had he not been in
want of provisions. The " Periplus of Hanno," ascribed
to him, was published in Greek by Gelenius, 1533, and
there is a good edition of it in Greek and Latin, with notes,
Leyden, 1674, 12mo. It is also inserted in the " Geogra-
phi Veteres," Oxford, 4 vols. 8vo, but some suppose this
work is of much later date than the time of Hanno, there
being reason to suppose he was the famous Carthaginian
general who carried on the war against Agathocles, when
Carthage was in its most flourishing state. It has been
translated into Italian by Romusio, into Spanish by Cam-
pomanes, into French by Bougainville, and in I7U7 into
English by the learned Mr. Falconer of Corpus college,
Oxford, who has ably defended the authenticity of the
work against Dodwell and other writers.1
HANVILL (JOHN), a monk of St. Alban's, and a Latin
poet of the twelfth century, was a native of this country,
and educated at Oxford, where he took a master's degree.
He is said to have travelled through a great part of Europe,
and during a long residence at Paris, studied rhetoric, and
was distinguished for his taste even among the numerous
and polite scholars of that flourishing seminary. On his
return to England, he became a Benedictine monk in the
abbey of St. Alban's, where he died about the beginning
of the thirteenth century. He wrote a long Latin poem in
nine books, dedicated to Walter bishop of Rouen, entitled
" Architrenius," which Warton, who has given a long spe-
cimen of it, pronounces a learned, ingenious, and very en-
tertaining performance, containing a mixture of satire and
panegyric on public vice and virtue, with some historical
digressions, but not enough to justify Simlerus's blunder
in the epitome of Gesner's Bibliotheca, where he says the
subject is *' de antiquitatibus Britannise." This work was
printed at Paris, 1517, 4to, and is scarce; but there are
two manuscripts of it in the Bodleian library, with some
epistles, epigrams, and other poems by the same hand.2
HAN WAY (JONAS), a benevolent and amiable character,
was born at Portsmouth in 1712. He was at a very early
' Moreri. — Saxii Onomast — Falconer's translation.
9 Leland. — ]>ale. — Pits, and Tanner. — Walton's Hist, of Poetry. — Fuller's
13* H A N W A Y.
age bound apprentice to a merchant at Lisbon, and after-
wards connected himself with a mercantile house at Peters-
burgh, in consequence of which he was induced to travel
into Persia. On leaving Russia with an independent for-
tune, he returned to his own country, and passed the re-
mainder of his life as a private gentleman, honourably to
himself and useful to the world. In 1753, he published
an account of his travels through Russia into Persia, and
back again through Russia, Germany, and Holland. To
this work also was added an account of the revolutions of
Persia during the present century. His other publications
are very numerous; most of them were well received, and
all of them calculated to prove him an excellent citizen
and liberal-minded man. The institution of the Marine
Society, justly attributed to his activity and benevolence,
was the favourite object of Mr. Han way's care ; and in
1758, he was also particularly instrumental in the esta-
blishment of the Magdalen charity. His public spirit, and,
above all, his disinterestedness, were so conspicuous, that
a deputation of the principal merchants in London waited
upon the earl of Bute, when prime minister, and repre-
sented to him that an individual like Mr. Hanway, who had
done so much public good to the injury of his private for-
tune, was deserving of some signal mark of the public
esteem. He was accordingly made a commissioner of the
navy, a situation which he held more than twenty years,
and, when he resigned, he was allowed to retain the salary
for life, on account of his known exertions in the cause of
universal chanty. To enumerate the various instances in
which the benevolent character of his heart was success-
fully exerted, would be no easy task. Sunday-schools in
a great measure may look upon' Mr. Hanway as their fa-
ther; the chimney-sweepers' boys are much indebted to
his humanity; and perhaps there never was any public
calamity in any part of the British empire which he did
not endeavour to alleviate. So greatly and so universally
was he respected, that when he died, in 1786, a subscrip-
tion of many hundred pounds was raised to erect a monu-
ment to his memory. The great character of his numerous
works is a strong masculine spirit of good sense, and a
very chaste simplicity. In his private life he was remark-
able for the strictest integrity of conduct, and for a frank-
ness and candour which naturally inspired confidence. The
number of his publications amounted to almost seventy, a
H A R M U S. 135
catalogue of which is annexed to his Life by Mr. Pugh, a
work highly edifying and entertaining.1
HARjEUS (FRANCIS), a learned Dutch catholic divine,
and called in that language Van der Haer, was born at
Utrecht in 1550, and after the usual course of academical
instruction, taught rhetoric at Douay, and travelled after-
wards into Germany, Italy, and Muscovy. He accompa-
nied father Pousse vin, who was sent there by the pope as
nuncio. On his return, he was made canon of Bois-Ie-duc,
then of Namur, and Louvain, at which last place he died,
January 12, 1632. His principal works are, " Biblia sacra
expositionibus priscorum Patrum litteralibus *t mysticis
illustrata," Antwerp, 1630, folio; "Catena aurea in IV
Evangelia," 1625, 8vo; " Annales Ducum Brabantiae, ac
tumultuum Belgicorum ;" an abridgment of the " Lives of
the Saints,1' taken chiefly from Surius, 8vo ; and " A Chro-
nology," Antwerp, 1614, 4to, &c.2
HARDI (ALEXANDER), a French dramatist of the se-
venteenth century, remarkable for the fertility of his pen,
wrote an incredible number of pieces for the theatre, som«
say six hundred, and some even more. Of these, however,
no more remain than thirty-four, which were published by
himself in six volumes, 8vo, Paris, 1625 — 1628. Among
these the only tolerable piece is " Marianne," so good, in-
deed, that his readers will wonder how it came there. All
his boast was a remarkable facility in writing ; it was said
that he would write two thousand lines in twenty-four
hours : in three days his play was composed, and acted.
He certainly had considerable talents, but, as he was very
necessitous, and compelled to write against time, his abili-
ties had not fair scope. He was the first French dramatist
who introduced the custom of being paid for his pieces.
He died at Paris in 1630.3
HARDING, or IIARDYNG (JOHN), one of our old
English historians, descended from a reputable northern
family, was born in 1 373, and at the age of twelve was ad-
mitted into the family of sir Henry Percy, eldest son to
the earl of Northumberland, familiarly known by the name
of Harry Hotspur, on account of his impatient spirit. He
was one of the most esteemed warriors of his time, active
* Life by Pugh. — Gent. Mag. vol. LXV. — Johnson's Works by Hawkins.—
Boswell's Life of Johnson.
2 Buruaan Traject, Erudit.— Foppen Bibl. Belg. — Clement Bibl. Cuiifuse.<-«
Saxii Ouoinast, 3 Diet. Hist.
and enterprising, had a large vassalry, numerous partizans,
and unlimited authority. His household, as lord of the
east march of England, was constantly held at Berwick^
upon-Tweed. Harding, it appears, was with his patron,
as a volunteer, in the battles of Homildon and Cokelawe.
After the death of Percy, he enlisted under the banners
of sir Robert Umfravile, with whom he had fought at Ho-
roildon, and who was connected with the Percies by the
ties of affinity as well as those of arms. In 1405, when
king Henry IV. reduced the fortresses of lord Bardolph
and the earl of Northumberland, sir Robert Umfravile's
services in the expedition were rewarded with the castle
of Warkworth, under whom Harding became the constable.
How long he remained at Warkworth does not appear, but
his knowledge of Scottish geography seems soon to have
engaged him in the secret service of his country, In 1415
we find him attendant on the king at Harfleur, and his
journal of the march which preceded the memorable battle
of Agincourt forms one of the most curious passages among
the additions to the late reprint of his Chronicle. In 1416
he appears to have accompanied the duke of Bedford to
the sea-fight at the mouth of the Seine. In 1424 he was
at Rome, and employed partly in inspecting " the great
Chronicle of Trogus Pompeius ;" but soon after he was
again employed in collecting documents for ascertaining
the fealty due from the Scottish kings, which seems to
have been attended with some personal danger. He has
even been accused of forging deeds to answer his royal
master's purpose ; but the truth of this charge cannot now
be ascertained.
Actively as Harding was engaged in public life, he
found time to gather materials lor his " Chronicle,", and
appears to have finished the first composition of it toward
the latter en4 of the minority of king Henry VI. The
Lansdowne manuscript closes with the life of sir Robert
Umfravile, who died, according to Dugdale, Jan. 27, 1436,
and under whom Harding seems to have lived in his latter
years as constable of Kyme castle in Lincolnshire. Of
the rewards which he received for his services, we find only
a grant for life often pounds per annum out of the manor
or alien preceptory of Wyloughton in the county of Lin-
coln, in the eighteenth year of Henry VI.; and in 1457 he
had a pension of twenty pounds a year for life by letters
patent, charged upon the revenues of the county of Lin.,
coin. During his latter days he appears to have re-com-
posed his " Chronicle" for Richard duke of York, father
to king Edward IV. who was slain in the battle of Wake-
field, Dec. 31, 1460. It was afterwards presented to king
Edward IV. himself. The history comes no lower than
the flight of Henry VI. to Scotland, but from " the excu-
sacion" touching his " defaultes," in which the q'ueen'is
mentioned, it is evident that Harding could not have
finished his work before 1465. How long he survived its
completion is unknown, but he must then have been at
least eighty-seven years of age. His " Chronicle of Eng-
land unto the reign of king Edward IV." is in verse, and as
a metrical composition is beneath criticism, but, as a re-
cord of facts, is highly interesting to the English historian
and antiquary. It was first printed by Grafton in 1543,
with a continuation by the same, to the thirty-fourth year
of Henry VIII. This has been long ranked among the most
rare and expensive of our Chronicles, but those who pre-
fer use to mere antiquity, will set a higher value on the
edition printed in 1812 by the booksellers of London,
Henry Ellis, esq. the learned editor of this edition, has
prefixed a biographical and literary preface, to which the
preceding account is much indebted, and has carefully
collated Harding' s part of the " Chronicle" with two manu-
scripts of the author's own time, the Lansdowne and the
Harleian, both which are in the British Museum ; and
Grafton's addition has been collated with his duplicate
edition.^ It is noticed by Mr. Ellis as a very singular fact,
that there should be two editions of Harding, both printed
by Grafton in the month of January 1543, differing in
almost every page, and one, in Grafton's own portion of
the work, containing (in the reign of Henry VIII.) no less
than twenty-nine pages more than the other.1
HARDING (THOMAS), a popish divine of considerable
note, and the antagonist of bishop Jewel, was born at
Comb-Martin in Devonshire, 1512. His school education
was first at Barhstaple, and afterwards at Winchester,
whence he was removed to New-college, Oxford, and after
two years' probation, was chosen fellow there in 1536. In
1542, having completed his degrees in arts, he was chosen
Hebrew professor of the university by Henry VIII. and,
fcis religion probably kept pace with the king's, but Ed-
> Mr. Ellis's Preface as above.
ward no sooner ascended the throne, than Harding became
a zealous protestant. He was afterwards chaplain to the
duke of Suffolk, father of Jane Grey, and had the honour
to instruct this young lady in the protestant religion ; but,
on the accession of queen Mary, he immediately became
a confirmed papist, and was chaplain and confessor to Gar-
diner bishop of Winchester. There is a curious epistle
preserved by Fox, said to be written by lady Jane to Har-
ding on his apostacy, which, Burnet observes, " is full of
Jife in the thought, and zeal in the expression." In 1554,
he proceeded D. D. at Oxford, and was the year after
made treasurer of the cathedral of Salisbury, as he had
been a little before prebendary of Winchester. When
Elizabeth came to the crown, being deprived of his pre-
ferment, he left the kingdom ; and, having fixed his abode
at Louvain in Flanders, he became, says Wood, " the tar-
get of popery," in a warm controversy with bishop Jewel,
respecting ordination, against whom, between 1554 and
1567, he wrote seven pieces. He died at Louvain Sept.
16, 1572, and was buried in the church of St. Gertrude,
with an epitaph, given at length by Pits. He was un-
doubtedly a man of parts and learning, and not an inele-
gant writer. Humphrey, in his " Life of Jewel," com-
paring him .with his adversary, says, — " in multis pares
sunt, & arnbo doctrinae & eloquentiae gloria praecellentes."1
HARD INGE (NICHOLAS), a polite and ingenious scho-
lar, was the younger son of the rev. Gideon Hardinge, and
grandson of sir Robert Hardinge, of King's Newton, a
small hamlet in the parish of Melbourne in Derbyshire,
who was knighted in the civil wars. He was born in 1700,
and educated at Eton school, which he left in 17 IS for
King's college, Cambridge, where he took his degree of
B. A. in 1722, and that of M. A. in 1726. When he left
the university, he studied law, and was called to the bar ;
but obtained in 1731 the office of chief clerk of the house
of commons, which he held until 1752, when he was ap-
pointed joint secretary of the treasury, in which post he
died April 9, 1758.
At Eton and Cambridge, he had the fame of the most
eminent scholar of his time, and wrote Latin verse with
great elegance. When at Cambridge he was at the head
i Ath. Ox. vol. I. new edit.— Dodd's Ch. Hist.— Prince's Worthies of Derort.
— Strype's Cranmer, p. 36'J — Tanner, &c.
H A R D I N G E. 139
of the whig party, which happened to prevail in a contest
respecting the expulsion of a student, who, in one of the
college exercises had offended the tories. In this contest
lie made himself master of the law and custom of visita-
torial power, which he discussed in a very masterly essay;
but this, although intended for publication, has not yet
appeared. He was a very profound and judicious anti-
quary, particularly in what concerned English law and his-
tory. At the request of William duke of Cumberland (to
whom he had been appointed, in Dec. 1732, law-reader,
and was afterwards his attorney-general), he wrote a very
learned memorial upon the regency (when that subject was
agitated in the last reign), which lord Hardwicke called
" an invaluable work." It was by Mr. Hardinge' s advice
and encouragement that Mr. Stuart undertook his journey
to Athens, with a view of illustrating the history of that
city. His diligence, accuracy, knowledge, and skill, in the
office of clerk to the House of commons, were never ex-
ceeded. He put the " Journals" into their present form ;
and drew up a very able report of the condition in which
he found them. In his office of secretary he was laborious,
able, and zealous ; and so honest, that he had many ene-
mies. He was chosen representative for the borough of
Eye in parliament in 1748 and 1754, and was a very useful
member; but had no talents or courage for eloquence,
though his taste in estimating it was exquisite.
He had a rich vein of humour ; and his English muse,
though never inelegant, had a peculiar turn for it. His
" Denhill Iliad," a poem occasioned by the hounds running
through lady Gray's gardens at Denhill, in East Kent, is
very much in the manner of Pope ; and his " Dialogue in
the Senate-house of Cambridge," written in 1750, was
much admired for its poetry and humour : the former of
these is in Mr. Nichols's " Select Collection of Poems,"
the latter in the " Poetical Calendar," vol. IX. In 1780,
his son, the present George Hardinge, esq. solicitor-general
to the queen, printed for private distribution, an octavo
volume of his Latin verses, with a corrected copy of the
ode in Mr. Nichols's collection. The Latin poems are of
various dates ; some of them school exercises at Eton in
1717 and 1718, and are remarkable specimens of classical
taste at so early a period of life.1
1 Nichols's Bowyer, where are many particulars of Mr. Hardinge, and, par-
ticularly in vol. VIII. much valuable correspondence communicated by hisSoa.
140 H A R D I O N.
HARD1ON (JAMES), a polite French writer, was born
at Tours in 1686, and coming to Paris in 1704, devoted
his time to the study of the belles lettres, and at the same
time cultivated a critical knowledge of the Greek language
under Boivin and Massieu, professors in the royal college.
In 1711, he was admitted as a pupil into the academy of
inscriptions, became an associate in 1715, and a pensionary
in 172S. For their Memoirs he wrote a great many curious
and interesting papers, and his general knowledge and re-
putation procured him at length the office of keeper of the
library and antiquities in the royal cabinet. In 1730 he
was chosen a member of the French academy, and the
following year began his " Histoire de 1'origine et des pro-
gres de la Rhetorique dans la Grece." He had published
twelve dissertations on this subject, when, in 1 748, the king
honoured him with the appointment of preceptor in history
and geography to madame Victoire, one of the princesses,
and he afterwards taught other illustrious females of that
family. It was for their use that he wrote his " Histoire
Poetique," with two treatises, one on French poetry, and
the other on rhetoric, Paris, 1751, 3 vols. 12mo, and his
universal history, " Histoire Universelle," 18 vols. 12mo,
to which Linguet added two others. All his works are
valued for elegance of style and the accuracy of his re-
searches, and his personal character was not less admired,
as a man of integrity whom a court- life had not spoiled,
and who preserved the dignity of the literary character
amidst the cabals arrd intrigues by which he was surrounded.
Hardion died at Paris in September 1766. His disserta-
tions in the Memoirs of the academy of inscriptions display
a profound knowledge of classical antiquities.1
HARDOUIN (JoiiN), a French Jesuit, eminent for his
great parts, learning, and singularities of opinion, was
born of obscure parents, at Kimper in Bretagne, in 1647.
He entered young in the society of Jesuits, and devoted
himself to the study of the belles lettres, the learned lan-
guages, history, philosophy, and divinity. In 1684, he
published in 4to, a work entitled " Nummi antiqui popu-
lorum & urbium illustrati ;" in which he often gave expli-
cations very singular, and as contrary to truth as to good
sense. The same year he published, in conjunction with
Petavius, « Themistii Orationes xxxiii. cum notis," folio,;
1 Plot. H«t,— Saxii Onoraast.
H A R D O U I N. 141
and the year following, in 5 vols. 4to, for tlie use of the
dauphin, " Plinii Historic Naturalis libri xxxvii, interpre-
tatione & notis illustrati," of which a much improved edi-
tion appeared at Paris in 1723, 3 vols. folio. Hitherto he
confined himself to profane learning, where his whimsies
were not supposed capable of doing much harm ; but now
he began to tamper with religious subjects; and in 1687,
he published his book entitled " De Baptismo qu<fistio tri-
plex." Two years after appeared his 4< Antirrheticus de
nummis antiquis colouiarum & municipiorum," in 4to; aud
also " S. Joannis Chrysostorni Epistola ad Cacsarium Mo-
nachum, notis ac clissertatione de sacramento altaris," in
4to. Le Clerc having made some reflections upon '* St.
Chrysostom's Letter to Cassarius," Hardouin replied, iu a
piece printed in 1690, and entitled " Defence de la l.ettre
de S. Jean Chrysostome, addressee a 1'Auteur cle la Biblio-
theque Universelle :" to which Le Clerc returned an an-
swer in the nineteenth volume of that work.
In 1693, he printed at Paris, in 2 vols, 4to, u Chrono-
logize ex nummis antiquis restitute prolusio, de nummis
Herodiadum :" in which he opened more fully that strange
paradoxical system, of which he had yet done little more
than give hints. He undertakes to prove from medals,
that the greater part of those writings which are considered
as ancient, were forged by monks of the thirteenth cen-
tury, who gave to them the several names of Homer,
Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, &c. Tertullian, Origen, Basil,
Augustin, &c. He excepts only out of this monkish ma-
nufacture the works of Cicero, Pliny's " Natural History,"
Virgil's " Georgics," and Horace's " Satires and Epistles/'
These he supposes the only genuine monuments of anti-
quity remaining, except some few inscriptions and fasti :
and with the assistance of these, he is of opinion that these
monks drew np and published all the other ancient writings,
as Terence's " Plays," Livy's and Tacitus's " Histories,"
Virgil's " Eneid," Horace's " Odes," &c. Nay, he car-
ried this whim so far, that he fancied he could see plainly
enough that /Eneas in Virgil was designed for Jesus Christ,
and Horace's mistress Lalage for the Christian religion.
Absurd as all this may seem, he appears to have seriously
believed k himself, and was persuaded that his reasons for
it were clear and evident; though he would not publish
them to the world, nor explain his system, which he was
frequently called upon to do. This work was suppressed
by public authority at Paris. He afterwards published "A
Letter upon three Samaritan Medals;" " An Essay towards
the restoring Chronology by Medals of Constantino's age,'7
and "A Chronology of the Old Testament, conformable to
the vulgar translation, illustrated by ancient Medals ;" all
which were likewise suppressed, on account of the para-
doxes contained in them.
Still persisting in his opinion, in some letters, written to
Mons. Ballanfaux, and printed at Luxemburg in 1700, he
speaks of " an impious faction begun a long while ago,
which still subsists, and which by forging an infinite num-
ber of writings, that seem to breathe nothing but piety,
appears to have no other design than to remove God out
of the hearts of mankind, and to overturn all religion."
Mr. La Croze refuted his notion concerning the forgery of
the ancient writings, in a Dissertations historiques sur
divers sujets, Rot. 1707;" and in " Vindiciae veterum
Scriptorum contra J. Harduinum." La Croze imagined,
that Hardouin advanced his notions in concert with the so-
ciety of Jesuits, or at least with his superiors, in order to
set aside the ancient Greek and Latin sacred and profane
writers, and so leave all clear to infallibility and tradition
only ; but Le Clerc was of opinion, that there was no ground
for this supposition. In 1700 there was published at 4™-
sterdam a volume in folio, entitled " Joannis Harduini
opera selecta," consisting of his " Nummi antiqui popu-
lorum et urbium illustrati;" " De Baptismo quaestio tri-
plex;" edition of" St. Chrysostom's Letter to Caesarius,"
with the dissertation " De Sacramento Altaris ;" " De num-
mis Herodiadum;" his " Discourse on the Last Supper,'*
which had been printed in 1693 ; a treatise in which he
explains the medals of the age of Constantine ; " Chrono-
logy of the Old Testament, adjusted by the Vulgate trans-
lation, and illustrated by Medals ;" " Letters to M. de
Ballanfaux ;" and other pieces. This volume made a great
deal of noise before it was published. The author had
corrected what he thought proper in the works he had al-
ready published ; and then put them into the hands of a
bookseller, who undertook to print them faithfully from
the copy he had received. , He began the impressjon with
the author's consent, and was considerably advanced in it,
when the clamour raised against the paradoxes in those
works obliged Hardouin to send an order to the bookseller
to retrench the obnoxious passages. But the bookseller
H A R D O U I N. . 143
refused to do it, and wrote an answer to him, alleging the
reasons of his refusal. This immediately produced " A
Declaration of the father provincial of the Jesuits, and of
the superiors of their houses at Paris, concerning a new
edition of some works of father John Hardouin of the same
society, which has been actually made contrary to their
will hy the Sieur de Lorme, bookseller at Amsterdam,''' &c.
At the bottom of this was Hardouin's recantation, which
runs in these curious terms : " I subscribe sincerely to
every thing contained in the preceding declaration ; I
heartily condemn in my writings what it condemns in them,
and particularly what I have said concerning an impious
faction, which had forged some ages ago the greatest part
of the ecclesiastical or profane writings, which have hi-
therto been considered as ancient. I am extremely sorry
that I did not open my eyes before in this point. I think
myself greatly obliged to my superiors in this society, who
have assisted me in divesting myself of my prejudices. I
promise never to advance in word or writing any thing
directly or indirectly contrary to my present recantation.
And if hereafter I shall call in question the antiquity of any
writing, either ecclesiastical or profane, which no person
before shall have charged as supposititious, I will only do
it by proposing my reasons in a writing published under
my name, with the permission of my superiors, and the
approbation of the public censors. In testimony of which
I have signed, this 27th of December, 1708, J. Hardouin,
of the society of Jesus.'5
But notwithstanding this solemn protestation, nothing
can be more certain than that Hardouin industriously che-
rished and propagated his opinions to the last moment of
his life. Thus, in 1723, when he reprinted his edition of
Pliny in three volumes folio, he greatly augmented it with,
notes, in which were dispersed many paradoxical conceits,
tending to support his general system, which Mr. Crevier
and father Desmolets of the oratory thought themselves
obliged to point out and refute. Yet, notwithstanding
all these circumstances, and the clamour raised against
him and his writings, he maintained his credit so well with
the clergy of France, that they engaged him to undertake
a new edition of" The Councils," and gave him a pension
for that purpose. It was printed, 1715, in 12 vols. folio,
at the royal printing-house; but the sale of it was pro-
hibited by the parliament, who commissioned some doc-
144 H A R D O U I N.
tors, among whom was the celebrated Dupin, to examin^
it. These doctors gave in their report, that the edition!
should either be suppressed, or at least corrected in a
great number of places ; because it contained many max-
ims injurious to the doctrines and discipline of the church
in general, and to those of the Gallican church in particu-
lar ; and because some very essential things were omitted,
while others that were spurious were inserted.
Father Hardouin died at Paris, Sept. 3, 1729, in his
eighty-third year ; and after his death a volume of his
" Opuscula," in folio, was published by an anonymous
friend. The largest and most singular of these is entitled
" Athei detecti ;" among whom are to be found Jansenius,
Malbranche, Thomasin, Descartes, Regis, Arnaud, Nicole,
Paschal, and Quesnel ; whose irreligion, no doubt, con-
sisted chiefly in their being enemies to the Jesuits. The
society, however, thought proper, in their " Memoires de
Trevonx,'7 to disown any concern in the publication of
these " Opuscula ;" and affected to censure freely the
errors contained in them. A posthumous work was pub-
lished in 1766, under the title of " Joannis Harduini, Je-
suitte, ad Censuram Scriptorum Veterum Prolegomena,"
with a valuable preface by Mr. Bowyer, to whom a curious
Latin pamphlet was addressed on that occasion by his
friend the rev. Caesar De Missy.
We will conclude our account of this famous Jesuit with
a characteristic epitaph by M. de Boze.
" In expectatione judicii, hicjacet hominum paradoxotatos, na-
tione Gallus, religione Romanus : orbis litterati portentum : ve-
nerandae antiquitatis cultor et destructor. Docte febricitans, som-
nia et inaudita commenta vigilans edidit. Scepticum pie egit, ere-
dulitate puer, audacia juvenis, delhiis senex." l
HARE (Dr. FRANCIS), an English bishop, was born in
London, and educated at Eton, whence he was admitted
of King's college, Cambridge, in 1688, and took his de-
gree of A. B. in 1692, and of A. M. 1696. He afterwards
became tutor in the college, and in that capacity super-
intended the education of the celebrated Anthony Collins,
who was fellow-commoner there. He had also the tuition
of the marquis of Blandford, only son of the illustrious
duke of Marlborough, who appointed him chaplain-general
1 Gen. Diet— Moreri.— Memoirs of Literature, vols. IX. XI. and XII.—
Republic of Letters, vol. IV.— Nichols's Bowyer.— Saxii Onomast,
HARE. 145
to the army ; but this promising young nobleman died in
1702, and was buried in King's college chapel. The in-
scription on his monument is by our author. In 1708 Mr.
Hare took his degree of D. D. obtained the deanery of
Worcester, and in 1726 the deanery of St. Paul's. In
Dec. 1727, he was consecrated bishop of St. Asaph, where
he sat about four years, and was translated, Nov. 25, 1731,
to the bishopric of Chichester, which he held with the
deanery of St. Paul's to his death. He was dismissed from
being chaplain to George I. in 1718, by the strength of
party prejudices, in company with Dr. Moss and Dr. Sher-r
lock, persons of distinguished rank for parts and learning.
About the latter end of queen Anne's reign he published
a remarkable pamphlet, entitled " The difficulties and
discouragements which attend the Study of the Scriptures,
in the way of private judgment;" in order to shew, that
since such a study of the scriptures is an indispensable
duty, it concerns all Christian societies to remove, as much
as possible, those discouragements. This work was thought
to have such a direct tendency to promote scepticism, and
a loose way of thinking in matters of religious concern,
that the convocation judged it right to pass a severe censure
on it ; and Whiston says, that, finding this piece likely to
hinder preferment, he aimed to conceal his being the au-
thor. The same writer charges him with being strongly
inclined to scepticism ; that he talked ludicrously of sacred
matters ; and that he would offer to lay wagers about the
fulfilling of scripture prophecies. The principal ground
for these invidious insinuations some suppose to be, that,
though he never denied the genuineness of the apostolical
constitutions (of which he procured for Whiston the colla-
tion of two Vienna MSS.), yet " he was not firm believer
enough, nor serious enough in Christianity, to hazard any
thing in this world for their reception." He published
many pieces against bishop Hoadly, in the Bangorian con*
troversy ; and also other learned works, which were col-
lected after his death, and published in four volumes, 8yo.
2. An edition of " Terence," with notes, in 4to. 3. '* The
Book of Psalms, in the Hebrew, put into the original poe^
tical metre," 4to. In this last work he pretends to have
Discovered the Hebrew metre, which was supposed to be
irretrievably lost. But his hypothesis, though defended
by some, yet has been confuted by several learned men,
particularly by Dr. Lowtb in his " Metrics Hareaue brevis
Vc»L. XVJ1, I-
confutatio," annexed to his lectures " De Sacra Poesi He-
breeorum." He was yet more unfortunate in the above-
mentioned edition of Terence, which sunk under the re-
putation of that of Dr. Bentley, of whom he was once the
warm admirer, and afterwards the equally warm opponent.
During their friendship the emendations on Menander and
Philemon were transmitted through Hare, who was then
chaplain-general to the army, to Burman, in 1710; and
Bentley's " Remarks on the Essay on Freethinking" (sup-
posed to be written by Collins) were inscribed to him in
1713. As soon as the first part of these were published,
Hare formally thanked Dr. Bentley by name for them, in
a most flattering letter called " The Clergyman's Thanks
to Phileleutherus," printed the same year ; but, in conse-
quence of the rupture between them, not inserted in the
collection of Hare's works. This rupture took place soon
after the above-mentioned date, and Bentley in the sub-
sequent editions of his " Remarks" withdrew the inscrip-
tion. Hare was excessively piqued at the utter annihila-
tion of his Terence and Phoedrus, the one soon after its
birth, the other before its birth, by Bentley's edition of
both together in 1726, who never once names Hare.
Bishop Hare, about the time of his death, was preparing
an edition of Plautus. He died at his house at Chalfont
St. Giles's, Bucks, where he had bought an* estate and
resided very much, April 26, 1740, and was buried in that
parish church. He was twice married. His son, the rev.
Robert Hare of Hurstmonceaux place, in Sussex, preben-
dary of Winchester, died in March 1797. He was the
father of James Hare, esq. late member of parliament for
Knaresborough. 1
HARE (HENRY, lord COLERANE), third and last baron
of that name and family, descended from John, younger
brother to sir Nicholas Hare, baronet, master of the rolls,
and privy-counsellor to Henry VIII. (both sons to Nicho-
las Hare of Homersfield, in the county of Suffolk, the
elder branch being seated at Stow Bardolph, in Norfolk)
was born at Blechingley, in Surrey, May 10, 1693; edu-
cated at Enfield, under Dr. Uvedale, who had also the
honour of educating, among many other eminent men, the
late earl of Huntingdon, and sir Jeremy Sambrooke, bart.
1 G-nt. M*g. see Index —Swift's Works. —Whiston's Life.— Cole's MS
in Uiit. Mus.
HARE. 147
After the death of his grandfather, Hugh lord Colerane,
in 1708, he succeeded to the title, and was admitted a
gentleman commoner of Corpus Christi college, Oxford,
under the tuition of Dr. Rogers, who afterwards married
Lydia, one of his lordship's sisters *. A lyric poem by
lord Colerane appeared in the " Academiae Oxoniensis
Comitia Philologica, 1713," and in the " Musaj Angli-
canae," vol. III. p. 303, under the title of " Musaruin
oblatio ad reginam." Dr. Basil Kennet, who succeeded
Dr. Turner in the presidency of that society, inscribed
to his lordship an epistolary poem on his predecessor's
death. He was a great proficient in the learned lan-
guages, particularly the Greek ; and eminently versed
in history, both civil and ecclesiastical. He was grand
master of the society of free-masons, and had made the
tour of Italy three times ; the second time with Dr.
Con yers Middle ton, about 1723, in which he made a no-
ble collection of prints and drawings of all the antiquities,
buildings, and pictures in Italy ; given after his decease
to Corpus Christi college. The esteem in which he was
held by the literati procured him admittance into the Re-
publica Literaria di Arcadia, and the particular intimacy
of the marquis Scipio Maffei ; who afterwards visited him
at his ancient manor and seat at Tottenham, in Middlesex.
His lordship died at Bath, Aug. 4, 1749 ; and was buried
in the family vault at Tottenham, built, with the vestrv,
by his grandfather. His very valuable collection of prints
relative to English antiquities, with a portrait of him when
a young man, by Richardson, were obtained after his
death by Mr. Henry Baker for the Society of Antiquaries.
His books were sold to T. Osborne, who detained some of
the family papers, which were with difficulty recovered
from him. The pictures, bronzes, marble, tables, urns,
vases, and other antiquities, were sold by auction, March
13 and 14, 1754, for 904/. 135. 6d. The coins, it is sup-
posed, were disposed of privately. His lordship married
in 1717, Anne, only daughter of John Hanger, esq. by
whom he had a fortune of 100,000/. but she, having unac-
countably left him within three years, and resisted every
* See the account of Dr. Rogers pr«- president, who died a single man, anJ
fixed to his XIX Sermons, p. 23, 61. gave 20,000/. to the use of poor cler-
— In the introduction to the Archaeo- gymcn's widows.— Another of lord Cole-
Jogia, it is said by mistake that this ratio's sisters was manicd to Mr,
lady was married to Dr. Turner, the Knight.
L 2
148 H A R E.
effort of his to recall her, after twenty more years he
formed a connexion with a foreign lady, Miss Duplessis, by
whom he had a natural daughter, Henrietta Rosa Peve-
grina, born in Italy, and afterwards naturalized. She was
married in 1764 to James Townsend, esq. alderman of
Bishopsgate ward, who in her right -enjoyed the exten-
sive manor of Tottenham, and repaired the family seat,
commonly called Bruce-castle, from having anciently be-
longed to theBruces earls of Huntingdon, which had been
considerably modernized in the close of the seventeenth
century. It is now the property of William Curtis, esq.
son to sir William Curtis, bart. l
HARLEY (ROBERT), afterwards earl of Oxford and earl
Mortimer, and lord high treasurer in the reign of queen
Anne, was eldest son of sir Edward Harley, and born at
London, in Bow-street, Covent Garden, December 5, 1661.
He was educated under the rev. Mr. Birch, at Shilton, near
Burford, Oxfordshire, which, though a private school, was
remarkable for producing at the same time, a lord high
treasurer, viz. lord Oxford ; a lord high chancellor, viz.
lord Harcourt ; a lord chief justice of the common pleas,
viz. lord Trevor ; and ten members of the house of com-
mops, who were all contemporaries, as well at school as
in parliament. Here he laid the foundation of that ex-
tensive knowledge and learning, which rendered him after-
wards so conspicuous in the world. At the revolution, sir
Edward Harley, and this his eldest son, raised a troop of
horse at their own expence ; and, after the accession of king
William and queen Mary, he was first chosen member of
parliament for Tregony in Cornwall, and afterwards served
for the town of Radnor till he was called to the house of
lords. In 1690 he was chosen by ballot one of the nine
members of the house of commons, commissioners for
stating the public accounts ; and also one of the arbitrators
for uniting the two India companies. In 1694 the house
of commons ordered Mr. Harley, November 19, to pre-
pare and bring in a bill " For the frequent meeting and
calling of parliaments ;" which he accordingly did upon the
22d, and it was received and agreed to by both houses,
without any alteration or amendment. On February 11,
1701-2, he was chosen speaker of the house of commons;
and that parliament being dissolved the same year by king
> Nichols's Bowyer,— Park's Royal and Noble Authors.
H A R L E Y. 149
William, and a new one called, he was again chosen
speaker, December 31st following, as he was in the first
parliament called by queen Anne.
On April 17, 1704, he was sworn of her majesty's privy
council; and, May 18th following, sworn in council one
of the principal secretaries of state, being also speaker of
the house of commons at the same time. In 1706 he was
appointed one of the commissioners for the treaty of union
with Scotland, which took effect; and resigned his place
of principal secretary of state in February 1707-8. August
10, 1710, he was constituted one of the commissioners of
the treasury, also chancellor and under-treasurer of the
exchequer. On the 8th of March following he was in great
danger of his life ; the marquis of Guiscard, a French pa-
pist, then under examination of a committee of the privy
council at Whitehall, stabbing him with a penknife, which
he took up in the clerk's room, where he waited before he
was examined. Guiscard was imprisoned, and died in
Newgate the 17th of the same month : and an act of par-
liament passed, making it felony, without benefit of clergy,
to attempt the life of a privy counsellor in the execution of
his office ; and a clause was inserted " To justify and in-
demnify all persons, who in assisting in defence of Mr.
Harley, chancellor of the exchequer, when lie was stabbed
by the sieur de Guiscard, and in securing him, did give
any wound or bruise to the said sieur de Guiscard, whereby
he received his death." The wound Mr. Harley had re-
ceived confined him some weeks ; but the house being in-
formed that it was almost healed, and that he would in a
few days come abroad, resolved to congratulate his escape
and recovery; and accordingly, upon his attending the
house on the 26th of April, the speaker addressed him in
a very respectful speech, to which Mr. Harley returned as
respectful an answer. They had before addressed the
queen on this alarming occasion.
In 1711, queen Anne, to reward his many eminent ser-
vices, was pleased to advance him to the peerage of Great
Britain, by the style and titles of baron Harley of Wig-
more, in the county of Hereford, earl of Oxford, and earl
Mortimer, with remainder, for want of issue male of his
own body, to the heirs male of sir Robert Harley, knight
of the Bath, his grandfather. May 29, 1711, he was ap-
pointed lord high treasurer of Great Britain ; and August
15th following, at a general court of the South-sea com-
H A R L E Y.
pany he was chosen their governor, as he had been their
founder and chief regulator. October 26, 1712, he was
elected a knight companion of the most noble order of the
garter. July 27, 1714, he resigned his staff of lord high
treasurer of Great Britain, at Kensington, into the queen's
hand, she dying upon the 1st of August following. June
10, 1715, he was impeached by the House of commons
of high-treason, and high crimes and misdemeanors ; and
on July the 16th was committed to the Tower by the House
of lords, where he suffered confinement till July 1, 1717,
and then, after a public trial, was acquitted by his peers.
He died in the 64th year of his age, May 21, 1724, after
having been twice married.
Hewas a great encourager of learning, and the greatest
collector in his time of all curious books in print and ma-
nuscript, especially those concerning the history of his own
country, which were preserved and much augmented by
the earl his son, -and afterwards purchased for the British
Museum. The dispersion, however, of his printed books
must ever be regretted. He was also a man of taste and
letters himself ; and under this character we find a pro-
posal addressed to him by Dr. Swift, " for correcting, im-
proving, and ascertaining the English tongue." He wrote
also " An Essay upon Public Credit," 1710, inserted
in Somers's Tracts; where are also " An Essay upon
Loans," and " A Vindication of the Rights of the Com-
mons of England," said to be by him, but signed Hum-
phrey Mackworth. Various letters by him are preserved
among the Harleian MSS.; and a few jocular verses in the
correspondence between Swift and his friends.
Oxford, says Mr. archdeacon Coxe, was unimpeachable in
his private character, never offending against morality either
in conversation or action, a tender husband, and a good fa-
ther; highly disinterested and generous. He prided him-
self in his high descent, was stiff and formal in his deport-
ment, and forbidding in his manner. He was learned and
pedantic ; embarrassed and inelegant both in speaking
and writing. He was equally an enemy to pleasure and
business ; extremely dilatory and fond of procrastination ;
timid in public affairs, yet intrepid when his own person
was concerned ; jealous of power, indefatigable in pro-
moting the petty intrigues of the court, but negligent in
things of importance ; a whig in his heart, and a tory from
ambition ; too ready for temporary convenience to adopt
H A R L E Y. 151
measures he'disapproved, yet unwilling wholly to sacrifice
his real sentiments to interest or party ; affecting the most
profound secrecy in all political transactions, and myste-
rious in the most trifling occurrences. He was liberal in
making promises, yet breaking them without scruple, a
defect which arose more from facility of temper, than from
design. He corresponded at the same time with the de-
throned family and the house of Hanover, and was there -
fore neither trusted nor respected by either party. The
only pojnt in which he and his colleague Bolingbroke
agreed, was the love of literature and the patronage of
learned men ; which rendered their administration emi-
nently illustrious.1
HARMAR (JOHN), a learned Greek scholar and teacher,
was the son of a father of the same name, who was warden
of Winchester, and died in J613. He was also an able
Greek scholar, was employed on the translation of the Bible,
and published some of Chrysostom's homilies from MSS. in
the library of New-college, Oxford. His son was born
about 1594, at Churchdowne, near Gloucester, and edu-
cated at Winchester-school. In 1611 he entered as a
demy of Magdalen-college, Oxford, and completed his
master's degree in 1617, the highest Wood says he took,
" although he was in his latter days called Dr. Harmar."
His first employment as a teacher was in Magdalen school,
about which time he took orders. He was afterwards in
succession chief master of the free-school at St. Alban's, and
under-master of Westminster-school. In 1650, when the
committee for reforming the university had ejected all the
old professors, he was appointed by their authority, Greek
professor, and in 1659 was presented to the rectory of
Ewhurst, in Hampshire. On account of his connexions
with the usurping powers, he was deprived of his profes-
sorship and rectory at the restoration, and retired to Ste-
venton, in Hampshire, .where he subsisted on his wife's
jointure. He died there Nov. 1, 1670. As a nonconformist
Calamy has nothing to say for him, and Neal says " he was
an honest, weak man." He wrote Latin and Greek pane-
gyrics on the leading men of all parties, and complimented
Charles II. with as much sincerity as he had Cromwell,
and Richard his successor. In the facility of Greek com-
1 Collins's Peerage by Sir E. Brydges. — Park's edit, of Royal and Nobl<
Author*. — swift's Works ; see Index, — Coxe's Life of Wai pole.
152 H A R M A R.
position he appears to have excelled, and he translated
some part of Butler's Hudibras into Latin, retaining much
of the spirit of the original. While engaged as a teacher,
he published a " Praxis Grammatica," Lond. 1622, 1623,
8vo, and a " Janua Linguarum," of which there were six
or seven editions before J 63 1 . He published also a " Lexi-
con Etymologicon Graccum," which Wood says is " junctim
cum Scapula,'* Lond. 1637, fol. His other principal works
are, 1. " Eclogse sententiarum et similitudinum, e D.
Chrysostomo decerptae," Gr. & Lah with notes, Lond.
1622, 8vo. 2. " Protomartyr Britannus ; seu Elogia sacra
in conversionem et rnartyrium S. Albani," ibid. 1630, 4to.
3. " Epistola ad D. Lambertum Osbaldestonum, cui in-
texitur Apologia pro honoratissimo &c. D. Johanne Wil-
liams Arch. Eborac." ibid. 1649, 8vo. 4. " M. T. Cice-
ronis vita, ex optimis quibusque scriptoribus delibata,"
Ox. 1662, 8vo. He translated from Latin into English,
Daniel Heinsius's " Mirror of Humility ;" from English
into Greek and Latin, the Assembly's " Shorter Cate-
chism," ibid. 1659, 8vo ; and from English into Latin,
HowelPs " Treatise concerning Ambassadors."1
HARMER (THOMAS), a learned dissenter, was born at
Norwich in 1715. He received the elements of classical
learning in the country, and discovering an inclination for
the profession of a dissenting minister, was sent to London
to study un'ler the tuition of Mr. Eames. When he had
finished his studies, he settled with a small congregation
at Wattsfield, in Suffolk, where he improved his acquain-
tance with the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages, in
each of which he acquired much critical skill. The fa-
vourite object of his pursuit was oriental history, which he
applied to the illustration of the sacred writings. Ob-
serving a striking conformity between the present customs
of the eastern nations and those of the ancients, as men-
tioned or alluded to in various passages of scripture, he
conceived a design at a very early period, of making ex-
tracts of such passages in books of travels and voyages, as
appeared to him to furnish a key to many parts of holy
writ. In 1764 he published a volume of "Observations
on divers Passages of Scripture," &c. The favourable re-
ception which this work met with, encouraged Mr. Harmer
to proceed in it, and in 1776 he gave the public an en-
and Life> 1772' 8vo> p- 135-Bk* Brk
H A R M E R. 153
larged edition of it, in 2 vols. 8vo. By the preface to this
impression we learn that Dr. Lowth bishop of London fur-
nished him with some MS papers of sir John Chardin. In
17S7 Mr. Haroier published two other volumes. A new
e-tition of the whole of this most useful work has lately been
published by the rev. Adam Clarke. He was author also
of the '• Outlines of a new Commentary on Solomon's Song,
drawn by the help of instructions from the East ;" an " Ac-
count of the Jewish Doctrine of the Resurrection of the
Dead," and some other tracts of less consequence. Mr.
Harrner died without a struggle, in November 1788,
having passed the preceding day in perfect health.1
HARPALUS, a great astronomer, who flourished about
480 years before Christ, corrected the cycle of eight years
invented by Cleostratus, and in its stead proposed a new
one of nine years, in which he supposed that the sun and
moon returned to the same point ; but this cycle of Har-
palus was afterwards altered by Meton, about the year 444
B. C. who added ten years to it, which cycle is still in use,
and called "The Golden Number."2
HAKPE (JOHN FRANCIS DE LA), one of the ablest French
writers of the last century, was born at Paris, Nov. 20,
1739. His father, an officer of the artillery, died when
he was very young, and left him in poverty. He obtained,
however, the patronage of M. Asselin, principal of the
college of Harcourt, who conceived an affection for him,
received him among his pupils, and soon after obtained a
pension for him. During his education he displayed a
turn for poetry and satire, and was accused of writing a
satirical poem on his benefactor. He protested his inno-
cence and his reverence for M. Asselin; but this not ap-
pearing satisfactory, he was confined for some months in a
house of correction. One of his biographers says in the
Bastille ; but, wherever it was, we are told that it made a
deep impression on him. His first poetical productions
after this affair, were of a species then very fashionable,
and called Heroides, in which Colordeau, Ranee, and
Dorat had distinguished themselves, and La Harpe was
thought little inferior to Dorat. In 1763, when only in
his twenty-fourth year, he wrote his tragedy of " War-
wick," which met with deserved success, and still pre-
serves its popularity on the stage. " Timoleon," which
1 Gent. Mag. 1788 and 1789.— Europ. Mag. 1792.
» Gen. Diet,— Moreri.— Fabric, Bibl. Grac.
154 HARP E.
he produced in 1764, and " Pharmond," in 1765, were
much less applauded. They showed a laudable ambition
to excel, but it was too much to expect three such trage-
dies as " Warwick" within so short a space of time.
Having, however, acquired notice by these productions,
he had the courage to become a candidate for the aca-
demic prizes; and few writers have been more successful.
Among the " Eloges" which he wrote, that on Henry IV.
was most admired, and scarcely less those on Fenelon,
Racine, and Catinat, which excelled in an exact estimate
of character and in elegance of style. His poetical pieces,
however, even those which obtained the prizes, are more
distinguished by purity of style, and elegance and facility
of versification, than for genuine poetical spirit. In the
mean time his enthusiasm for the stage produced in 1766
" Gustavus Vasa," in 1776 " MenzikofT," and in 1778
" The Barmicides," and afterwards various other dramas,
none of which proved rivals to his " Warwick" in the pub-
lic estimation, except his " Philoctete," a translation from
Sophocles, represented for the first time in 1781, in which
he is thought by his countrymen to have preserved all the
beauties of the original.
The reputation he had gained by his various prize es-
says and poems, and by his " Warwick," at length opened
the doors of the French academy, into which he was ad-
mitted in 1776. In 1779 he wrote his " Muses Rivales"
in compliment to Voltaire, and the year following an eloge
on that celebrated writer, with whom he had been ac-
quainted since 1765. He was not less a favourite, or
less connected with the encyclopedists, and was at this
time accounted an adept in that audacious philosophy
which infected France, and finally dissolved her morals.
About 1779 he undertook an abridgment of the abbe"
Prevost's « Histoire des Voyages," an employment so much
beneath his talents, that it was generally considered rather
as a bookseller's job than an effort of literary ambition. In
the same year he printed his " Tangu et Felime," in four
cantos, which was reckoned one of the best productions of
the voluptuous kind. But that on which his fame is more
honourably and solidly established, was his " Cour de
Litterature, ancienne et moderne," which justly entitles
him to the appellation of the French Quintilian. Being
appointed a professor of literature in the Lyceum, the lec-
tures he had delivered in it during many years were col-
H A R P E. 155
lected and properly arranged by him, and soon after pub-
lished under the title of " Lyceum ; or, Course of Litera-
ture," in 12 vols. 8vo. M. Petitot says of this work, that
" he not only labours to give to persons of no great know-
ledge competent information on the topics of his work, but
arrests the attention of the most learned. In his plans,
the outline of which alone announces an immense stock of
science and learning, he embraces all ages in which lite-
rature has flourished. Every celebrated work is analyzed
and discussed. The beauties of the several writers are
happily displayed, and their faults pointed out with all the
ability of the most lively and sound criticism. That which
distinguishes La Harpe from other moderns who have
treated of literature is, that he always assumes the tone of
the work he criticises, a merit which we find in none of the
ancients except Cicero, Quintilian, and Longinus. If
he speaks of the Iliad, we behold him borrow all the rich
colours of the father of poetry to decorate his discourse.
If he treats of Demosthenes and Cicero, all the great in-
terests of Athens and Rome are re-produced under his pen.
If Tacitus is his theme, we are instantly transported to the
age of the emperors ; we enter into all the mystery of the
dark policy of Tiberius, and tremble at the sight of Nero."
The only regret on this subject is that the author did not
live to finish his course of instruction ; only some fragments
have been left of what he purposed as a continuation.
Notwithstanding the multiplicity of his labours, La
Harpe was much in company, and his visits were eagerly
courted. Doubtless he owed the favour in which he was
with polite circles to his early and brilliant success in
letters, which at once balanced the prejudices created by
the resentment often excited by the severity of his criti-
cisms. From the first essay of his talents he was patronized
by Voltaire and D'Alembert, who were at the head of
literature and sciences ; and it is well known what influence
those two celebrated men possessed over the public opi-
nion. VoUaire accorded him the title of his favou-
rite pupil. Married while yet very young, to a woman
of wit and beauty, madame de la Harpe and he mutually
shone with unusual brilliancy in the most fashionable as-
semblies. They had been formed in the art of speaking
and declamation under the eyes of Voltaire during a long
stay they made at Ferney, where they were accustomed to
perform the principal parts in the tragedies of that great
156 HARPE.
poet, got up by his direction at his own theatre. This
practice was also of great importance to M. de la Harpe
in the art of reading, which he possessed in a very supe-
rior manner. The mode was still at the height of attending
in crowds at the readings given by authors of their works
previous to publication ; and M. de Ja Harpe, whose va-
rious productions succeeded each other so rapidly, was in-
vited to make his readings in so many circles, that he was
soon compelled to be select in his choice of the circles he
honoured with this gratification.
At the beginning of the revolution he professed himself
an advocate for the new order of things ; and most likely
he continued in the same principles till the downfall of
royalty, and till he himself fell a prey to the terrorism of
Robespierre. It appears from the report of Gregoire to
the national convention, that he was imprisoned from No-
vember 1793 to August 1794; and this confinement was the
cause of M. La Harpe's conversion, brought about by the ad-
vice of the bishop of St. Brieux, who happened to be his fel-
low-prisoner La Harpe soon after proved one of the greatest
champions of the attempted counter-revolution ; and from
the latter part of 1794, he devoted almost his whole time
to royalist publications, among which were his dissertation
on the war declared by the republican tyranny against good
sense and morals, his Fanaticism of the Revolutionary
Language, his Confutation of Helvetius, and his journal
Le Memorial, which he edited conjointly with his friend
Fontanes. This Memorial, however, involved La Harpe
in the directorial proscription of the 14th September 1797,
and he narrowly escaped being transported to Cayenne ;
it was a twelvemonth before he was restored to his station
in Paris. But confinement had injured his health, and he
died in Feb. 1803, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. On
the evening preceding his death, M. Fontanes called to
see him ; he was listening to the Prayers for the Sick ; and
as soon as they were concluded, he stretched his hand to
M. Fontanes, and said, " I am grateful to divine mercy
for having left me sufficient recollection to feel how con-
soling these prayers are to the dying." His funeral was
attended by his friends, and most of the distinguished lite-
rary characters in France. A deputation from the institute
ned the procession ; and M. Fontanes, one of the de-
putation, pronounced a funeral oration over the crave,
H A R P E. 157
Of La Harpe's other works not noticed already, are,
I. " Melanges Litteraires," 1765, 12mo. 2. Tiansla-
tion of Suetonius into French, with notes, 1770, 2 vots.
8vo. 3. Translation of the Lnsiad of Camoens, with notes
and a life of the author, 1776, 2 vols, 8vo. 4. '' Corre-
spondence Litteraire addressee a Paul I." emperor of
Russia, 1801, 4 vols. Svo. 5. " Commentaire de trage-
dies de Racine," Paris, 7 vols. Svo, printed since his death.
6. " Refutation de L'Esprit de Helvetius." He left many
manuscripts both in prose and verse.1
HARPOCRATION (VALERIUS), an ancient rhetorician
of Alexandria, who flourished about the year 360, has left
us an excellent "Lexicon upon the ten Orators of Greece,'*
for that is the title usually given to it, though Meursius
will have it, that the author inscribed it only XE|EI$; and he
is followed in this opinion by James Gronovius. Harpo-
cration speaks in this work, with much seeming exactness,
of magistrates, pleadings at the bar, places in Attica, names
of men who had the chief management of affairs in the re-
public, and of every thing, in short, which has been said to
the glory of this people by their orators. Aldus first pub-
lished this Lexicon in Greek at Venice, 1603, in folio, and
many other learned men, as Meursius, Maussac, Valesius,
have laboured upon it; James Gronovius published an edi-
tion of it at Leyden, 1696, in 4to.2
HARPSFELD (JOHN), dean of Norwich, and one of
the bitterest persecutors under the reign of queen Mary,
was born in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish-
street, London, and educated at Winchester school, whence
he was sent to New college, Oxford, of which he was ad-
mitted fellow in 1534. Having completed his degrees in
arts, and taken orders, he became chaplain to bishop Bon-
ner, whose whole spirit he imbibed. In 1554 he was col-
lated to the church of St. Martin Ludgate, which he re-
signed on being presented to the living of Layndon in Es-
sex in May 1558. He had other preferments, and was
created doctor of divinity. A few months before the death
of queen Mary, he was preferred to the deanery of Nor-
wich; but was deprived of it in 1560, and committed to
the Fleet prison He remained here about a year, and was
then set at liberty on giving security for his peaceable be-
haviour. He died in London in 1578. Among his pre-
1 Diet. Hist, and Supplement, &o. 2 Fahr. Bibl. Graec. — Saxii Onomast.
158 H A R P S F E L D.
ferments was that of archdeacon of London, given to him
because he would act with more cruelty to the martyrs than
his predecessor. He appears, indeed, in every respect, a
suitable assistant to Bonner. In learning, however, he
does not appear to have been inferior to any of his contem-
poraries. His published works are, 1. " Concio ad cle-
rum," Lond. 1553, 8vo. 2. " Homilies," 1554, 1555, ibid.
Among Bonner's Homilies, nine were written by Harps-
feld. 3. " Disputations and Epistles," in Fox's Acts and
Monuments. 4. " Supputatio temporum a diluvio ad A.D.
1559," Lond. 1560.1
HARPSFELD (NICHOLAS), brother to the preceding,
was born in London, and educated at Winchester school,
after which he studied civil law at New college, Oxford, of
which he was admitted a fellow in 1536. In 1543 he took
the degree of bachelor of laws, and the year following was
chosen principal of White-hall, which stood on the site of
Jesus college. In 1546 he was appointed regius professor
of Greek. He was the first who read this lecture before it
was fully established by Henry VIII. and Leland charac-
terizes him as " Atticae linguae interpres facilis, disertus,
aptus." He appears to have resigned this office in 1548.
In 1550, Pits says, he went abroad for conscience sake ;
but in 1553 we find him resigning his fellowship, taking
the degree of LL. D. and on Jan. 15, 1554, admitted a
civilian in London. In the same year he was made arch-
deacon of Canterbury, prebendary of St. Paul's, and also
admitted to the living of Layndon, which in 1558 here-
signed to his brother. In 1558 he acted as prolocutor for
the province of Canterbury in convocation, and after queen
Elizabeth came to the throne, was, as well as his brother,
one of the seven popish disputants ; but his zeal for popery
deprived him of all his preferments. He appears to have
been afterwards imprisoned, some say for twenty-three
years. But it is proved that he was for some years at least
jnder the mild custody of archbishop Parker, who afforded
n every help in compiling his ecclesiastical history. He
died in 1583. He wrote, 1. Dialogi sex contra summi
pontificatus, monastics vitae, sanctorum sacrorum imagi-
num, oppugnatores et pseudo-martyres," Antwerp, 1566,
1 573, 4to This was published under the name of Alan Cope,
being then in prison. The initials at the end,
' Ath. Ox. vol. I.-Dodd's Ch. Hist—Fox's Acts and Monument s.-Tanner,
H A R P S F E L D. 159
A. H. L. N. H. E. V. E. A. C. Pits interprets thus, « Auc-
tor hujus libri Nicolaus Harpsfeldus ; edidit vero eum
Alanus Copus." 2. " Historia Anglicana ecclesiastica,"
Doway, 1622. The original MS. is in the Cotton library,
but differs in some passages from the printed book. It is
a learned and laborious performance, according to Wood,
but much impartiality cannot be expected. 3. " Historia
haeresis Wickleffianae," published with the former. 4.
" Chronicon a diluvio Noe ad annum 1559," MS. in verse,
and 5. " A Treatise concerning Marriage," occasioned by
king Henry VIII. 's divorce, a MS. in the library of New
college. Other manuscripts are mentioned in our autho-
HARRINGTON (JAMES), an eminent political writer,
was born in January 1611, being the eldest son of sir Sap-
cote Harrington, and Jane the daughter of sir William
Samuel of Upton, in Northamptonshire, the place of his
nativity. When he had made a progress in classical learn*
ing, he was admitted in 1629 a gentleman-commoner of
Trinity college, in Oxford, and placed under Mr. Chilling-
worth, who had lately been elected fellow of that college ;
from whom he might possibly acquire some portion of that
spirit of reasoning and thinking for himself, which af-
terwards shone forth so conspicuously in his writings.
About three years after, his father died ; upon which he
left the university, and commenced travelling, having pre-
viously furnished himself with the knowledge of several
foreign languages. His first step was into Holland, then
the principal school of martial discipline ; and, what may
be supposed to have affected him more sensibly, a country
wonderfully flourishing, under the auspices of liberty,
commerce, strength, and grandeur. Here it is probable
that he began to make government the subject of his me-
ditations ; for, he was often heard to say, that, " before he
left England, he knew no more of anarchy, monarchy, aris-
tocracy, democracy, oligarchy, or the like, than as hard
words, whose signification he found in his dictionary." On
coming into the Netherlands, he entered a. volunteer, and
remained in that capacity some months, in lord Craven's
regiment; during which time, being much at the Hague,
he had the farther opportunity of accomplishing himself in
two courts, those of the prince of Orange, and of the queen
1 Ath. Ox. vol. I. new edit,— DoM's Ch. HKt -— Tanner and Pits.
of Bohemia, daughter of our James I. who was then a fu-
gitive in Holland. He was taken into great favour by this
princess, and also by the prince elector, whom he attended
to Copenhagen, when his highness paid a visit to the king
of Denmark ; and, after his return from travelling, was
entrusted by him with the affairs of the Palatinate, so far
as they were transacted at the British court.
He stayed, however, but a short time in Holland ; no
temptations or offers could divert or restrain him from the
resolution he had formed to pursue his travels, and there-
fore, taking Flanders in his way, he set out on a tour
through part of Germany, France, and Italy. While he
was at Rome, the pope performed the ceremony of conse-
crating wax-lights on Candlemas-day. When his holiness
had sanctified these torches, they were distributed among
the people, who fought for them very eagerly. Harring-
ton was desirous to have one of them ; but, perceiving that
it was not to be obtained without kissing the pope's toe,
he declined to accept it on such a condition. His compa-
nions were not so scrupulous, and when they came home
spoke of his squeamishness to the king. The king told
him, " he might have done it only as a piece of respect to
a temporal prince ;" but Harrington replied, that " since
he had the honour to kiss his majesty's hand, he thought it
beneath him to kiss any other prince's foot." He is said
to have preferred Venice to all other places in Italy, as he
did its government to that of the whole world ; it being, in
his opinion, immutable by any external or internal causes,
and to finish only with mankind. Here he cultivated an
acquaintance with all the men of letters, and furnished
himself with the most valuable books in the Italian tongue,
such especially as were written upon politics and govern-
After having thus seen Italy, France, the Low Countries,
Denmark, and some parts of Germany, he returned home
to England, and in the beginning of the civil war, 1642,
he took a decided part with the parliament, and endea-
voured to get a seat in the house, but could not. His in,
clmation to letters kept him from seeking public employ-
ments, so that we hear no more of him till 1646 ; when
attending out of curiosity the commissioners appointed by
parliament to Charles I. from Newcastle nearer to London,
he was by some of them named to wait on his majesty, as
a person known to him before, and engaged to no party or
faction. The king approved the proposal, and Harrington,
entered on the station of a domestic; but would never
presume to come into his presence, except in public, till
he was particularly commanded by the king, and made one
of the grooms of the bed-chamber in May 1647. He had
the good fortune to please the king much : " His majesty
loved his company," says Wood, " and, finding him to be
an ingenious man, chose rather to converse with him than,
with others of his chamber. They had often;" says he,
" discourses concerning government; but, when they hap-
pened to talk of a commonwealth, the king seemed not to
endure it." Harrington conceived a high notion of the
king, finding him to be a different person from what he
had been represented, as to parts, morals, religion, &c. ;
and therefore, after the king was removed out of the Isle
of Wight to Hurst-castle, in Hampshire, was forcibly
turned out of his service, because he vindicated some of
his majesty's arguments against the parliament commis-
sioners at Newport, and thought his concessions more satis-
factory than they did. There is no ground to imagine
that he saw the king any more till the day he was brought
to the scaffold ; whither Harrington found means to ac-
company him, and where, or a little before, he received a
token of hifcmajesty's affection. The king's execution af*
fected him extremely. He often said, ft nothing ever
went nearer him ; and that his grief on that account was
so great as to bring a disorder upon him."
After the king's death, he was observed to keep much
in his library, and more retired than usual, which his
friends attributed to discontent and melancholy. But, to
convince them that this was not the cause of his retire-
ment, he produced a copy of his " Oceana ;" which " he
had been writing," he said, '* not only because it was
agreeable to the studies which he pursued, but because, if
ever it should be the fate of England to be, like Italy of
old, overrun by a barbarous people, or to have its govern-
ment and records destroyed by some merciless conqueror,
they might not be then left to their own invention in,
framing a new government." This " Oceana" is a kind of
political romance, in imitation of Plato's " Atlantic Story,"
where, by Oceana, Harrington means England ; exhibiting
a plan of republican government, which he would have had
erected here, in case these kingdoms had formed them-
selves into a genuine commonwealth. This work, how*
ever, pleased no party, and as it reflected severely upon
Oliver's usurpation, met with many difficulties in the pub-
lishing; for, it being known to some of the courtiers that
it was printing, they hunted it from one press to another,
till at last they found it, and carried it to Whitehall. AH
the solicitations he could make were not able to retrieve
his papers, till he bethought himself of applying to lady
Claypole, who was a good-natured woman, and Oliver's
favourite daughter ; and who, upon his declaring that they
contained nothing prejudicial to her father's government,
got them restored to him. He printed it in 1656, and de-
dicated it, as he promised lady Claypole, to her father ;
who, it is said, perused it, but declared, agreeable to his
principles of policy, that " the gentleman must not think
to cheat him of his power and authority ; for that what he
had won by the sword, he would not suffer himself to be
scribbled out of."
This work was no sooner published, than many under-
took a refutation of it. This occasioned him to reply, and
to explain his scheme, in several successive pieces, which
may be easily seen in the collection of his works. In the mean
time, he not only endeavoured to propagate his republican'
notions by writing, but, for the more effectually advancing
a cause, of which he was enthusiastically enamoured, he
formed a society of gentlemen, agreeing with him in prin-
ciples, who met nightly at Miles's coffee-house, in New
Palace-yard, Westminster, and were called the Rota.
Wood has given a very particular account of this associa-
tion, or gang, as he calls them. " Their discourses about
government," says he, " and of ordering a commonwealth,
were the most ingenious and smart that ever were heard ;
for the arguments in the parliament-house were but flat to
those. This gang had a balloting-box, and balloted how
things should be carried by way of essay •, which not being
used, or known in England before on this account, the
room was every evening very full. The doctrine there in-
culcated was very taking ; and the more, because as to
human foresight there was no possibility of the king's re-
turn. The greatest part of the parliament-men hated this
rotation and balloting, as being against their power : eight
or ten were for it, who proposed it to the house, and made
it out to the members, that, except they embraced that
sjrt of government, they must be ruined. The model of
it was, that the third part of the senate or house should
rote out by ballot every year, not capable of being elected
again for three years to come ; so that every ninth year
the senate would be wholly altered. No magistrate was to
continue above three years, and all to be chosen by the
ballot, than which nothing could be invented more fair and
impartial, as it was then thought, though opposed by many
for several reasons. This club of commonwealthsmen,
which began about Michaelmas 1659, lasted till about Feb.
21 following; at which time, the secluded members being
restored by general Monk, all their models vanished*/'
After the restoration, he lived more privately than he
had done before, but still was looked upon as a dangerous
person, who maintained and propagated principles which
could never be reconciled to monarchical government. He
employed himself now in reducing his politics into short
and easy aphorisms methodically digested, and freely com-
municated his papers to all who visited him. While he
was putting the last hand to his system, he was, by an
order from the king, seized December 28, 1661, and com-
mitted to the Tower of London for treasonable designs and
practices. He was charged by lord chancellor Hyde, at a
conference of the lords and commons, with being con-
cerned in a plot, of which twenty-one persons were the
chief managers : " that they all met in Bow-street, Covent-
garden, and in other places ; that they were of seven dif-
ferent parties or interests, as three for the commonwealth,
three for the long-parliament, three for the city, three for
the purchasers, three for the disbanded army, three for the
independents, and three for the fifth-monarchy men ; that
their first consideration was how to agree on the choice of
parliament-men against the ensuing session ; and that a
special care ought to be had about the members for the
city of London, as a precedent for the rest of the kingdom
to follow ; whereupon they nominated the four members
after chosen, and then sitting in parliament. Their next
care was to frame a petition to the parliament for a preach-
ing ministry j and liberty of conscience; then they were to di-
vide and subdivide themselves into several councils and com-
mittees, for the better carrying on their business by them-
selves or their agents and accomplices all over the king-
* For this ami many other particu- ten by Eminent Persons, &c." 1813,
Jars respecting Mr. Harrington, Wood 3 vols. 8vo. There is in tlu-se MSS. a
appears to be indebted to the Aubrey more minute account of Harrington's
MSS> now published in " Letter* writ- insanity.
M 2
164 H A R R I N G T O N.
dom. In these meetings Harrington was said to be often
in the chair ;. that they had taken an oath of secrecy, and
concerted measures for levying men and money." The
chancellor added, that though he had certain information
of the times and places of their meetings, and particularly
those of Harrington and Wildman, they were nevertheless
so fixed in their nefarious design, that none of those they
had taken would confess any thing, not so much as that
they had seen and spoken to one another at those times or
But, notwithstanding these declarations of the chancellor,
it is certain, that this plot was never proved, and was pro-
bahly imaginary. It is at least easy to account upon poli-
tical principles, for Harrington's confinement, and the se-
vere usage he met with, when we consider not only his no-
tions of government, which he every where enforced with
the greatest zeal ; but also how obnoxious he made him-
self to the powers then in being, by his treatment of the
Stuart family. Nothing can be viler than the picture he
has drawn of Mary queen of Scotland ; he has also painted
her son James I. in the most odious colours, suggesting at
the same time, that he was not born of the queen, but was
a supposititious impostor, and of course had no right to
the crown he inherited. His portrait of Charles I. is an
abominable figure t " never was man," says he, " so reso-
lute and obstinate in tyranny. He was one of the most
consummate in the arts of tyranny that ever was; and it
could be no other than God's hand, that arrested him in
the height of his designs and greatness, and cut off him
and his family." Such a character very ill accorded with
what he had himself observed of that unhappy monarch,
and with the grief he felt at his death ; but Harrington
seems in the latter end of his life to have grown fanatic in
politics, and his keeping within no bounds might make
it the more expedient to put him under confinement.
Prom the Tower lie was conveyed very privately to St.
Nicholas's island opposite to Plymouth; and thence, upon
petition, to Plymouth, some relations- obliging themselves
in a bond ot 5000/. for his safe imprisonment. At this
place he became acquainted with one Dr. Dunstan, who
advised him to take a preparation of guiacum in coffee, as
a certain cure for the scurvy, with whi<& he was then trou-
bled. He drank of this liquor in great quantities, which
had probably a very pernicious effect, for he soon grew
delirious ; upon which a rumour prevailed at Plymouth,
that he had taken some drink which would make any man
mad in a month ; and other circumstances made his rela-
tions suspect, that he had foul play shewn him, lest he
should write any more " Oceanas." It was near a month
before he was able to bear the journey to London, whither,
as nothing appeared against him, he had leave from the
king to go. Here he was put under the care of physicians,
who could afford little help to the weakness of his body,
and none at all to the disorders of his mind. He would dis-
course of other things rationally enough ; but, when his
own distemper was touched upon, he would fancy and
utter strange things about the operation of his animal spi-
rits, which transpired from him, he said, in the shape of
birds, flies, bees, or the like. He talked so much of good
and evil spirits, that he even terrified those about him ;
and to those who objected to him that these chimeras were
the fruits of a disordered imagination, he would reply, that
11 he was like Democritus, who, for his admirable discove-
ries in anatom}*, was reckoned distracted by his fellow-
citizens." In this crazy condition he married the daughter
of sir Marmaduke Dprrel, in Buckinghamshire, a lady to
whom he was formerly suitor, and with whom he spent the
remainder of his life. Towards his latter end, he was sub-
ject to the gout, and enjoyed little ease ; but, after drooping
and languishing for some time, he was at last seized with a
palsy, and died at Westminster, September 11, 1677, and
lies buried there in St. Margaret's church, on the south
side of the altar, next the grave of sir Walter Raleigh.
His writings were first collected, methodized, reviewed,
and published, by Toland, 1700, in one volume, folio ; but
there was another edition, by Dr. Birch, published in 1737,
which Contains several articles omitted in Toland's, and
there was a third edition in 1747. He made some attempts
in the poetical way, and in 1658 published an English
translation of two eclogues of Virgil, and two books of the
4< JEneis," under the title of " An Essay upon two of Vir-
gil's Eclogues, and two of his JEne\s9 towards the transla-
tion of the whole;" and, in 1659, was printed his transla-
tion of the four following books " of the ^Eneid ;" but his
poetry gained him no reputation.1
i Bio£, Brit.— Ath, Ox. Tol. JJ.
HARRINGTON (JAMES), a young lawyer of great pro-
mise, was born probably at Waltham Abbey, where his
father resided, in 1664. He was educated at Westminster
school, whence he was elected student of Christ church,
Oxford, in 1683, and soon after was entered a member of
the Inner Temple. In 1690 he proceeded M. A. and was
admitted to the bar, where he acquired very extensive
practice. Some months before his death, he removed to
Lincoln's-inn, where that event happened Nov. 23, 1693,
in his twenty-ninth year. His body was conveyed to Ox-
ford, and, according to Wood, buried under the north wall
of the north transept joining to the body of the cathedral of
Christ church, but we find no memorial of him in Wood's
account of the monumental inscriptions. His death, it is
said, was much deplored by those that knew him, " be^
cause, 1. That he was a prodigy, considering his age, in
his knowledge of the common law. 2. That he was a per-
son of excellent parts ; and 3. That he was very honest in
his dealing, and of a good and generous nature." His
writings, enumerated by Wood, are principally cases and
memorials respecting certain local disputes, the rights of
visitations, &c. at Oxford. He contributed some Latin
poems to the " Musae Anglicans," and wrote the preface
to the first volume of Wood's " Athenae," and the intro-
duction to the second. He also edited the works of Dr.
George Stradling, to which he added a preface and life.1
HARRINGTON (Sir JOHN), an ingenious English poet,
was the son of John Harrington, esq. who was imprisoned
in the Tower, under queen Mary, for holding a correspond-
ence with the lady Elizabeth, with whom he continued
in great favour to the time of his death. He also was
somewhat of a poet and a translator. Sir John was born at
Kelston, near Bath, in Somersetshire, in 1561, and had
queen Elizabeth for his godmother. He was instructed in
classical learning at Eton-school, and from thence removed
to Cambridge, where he took the degree of M. A. In his
thirtieth year, 159J, he published a translation of Ariosto's
" Orlando Furioso," by which he gained a considerable
reputation, and for which he is now principally known.
Warton says, that although executed without spirit or ac-
curacy, unanimated and incorrect, it enriched our poetry-
by a communication of new stores of fiction and imagina-
1 Ath. Ox. vol. II.— Nichols's Atterbury, vol. I,
tion, both of the romantic and comic species, of gothic
machinery and familiar manners. Mr. Harrington was
knighted in the field by the earl of Essex, which gave
much offence to the queen, who was sparing of such
honours, and chose to confer them herself. In the reign
of James, he was created knight of the Bath ; and, being
a courtier, presented a MS. to prince Henry, levelled
chiefly against the married bishops, which was intended
only for the private use of his royal highness ; but, being
published afterwards, created great clamour, and made
several of the clergy say, that his conduct was of a piece
with his doctrines; since he, together with Robert earl of
Leicester, supported sir Walter Raleigh in his suit to
queen Elizabeth for the manor of Banvvell, belonging to
the bishopric of Bath and Wells ; on a presumption that
the right rev. incumbent bad incurred a pr&munire, by
marrying a second wife. Wood's account of it is this :
" That sir John Harrington, being minded to obtain the
favour of prince Henry, wrote a discourse for his private
use, entitled * A brief View of the State of the Church
of England, as it stood in queen Elizabeth's and king
James's reign, to the year 1608.' This book is no more
than a character and history of the bishops of those times,
and was written to the said prince Henry, as an additional
supply to the catalogue of bishops of Dr. Francis Godwin,
upon occasion of that proverb,
Henry the eighth pulled down monks and their cells,
Henry the ninth shall pull down bishops and their bells.
" In the said book the author Harrington doth, by imi-
tating his godmother, queen Elizabeth, shew himself a
great enemy to married bishops, especially to such as had
been married twice ; and many things therein are said of
them, that were by no means fit to be published, being
written only for private use. But so it was, that the book
coming into the hands of one John Chetwind, grandson by
a daughter to the author, a person deeply principled in
presbyterian tenets, did, when the press was open, print
it at London in 1653 ; and no sooner was it published, and
came into the hands of many, but it was exceeding cla-
moured at by the loyal and orthodox clergy, condemning
him that published it."
Sir John died in 1612. His lady, Mary, daughter of
sir George Rogers, survived him till 1634. In his epi-
grams are several to his mother-in-law lady Rogers. These
« Epigrams" were the most popular of his works, although
they cannot now be allowed much poetical merit. They
were first published in 1618, and afterwards in 1625, under
the title of " The most elegant and witty epigrams of sir
John Harrington, knt. digested into four bookes," 8vo.
The " NugEe Antique," a miscellaneous collection of his
works, and antiquary collections and letters in prose and
verse, was published some years ago, by the rev. IJertry
Harrington of Bath, in whose family the papers were; of
these a'second edition was published in 1792, 3 vols. 12mo,
and a third with most valuable additions and improve-
ments, in 1804, 2 vols. 8vo, by Thomas Park, F. S. A. with
illustrative notes and memoirs of the author.1
HARRIOT (THOMAS), an eminent mathematician, was
born at Oxford, or, as Anthony Wood expresses it, " turn-;
bled out of his mother's womb in the lap of the Oxonian
Muses," in 1560. Having been instructed in grammar-
learning in that city, he became a commoner of St. Mary-
hall, where he took the degree of B. A. in 1579. He had
then so distinguished himself, by his uncommon skill in
mathematics, as to be recommended soon after to sir Wal-
ter Raleigh as a proper preceptor to him in that science.
Accordingly, that noble knight became his first patron,
took him into his family, and allowed him a handsome pen-
sion. In 1585 he was sent over by sir Walter with his
first colony to Virginia ; where, being settled, he was em-
ployed in discovering and surveying that country, in ob-
serving what commodities it produced, together with the
manners and customs of its inhabitants. He published an
account of it under this title, " A brief and true Report of
the Newfoundland of Virginia;" which was reprinted in
the third voyage of Hakluyt's " Voyages." Upon his re-
turn to England, he was introduced by his patron to the
acquaintance of Henry earl of Northumberland ; who,
" finding him," says Wood, " to be a gentleman of an
affable and peaceable nature, and well read in the obscure
pan of learning," allowed him a yearly pension of 120/.
About the same time, Robert Hues, well known by his
' Treatise upon the Globes," and Walter Warner, who is
' ' Ath. Ox. vol. Il.-Warton's Hist, of Poetry.— Phillips's Tbeatrum, nc*
• 77 « ' ed«non.— Ctinsura LUerarja, vol. IV.~Hutchinsoi»'s Cumberland,
vol. II.— tllis's Specimens, &c.
said to have communicated to the famous Harvey the first
hint concerning the circulation of the blood, being both of
them mathematicians, received pensions from him of less
value, ^o that in 1606, when the earl was committed to
the Tower for life, Harriot, Hues, and Warner, were his
constant companions, and were usually called the earl of
Northumberland's Magi. They had a table at the earl's
charge, who did constantly converse with them, to divert
the melancholy of his confinement; as did also sir Walter
Raleigh, who was then in the Tower. Harriot lived for
some time at Sion-college, and died in London, July 2,
1621, of a cancer in his lip. He was universally esteemed
on account of his learning. When he was but a young
man, he was styled by Mr. Hakluyt "Juvenis in disciplinis
mathematicis excellens;" and by Camden, " Mathemati-
cus insignis." A MS. of his, entitled " Ephemeris Chryro-
metrica," is preserved in Sion-college library ; and his
" Artis Analytic* Praxis" was printed after his death, in
a thin folio, and dedicated to Henry earl of Northumber-
land. Des Cartes is said to have been obliged to this
book for a great many improvements in algebra, which he
published to the world as his own, a fact that has been
amply proved, in the astronomical ephemeris for 17vS8,
by Dr. Zach, astronomer to the duke of Saxe Gotha, from
manuscripts which he found in 1784 at the seat of the earl
of Egremont at Petworth, a descendant of the above-men-
tioned earl of Northumberland. These papers also show
that Mr. Harriot was an astronomer as well as an algebraist,
As to his religion, Wood says, that, " notwithstanding
his great skill in mathematics, he had strange thoughts of
the Scripture, always undervalued the old story of the
Creation of the World, and could never believe that trite
position, * Ex nihilo nihil fit.' He made a Philosophical
Theology, wherein he cast off the Old Testament, so that
consequently the New would have uo foundation. He was
a deist; and his doctrine he did impart to the earl, and to
sir Walter Raleigh, when he was compiling the ' History
of the World,' and would controvert the matter with emi-
nent divines of those times: who, therefore, having no
good opinion of him, did look on the manner of his death,
as a judgment upon him for those matters, and for nullify,
ing the Scripture." Wood borrowed all this from Aubrey,
without mentioning his authority; and it has been answered,
that Harriot assures us himself, that when he was with the
first colony settled in Virginia, in every town where he
came, " he explained to them the contents of the Bible,
&c. And though I told them," says he, " the book ma-
terially and of itself was not of such virtue as I thought
they did conceive, but only the doctrine therein contained ;
yet would many be glad to touch it, to embrace it, to kiss
it, to hold it to their breasts and heads, and stroke over
all their bodies with it, to shew their hungry desires of
that knowledge which was spoken of." To which we may
add, that, if Harriot was reputed a deist, it is by no
means probable that Dr. Corbet, an orthodox divine* and
successively bishop of Oxford and Norwich, sending a
poem, dated December 9, 1618, to sir Thomas Aylesbury,
when the comet appeared, should speak of
" Deep Harriot's mine,
In which there is no dross, but all refine."
Nor is it likely that his noble executors, sir Thomas
Aylesbury and Robert Sidney, viscount Lisle, would have
suffered an inscription to be engraved upon his monument
in St. Christopher's church, which might have been con*
tradicted by all the town, if it had been false, and which,
upon the supposition of his being an infidel, would have
been ridiculous :
" Qui omnes scientias calluit, & in omnibus excelluit :
Mathematicis, Philosophicis, Theologicis,
Veritatis indagator studiosissimus,
Dei Triniunius cultor piissimus." l
HARRIS (GEORGE), an English civilian, chancellor of
the dioceses of Durham, Hereford, and Llandaff, and
commissary of Essex, Herts, and Surrey, was the son of
Dr. John Harris, bishop of Llandaff, who died in 1738.
The time of his son's birth we have not been able to ascer-
tain. He was, however, a member of Oriel college, Ox-
ford, where he took his degree of bachelor of laws in May
1745, and that of doctor in the same faculty in May 1750,
in which last year he was admitted into the college of ad-
vocates. Here he proved himself an eminent pleader, al-
though not a masterly orator, and enriched himself by
very extensive practice. He died at his house in Doctors'
Commons, April 19, 1796, leaving his very extensive pro-
perty mostly to charitable uses. Among the very muni-
1 Biop. Brit.— GSeig's Suppl. to Encycl. Britannica.— Button's Dictionary.—
Lcttert l.y emioent persons, 1812, 3 vols. 8vo.
ficent items in his will, were 40,000/. to St. George's hos-
pital ; 20,000/. to Hetherington's charity for the blind ;
15,000/. to the Westminster lying-in hospital, and 5000/.
to the Hereford infirmary. He also was in his life-time a
benefactor to the funds of the society of advocates. In
1752 he published a pamphlet, entitled " Observations
upon the English Language, in a letter to a friend," 8vo,
relating to the common mistakes in spelling, pronunciation,
and accent. This was anonymous ; but he afterwards pub-
lished with his name, " D. Justiniani Institutionum, Libri
quatuor; and a translation of them into English, with
notes," 1756, 4to, a work which did him great credit, and
was thought peculiarly adapted for the improvement of
young law students. A second edition appeared in 176 1.1
HARRIS (JAMES), esq. an English gentleman of very
uncommon parts and learning, was the eldest son of James
Harris, esq. of the Close of Salisbury, by his second wife
the lady Elizabeth Ashley, who was third daughter of An-
thony earl of Shaftesbury, and sister to the celebrated
author of the Characteristics, as well as to the Hon. Mau-
rice Ashley Cooper, the elegant translator of Xenophon's
Cyropaedia. He was born July 20, 1709. The early part
of his education was received at Salisbury, under the rev.
Mr. Hele, master of the grammar-school, in the Close,
who was long known and respected in the West of England
as an instructor of youth. From Mr. Hele's school, at the
age of sixteen, he was removed to Oxford, where he passed
the usual number of years as a gentleman commoner of
Wadham college. His father, as soon as he had finished
his academical studies, entered him at Lincoln's-Inn, not
intending him for the bar, but, as was then a common
practice, meaning to make the study of the law a part of
bis education.
When he had attained his twenty-fourth year, his father
died. This event, by rendering him independent in for-
tune, and freeing him from ail controul, enabled him to
exchange the study of the law for other pursuits that ac-
corded better with his inclination. The strong and de-
cided bent of his mind had always been towards the Greek
and Latin classics. These he preferred to every other sort
of reading; and to his favourite authors he now applied
1 Gent. Ma£. LXVI.— Coot*'* Catalogue of Civilians.— Monthly and Critical
17£ H A R R I S.
himself with avidity, retiring from London to the house in
which his family had very long resided in the Clo*e of
Salisbury, for the sake of enjoying without interruption
his own mode of living.
His application during fourteen or fifteen years to the
best writers of antiquity continued to be almost unremit-
ting, and his industry was such as is not often exceeded.
He rose always very early, frequently at four or five o'clock
in the morning, especially during the winter, and by these
means he was enabled to mix occasionally in the society of
Salisbury and its neighbourhood, without too great a sacri-
fice of his main object, the acquisition of ancient literature.
But it was not until many years after his retirement from
London, that he began to read Aristotle and his commen-?
tators, or to inquire, so deeply as he afterwards did, into
the Greek philosophy. He had imbibed a prejudice, very
common at that time even among scholars, that Aristotle
was an obscure and unprofitable author, whose philosophy
had been deservedly superseded by that of Mr. Locke, a
notion which his own writings have since contributed to
correct, with no small evidence and authority. — In the
midst, however, of his literary labours he was not inattentive
to the public good, but acted regularly and assiduously as
a magistrate for the county of Wilts; giving,. in that capa-
city, occasional proofs of a manly spirit and firmness,
without which the mere formal discharge of magisterial
duty is often useless and inefficient.
The first fruit which appeared to the world of so many
years spent in the pursuit of knowledge, was a volume
published in 1744, containing "Three Treatises. The first
concerning Art. — The second concerning Music, Painting,
and Poetry. — The third concerning Happiness." These
treatises, in addition to their merit as original compositions,
are illustrated by a variety of learned notes and observa-
tions, elucidating many difficult passages of ancient writers,
the study and examination of whom it was his earnest wish
to promote and to facilitate. Lord Monboddo, speaking
>fr the dialogue upon Art, praises it, as containing " the
best specimen of the dividing, or diaeretic manner, as the
ancients called it, that is to be found in any modern book
with which he is acquainted."
In July 1745 he was married to miss Elizabeth Clarke,
aughter and eventually heiress of John Clarke, esq of
Sandford, near Bridgewater, in the county of Somerset,
Five children were the issue of this marriage, of whom two
daughters, and a son, the present lord Malmsbury, sur->
vived their father. — This change in his state of life by no
means withdrew his attention from those studies in which
he had been used to take so great delight, and which he
had cultivated with such advantage and reputation ; for in
1751 he published another work, entitled " Hermes, or a
philosophical inquiry concerning Universal Grammar," 8vo.
Of this work, Dr. Lowth, the late bishop of London, says,
" Those who would enter deeply into the subject (of uni-
versal grammar) will find it fully and accurately handled,
with the greatest acuteness of investigation, perspicuity of
explication, and elegance of method, in a treatise entitled
Hermes, by James Harris, esq. the most beautiful exam-
ple of analysis that has been exhibited since the days of
Aristotle." What first led Mr. Harris to a deep and ac-
curate consideration of the principles of universal grammar,
was a book which he held in high estimation, and has fre-
quently quoted in his Hermes, the " Minerva" of Sanciius.
To that writer he confessed himself indebted for abund-
ance of, valuable information, of which it appears that he
knew well how to profit, and to push his researches on the
subject of grammar to a much greater length, by the help
of his various and extensive erudition. Mr. Harris's sys-
tem in this work still maintains its ground in the estima-
tion of most men of taste, notwithstanding the coarse at-
tack made on it by Home Tooke.
. From the period of his marriage until 176-1, he conti-
nued to live entirely at Salisbury, except in the summer,
when he sometimes retired to his house at Darnford, near
that city. It was there that he found himself most free
from the interruption of business, and of company, and at
leisure to compose the chief part of those works which were
the result of his study at other seasons. His time was di-
vided between the care of his family, in. which he placed
his chief happiness, his literary pursuits, and the society
of bis friends and neighbours, with whom he kept up a
constant and cheerful intercourse. The superior taste and
skill which he possessed in music, and his extreme fond-
ness for hearing it, led him to attend to its cultivation in.
his native place with uncommon pains and success; in-
Somuch, that under his auspices, not only the annual mu-
sical festival in Salisbury flourished beyond most institu-
tions of the kind, but even the-ordinary subscription-con-
174 H A R R I S.
certs were carried on, by his assistance and directions,
with a spirit and effect seldom equalled out of the metro-
polis. Many of the beautiful selections made from the best
Italian and German composers for these festivals and con-
certs, and adapted by him, sometimes to words selected
from Scripture, or from Milton's " Paradise Lost," some-
times to compositions of his own, have survived the occa-
sions on which they were first produced, and are still in
great estimation. Two volumes of these selections have
been lately published by Mr. Corfe, organist of Salisbury
cathedral; the rest remain in manuscript in possession of
lord Malmsbury.
In 1761,. by the interest of his near relation, the late
Edward Hooper, esq. of Hum court in Hampshire, he was
chosen one of the representatives in parliament for the
borough of Christ-church, which seat he retained to the
day of his death. The year following he accepted the
office of one of the lords of the admiralty, from whence he
was promoted in 1763 to be a lord of the treasury. He
remained in that situation until the ministry with which he
was connected went out of office in 1 765 ; and after that
time he did not hold any employment until 1774, when he
became secretary and comptroller to the queen. This
appointment was always valued by him exceedingly ; not
only by reason of the handsome and flattering manner in
which it was conferred upon him by her majesty, but also
on account of the frequent occasions it afforded him of ex-
periencing her majesty's gracious kindness and condescen-
sion, of which he had a very high sense, and which were
continued to him, without interruption, to the end of his
life ; for in her service he died.
Although assiduous in the discharge of his parliamentary
duty, and occasionally taking a share in debates, he never
contracted any violent spirit of party. He abhorred faction
of every kind ; nor did he ever relinquish, for public busi-
ness, those still more- interesting pursuits which had made
the delight and occupation of his earlier years. If they
were somewhat intermitted during the sitting of parliament,
he renewed them with increased relish and satisfaction on
his return into the country. In 1775 he published his
Philosophical Arrangements," a part only of a larger
work that he had meditated, but did not finish, upon the
peripatetic logic. So far as relates to the « Arrangement'*
ot ideas it u complete; but it has other objects also ia
view. It combats with great force and ability, the athe-
istical doctrines of chance and materialism, doctrines which
we have seen revived in France, under the specious garb
of modern philosophy, and which issuing thence, over-
spread a great part of Europe ; destroying the happiness
of mankind, by subverting, in every part of their progress,
the foundations of morality and religion.
The last of Mr. Harris's productions was printed in 1780,
by the name of " Philological Inquiries," but not pub-
lished sooner than 1781. It is a more popular work than any
of his former ones ; and contains rather a summary of the
conclusions to which the philosophy of the ancients had
conducted them in their critical inquiries, than a regular
and perfect system. The principles on which those con-
clusions depend are therefore omitted, as being of a more
abstruse nature than was agreeable to his design, which
was to teach by illustration and example, not by strict
demonstration. " Indeed this publication," says his bio-
grapher, " is not only a retrospective view of those studies
which exercised his mind in the full vigour of his life, but
likewise a monument of his affection towards many of his
intimate friends. I cannot, therefore, but consider it as a
pleasing proof of a mind retaining, at an advanced age, a
considerable degree of its former energy and activity, to-
gether with what is still more rarely to be found, an un-
diminished portion of its candour and benevolence."
Before this last volume was entirely concluded, his
health began to be very much impaired. He never en-
joyed a robust constitution ; but for some time, towards
the end of his life, the infirmities under which he laboured
had gradually increased. His family at length became
apprehensive of a decline, symptoms of which were very
apparent, and by none more clearly perceived than by
himself. This was evident from a variety of little circum-
stances, but by no means from any impatience or fretful-
ness, nor yet from any dejection of spirits, such as are
frequently incident to extreme weakness of body, espe-
cially when it proves to be the forerunner of approaching
dissolution. On the contrary, the same equable and placid
temper which had distinguished him throughout his whole
life, the same tender and affectionate attention to his sur-
rounding family, which he had unceasingly manifested
while in health, continued, without the smallest change
or abatement, to the very last; displaying a mind tho-
roughly at peace with itself, and able without disturbance
or dismay to contemplate the awful prospect of futurity.
After his strength had been quite exhausted by illness, he
expired calmly on the 22d of December, 1780, in the
$eventy-second year of his age. His remains were depo-
sited in the north aile of the cathedral church of Salis-
bury, near those of his ancestors, and a monument was-
soon after erected to his memory.
In 1801 his son, lord Malmsbury, published a magni-
ficent edition of the works before mentioned in two volumes
quarto, with two fine portraits and other plates. Prefixed
is an affectionate biographical sketch, from which the pre-
sent article has been taken. This is concluded by the
noble author with the following general view of Mr. Har-
ris's character, which, from every information, we have
reason to think is just and impartial.
" The distinction by which he was most generally known,
and by which he is likely to survive to posterity, is that of
a Man of Learning. His profound knowledge of Greek,
which he applied more successfully, perhaps, than any
modern writer has done, to the study and explanation of
ancient philosophy, arose from an early and intimate ac-
quaintance with the excellent poets and historians in that
language. They, and the best writers in the Augustan
age, were his constant and never-failing recreation. By
his familiarity with them, he was enabled to enliven and to
illustrate his deeper and more abstruse speculations, as
every page almost (of his works) will abundantly testify.
But his attainments were not confined to ancient philo-
sophy and classical learning. He possessed likewise a ge-
neral knowledge of modern history, with a very distin-
guishing taste in the line arts, in one of which, as before
observed, he was an eminent, proficient. His singular in-
dustry empowered him to make these various acquisitions,
without neglecting any of the duties which he owed to his
family, his friends, or his country. I am in possession of
such proofs, besides those already given to the public, of
my father's laborious study and reflection, as I apprehend,
are very rarely to be met with. Not only was he accus-
tomed, through a long series of years, to make copious ex-
cts from the different books which he read, and to write
critical remarks and conjectures on many of the passages
extracted, but he was also in the habit of regularly cam-
muting to writing such reBections as arose out of his study,
which evince a mind carefully disciplined, and anxiously
bent on the attainment of self-knowledge and self-govern-
ment. . And yet, though habituated to deep thinking and
laborious reading, he was generally cheerful even to play-
fulness. There was no pedantry in his manners or conver-
sation, nor was he ever seen either to display his learning
with ostentation, or to treat with slight or superciliousness
those less informed than himself. He rather sought to
make them appear partakers of what he knew, than to mor-
tify tnern by a parade of his own superiority. Nor had he
any of that miserable fastidiousness about him which too
often disgraces men of learning, and prevents their being
amused or interested, at least their choosing to appear so,
by common performances and common events.
" It was with him a maxim, that the most difficult, and
infinitely the preferable, sort of criticism, both in litera-
ture and the arts, was that which consists in finding out
beauties rather than defects ; and although he certainly
wanted not judgment to distinguish and to prefer superior
excellence of any kind, he was too reasonable to expect id
should very often occur, and too wise to allow himself to
be disgusted at common weakness or imperfection. He
thought, indeed, that the very attempt to please, however
it might fall short of its aim, deserved some return of
thanks, some degree of approbation ; and that to endea-
vour at being pleased by such efforts, was due to justice,
to good-nature, and to good sense.
" Far at the same time from that presumptuous conceit
which is solicitous about mending others, and that morose-
iiess which feeds its own pride by dealing in general cen-
sure, he cultivated to the utmost that great moral wisdom,
by which we are made humane, gentle, and forgiving ;
thankful for the blessings of life, acquiescent in the afflic-
tions we endure, and submissive to all the dispensations of
Providence. He detested the gloom of superstition, and
the persecuting spirit by which it is so often accompanied ;
but he abhorred still more the baneful and destructive sys-
tem of modern philosophy ; and from his early solicitude
to inspire me with a hatred of it, it would almost seem that
he foresaw its alarming approach and fatal progress.
" JVIy father's affection to every part of his family was
exemplary and uniform. As a husband, a parent, a master,
he was ever kind and indulgent ; and it deserves to be
mentioned to his honour, that he thought it no interrup-
173 H A R R I S.
tion of his graver occupations, himself to instruct his
daughters, by exercising them daily both in reading and
composition, and writing essays for their improvement,
during many of their younger years. No man was a better
judge of what belonged to female education, and the ele-
gant accomplishments of the sex, or more disposed to set
a high value upon them. But he had infinitely more at
heart, that his children should be early habituated to the
practice of religion and morality, and deeply impressed
with their true principles. To promote this desirable
end, he was assiduous both by instruction and example ;
being himself a constant attendant upon public worship,
and enforcing that great duty upon every part of his fa-
mily. The deep sense of moral and religious obligation
which was habitual to him, and those benevolent feelings
which were so great a happiness to his family and friends,
had the same powerful influence over his public as his
private life. He had an ardent zeal for the prosperity of
his country, whose real interests he well understood ; and
in his parliamentary conduct he proved himself a warm
friend to the genuine principles of religious and civil
liberty, as well as a firm supporter of every branch of our
admirable constitution."1
HARRIS (.JOHN), the first compiler of a " Dictionary
of Arts and Sciences1' in this country, was born about
1667, and received his education at St. John's college, in
the university of Cambridge, where he took the degree of
B. A. in 1687, and that of master in 1691. Having taken
orders in the church, he obtained considerable preferments.
He was first instituted into the rectory of Barming, which
he resigned for St. Mildred, Bread-street, London ; he
had also the perpetual curacy of Stroud, near Rochester,
in Kent, and he was prebendary of Rochester cathedral.
He was a fellow, secretary, and vice-president to the royal
society. In 1698 he preached the course of Boyle's lec-
tures, which was published (see Collection of Boyle's Lec-
tures, Feb. 1739, vol. I. p. 356—425) ; and in the next
year he took the degree of D. D. Dr. Harris also pub-
lished several single sermons, viz. a sermon on the Fast,
1701, with another on the Fast, 1703, 4to; a sermon entitled
< The Modest Christian's Duty as to indifferent things in
the worship of. God," 1705, 4to ; another on "The law-
' Life as above.
fulness and use of Public Fasting," 1706, 4to ; " The
evil and mischief of a Fiery Spirit," a sermon published in
1710, 4to ; another on the Rebellion in 1715, 8vo; and a
sermon on the Accession, 1715, 4-to. He also published a
"Collection of Voyages and Travels, with a number of
engravings," afterwards improved and republished by Dr.
Campbell ; a " Treatise on the Theory of the Earth," in
1697 ; a " Treatise on Algebra," in 1702 ; a " Translation
of Pardie's Geometry into English," 2d edit. 1702. At
this time it appears that Dr. Harris " lived and taught ma-
thematics at his house in Amen-Corner." He published
also, " Astronomical Dialogues," the third edition of which
appeared in 1795; but the work for which he was most
eminently distinguished, and which entitles him to ho-
nourable notice, was his " Lexicon Technicum," or " An
Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences," in 2 vols. fol.
published in 1708; from which originated all the other
dictionaries of science and cyclopaedias that have since ap-
peared. He was followed, at a considerable interval of
time, in this department of literature, by Mr. Ephrairn
Chambers, whose Cyclopedia, with all the improvements
it has received, has long maintained distinguished reputa-
tion. We are concerned to be obliged to add, that though
Dr. Harris was a man of unquestionable abilities and at-
tainments, and of great literary application, he was charge-
able with culpable imprudence in his conduct, and not-
withstanding the preferments he enjoyed, he was generally
in distress. He died Sept. 7, 1719, leaving unfinished the
66 History of Kent," which was published in folio soon after
his death, and which, though it had engaged his attention,
more or less, for eight years, is extremely inaccurate.
Mr. Gough says (British Topography, vol. I. p. 445), " Drt
Harris died an absolute pauper at Norton-court, and was
buried in Norton church, at the expence of John God-
frey, esq. who had been his very good friend and bene-
HARRIS (ROBERT), president of Trinity-college, Ox-
ford, was born at Broad Campden, in Gloucestershire, in
1578, and sent for education to the free-school of Chip*
ping-Campden, where owing to irregular conduct of the
masters and their frequent changes, he appears to have
« Rees's Cyclopaedia.— Gent. Mag. LXXXIV.—Cole's MS Athena
Mus.— Gouge's Topography,— Nichols's Bowyer,
180 H A R R I S.
profited little. From thence he was removed to the city
of Worcester, and lastly to Magdalen-hall, Oxford, which
was preferred from his relationship to Mr. Robert Lyster,
then principal, a man somewhat popishly inclined. Here,
however, he had a tutor of a different stamp, a reputed
puritan, under whom he studied with great assiduity. Al-
though his parents designed him for the law, as soon as he
took his bachelor's degree, he determined to make trial of
his talents for the pulpit, and went to Chipping-Campden,
where he preached a sermon which gave satisfaction.
He afterwards officiated for a clergyman in Oxfordshire,
and in both cases without being ordained. At length he
was examined by bishop Barlow, who found him a very
accomplished Greek, and Latin scholar, and he had the
living of Hanweli given him, near Ban bury, in Oxford-
shire. During his residence here he was often invited to
London, and preached at St. Paul's cross, also before the
parliament, and on other public occasions. He had also
considerable offers of preferment in* London, but preserved
his attachment to Hanweli, where he was extremely useful
in confirming the people's minds, then much unsettled, in
the reformed religion, as well as in attachment to the
church of England, although he afterwards concurred with
those who overthrew it so far as to accept preferment
under them. On the commencement of the civil war,
tjie tranquillity of his part of the country was much dis-
turbed by the march of armies, and himself obliged at last
to repair to London, after his premises were destroyed by
the soldiery. On his arrival in London, he became a
member of the assembly, but appears to have taken no
active part in their proceedings. ¥.or some time, Han-
\vell having now been taken from him, he officiated at the
parish-church of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate-street, until the
rilling powers ordered him to Oxford, as one of the re-
forming visitors. Here during the visitation of the earl of
Pembroke, the chancellor of the university, he was ad-
mitted; D. D. and president of Trinity-college in April
1,648, in the room of Dr. Hannibal Potter, who was ejected
by the visitors. This situation he retained until his death,
Uec. 11, 1658,. in his eightieth year. He was buried in^
Trinity-college chapel, with an inscription from the ele-"
gant pen of Dr. Bathurst, one of his successors, and con-
taming praises of his conduct as a president more than suf-
ficient to answer the charges brought against him by others.
The only words Dr. Bathurst is said to have struck out are
these in Italics, " per decennium hujus collegii Prseses
sternum cdebrandus" nor was this alteration made in the
epitaph itself, but in Wood's MS. of the " Hist, et Anti-
quitates Univ. Oxon." The only fault of which Dr. Harris
can be accused, and which was very common with other
heads of houses put in by the parliamentary visitors, was
taking exorbitant fines for renewals of college leases, by
which they almost sold out the whole interest of >the col-
lege in such estates. On the other hand he appears to have
made some liberal grants of money to the posterity of the
founder, sir Thomas Pope. " One is surprized," says
Warton, " at those donations, under the government of
Dr. Robert Harris, Cromwell's presbytenan president.
But Harris was a man of candour, and I believe a majority
of the old loyal fellows still remained." Durham, the au-
thor of Harris's life, gives him the character of " a man of
admirable prudence, profound judgment, eminent gifts
and graces, and furnished with all qualifications which
might render him a complete man, a wise governor, a
profitable preacher, and a good Christian." He appears
to have very little relished some of the innovations of his
time, particularly that easy and indiscriminate admission
into the pulpits, which filled them with illiterate enthusiasts
of every description. His works, consisting of sermons
and pious treatises, were collected in 1 vol. fol. published
in 1654.1
HARRIS, or HARRIES (WALTER), a learned English
physician, the son of a tradesman at Gloucester, was born
there about 164-7, and educated at Winchester school. In
1666 he was admitted perpetual fellow of New-college;
Oxford, without passing through the year's probation, in
consequence of his being of the founder's kin. Having,
however, embraced the Roman catholic religion, he re-
signed his fellowship in 1673, and went to France, where,
either at Doway or Paris, he took his doctor's degree. In
1676 he returned to London, and began practice chiefly
among the Roman catholics ; but when in consequence of
Oates's plot, in 1678, all o.f that persuasion were ordered
to leave the metropolis, he renounced the errors of popery,
and wrote in 1679 a pamphlet entitled. "A Farewell to
1 Ath. O?f. vol. II.— Wood's Annals and Colleges and Halls. — Wood's Life,
1772, 8vo, p. 230.— Harris's Life, by Durham, 1660, 12mo.— Warton's Life of,
Bathurst, p. 146, and of sir Thomas Pope, p. 446.
182 H A R R I S.
Popery," Lond. 4to, On the revolution, he was appointed
physician to king William III. at the recommendation of
the celebrated Tillotson. Of his attendance on the king,
he himself informs us of this circumstance, that being in
his majesty's chamber, he took the liberty, in the presence
of the lords in waiting, to find fault with the custom of
binding every morning the king's feet, which were very
much swelled. He said that by this means the humours
falling into the feet would be driven back into the viscera.
Another anecdote he gives of himself, which perhaps would
have come with a better grace from any one else, is, that
Dr. Goodall, president of the college of physicians, told
him one day that he envied him (Dr. Harris) more than he
envied any body else, because he was always easy in his
mind, and free from anxious cares. He appears to have
had very considerable practice, and was a fellow of the
college, and censor in 1689. The time of his death we
have not been able to discover, but he was alive in 1725,
when he published his " Dissertationes Medicae et Chirur-
gicae, habitae in amphitheatre collegii regalis," in the title-
page to which he styles himself " Praeses natus, et profes-
sor Chirurgiae." His other publications were, 1. " Phar-
macologia anti-empirica," Lond. 1683, 8vo. 2. " De
morbis acutis infantum," 1689, 8vo, often reprinted, and
translated into English by Cockburn, in 1693, and by
IMartyn in 1742, and into French by Devaux. In his
<l Dissertationes medicae" are some valuable papers on va-
rious medical topics, and he is a strong advocate for inocu-
lation for the small-pox.1
HARRIS (WILLIAM), a biographical compiler, was the
son of a tradesman at Salisbury, who probably was a dis-
senter. He was born in that city in 1720, and received
his education at an academy kept at Taunton by messrs.
Grove and Amory, men of learning and note, as dis-
senting teachers. An early love of books, and a thirst for
knowledge, rendered application easy and profitable ; and
he was thought qualified to preach before he was nineteen
years of age. He first officiated to a congregation at St.
Loo, in Cornwall, and was afterwards invited to another in
the city of Wells, where he was ordained in 1741. With-
in a few years, his marriage to a Miss Bovet of Honiton,
«f h-A|hf* °X< -To1' Iv*""~" Diss«rtationes Medic®," in which are som« particulars
of bis life, written by himself.
occasioned his removal to that town ; and his ministerial
labours for the rest of his life, were confined to a very
small congregation at Luppit, in the neighbourhood. To
what denomination of dissenters he belonged we are not
told. The strain of his discourses is said to have been
plain and practical, but none of them have been published,
and he appears to have soon courted fame in a different
His political, if not his religious creed, led him to study
the history of the seventeenth century, which in his time
had received few of the lights that have since been thrown
upon it ; and what he read, he read with the eager eye of
a nonconformist, desirous to rescue his brethren from ob-
loquy, and afford them a larger share in the merit of per-
petuating the liberties of this kingdom. With this view,
he resolved to become the biographer of the English branch
of the Stuart family, and of Cromwell, and to assign to
each their agency in the production of those great events
in the seventeenth century, the rebellion, the restoration,
and the revolution.
His preliminary attempt was on a singular subject, the
" Life of Hugh Peters," which, as he published it with-
out his name, has escaped the notice of the collectors of
his works, but is prefixed to the late edition of his " Lives"
as the first in the order of time, and essentially connected
with one of the subjects of his future inquiries. In this
life he professed to follow " the manner of Bayle," and it
might have been thought that its aukward appearance in
print would have shown Dr. Harris that his choice was in-
judicious ; but, for whatever reason, he followed the same
in his subsequent works. The Life of Peters was published
in 1751, and in 1753 appeared his Life of James I.; in
1753, that of Charles I.; in 1761, that of Cromwell ; and
in 1765, that of Charles II. ; this last in 2 vols. 8vo. It
was his design to have completed this series with a Life of
James II., but he was interrupted by an illness which ter-
minated fatally in February 1770, in the fiftieth year of
his age. His degree of D. D. was procured for him from
the university or Glasgow, in 1765, by his friend Mr.
Thomas Holiis, who had assisted him in his various un-
dertakings, by many curious and interesting communi-
cations, and the use of scarce books and pamphlets. Dr.
Birch and other gentlemen in London seem also to have
contributed liberally to his stock of historical materials.
It is indeed as a collection of such, that these Lives have
been principally valued, for Dr. Harris cannot be ranked
among elegant writers, nor can it be gravely asserted that
he is always impartial. His reasonings are strongly tinged
with his early prejudices, but his facts are in general nar-
rated with fidelity, and the evidence on both sides is given'
without mutilation.1
HARRISON (JOHN), a most accurate mechanic, the
celebrated inventor of the famous time-keeper for ascer-
taining the longitude at sea, and also of the compound or
gridiron-pendulum ; was born at Foulby, near Pontefract
in Yorkshire, in 1693. His father was a carpenter, in
which profession the son assisted ; occasionally also, ac-
cording to the miscellaneous practice of country artists,
surveying land, and repairing clocks and watches ; and
young Harrison always was, from his early childhood,
greatly attached to any machinery moving by wheels. In
1700 he removed with his father to Barrow, in Lincoln-
shire ; where, though his opportunities of acquiring know-
ledge were very few, he eagerly improved every incident
from which he might collect information ; frequently em-
ploying all or great part of his nights in writing or drawing :
and he always acknowledged his obligations to a clergy-
man who came every Sunday to officiate in the neighbour-
hood, who lent him a MS copy of professor Sanderson's
lectures ; which he carefully and neatly transcribed, with
all the diagrams. His native genius exerted itself superior
to these solitary disadvantages; for, in 1726, he had con-
structed two clocks, mostly of wood, in which he applied
the escapement and compound pendulum of his own in-
vention : these surpassed every thing then made, scarcely
erring a second in a month. In 1728 he came up to Lon-
don with the drawings of a machine for determining the
longitude at sea, in expectation of being enabled to exe-
cute one by the board of longitude. Upon application to
Dr. Halley, the astronomer royal, he referred him to Mr.
George Graham, who advised him to make his machine
before applying to that board. He accordingly returned
home to perform his task; and in 1735 came to London,
again with his first machine, with which he was sent to
Lisbon the next year to make trial of it. In this short
voyage he corrected the dead reckoning about a degree
1 Life prefixed to the edition of his Works, 1814, 5 vojs. 8vo,,
and a half; a success which procured him both public and
private encouragement. About 17 '69 he completed his
second machine, of a construction much more simple than
the former, and which answered much better : this, though
not sent to sea, recommended Mr. Harrison yet stronger
to the patronage of his friends and the public. His third
machine, which he produced in 1749, was still less com-
plicated than the second, and more accurate, as erring
only 3 or 4 seconds in a week. This he conceived to be
the ne plus ultra of his attempts ; but, by endeavouring to
improve pocket-watches, he found the principles he ap-
plied to surpass his expectations so much, as to encou-
rage him to make his fourth time-keeper, which is in the
form of a pocket-watch, about six inches diameter. With
this time- keeper his son made two voyages, the one to
Jamaica, and the other to Barbadoes ; in which experi-
ments it corrected the longitude within the nearest limits
required by the act of the 12th of queen Anne; and the
inventor had, therefore, at different times, more than the
proposed reward, receiving from the board of longitude at
different times almost 24,000/. besides a few hundreds from
the East India company, &c. These four machines were
given up to the board of longitude. The three former were
not of any use, as all the advantages gained by making
them, were comprehended in the last : being worthy how-
ever of preservation, as mechanical curiosities, they are
deposited in the royal observatory at Greenwich. The
fourth machine, emphatically distinguished by the name of
The Time-keeper, was copied by the ingenious Mr. Kendal ;
and that duplicate, during a three years circumnavigation
of the globe in the southern hemisphere by captain Cook,
answered as well as the original.
The latter part of Mr. Harrison's life was employed in
making a fifth improved time-keeper, o-n the same prin-
ciples with the preceding one ; which, after a ten weeks
trial, in 1772, at the king's private observatory at Rich-
mond, erred only 4| seconds. Within a few years of his
death, his constitution visibly declined ; and he had fre-
quent fits of the gout, a disorder that never attacked him
before his 77th year. His constitution at last yielding to
the infirmities of old age, he died at his house in Red Lion
square, March 24, 1776, at eighty-three years of age.
Like many other mere mechanics, Mr. Harrison found a
difficulty in delivering his sentiments in writing (at least in
the latter periods of his life, when his faculties were much
impaired) in which he adhered to a peculiar and uncouth
phraseology. This was but too evident in his " Descrip-
tion concerning such mechanism as will afford a nice or
true Mensuration of Time," &c. 1775, 8vo. This small
work includes also an account of his new musical scale ;
being a mechanical division of the octave, according to the
proportion which the radius and diameter of the circle have
respectively to the circumference. He had in his youth
been the leader of a band of church-singers ; had a very
delicate ear for music ; and his experiments on sound, with
a curious monochord of his own improvement, it has been
said, were not less accurate than those he was engaged in
for the mensuration of time. l
HARRISON (WILLIAM), an English historian, was a
native of London, and educated at Westminster school,
under the celebrated Alexander Nowell. He afterwards
studied at both universities, but in what colleges seems
doubtful. Wood suspects Christ Church for Oxford, and
Baker mentions one of this name a bachelor of arts of St.
John's, Cambridge; but the date, 1571, is obviously too
late for our Harrison. He says himself that both univer-
sities " are so clear to him that he cannot readily tell to
which of them he owes most good will." After leaving
Cambridge he became domestic chaplain to sir William
Brooke, knt. lord-warden of the Cinque Ports, and baron
ot Cobham in Kent, who is supposed to have given him the
living of Radwinter, in Essex, in Feb. 1558, which he held
until his death in the end of 1592 or beginning of 1593.
He wrote a " Historical Description of the Island of Bri-
tain," published in Holiingshed's Chronicles; and "A
Chronology" mentioned by Hollingshed. He translated
also " The Description of Scotland," from Hector Boe-
thius,^ which is prefixed to Hollingshed's " Hist, of Scot-
land." Wood says he obtained a canonry of Windsor, and
was buried there, leaving several children by his wife Ma-
nan, daughter of Will. Isebrand, ofAnderne, in Picardy.
His turn appears to have been more for compiling ancient
history than topography ; for in his dedication to lord
Cobham he says, " Indeed I must needs confess, that un-
1 now of late, except it were from the parish where I
dwell unto your honour in Kent, or out of London, where
I was born, unto Oxford and Cambridge, where I have
1 Ann. Register for 1777.— Mutton's Dictionary.
been brought up, I have never travelled forty miles forth
right and at one journey in all my life." ]
HARRISON (WILLIAM), a young gentleman high in
esteem, and (as Swift expresses it) " a little pretty fellow,
With a great deal of wit, good sense, and good nature,"
was educated at Winchester, and was afterwards of New
college, Oxford, of which he became a fellow. He ap-
pears to have been employed in private tuition, which was
not a very profitable employment. He had no other in-
come than 40l. a year as tutor to one of the duke of Queens-
bury's sons. In this employment he fortunately attracted
the favour of Dr. Swift, whose generous solicitations with
Mr. St. John obtained for him the reputable employment
of secretary to lord Raby, ambassador at the Hague, and
afterwards earl of Stafford. A letter of his, whilst at
Utrecht, dated December 16, 1712, printed inthedean's
works, informs us that his office was attended with much
vexation and little advantage. Even in Jan. 13, 1713, when
he brought over the barrier treaty, and, as Swift says, was
the queen's minister, entrusted in affairs of the greatest
importance, he had not a shilling in his pocket to pay his
hackney coach. He died soon after this, Feb. 14,1712-13.
See the "Journal to Stella" of that and the following day,
where Dr. Swift laments his loss with the most unaffected
sincerity. Mr. Tickell has mentioned him with respect,
in his "Prospect of Peace;" and Dr. Young, in the
beautiful close of an " Epistle to lord Lansdown," most
pathetically bewails his loss. Dr. Birch, who has given
a curious note on Mr. Harrison's " Letter to Swift,"
has confounded him with Thomas Harrison, M. A. of
Queen's college. In the " Select Collection," by Nichols,
are some pleasing specimens of his poetry; which,
with " Woodstock-Park" in Dodsley's " Collection," and
an "Ode to the duke of Marlborough, 1707," in Dun-
combe's " Horace," are all the poetical writings that are
known of this excellent young man, who figured both as
an humourist and a politician in the fifth volume of the
" Tatler," of which (under the patronage of Bolingbroke,
Henley, and Swift) he was professedly the editor. — There
was another William Harrison, author of " The Pilgrim,
or the happy Convert, a pastoral tragedy," 1709.*
1 Ath. Ox. vol. I. Bliss's edition. — Tanner. — Leland's Collectanea, Praef. p.
55, 58, 77.
« Nichols's Poems, vol. IV. and VII.— British Essayists, rol. I. Pref.— Swift's
Works, see Index.
188 H A R S N E T.
HARSNET (SAMUEL), a learned English prelate, suc-
cessively bishop of Chichester and Norwich, and archbishop
.of York, the son of William Harsnet, a baker at Colchester,
was born in that town, and baptised June 20, 1561. He
was probably sent to the free-school of Colchester, but was
admitted Sept. 8, 1576, of King's college, Cambridge,
whence he removed to Pembroke- hall, of which he became
a scholar, and was elected fellow Nov. 27, 1583. He took
his degree of B.A. in 1580, and that of M. A. in 15'84.
Three years after, in March 1586-7, he was elected master
of the free-school in Colchester, but, preferring the prose-
cution of his studies at Cambridge, he resigned this office
in November 1588, and returned to Pembrdke-hall, where
he studied divinity, in which indeed he had made great
progress before, and had been admitted into holy orders,
as appears by a sermon preached by him at St. Paul's cross,
Oct. 27, 1584, on the subject of predestination. In 1592
he served the office of proctor, and five years after became
chaplain to Dr. Bancroft, bishop of London, by whose fa-
vour he obtained the rectory of St. Margaret Fish-street,
London, which he resigned in 1604 ; and the vicarage of
Chigwell in Essex, which he resigned in 1605, but conti-
nued to reside at Chigwell, where he had purchased a
house and estate, now the property and residence of his
descendant Mrs. Fisher. In 1598 he was collated to the
prebend of Mapesbury in St. Paul's, and Jan. 1602 to the
archdeaconry of Essex, all in bishop Bancroft's disposal.
In April 1604, sir Thomas Lucas of Colchester presented
him to the rectory of Shenfield in that county. The year
following, upon the resignation of bishop Andrews, he
was chosen master of Pembroke-hall, which he held until
1616, when he resigned in consequence of the society
having exhibited to the king an accusation branching into
fifty-seven articles. Many of these, Le Neve says, were
scandalous, and the proof evident ; but, as Le Neve was
iiot able to procure a sight of tHem, we are not enabled to
judge. They do not, however, appear to have injured his
interest at court. He had been consecrated bishop of
Chichester in J609, and was now, in 1619, three years
after he quitted Pembroke-hall, translated to Norwich, on
the death of Dr. Overall. In 1624 we find him again ac-
cused in the house of commons of " putting down preach-
ing ; setting up images ; praying to the east;" and other
articles which appear to have involved him with the puri-
H A R S N E T. 189
tans of his diocese, but which he answered to the satis-
faction of the parliament as well as of the court. On the
death of Dr. Montague, he was translated to the arch-
bishopric of York in 1628, and in Nov. 1629, was sworn of
the privy council. These dignities, however, he did not
enjoy long, dying atMorton-on-the-marsh, Gloucestershire,
while on a journey, May 25, 1631. He was buried at
Chigwell church, agreeably to his own desire, where his
effigies is still to be seen fixed on the north side of the
chancel, against the wall. He left several charitable lega-
cies ; and a year or two before his death founded and en-
dowed a free school at Chigwell, and some alms-houses :
the history of his school may be seen in Lysons's " Envi-
rons." He bequeathed his library to the corporation of
Colchester for the use of the clergy. Besides the ser-
mon above noticed, the only other occasion on which Dr.
Harsnet appeared as a writer, was in writing some pamph-
lets to expose the impostures of one John Darrell, who
pretended to have the power of casting out devils. Bishop
Harsnet's character, from what we have related, appears to
be equivocal ; it is said he was equally an enemy to puri-
tanism and to popery ; and, according to Fuller, was the
first who used the expression conformable puritans, i. e.
those who conformed out of policy, and yet dissented in
their judgments.1
HARTE (WALTER), an English poet and divine, was
the son of a father of both his names, who was fellow of
Pembroke college, Oxford, prebendary of Wales, canon,
of Bristol, and vicar of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton, So-
mersetshire. Refusing to take the oaths after that revolu-
tion which placed a new family on the throne, he relin-
quished *all his preferments, in 1691, and retired to Kent-
bury in Buckinghamshire, where he died Feb. 10, 1736,
aged eighty-five. His son informs us, that when judge
Jeffries came to Taunton -assizes in 1685, to execute his
commission upon the unfortunate persons concerned in
Monmouth's rebellion, Mr. Harte, then minister of St.
Mary Magdalen's, waited on him in private, and remon-
strated much against iiis severities. The judge listened
to him calmly, and with some attention, and though he
had never seen him before, advanced him in a few months
1 Biog. Brit. — Le Neve's Lives of the Archbishops. — Fuller's Ch, Hist, book
XI. — Strype's Whitgift, p. 473, 494. — Lysons's Environs.
190 II A R T E.
to a prebendal stall in the cathedral church of Bristol. Old
Mr. Harte was so much respected for his piety and learn-
ing, that the prelates Kidder, Hooper, and Wynne, who
successively filled the see of Bath and Wells, contrived
that he should receive the profits of his prebend of Wells
as long as he lived ; and Mr. Simon Harcourt, afterwards
lord chancellor, offered him a bishopric in queen Anne's
time, which he declined with grateful acknowledgments.
According to his son's account, he was a most laborious
student, employing ten or twelve hours a day, without any
interruption, but that of casual sickness, for fifty years
successively. His principal business was in referring every
difficult part of Scripture to those particular passages in
the fathers and eminent modern divines who had explain-
ed them expressly or occasionally.
The time of our poet's birth has not been settled. A
writer in the Gentleman's Magazine fixes it about 1707,
but an earlier date will correspond better with circum-
stances. If he was born in 1707, his lines to lady Hert-
ford must have been written at eleven, which is highly
improbable, yet there is some difficulty in adjusting the
date of this poem. In Lintot's edition, it is subscribed
Sept. 30, 1725; but Francis, the late marquis of Hertford,
was born in 1719, a year after his father's marriage, and
when Mr. Harte, according to the above account, could
have been only eleven years of age. We have his own
authority that all the poems published in this volume were
written when he was under nineteen, consequently the
date of 1725 must be an error, especially if Collins's ac-
count of the Hertford family be correct But here, too,
there is something that requires explanation, as the title of
Beauchamp was not conferred on the family for many years
after the publication of these poems.
He received his education at Marlborough school, under
the rev. Mr. Hildrop, to whom he dedicates the few divine
poems in the volume published in 1727. At what time he
went to Oxford does not appear, but he took his master's
degree June 30, 1720, according to the last edition of the
graduates of that university, a clear proof that he must
have been born long before 1707. With Pope he ac-
quired an early intimacy, and shared rather more of his
friendship than that poet was wont to bestow on his bre-
thren. Pope encouraged his poetical enthusiasm, and in-
serted many lines in his poems ; and Harte repaid the in-
HART E. 191
structions of so distinguished a preceptor, by compliments
introduced, not without elegance and propriety, in his Es-
says on Painting and on Satire, and elsewhere.
In 1727, he published the volume of poems, already
mentioned, dedicated to the gallant and eccentric earl of
Peterborough, who was, as the, author acknowledges, the
first " who took notice of him." This volume was ushered
in by a very numerous list of subscribers, among whom is
the name of Alexander Pope, for four copies. An edition
of these poems may be sometimes picked up, dated 1739,
and printed for John Cecil, instead of Bernard Lintot, the
original publisher. As the same list of subscribers is re-
peated, it is probable that these were the remaining copies
bought at Lintot's sale (who died in 1737), and published
with a new title-page.
In 1730 he published his " Essay on Satire," 8vo, and
in 1735 the " Essay on Reason," folio, to which Pope con-
tributed very considerably, although no part of his share
can be exactly ascertained, except the first two lines. He
afterwards published two sermons, the one entitled " The
Union and Harmony of Reason, Morality, and Revealed
Religion," preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, February 27,
1736-7, which excited so much admiration, or curiosity,
as to pass through five editions. The other was a " Fast-
sermon," preached at the same place, Jan. 9, 1739-40.
He was afterwards vice-principal of St. Mary-hall, and in
so much reputation as a tutor, that lord Lyttelton, who
was one of his earliest friends, recommended him to the earl
of Chesterfield, as a private and travelling preceptor to his
natural son. With this young man, to whom his lordship
addressed those letters which have so much injured his
reputation, Mr. Harte travelled from 1746 to 1750. Lord
Chesterfield is said to have procured for him a canonry of
Windsor, in 1751, " with much difficulty," arising from his
college connections, St. Mary-hall, of which Dr. King
was principal, being at that time noted for jacobitism.
In 1759, he published his " History of Gustavus Adol-
phus," 2 vols. 4to, a work on which he had bestowed much
labour, and in which he has accumulated very valuable
materials. An edition was soon published in German by
George Henry Martini, with a preface, notes, and correc-
tions from the pen of the translator John Gottlieb Bohme,
Saxon historiographer, and professor of history in the uni-
versity of Leipsic. Its success, however, at home was far
192 H A R T E.
inferior to his hopes, although sufficient to encourage him
to publish an 8vo edition in 1763, corrected and improved.
At this time he resided at Bath, dejected and dispirited
between real and imaginary distempers. In November
1766, a paralytic stroke deprived him of the use of his
right leg, affected his speech, and in some degree his
bead. He employed, however, his intervals of health, in
preparing " The Amaranth" for the press, which was pub-
lished in 1767. In the following year, he had entirely lost
the use of his left side, and languished in this melancholy
condition till March 1774, when he breathed his last, hav-
ing just outlived the publication of the celebrated letters
addressed to his pupil, Mr. Stanhope, but which, it is
hoped, he did not see. At the time of his death he was
vicar of St. Austel and St. Blazy in Cornwall.
Dr. Maty expresses his wonder, that lord Chesterfield
should not have chosen a tutor who understood a little bet-
ter the external decorations which his lordship prized so
highly. " Harte," says this biographer, " had none of the
amiable connecting qualifications, which the earl wished
in his son." " It was impossible he should succeed in
finishing the polish of his education in the manner lord
Chesterfield wished ; and it is a matter of astonishment
that the earl should not have perceived how much the
tutor's example must have defeated his precepts. The
three principal articles he recommended to his son, were
his appearance, his elocution, and his style. Mr. Harte,
long accustomed to a college life, was too aukward both in
his person and address to be able to familiarize the graces
with his young pupil. An unhappy impediment in his
speech, joined to his total want of ear, rendered him
equally unfit to perceive as to correct any defects of pro-
nunciation, a careful attention to which was so strongly
recommended in all lord Chesterfield's letters, as abso-
lutely necessary for an orator."
All this, however, lord Chesterfield knew, and yet ap-
pointed Mr. Harte, appears to have been perfectly satis-,
fied with his conduct, and treated him with great kindness
and condescending familiarity as long as he lived. Dr.
Maty seems to have forgot that Harte left his pupil before
his lordship had- fully developed that abominable plan of
hypocrisy and profligacy, which, notwithstanding his bio-
grapher's softenings, has irrecoverably disgraced his me-
mory; and as it is acknowledged that Mr. Stanhope did
H A R T E. 193
not practise the system which his father so elegantly and
artfully recommended, let us hope that he was preserved
by the better foundation Mr. Harte had laid.
His <« Life of Gustavus Adolphus," it must be allow-
ed, was a very unfortunate publication. He had learn-
ing, industry, and the spirit of research ; and he had ac-
quired a considerable degree of political and military
knowledge. He had, besides, access to the most valuable
materials, and his work may be considered as in many re-
spects original. But either through affectation, or by
means of «oaie desultory course of reading in every lan-
guage but his own, he was led to adopt a style peculiarly
harsh and pedantic, and often unintelligible, by the irre-
gular construction of his sentences, by new words of his
own coinage, or by old words used in a new sense. The
wonder is, that in all this he fancied himself " writing in
a style less laboured and ornamental than is usually exhi-
bited by the fluent writers of the present age." George
Hawkins, his bookseller, we are told, sometimes objected
to his uncouth words or phrases, while the work was in the
press, but Harte refused to change them, and used to add
with a complacent sneer, " George, that's what we call
writing !" It is such writing, however, as we do not find
in liis Sermons printed in 1737 and 1740, far less in his
" Essays on Husbandry," which ought to have been men-
tioned as printed in 1764, and which, with very few ex-
ceptions, are distinguished for perspicuity of style, and
far more elegance than that subject is generally supposed
:o admit.
The " Life of Gustavus" probably employed many of
his years, at least the subject must have occupied his mind
for a very considerable time before he began to collect his
materials. The undertaking was suggested to him by lord
Peterborow, with whom he could have had no communica-
tion except previously to the year 1734, when his lord-
ship's growing infirmities deprived him of the pleasures of
society, and in the following year, of life, When travelling
with Mr. Stanhope, our author procured access to various
sources of information, and dwelt so long on his subject
with a fond regard, that when he found how coolly his
work was received by the world, and how harshly by the
critics, he became uneasy, fretful, and, according to lord
Chesterfield, seriously ill with disappointment. Dr. John-
son was of opinion, that the defects of his history proceeded
194 HART K.
not from imbecility, but from foppery ; and it is certain
that the critics* while they pointed out the defects in his
style, paid due encomiums on the merit of the history in
other respects.
According to Boswell, Dr. Johnson said u he was exces-
sively vain. He put copies of his book in manuscript into
the hands of lord Chesterfield and lord Granville, that they
might revise it. Now how absurd was it to suppose that
two such noblemen would revise so big a manuscript. Poor
man! he left London the day of the publication of his
book, that he might be out of the way of the great praise
he was to receive; and he was ashamed to return, when he,
found how ill his book had succeeded. It .was unlucky in
coming out the same day with Robertson's History of Scot-
land."— Not the same day, for Robertson's history was
published a month sooner, but Hume's "House of Tudor1*
came out the same week ; and after perusing these, poor
Harte's style could not certainly be endured. It was not,
however, so very absurd to submit his manuscript to lord
Chesterfield or lord Granville, if they permitted him ; and
the former certainly did peruse it, although he might think
it too generally contaminated for a few friendly hints or
With Pope, Harte appears to have been on very inti-
mate terms, and we find his encomiastic lines among the
testimonies of authors prefixed to the " Dunciad." He
had even attained so much character both as a poet and a
philosopher, that the " Essay on Man" was at first attri-
buted to him. It may not be impertinent to introduce here
an anecdote, related by Dr. Warton, who was very inti-
mate with Harte. " Pope told Mr. Harte, that in order to
disguise his being the author of the second epistle of the
Essay on Man, he made, in the first edition, the following
bad rhyme :
" A cheat ! a whore ! that starts not at the name,
Jn all the inns of court, or Drury-lane."
And Harte remembered to have often heard it urged, in
inquiries about the author, whilst he was unknown, that it
was impossible it could be Pope's, on account of this very
passage."— Warton, it may be added, always spoke with
respect of Harte's abilities.
From every evidence, he appears to have been a man of
extensive learning, and acquainted not only with the best
authors of his time, but with the classics, the fathers of
H A R T E. 195
the church, and other eminent writers of antiquity, which
Dr. Maty, rather inconsiderately, calls " Gothic erudition.7'
It is true that he often discovers that kind of reading which
is seldom read, but the illustrations he has appended to
the poems in " The Amaranth," from the fathers, &c. are
generally apt and judicious. Towards the close of life, he
cheered his painful and solitary hours by devotional read-
ing, He died unmarried, and at one time seems to have
considered the married state as unfavourable to the exer-
tions of genius. In his " Essay on Painting," he very un-
gallantly recommends that the artist should be
" Untouch'd by cares, uncumber'd with a wife."
Notwithstanding the unfortunate reception of his history,
he projected another undertaking of the same kind. This
we learn from the concluding passage of his Gustavus, in
which he says his intention was to carry the history of
Germany down to the peace of Munster, but that he was
deterred by the magnitude of the undertaking. He adds,
however, in a note, that he had completed the history of
the thirty years' war, from the breaking out of the troubles
in Bohemia in 1618, to the death of Gustavus in 1632.
These papers, with whatever else he left, are supposed to
have fallen into the hands of his servant Edward Dore, who
afterwards kept an inn at Bath. Dore and his family are
no more, and the manuscripts are probably irrecoverably
lost. We have his own authority also, that he intended to
have written a criticism on the poetry of Dryden, which
he seems to have appreciated with just taste. The adver-
tisement to " Religious Melancholy," from which this in-
formation is taken, is inserted almost entire, by Dr. War-
ton in his edition of Pope, as the result of a conference
between Pope and Harte.
Harte's poems, in general are entitled to considerable
praise, although it may probably be thought that he was a
better critic than a poet, and exhibited more taste than
genius. His attachment to Pope led him to an imitation
of that writer's manner, particularly in the " Essay on Rear
son," and that on " Satire." His " Essay on Reason" has
been somewhere called a fine philosophical poem. It might
with more propriety be called a fine Christian poem, as it
has more of religion than philosophy, and might be aptly
entitled An Essay on Revelation. The " Essay on Satire"
has some elegant passages, but is desultory, and appears
to have been written as a compliment to the " Dunciad" of
o 2
196 HAUTE.
Pope, whose opinions he followed as far as they respected
the merits of the dunces whom Pope libelled.
For his " Essay on Painting," he pleads that it was writ-
ten at intervals, upon such remarks as casually occurred itv
his reading, and is therefore deficient in connection. He
adds that he had finished the whole before he saw Du
Fresnoy, which may readily be believed. He discovers,
however, a very correct notion of an art which was not at
that time much studied in this country, and has laid down
many precepts which, if insufficient to form a good painter,
will at least prevent the student from falling into gross im-
proprieties. So much knowledge of the art, and acquaint-
ance with the works of the most eminent painters, argues a,
taste surprizing at his early age. He had some turn for
drawing, and made several sketches when abroad, which
were afterwards engraved as head pieces for the poems in
the " Amaranth." In this essay, he delights in images
which, although in general pleasing and just, are perhaps
too frequently, and as it were periodically, introduced.
With all his admiration of Pope, he was not less attached
to Dryden as a model ; and if he has less harmony than
Pope, has at the same time less monotony.
The " Amaranth" was written, as he informs us, te for
his private consolation under a lingering and dangerous
state of health.'1 There is something so amiable, and we
may add, so heroic in this, that it is impossible not to make
every allowance for defects ; but this collection of poems does
not upon the whole stand so much in need of indulgence
as may be expected. Some of them were sketched when
he was abroad, and now were revised and prepared, and
others may perhaps be the effusions of a man in sickness
and pain. Yet there are more animated passages of ge-
nuine poetry scattered over this volume, than we find in
his former works. The whole of the " Amaranth" is of
the serious cast, such as became the situation of the au-
thor. We have, indeed, heard of authors who have sported
with unusual glee in their moments of debility and decay,
and seemed resolved to meet death with an air of good hu-
mour and levity. Such a state of mind, where it does
really occur, and is not affectation, is rather to be won-
dered at than envied. It is not the feeling of a rational
and an immortal creature.1
1 Gent Mag. see Index.— Chesterfield's Letters and Miscellanies —Bowles's
5<mion of Pope.— Johnson and Chalmers's English Poets, 1810, 21 vais.
HARTLEY (DAVID), an ingenious physician and phU
losopher, the son of a clergyman at Armley, in York-
shire, was born Aug. 30, 1705. After being for some
time at a private school, he was admitted of Jesus-college
Cambridge, in 1720, and was afterwards elected a fellow
of that society. He took his degree of A. B. in 1725, and
that of A. M. in 1729. He was originally intended for the
church, but having some scruples as to subscription to the
thirty-nine articles, gave up that design, although through-
out the whole of his life he femained in communion with
the church -of England. He now directed his studies to
the medical profession, in which he became eminent for
skill, integrity, and charitable compassion. His mind was
formed to benevolence and universal philanthropy ; and
he exercised the healing art with anxious and equal fidelity
to the poor and to the rich. He commenced practice at
Newark, in Nottinghamshire, whence he removed to
Bury St. Edmund's, in Suffolk ; and after this he settled
for some time in London. His last residence was at
Dr. Hartley was industrious and indefatigable in the
pursuit of all collateral branches of knowledge^ and lived
in personal intimacy with the learned men of his age.
The bishops Law, Butler, and Warburton, and Dr. Jortin,
were his intimate friends, and he was much attached to
bishop Hoadiy. Among his other friends or correspond-
ents may be mentioned Dr. Hales, Mr. Hawkins Browne,
Dr. Young, Dr. Byrom, and Mr. Hooke the Roman his-
torian. Pope was also admired by him, not only as a man
of genius, but as a moral poet ; yet he soon saw the hand
of Bolingbroke in the " Essay on Man." Dr. Hartley's
genius was penetrating and active ; his industry indefati-
gable ; his philosophical observations and attentions un-
remitting. From his earliest youth he was devoted to the
sciences, particularly to logic and mathematics. He stu-
died mathematics, together with natural and experimental
philosophy, under the celebrated professor Saunderson.
He was an enthusiastic admirer and disciple of sir Isaac
Newton in every branch of literature and philosophy, na-
tural and experimental, mathematical, historical, and re-
ligious. His first principles of logic and metaphysics he
derived from Locke. He took the first rudiments of his
own work, the " Observations on Man,'7 from Newton and
Locke ; the doctrine of vibrations, as instrumental to sen-
sation and motion, from the former, and the principle of
association originally from the latter, further explained in
a dissertation by the rev. Mr. Gay. He began this work
when about twenty-five years of age, and published it in
1749, when about forty-three years of age, under the title
of " Observations on Man, his frame, his duty, and his
expectations," 2 vols. 8vo. His biographer informs us
that " he did not expect that it would meet with any ge-
neral or immediate reception in the philosophical world,
or even that it would be much read or understood ; neither
did it happen otherwise than as he had expected. But at
the same time he did entertain an expectation that at some
distant period it would become the adopted system of fu-
ture philosophers." In this, however, he appears to have
been mistaken. We know of no " future" philosophers
of any name, who have adopted his system. Dr. Priestley,
indeed, published in 1775 " Hartley's Theory, &c. with
Essays on the subject of it," but all he has done in this is
to convince us of his own belief in materialism, and his
earnest desire to prove Hartley a materialist, who dreaded
nothing so much, although it must be confessed that hie
doctrines have an apparent tendency to that conclusion.
Since that time, Hartley's work was nearly forgotten, until
1791, when an edition was published by his Son, in a hand-
some 4to volume, with notes and additions, from the
German of the rev. Herman Andrew Pistorius, rector of
Poseritz, in the island of Rugen ; and a sketch of the life
and character of Dr. Hartley. The doctrine of vibrations,
upon which he attempts to explain the origin and propa-
gation of sensation, although supported by much inge-
nious reasoning, is .not only built upon a gratuitous
assumption, but as Haller has shewn, it attributes properties
to the medullary substance of the brain and nerves, which
are totally incompatible with their nature.
Dr. Hartley was the author of some medical tracts re-
lative to the operation of Mrs. Stephens' s medicine for the
stone, a disease with which he was himself afflicted ; he
was, indeed, principally instrumental in procuring for Mrs.
Stephens the five thousand pounds granted by parliament
for discovering the composition of her medicine, which
was published in the Gazette in June, 1739. In 1738 he
published " Observations made on ten persons who have
taken the Medicament of Mrs. Stephens;" and in 1739 his
' View of the present Evidence for and against Mrs. Ste-
phens's Medicine as a Solvent for the Stone, containing
155 Cases, with some Experiments and Observations,"
and a " Supplement to the View of the present Evidence/'
&c. His own case is the 123d in the above-mentioned
" View ;" but, notwithstanding any temporary relief which
he might receive from the medicine, he is said to have
died of the stone, after having taken above two hundred
pounds weight of soap, which is the principal ingredient
in its composition. In the Gentleman's Magazine for Fe-
bruary, 1746, Dr. Hartley published with his name, u Di-
rections for preparing and administering Mrs. Stephens's
Medicine in a solid Form." He is also said to have written
in defence of inoculation for the small-pox, against the
objections of Dr. Warren, of Bury St. Edmund's; and
some papers of his are to be met with in the Philosophical
Transactions. He died at Bath, August 28, 1757, aged
fifty-two. He was twice married, and left issue by both
The philosophical character of Dr. Hartley, says his Son,
is delineated in his works. The features of his private and
personal character were of the same complexion. It may
with peculiar propriety be said of him, that the mind was
the man. His thoughts were not immersed in worldly pur-
suits or contentions, and therefore his life was not event-
ful or turbulent, but placid, and undisturbed by passion or
violent ambition. From his earliest youth his mental am-
bition was pre-occupied by pursuits of science. His hours
of amusement were likewise bestowed upon objects of taste
and sentiment. Music, poetry, and history, were his fa-
vourite recreations. His imagination was fertile and cor-
rect, his language and expression fluent and forcible. His
natu/al temper was gay, cheerful, and sociable. He was
addicted to no vice in any part of his life, neither to pride,
nor to sensuality, nor intemperance, nor ostentation, nor
envy, nor to any sordid self-interest; but his heart was
replete with every contrary virtue. The virtuous prin-
ciples which are instilled in his works, were the invariable
and decided principles of his life and doctrine. His per-
son was of the middle size, and well proportioned. His
complexion fair, his features regular and handsome. His
countenance open, ingenuous, and animated. He was
peculiarly neat in his person and attire. He was an early
riser, and punctual in the employments of the day ; me-
thodical iu the order and disposition gf his library,, papers.
and writings, as the companions of his thoughts, but with-
out any pedantry, either in these habits, or in any other
part of his character. His behaviour was polite, easy, and
graceful ; but that which made his address peculiarly en-
gaging, was the benevolence of heart from which that po-
liteness flowed. He never conversed with a fellow-creature
without feeling a wish to do him good. He considered the
moral end of our creation to consist in the performance of
the duties of life attached to each particular station, to
which all other considerations ought to be inferior and sub-
ordinate; and consequently that the rule of life consists in
training and adapting our faculties, through the means of
moral habits and associations, to that end. In this he was
the faithful disciple of his own theory; and by the obser-
vance of it he avoided the tumult of worldly vanities and
their disquietudes, and preserved his mind in sincerity and
vigour, to perform the duties of life with fidelity, and
without distraction. His whole character was eminently
and uniformly marked by sincerity of heart, simplicity of
manners, and manly innocence of mind.1
HARTLIB (SAMUEL), an ingenious writer on agricul-
ture in the seventeenth century, was the son of a Polish
merchant, who, when the Jesuits prevailed in that country,
was obliged to remove himself into Prussia, where he settled
and built the first house of credit at Elbing, and his grand-
father, the deputy of the English company at Dantzick,
brought the English company to Elbing; whence that
town came by trade to the splendour and result which it
afterwards attained. His family, indeed, was of a very
ancient extraction in the German empire, there having-
been ten brothers of the name cf Hartlib. Some of them
were privy-counsellors to the emperor, some to other in-
ferior princes ; some syndics of Ausperg and Norimberg.
He was the issue of a third wife, his father having mar-
ried two Polonian ladies of noble extraction. This third
wife seems to have been an English woman, for she had
two sisters very honourably married here ; one, first to
Mr. Clark, son of a lord mayor, and afterwards to a " very-
rich knight, sir Richard Smith, one of the king's privy-
council, she bringing him a portion of 10,000/. ; after his
death, she married a third time sir Edward Savage, and
1 Life by bis Son, wbo died at Bath, but too recently for us to obtain an ac-
count of him. — Reid's Essays on the Intellectual Powers, p. 84, et seqq
Munth. Rev. vols. LIU. LIV, aud LYI.—WatsonVHist. of Halifax.
H A R T LIB. 201
was made one of the ladies of honour to the king's mother.
Her daughter married sir Anthony Irby, at Boston, " a
knight of 4 or 50001. sterling a year." The other sister
married Mr. Peak, a younger brother. Warton says,
Hartlib came over into England about 1640. In 1641 he
published " A relation of that which hath been lately at-
tempted, to procure ecclesiastical peace among Protes-
tants," Lond. 1641.
In 1645 he published "The Discourse of Flanders Hus-
bandry," 4to, about 24 pages ; not then knowing who
was the author; the " Legacy" to his sons, which relates
also to the cultivation of their estates, consists of three
4to pages, and was written on the author's death -bed,
1645. The author was sir Richard Weston, whom Harte
apprehends to be the sir Richard Weston " who was am-
bassador from England to Frederick V. elector Palatine,
and king of Bohemia, in 1619, and present at the famous
battle of Prague, concerning which a curious relation of
his, by way of letter, is still preserved in MS." It is re-
marked in the Philosophical Transactions, that England
has profited in agriculture to the amount of many millions,
by following the directions laid down in this little treatise,
which has always been looked upon as a capital performance
in husbandry.
About 1750, a piece was ignorantly published under sir
R. Weston's name, entitled " A treatise concerning the
Husbandry and Natural History of England," 8vo, which
is a poor jejune abridgment of " Hartlib's Legacy." It
seems that Hartlib afterwards, in order to enlarge and bet-
ter explain this famous discourse, published another edi-
tion, and annexed Dr. Beati's annotations to it.
In 1652 Hartlib published " His Legacy, or an enlarge-
ment of the discourse of Husbandry used in Brabant and
Flanders," Lond. 4to. This work was only drawn up at
Hartlib's request; and passing through his correction and
revision, was published by him. It consists of one general
answer to the following query, namely, u what are the
actual defects and omissions, as also the possible improve-
ments, in English husbandry ?" The real author was Ro-
bert Child. To it are annexed various correspondences
from persons eminent for skill in agriculture at this time ;
as C. D. B. W. R. H. T. Underbill, Henry Cruttenden, W.
Potter, &c. as also the " Mercurius Laetificans ;" and
twenty large experiments by Gabriel Plattes ; together
202 H A K T L I B.
with annotations on the legacy by Dr. Arnold Beati, and
replies to the animadversions by the author of the Legacy.
In the preface Hartlib laments greatly that no public di-
rector of husbandry was established in England by autho-
rity ; and that we had not adopted the Flemish custom of
letting farms upon improvement. Cromwell, as Harte
says, in consequence of this admirable performance, al-
lowed Hartlib a pension of IQOl. a year; and it was the
better to fulfil the intentions of his benefactor, that lie
procured Dr. Beati's excellent annotations before-men-
tioned, with the other valuable pieces from his numerous
Hartlib says himself, " As long as I have lived in Eng-
land, by wonderful providences, I have spent yearly out
of my own betwixt 3 and 409/. a year sterling; and when
I was brought to public allowances, I have had from the
parliaments and councils of state a pension of 300/. sterling
a year, which as freely I have spent for their service, and
the good of many." He says he "erected a little academy
for the education of the gentry of this nation, to advance
piety, learning, morality, and other exercises of industry,
not usual then in common schools." This probably occa-
sioned Milton's " Tractate on Education," about 1646,
addressed to him ; and " Two letters to him on the same
subject, by sir William Petty," Lond. 1647, 1648, 4to.
Walter Blythe, the author of " The Improver Improved,"
1653, 4to, says that Hartlib lodged and maintained Speed
in his house, whilst he composed his book of improvements
in husbandry.
" About the time," observes Harte, " when Hartlib
flourished, seems to be an rera when English husbandry
rose to high perfection ; for the preceding wars had made
the country gentry poor, and in consequence thereof in-
dustrious ; though sometimes the reverse of this happens
in many kingdoms. But these wise men found the culti-
vation of their own lands to be the very best posts they
could be fixed in. Yet, in a few years, when the resto-
ration took place, all this industry and knowledge were
turned into dissipation and heedlessness ; and then hus-
bandry passed almost entirely into the hands of farmers."
Hartlib wrote a little treatise " on Setting Land," which
is much esteemed ; and some attribute to him " Adam's
Art Revived," though that work seems to belong more
properly to Sir H. Platt. He also wrote " A true and
H A R T L I B. 203
ready way to learn the Latin Tongue,'* 16 54-, 4to. " A
Vindication of Mr. John Durie," 1650, 4to, three sheets;
and published " Twisse's doubting Conscience resolved,"
1652, 8vo. He was also author of " The reformed Com-
mon-wealth of Bees, with the reformed Virginian Silk-
worm," Lond. 1655, 4to ; and of " Considerations con-
cerning England's Reformation in Church and State,14
1647, 4to.
He was consulted in a book called " Chemical, Medi-
cinal, and Chirurgical Addresses to Samuel Hartlib."
Lond. 1655, 8vo, and again in a pamphlet " On Motion
by Engines," 1651. There were also " Letters to Hart-
lib from Flanders," 1650, 4to. Dury, Hartlib's friend,
whom Whitlock calls a " German by birth, a good scholar,
and a great traveller," was appointed in 1649 deputy-
librarian, under Whitlock, of what had been the royal li-
brary. Dury was Milton's friend and correspondent. On
the restoration, all Hartlib's public services were forgotten.
In Dec. 1662, his pension was 700/. in arrears; and in a
letter to lord Herbert, he complains " he had nothing to
keep him alive, with two relations more, a daughter and a
nephew, who were attending his sickly condition." About
the same time he presented a petition to the house of com-
mons, by the name of Samuel Hartlib, sen. setting forth
his services, and praying relief; in which, among other
things, he says, that for thirty years and upwards he had
exerted himself in procuring " rare collections of MSS. in
all the parts of learning, which he had freely imported,
transcribed, and printed, and sent to such as were most
capable of making use of them ; also the best experiments
in husbandry and manufactures, which by printing he hath
published for the benefit of this age and posterity." The
event of these applications, and the time of the death of
this ingenious man, is unknown. Sprat, in his history of
the royal society, says nothing of Hartlib, who seems to
have been an active promoter of that institution. Nor is
it less remarkable, that he never mentions Milton's "Trac-
tate of Education," although he discusses the plan of Cow-
ley's philosophical college. Harte intended to republish
Hartlib's tracts, and those with which he was concerned ;
and Warton had seen his collection.1
1 Qent. Mag. LXXU. p. 12.— Censura Litcraria, vol. III.— Wartoa's Mil-
to», pp. 1 16, 59(5. — flarte's Essays on Agriculture, &c.
204- H A R T M A N.
HARTMAN (JOHN ADOLPHUS), a learned divine, was
born in 1680, at Minister, of catholic parents. After hav-
ing been several years a Je.uit, he turned protestant at
Cassel in 1715, was soon after made professor of philo-
sophy and poetry, and, in 1722, appointed professor of
history nnd rhetoric at Marpurg, where he died in 1744.
His most esteemed works are, " Hist. Hassiaca," 3 vols. ;
" Vita? Pontificum Romanorum Victoris III. Urbani II. Pas-
calis II. Gelasii II. Callisti II. Honorii II.;" " State of the
Sciences in Hesse," in German ; " Praecepta eloquentiae
rationalis," &c. He has also left above eighty " Academical
Discourses." He must be distinguished from GEORGE Hart-
man, a German mathematician, who, in 1540, invented
the bombarding-staff, " Baculus Bombardicus," and was
author of a treatise on perspective, reprinted at Paris, 1 556,
4to ; and from WOLFGANG Hartman, who published the An-
nals of Augsburg, in folio, 1596.1
HARTSOEKER (NICHOLAS), an eminent mathema-
tician, was born at Goud?, in Holland, March 26, 1656.
His father intended him for the ministry, but the young
man had an early disposition for contemplating the heavenly
bodies, which engrossed his whole attention, and finding,
at the age of thirteen or fourteen, that without some know-
ledge of the mathematics he could make no satisfactory
progress in this study, he saved his boyish allowance and
presents in money, and applied to a teacher of the mathe-
matics, who promised to be very expeditious, and kept his
word. Under him he first learned to grind optic glasses,
and at length, partly by accident, was enabled to improve
single microscopes by using small globules of glass, melted
in the flame of a candle. By these he discovered the ani-
malculse in semine humano, which laid the foundation of a
new system of generation.
In the mean time, in obedience to his father's request,
be spent some years at Leyden and Amsterdam in the
study of the belies lettres, Greek, philosophy, and ana-
tomy, until 1672, when he resumed his microscopical ob-
servations at Amsterdam, and communicated his clisco^
veries respecting the animalcules to Huygens, who pub-
lished them in the " Journal des Savans" without mention-
ing Hartsoeker. Hartsoeker, indignant at being thus de-
prived of the honours of invention, determined to avow
1 Diet. Hist— Moreri.
H A R T S O E K E R. 20A
himself the inventor of the new microscope, and the first
observer of the animalcules ; and sent a letter to that pur-
pose to the same literary journal. The editor, however,
had the precaution to send it privately to Huygens, who,
after reprimanding Hartsoeker for his rashness in being
prejudiced against him by envious and interested persons,
drew up a memoir for the journal, in which he did his young
friend all the justice he could desire.
Hartsoeker being now at Paris, and observing that the
telescopical glasses of the observatory there were not large
enough, made some attempts to improve them, which, al-
though not successful at first, procured him the good
opinion and encouragement of Cassini; flattered by whom
he soon made good glasses of all sizes, and at length one
of six hundred feet focus, which, on account of its rarity,
he never would part with. As to these glasses of so long
a focus, he one day told Varignon and the abbe St. Pierre,
that he thought it impossible to form them in a bason, but
that by trying pieces of glass intended to be quite flat, one
might happen to meet with some that were segments of a
sphere of a very long radius, and that he had in this man-
ner met with one of twelve hundred feet focus; that this
sphericity depended upon some insensible unevennesses in
the tables of polished iron upon which the melted glass is
stretched out, or on the manner of loading the gFasses to
polish them one against another; and that these trials were
more tedious than difficult; which was all he chose at this
time to communicate.
In 1694 he published at Paris, his first work, under the
title of " Essai de Dioptrique," in which he demonstrate*
with great perspicuity the whole theory of that science,
as far as regards spherical glasses, for he rejects all other
figures as useless. He then adds the methods, many of
them peculiar to himself, of grinding and polishing glasses,
and the names and quantities of the ingredients to be made
use of for forming them ; and a general system of refrac-
tion, along with his experiments, leading him to the dif-
ferent refrangibiiity of the rays of light, he pretends to
have been the first to assign their different velocities as
the cause of it. Thus his essay on dioptrics is likewise
an essay on the first principles of natural philosophy. He
reckons but two elements, one a substance, infinite, per-
fectly fluid, always in motion, and no part of which is ever
perfectly separated from the rest ; the other a collection of
little bodies different in .size and figure, perfectly hard and
20S H A R T S O E K E R.
unalterable, confusedly swimming in the fluid element,
where they meet, unite, and become the different sensible
bodies. With these two elements he forms every thing,
and accounts for the weight and hardness of bodies, as he
does elsewhere, from the same system, for their elasticity.
There are other opinions advanced by him, which the more
advanced state of the science has proved erroneous ; but
this work at that time procured him the esteem of many
men of learning, particularly father Malebranche and the
marquis de L'Hopital, who, finding him well versed in the
old geometry, would fain have gained him over to the new
geometry of infinites, to which they were partial ; but he
considered it of little service in natural philosophy, and
had not a better opinion of any of the more abstruse parts
of algebra. Encouraged, however, by the success of his
Dioptrics, he two years alter published, at Paris, his " Prin-
cipes cle Physique," in which he explains at large the sys-
tem he had already given in miniature, adding to it his
own sentiments and those of many others on some subjects
which he had not before handled, the whole forming a
course of natural philosophy, which, by avoiding too great
minuteness, he has rendered sufficiently perspicuous.
On the revival of the royal academy of sciences at Paris,
in 1699, he was named a foreign associate, and was soon
after chosen member of the royal society of Berlin, but he
never used either of these titles, or any other, in any of
the works he afterwards published. It is probable, how-
ever, that they were of some service to his reputation at
least, especially on the following occasion. Peter the
Great, on his arrival at Amsterdam, having applied to the
magistrates of that city for a person capable of instructing
him in those branches of learning he was desirous of ac-
quiring, they named Hartsoeker for that purpose; and he
became so agreeable to the czar, that that monarch would
have prevailed upon him to follow him to Moscovy. But
the length of the journey for a numerous family, and the
difference between the Russian manners and those of the
people among whom he had hitherto lived, hindered him
from accepting the proposal. The magistrates of Amster-
dam, to acknowledge the honour he had done to their
choice of him upon this occasion, erected a small obser-
vatory for him on one of their bastions, which was a hand-
some compliment to him, although at little expence.
In 1704, after very pressing solicitations, he went to
the court of the elector Palatine, who appointed him his
first ma&ematiciau, and honorary professor of philosophy
in the university of Heidelberg. Here he published, in
1707 and 1708, his lectures, under the title ot " Conjee-
tures Physiques," and then took his leave for a time of the
electorate, in order to visit other parts of Germany, or
study natural history, and mines in particular. At Cassel
he repeated the experiments made by Mr. Hamberg with
the landgrave's burning glass constructed by Mr. Tschirn-
haus, but without being able to vitrify even lead, insomuch
that he absolutely denied the fact, affirming that what
Hamberg took for vitrified gold was a substance issuing
from the charcoal tbat supported it, mixed perhaps with
some of the heterogeneous parts of the metal itself.
From Hesse Cassel Hartsoeker repaired to Hanover,
where Leibnitz, the professed friend of all men of learning,
presented him to the elector, afterwards George I. and the
electoral princess, the late queen Caroline, who gave him
a very gracious reception. About this time, the elector
palatine hearing speak of the burning-glass of M. Tschirn-
haus, asked Mr. Hartsoeker if he could make him such a
one. Upon this he caused three to be cast, and having
soon finished them, the elector presented him with the
largest, which was three feet and five inches Rhinland
measure jn diameter, nine feet focus, and this focus per-
fectly circular, of the size of a louis d'or, and so pon-
derous, that two men could with difficulty move it.
In 1710 he published a volume entitled " Eclaircisse-
ments sur les conjectures physiques," being answers to
objections, most of which he attributes to Leibnitz ; and
two years after he published another volume by way of
sequel to it, and in 1722 a collection of several separate
pieces on the same subject. ^In these three works he at-
tacked, very freely, several celebrated names in the re-
public of letters, protesting all the while, that if he did not
esteem them, he would have given himself no trouble about
them, and that they were very welcome to criticize upon
him in their turn. But, in spite of this apology, he could
not conceal an irritable temper, and considerable virulence
in his manner of treating them. Neither Newton, Leib-
nitz, Huygens, or the other members of the royal academy
of sciences at Paris, escaped him on this occasion. The
academy, however, notwithstanding such behaviour, to-
lerated him as one of her members, and considered him as
subject to fits of ill humour, while the several members,
instead of answering him, pursued their researches.
208 H A R T S O E K E R.
In the second work he takes up and extends his favourite
system of plastic souls. In man, according to him, the
rational soul issues its orders, and a vegetative soul, which is
the plastic, not only intelligent, but more intelligent than
even the rational, immediately executes these orders, be-
sides superintending or carrying on the whole animal oeco-
nomy of the circulation of liquids, nutrition and accretion ;
operations, in his opinion, above the reach of mere me-
chanics. But it was immediately objected that rational
soul, that vegetative soul, is ourselves, and how can we
do all these things without knowing it ? This difficulty he
solves by a comparison, which is at least ingenious. Sup-
pose, says he, a dumb man alone in a room, and servants
placed in the adjacent rooms to wait upon him. He is
made to understand that when he has a mind to eat, he
has only to strike the floor with his stick. Accordingly he
strikes, and immediately sees his table covered with dishes.
Now how can he conceive that this noise, which he has not
heard, and of which he has not even any idea, should have
brought the servants to him ? Hartsoeker, not content with
attributing these intelligent plastic souls to men and ani-
mals, gives them to plants, and even to the celestial bodies.
The elector Palatine dying in 1716, Hartsoeker quitted
the palatine court the year following, when the dowager
clectress, a princess of the house of Medicis, in whom a
taste for learning was hereditary, returned to Italy, her
native country. As soon as the landgrave of Hesse saw
him disengaged, he did him the honour to solicit him a
second time to come and reside with him. But Hartsoeker
thought his days too few to spend in a court, and there-
fore, removed to Utrecht, where he undertook a course of
natural philosophy, and made an extract of all the curious
and useful observations buried here and there among a
heap of useless matter in Lewenhoeck's letters. And hav-
ing received some reproaches from Paris on account of the
freedoms which he had taken with the royal academy of
sciences, he began to draw up an apology, but did not
live to finish it. He died Dec. 10, 1725. Fontenelle says
he was brisk, facetious, obliging, but of an easy temper,
which his artful friends often abused, and which betrayed
him into those critical asperities which are too frequent in
his works. l
1 His Elog*, by Fontenelle, translated in Martin's Biog. Philosophies.—
Chaufepie. — Niceron, vol. V1H.
HARTZHEIM (JOSEPH), a celebrated Jesuit, was born
at Cologne in 1694, of a patrician family, and taught the
belles lettres there until he went to Milan, on being ap-
pointed professor of Greek and Hebrew. On his return to
his own country, he acquired much celebrity as a preacher
and as a professor of philosophy and divinity. He died in
1763; his principal works were, l."Summa historic omnis
ab exordio rerum ad annum a Christo nato 1718," Luxem-
bourg, 1718, ISmo. 2. " De initio metropoleos ecclesias-
ticae Coloniae, &c. disquisitio," Cologne, 1731, 4to. 3.
" Bibliotheca scriptorum Coloniensium," ibid. 1747, folio.
4. "Dissertationes decem historico-criticx in sacram scrip*
turam," fol. 5. " Inscriptionis Herseliensis Ubio-Romanse
explanatio," Cologne, 1745, 8vo. He was also employed
for many years of his life in the publication of a collection
of the " Councils of the church of Germany," which had
been projected by Schannat, a learned ecclesiastic, who
had collected materials for the purpose. These, on his
death, were put into the hands of Hartzheim, who after aug-
menting and reducing them to order, published the first
four volumes. The work was afterwards continued by
Scholl and Neissen.1
HARVEY (GABRIEL), a caustic wit of the Elizabethan
period, and the butt of the wits of his time, was born about
1545. His father, although a rope-maker by trade, was
of a good family, and nearly related to sir Thomas Smith,
the celebrated statesman. He was educated at Christ's
college, Cambridge, and for some time at Pembroke hall,
and took both his degrees in arts. He afterwards obtained
a fellowship in Trinity-hall, and served the office of proc-
tor in the university. Having studied civil law, he ob-
tained his grace for a degree in that faculty, and in 1585
was admitted doctor of laws at Oxford, which he com-
pleted in the following year, and practised as an advocate
in the prerogative court of Canterbury at London. As -A
poet and a scholar, he had great merit. His beautiful
poem, signed Hobbinol, prefixed to the " Faerie Queene,"
bespeaks an elegant and well-turned mind; and among his
works are several productions of great ingenuity and pro-
found research. But he had too much propensity to vul-
gar abuse; and having once involved himself with his
envious and railing contemporaries Nash and Greene,
1 Diet Hist.— Saxii Oncoiait.
came their equal in this species of literary warfare. He
afforded the ai, howe?er, sufficient advantage, by having
turned almanack-maker and a prophetic dealer in earth-
qu ikes and prodigies, things which must not be altogether
reierred to the credulity of the times, since they were as
aptly ridiculed then by his opponents, as they would be
now, did any man of real knowledge and abilities become
so absurd as to propagate the belief in them. His highest
honour was in having Spenser for his intimate friend ; nor
was he less esteemed by sir Philip Sidney, as appears by
the interesting account Mr. Todd has given ot Harvey's
correspondence in his excellent Life of Spenser. For an
equally curious account of Harvey's literary quarrels with
Nash, &c. the reader may be referred with confidence to
one of the most entertaining chapters in Mr. DTsraeli's
" Calamities of Authors." He is supposed to have died in
1630, aged about eighty-five. Among his works which
provoked, or were written in answer to, the attacks of his
contemporaries, we may enumerate, 1. "Three proper and
wittie letters touching the Earthquake, and our English re-
formed versifying," Lond. 1.080, 4to. 2. " Two other very
commendable Letters touching artificial versifying," ibid.
15SO, 4to. Harvey boasted his being the inventor of
English hexameters, which very jnstly exposed him to
ridicule. 3. " Foure Letters, and certain Sonnets, touch-
ing Robert Greene and others," ibid. 1592. His un-
iiKinlv treatment of Greene has been noticed with proper
indignation by sir E. Brydges in his reprint of Greene's
*' Groatsworth of Wit," and by Mr. Haselwood in his life
of that poet in the " Censura Literaria." 5. " Pierce's
Supererogation, or a new prayse of the old Asse, with an
advertisement for Pap. Hatchet and Martin Marprelate,"
ibid. 1593, &c. This war ol scurrility was at length ter-
minated by an order of the archbishop of Canterbury,
" that all Nashe's books and Dr. Harvey's bookes be taken
wheresoever they be found, and that none of the said
bookes be ever printed hereafter." Among his more cre-
ditable performances, Tanner has enumerated, 1. "Rhetor,
sive dtiorutn dterum oratio de natura, arte et exercitatione
rbetorica," Lond. 1577, 4to. 2. " Ciceronianus, vel oratio
post reditum habita Cantabrigise ad suos auditores," ibid.
1577, <Ko. 3. " Gratulatio Vatdenensium, lib. IV. ad Eliza-
betham reginam," ibid. 1578. 4. " Smithus, vel musarum
lachrymze pro obitu honoratiss. viri Thorn se Smith," ibid.
1578, 4to. *
HARVEY (GIDEON), an English physician, was born in
Surrey, acquired the Greek and Latin tongues in ihe
Low Countries, and was admitted of Exeter-college, Ox-
ford, in Ib55. Afterwards he went to Leyden, and studied
under Vanderlinden, Vanhorn, and Vorstius, all of them
professors of physic, and men of eminence. He was
taugbt chemistry there by a German, and, at the same
place, learned the practical part of chirurgery, and the
trade of an apothecary. After this he went to France, and
thence returned to Holland, where he was admitted fellow
of the college of physicians at the Hague ; being-, at that
time, physician in ordinary to Charles II. in his exile.
He afterwards returned to London, whence he was sent, in
1659, with a commission to Flanders, to be physician to
the English army there ; where staying till he was tired of
that employment, he passed through Germany into Italy,
spent some time at Padua, Bologna, and Rome, and then
returned through Switzerland and Holland to England.
Here he became physician in ordinary to his majesty; and,
after king William came over, was made physician of the
Tower. At this time there was a great debate who should
succeed to this office, and the contending parties were so
equally matched in their interests and pretensions, that it
was extremely difficult to determine which should have the
preference. The matter was at length brought to-a com-
promise ; and Dr. Harvey was promoted, because he was
in appearance sickly and infirm, and his death was ex-
pected in a few months. He survived, however, not only
his rivals, but all his contemporary physicians, and died
after he had enjoyed his office above fifty-years. He wrote
several medical treatises, which never have been in any
esteem. Unlike his predecessor of the same name, whose
modesty equalled his knowledge, and who never proceeded
a step without fact and experiment, Gideon Harvey was
a vain and hypothetical prater throughout. Under pretence
of reforming the art of medicine, he attacked the charac-
ters of the most eminent physicians of the time, combining:
the most insulting sarcasms with many glaring falsehoods
and absurdities ; and although, in the general war which,
1 Ath. Ox. vol. I. — Warton's Hist, of Poetry. — Todd's Life of Spenser.-
D' Israeli's Calamities.
P 2
he waged, he justly attacked many abuses which then
prevailed in the profession, yet he often committed great
errors of judgment. His principal work, part of which was
published in 1683, and part in 1686, was entitled "The
Conclave of Physicians, detecting their intrigues, frauds,
and plots against the patients," &c. *
HARVEY (WILLIAM), an eminent English physician,
who first discovered the circulation of the blood, was born
of a. good family at Folkstone, in Kent, April 2, 156^.
At ten years of age he was sent to the grammar-school at
Canterbury, and at fourteen removed thence to Caius col-
lege, in Cambridge, where he spent about six years in
the study of logic and natural philosophy, as preparatory
to the study of physic. He then travelled through France
and Germany, to Padua in Italy; where, having studied
physic under Minadous, Fabricius ab Aquapendente, and
Casserius, he was created doctor of physic and surgery in
that university, 1602. He had a particular regard for Fa-
bricius, often quotes him in terms of the highest respect ;
and declares, that he was the more willing to publish his
book, " De Motu Cordis," because Fabricius, who had
learnedly and accurately delineated in a particular treatise
almost all the parts of animals, had left the heart alone
untouched. Soon after, returning to England, he was in-
corporated M. D. at Cambridge, and went to London to
practise, and married. In 1604, he was admitted candi-
date of the college of physicians in London ; and three
years after fellow, and physician to St. Bartholomew's hos-
pital. In 1615, he was appointed lecturer of anatomy and
surgery in that college ; and the year after read a course of
lectures there, the original MS. of which is extant in the
British Museum, and is entitled, " Prcelectiones anatom.
universal, per me Gulielmum Harvaeiunu medicum Londi-
nensem, anat. & chirurg. professorem." This appoint-
ment of lecturer was probably the more immediate cause
of the publication of his grand discovery of the circulation
of the I id. The date of this promulgation is not abso-
lutely a -tained : it is commonly said that he first dis-
closed is opinion on the subject in 1619; but the index
of his MS, containing the propositions on which the doc-
trine is founded, refers them to April 1616. Yet with a
patience and caution, peculiarly characteristic of the sound
' Ath. Ox. vol. II.— Granger, vol. IV,— -Rees's Cyclopa-dia.
H A E V E Y. 213
philosopher, he withheld his opinions from the world, until
reiterated experiment had amply confirmed his doctrine,
and had enabled him to demonstrate it in detail, and to
advance every proof of its truth of which the subject is
In 1628 he published at Francfort his " Exercitatio ana-
tomicade motu cordis & sang inis;" dedicated to Charles I.
There follows also another dedication to the college of
physicians, in which he observes, thiit he had frequently
before, in his " Anatomical Lectures," declared his new
opinion concerning the motion and use of the heart, and
the circulation of the blood ; and for above nine years had
confirmed and illustrated it before the college, by reasons
and arguments grounded upon ocular d moustration, and
defended it from the objections of the most skilful anato-
mists. This discovery was of such vast importance to the
whole art of physic, that as soon as men were satisfied,
which they were in a tew years, that it could not be con-
tested, several put in for the prize themselves, and a great
many affirmed the disc very to be due to others. Some
asserted, that father Paul was the first discoverer of the
circulation, but being too much suspected tor hetero-
doxies already, durst not make it public, for fear of the
inquisition. Honoratus Faber professed himself to be the
author of that opinion ; and Vander Linden, who published
an edition of Hippocrates, about the middle of the seven-
teenth century, took a great deal of pains to prove, that
this father of physic knew the circulation of the blood, and
that Harvey only revived it*. But the honour of the dis-
covery has been sufficiently asserted and confirmed to
Harvey ; and, says Freind, " as it was entirely owing to
him, so he has explained it with all the clearness imagin-
able : and, though much has been written upon tuat sub-
ject since, I may venture to say, his own book is the
shortest, the plainest, and the most convincing, of any, as
we may be satisfied, it' we look into the many apologies
written in defence of the circulation."
In 1632 he was made physician to Charles I. as he had
been before to king James ; and, adhering to the royal
cause upon the breaking out of the civil wars, attended
* In our time Dr. William Hunter See his " Two Introductory Lectures
seems to have stood alone in an at- to his last course of Anatomical Lee-
tempt to deprecia e (he merit of Har- tures," published in 1784, 4to.
vey as the discoyerer of the circulation.
his majesty at the battle of Edge-hill, and thence to Ox-
ford ; where, in 1642, he was incorporated M. D. Inr
V645 the king procured him to be elected warden of Mer-
ton-college in that university ; but, upon the surrender-
ing of Oxford the year after to the parliament, he left that
office, and retired to London. In 1651 he published his
book, entitled " Exercitationes de Generatione anima-
limn." This is a curious work, and had certainly been
more so, but for some misfortune, by which his papers
perished, during the time of the civil wars. For although
he had both leave and an express order from the parlia-
ment to attend his majesty upon his leaving Whitehall,
yet his house, in London, was in his absence plundered
of all the furniture; and his "Adversaria," with a great
number of anatomical observations, relating especially to
the generation of insects, were taken away. This loss he
lamented several years after in terms which show how he
felt it.
In the following year, 1652, Harvey had the satisfaction
of seeing his merits acknowledged by his brethren in an
unusual and most honourable manner : by a vote of the
college his bust in marble was placed in their hall, with a
suitable inscription recording his discoveries. He returned
this compliment, by presenting to the college, at a splen-
did entertainment to which he invited the members, an
elegantly furnished convocation-room, and a museum filled
with choice books and chirurgical instruments, which he
had built, at his own expence, in their garden. On the
resignation of Dr Prujeau, in 1654, Harvey was unani-
mously nominated to the presidency, but he declined the
offer on account of his age and infirmities. He still, how-
ever, frequented the meetings of the college ; and his at-
tachment to that body was shewn more conspicuously in
1656, when, at the first anniversary feast instituted by
himself, he gave up his paternal estate of fifty-six pounds
per annum in perpetuity, for their use. The particular
purposes of this donation were, the institution of an an-
nual feast, at which a Latin oration should be spoken in
commemoration of the benefactors of the college, a gra-
tuity for the orator, and a provision for the keeper of his
library and museum. His old age was afflicted with in-
firmities, especially with most excruciating attacks of the
gout; but he lived to complete his eighty-eighth year, ac-
COrding to his epitaph, and expired on the 3d of June
1658, in great tranquillity and self-possession. He was
buried in the chapel of Hampstead, belonging to tbe church
of Great Samfurd in Essex, where there is a monument
erected over his grave with a Latin inscription.
The private character of this great man appears to have
been in every respect worthy of his public reputation.
Cheerful, candid, and upright, he lived on terms of great
harmony with his friends and brethren, and exhibited no
spirit of rivalry or hostility in his career. He spoke mo-
destly of his own merits, and generally treated his contro-
versial antagonists with temperate and civil language,
often very different from their own. He wrote in a re-
markably perspicuous Latin style, which is flowing and
even eloquent where the subject allows of ornament. The
college of physicians very properly honoured his memory
by a splendid edition of all his works in quarto, 1766, to
which a Latin life of the author was prefixed, elegantly
written by Dr. Laurence.1
HARWOOD (EDWARD), a dissenting clergyman, was
born in 1729, and having passed with reputation through
his grammatical learning, he was entered as student for
the profession of a dissenting minister, in the academy
supported by Mr. Coward's funds. Upon quitting this
place, he engaged as an assistant to a boarding-school at
Peck ham, and preached occasionally for some neighbouring
ministers in and out of London. During this period of
his life he studied very diligently the Greek and Roman
classics, to which he was devoted through life. In 1754
he undertook the care of a grammar-school at Congleton,
in Cheshire, and preached for some years on alternate
Sundays, to two small societies in the vicinity of that
town. In 1765 he removed to Bristol, and in about five
years he was obliged, as he pretended, to quit his situation
on account of his principles as an Arian and Arminian,
being for some time scarcely able to walk along the streets
of Bristol without insult ; but the truth was, that a charge
of immorality was brought against him, which he never sa-
tisfactorily answered, and which sufficiently accounted for
his unpopularity. He had previously to this, in 1768, ob-
tained the degree of D. D. from the university of Edin-
burgh, and with this he came to London, and obtained
1 B,iog. Brit. — Rees's Cyclopedia. — Some anecdotes of Harvey, by Aubrey,
are given in the " Letters by eminent persons," 18J3, 3 volsr Svu.-r-
$iog. Memoirs of Medicine.
216 H A R W O O D.
employment as a literary character, and also as an instruc-
tor in the Greek and Latin classics. He died miserably
poor, in 1794, after having been confined many years in
consequence of a paralytic attack. He was author of
many works, the most important of which is " A View of
the various Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics,"
which has been several times reprinted, and has, as well as
his " Introduction to the New Testament," been translated
into several foreign languages. His other works were
pamphlets on the Arian and Socinian controversy, if we
except an edition of the Greek Testament, 2 vols. 8vo,
and a " Translation of the New Testament," into modern
English, which exhibits an extraordinary proof of want of
taste and judgment.1
HASE (THEODORE DE), an eminent doctor and minister
of Bremen, son of Cornelius de Hase, minister and pro-
fessor of divinity at Bremen, and Sarah Wolter, a lady
distinguished by her learning, and her knowledge of He-
brew, was born November 30, 1682, and was appointed
professor of belles-lettres at Hanau, but recalled to Bre-
men the following year, to be minister and professor of
Hebrew, and admitted D. D. at Francfort upon Oder in
1712, though absent; and member of the royal society at
Berlin in 1718. In 1723 he was made professor of divinity
at, Bremen, and died there April 25, 1731. He left a
volume of " Dissertations," which are much esteemed ; and
assisted M. Lampe in a journal begun under the title of
" Bibliotheca Historico-Philologico-Theoiogica," and con-
tinued under that of " Musieum Historico-Philologico-
Theologicum." His brother JAMES was also a man of
considerable erudition. He published many classical
tracts, which were well received by the learned. He died
in 1723.2
HASENMULLER (DANIEL), a native of Holstein, was
.born July 3, 1651, and educated partly at home and
partly at Lubeck. He made such progress in the Greek
and oriental languages, that he was in 1683 appointed to
the professorship of the Greek language at the university
of Kiel, to which was added that of the Hebrew and ori-
ental languages; but he died before he had completed his
fortieth year, May 29, 1691. His principal works are,
LXIIL and LXlV.-Rees's Cyclopedia.
. German, vol. XXIJ.-Moreri.-Saxii Onomast.
1. " Dissertatio de Linguis Orientalibus," Leipsic, 1677,
8vo. 2. " Henrici Opitii synasmus restitutus," ibid. 1678,
and 1691, 4to. 3. " Biblia parva Gneca, in quibus dicta
insigniora omnia ex Versione Septuagintavirali secundum
ordmem librorum biblicorum observatum in biblis parvis
Opitianis, cum cura exhibentur," Kilon, 1686, I2mo.
4. An edition with notes of " Mich. Pselli de operatione
Dsemonum." 5. " Janua Hebraismi aperta," Kilon, 169 1.1
HASSELQUIST (FREDERICK), one of the favourite
pupils of Linnaeus, and eminently distinguished by hisillus"
trations of the natural history and medicine of the Levant,
was born at Toernvalla, in East Gothland, Jan. 3d, 1722.
He was the son of a poor curate, who died at an early age,
and whose widow, on account of mental and corporeal in-
firmities, was obliged to be placed in the hospital at Vad-
stena. Her brother, a worthy clergyman of the name of
Pontin, educated young Hasselquist with his own children,
at the school of Linkoeping; but he was soon deprived of
this benefactor, and was obliged to become the tutor of
young children till he was old enough to go to the univer-
sity; and by a similar plan he was enabled to support him-
self after he entered at Upsal, in 1741. Here he soon
took a decided turn for physic and natural history, and
had some talents for poetry ; and such was his diligence,
that his superiors procured him, in 1746, a royal stipend or
scholarship. In June 1747, he published his thesis, en-
titled " Vires Plantarum," setting forth the erroneous and
often foolish principles on which plants had formerly been
employed in medicine, and suggesting a truly philosophi-
cal one iii their natural botanical affinities.
In one of his botanical lectures in 1747, Linnaeus hap-
pening to speak of Palestine, one of the most important
and interesting countries to the philosopher as well as the
divine, but of whose productions we had less knowledge
than of those of India, the zeal of young Hasselquist became
instantly excited. In vain did his preceptor, secretly de-
lighted with his enthusiasm, represent to him the difficulties
of the undertaking, the distance, the dangers, the expence,
and above ail the weak state of his own health, particularly
of his lungs. Hasselquist's first step was to solicit assist-
ance to defray the expences of his journey, but the whole
he obtained is represented as far inadequate to his under-
• Moreri.— Niceron, vol. XLH.
218 H A S S E L Q, U I S T.
taking. He began, however, to learn the oriental tongues,
at the same time that he was completing his academical
studies, reading lectures, and obtaining the degree of
licentiate in physic. The faculty, considering his merit and
circumstances, Would not aliow him to he at any expence
on this occasion, any more than for his attendance on the
lectures of the professors. The degree of doctor of physic
was afterwards conferred on him during his absence at Cairo,
March 8th, »75!, \vithtne same honourable and delicate
attention to his peculiar situation. In the spring of 174-9
he went to Stockholm, read lectures on botany there during
the summer, and so far recommended himself to public no-
tice, that the company of merchants trailing to the Le-
vant, offered him a free passage to Smyrna in one of their
ships, in which he set sail August 7th, arriving at Smyrna
on the 27th of November, 1749. He kept a regular journal
©f his voyage. Touching at Gottenburgh, he there met
Toreen, just returned from China with abundance of trea-
sures for his master Linnaeus, in whose works they have at
various times been communicated to the public.
At Smyrna Hasselquist nret with the kindest reception
from his relation, Mr. Rydelius, the Swedish consul, as
well as from the French consul, M. Peysonel, one of the
first who suspected the animal nature of corals. He spent
the winter in noticing every thing he could meet with re-
specting the main objects of his pursuit, in this place and
its neighbourhood, as well as the religious ceremonies and
manners of the people. He visited the house and garden,
once occupied by the famous Sherard, at Sedekio, near
Smyrna, but found no traces of any great care having been
taken to adorn the garden, or to store it with exotic plants.
He made an excursion to Magnesia, his quality of phy-
sician causing him to be received every where with respect.
As the spring advanced he became desirous of extending
his inquiries ; and early in May set sail for Alexandria,
where he arrived on the 1 3th. Here the palm-trees, which
now first presented themselves to his notice, excited him
to inquire into and to verify the celebrated history of their
artificial impregnation, of whicii he wrote a full account to
Linnaeus. Having spent two months in seeing all he could
at Alexandria, Rosetta, and Cairo, he visited the Egyp-
tian pyramids in July, brought from thence Chondrilla
juncea, the only plant he could find, which is. now in the
H A S S E L Q U I S T. 21$
herbarium of his preceptor, was hospitably entertained by
the Arabs, and returned safe to Cairo, where he had after-
wards an opportunity of seeing the caravan depart for
Mecca, of which he has given an ample and interesting
description, as well as of many other festivals and exhi-
bitions. He visited the catacombs, and examined many
mummies of the ancient Ibis, by the size of which he was
induced to take this famous bird to be a species of Ardea,
common and almost peculiar to Egypt, different from the
Tantalus Ibis of Linnaeus. The learned Cuvier, however,
has recently shewn that naturalists have been widely mis-
taken on this subject, and Bruce alone has indicated the
real Ibis.
Hasselqnist proceeded, in March 1751, to 'Damiata,
whence he sailed for Jaffa, or Joppa, and arrived there
after a voyage of four days. He had now reached the
great theatre of his inquiries, the Holy Land ; and he en-
tered upon the examination of its productions, and their
sacred as well as medical history, with all the zeal which
had at first prompted him to the journey, and which was
crowned with eminent success. Having spent near two
months in this celebrated country, he sailed from Seide
the 23d of May, for Cyprus, from whence he proceeded
to Rhodes, and to Stanchio, the ancient Cos, finally re-
turning to Smyrna in the end of July.
From time to time, in the course of his travels, he had
written to LinnaBtis, and had sent home various natural
curiosities, as well as several dissertations, which were
printed in the Transactions of the Upsal and Stockholm
academies. His letters to various friends were occasionally
printed, in a periodical publication called Literary News,
at Stockholm ; and in return for the entertainment and in-
formation he gave his countrymen, they contributed some
necessary supplies towards his expensive undertakings.
Unfortunately he had, in the meanwhile, sacrificed, in-
stead of restoring his health. He flattered himself, as all
in his condition do, and thought that a winter's repose at
Smyrna might restore him. He tried the country air and
a milk diet, but he wasted away daily, like a lamp whose
oil is spent, and departed this life, Feb. 9, 1752, at six in
the evening, to the inexpressible grief of all who knew
him, in the 31st year of his age.
In the course of his expensive journeys and his illness,
this unfortunate young man had unavoidably incurred debts
beyond what his casual supplies from home could liquidate;
and the collections and manuscript notes, which still re-
mained at Smyrna, were seized by his creditors, for a sum
amounting to 14,000 dollars of copper-money, or about
350/. sterling. This circumstance was no sooner made
known, through Linnaeus and his friend Bteck, to the ac-
complished queen of Sweden, Louisa Ulrica, the worthy
sister of the great Frederick of Prussia, than she imme-
diately redeemed these treasures out of her own purse,
gave Linnaeus all the duplicates, and commissioned him to
arrange and publish the manuscript journal and remarks
of his deceased pupil ; a task which he undertook with
alacrity, and executed with care and judgment. These
papers were given to the public in 1757, in Swedish, ex-
cept several Latin descriptions, under the title of " Iter
Palaestinum," or a Journey to the Holy Land, in one vo-
lume, 8vo, with a biographical preface by Linnseus, who
subjoined to the work the very interesting letters of Has-
selquist to himself. This book has been translated into
several languages, and appeared in English, at London, in
1766; but this translation is in many parts defective, es-
pecially with regard to the natural history and the scientific
names. In 1758 the above-mentioned Dr. Baeck, physi-
cian to the queen, published, at Stockholm, an oration in
praise of Hasselquist, in 8vo.
Hasselquist must ever rank high as an original and faith-
ful observer, not only in his own immediate line of study,
out in whatever came before him. His illustrations of the
natural history of Scripture are above all things valuable
and correct. Far less prone to go learnedly and inge-
niously astray than his distinguished countryman Olaus
Celsius, in the " Hierobotanicon," he has, by accurate
observation and plain sense, cleared up many difficulties,
which commentators, without the former, and disdaining
the latter, have often embroiled.1
HASTED (EDWARD), the historian of Kent, was the
only son of Edward Hasted of Hawley, in Kent, esq. bar-
rister at law, descended paternally from the noble family
of Clifford, and maternally from the ancient and knightly
family of the Dingleys of Woolverton in the Isle of Wight.
He was born in 1732, and probably received a liberal edu-
cation ; but we have no account of his early life. At one
1 Rws's Cyclopaedia, by tl»e President of the Linnsean Society.
time he possessed a competent landed property in the
county of Kent, and sat in the chair for a little while at
the quarter sessions at Canterbury. His laborious " His-
tory of Kent" employed his time and attention for upwards
of forty years ; and such was his ardour in endeavouring
to trace the descent of Kentish property, that he had ab-
stracted with his own hand, in two folio volumes, all the
wills in the prerogative office at Canterbury. His mate-
rials, in other respects, appear to have been ample. He
had access to all the public offices and repositories of re-
cords in London ; to the libraries and archives of the arch-
bishop at Lambeth, the dean and chapter of Canterbury,
and that at Surrenden in Kent. He had also the MS col-
lections of Thorpe, Le Neve, Warburton, Edmondson,
Lewis, Twisden, and many others, with much valuable
correspondence with the gentlemen of the county. This
work was completed in four folio volumes, 1778 — 1799.
The whole exhibits more research than taste, either in ar-
ranging the information, or in style ; and it is very defec-
tive in notices of manners, arts, or biographical and lite-
rary history. Its highest praise is that of a faithful record
of the property of the country, and of its genealogical his-
tory. During the latter part of his labours, he fell into
pecuniary difficulties, which are thought to have prevented
his making a proper use of his materials, and obliged him
to quit his residence in Kent. After this he lived in ob-
scure retirement, and for some time in the environs of
London. A few years before his death, the earl of Rad-
nor presented him to the mastership of the hospital at Cor-
sham in Wiltshire, to which he then removed j and some
time after by a decree in the court of chancery, recovered
his estates in Kent. He died at the master's lodge at Cor-
sham, Jan. 14, 1812. By Anne his wife, who died in 1803,
Mr. Hasted left four sons and two daughters, of whom the
eldest son is vicar of Hollingborne, near Maidstone in
Kent, and in the commission of the peace for that county.1
HASTINGS (LADY ELIZABETH), a lady of high rank
and higher virtues, the daughter of Theophilus earl of
Huntingdon, was born April 19, 1682. Her mother was
the daughter of sir John Lewis, of Ledstone, in the county
of York. The accession of a large fortune, after the death
wf her brother George earl of Huntingdon, enabled her to
4 Account by himself, Gent. Mag. LXXXII.— Cough's Topography, &c
afford an illustrious example of active goodness and bene-
volence. She fixed her principal residence at Ledstone-
house, where she became the patroness of merit, the be-
nefactress of the indigent, and the intelligent friend and
counsellor of the surrounding neighbourhood. Temperate,
chaste, and simple, in her habits, she devoted her time,
her fortune, and the powers of her understanding, which
was of a high order, to the benefit an4 happiness of all
around her. il Her cares,'* says her biographer, " extend-
ed even to the animal creation ; while over her domestics
she presided with the dispositions of apparent, providing
for the improvement of their minds, the decency of their
behaviour, and the propriety of their manners. She would
have the skill and contrivance of every artificer used in her
house, employed for the ease of her servants, and that they
might suffer no inconvenience or hardship. Besides pro-
viding for the order, harmony, and peace of her family,
she kept great elegance in and about her house, that her
poor neighbours might not fall into idleness and poverty
for want of employment ; and while she thus tenderly re-
garded the poor, she would visit those in the higher ranks,
lest they should accuse her of pride or superciliousness."
Her system of benevolence was at once judicious and ex-
tensive. Her benefactions were not confined to the neigh-
bourhood in which she lived ; to many families, in various
parts of the kingdom, she gave large annual allowances.
To this may be added her munificence to her relations and
friends, her remission of sums due to her in cases of dis-
tress or straitened circumstances, and the noble hospitality
of her establishment. To one relation she allowed five
hundred pounds annually, to another she presented a gift
of three thousand pounds, and to a thifd three hundred
guineas. She acted also with great liberality towards a
young lady whose fortune had been injured in the South-
sea scheme : yet the whole of her estates fell short of three
thousand pounds a-year. In the manors of Ledstone,
Ledsham, Thorpe-arche, and Colhngham, she erected
charity-schools; and, for the support of them and other
charities she gave, in her life-time. Collingham, Shadwell,
and her estate at Burton Salmon. Sht also gave WOOL for
building a new church at Leeds ; but, that this donation
might not hurt the mother church there, she afterwards
offered a farm near Leeds, of 23/. per annum, and capable
of improvement, to be settled on the vicar and his succes-
sors, provided the town would do the like ; which the cor-
poration readily agreed to, and to her ladyship's benefac-
tion added lands of the yearly value of 24/. tor Uie appli-
cation of whicn they were to be entirely answerable to her
kindred This excellent lady also bequeathed at her death
considerable sums for charitable and public uses ; amongst
which were five scholarships in Queen's college, Oxford,
for students in divinity, of 28/. a year each, to be enjoyed
for five years, and, as the rents should rise, some of her
scholars to be capable, in time, of having 6Ql. per annum,
for one or two years after the first term. She died Dec.
22, 1739. She was fond of her pen, and frequently em-
ployed herself in writing ; but, previous to her death,
destroyed the greater part of her papers. Her fortune,
beauty, and amiable qualities, procured her many solici-
tations to change her state ; but she preferred, in a single
and independent life, to be mistress 01 her actions, and
the disposition of her income.1
HATCHER (THOMAS), the son of Dr. Hatcher, regius
professor of physic in Cambridge, and physician to queen
Mary, flourished in the sixteenth century, but of his birth,
or death we have no dates. He became a fellow of Eton
college in 1555. He is said to have left that fur Gray's
inn, and to have afterwards studied physic. He compiled
some memoirs of the eminent persons educated in Eton
college, in two books, in a catalogue of all tne provosts,
fellows, and scholars, to the year 1572. Mr. Harwood
acknowledges his obligations to this work, but leaves us at
a loss to understand its being compiled " after the manner
of Bayle." Hatcher, however, he informs us, was a very
able antiquary, and a learned and pious man. He pub-
lished the epistles and orations of his fellow-collegian,
Walter Haddon, in a book entitled " Lucubrationes." He
died in Lincolnshire.2
HATFIELD (THOMAS), bishop of Durham. Of this
great prelate we meet with few accounts previous to his
promotion to the see of Durham, except his being a pre-
bendary of Lincoln and York, and secretary to Edward III.
by whom he appears to have been much esteemed. Be-
fore this time the popes had for many years taken upon
them the authority of bestowing all the bishoprics in Eng-
1 Barnard's Hist. Character of Lady Eliz. Hastings, 1742, 12iuo. — Gent.
Map. vol. VI. ami X. — Tatler with notes, vol. I. p. 346, &c.
2 Harwood's Alumni Etonenses.
224 H A T F I E L D.
land, without even consulting the king : this greatly of-
fended the nobility and parliament, who enacted several
statutes against it, and restored to the churches and con-
vents their ancient privilege of election. Richard de Bury,
bishop of Durham, dying April 24, 1345, king Edward
was very desirous of obtaining this see for his secretary
Hatfield ; but, fearing the convent should not elect, and
the pope disapprove him, he applied to his holiness to
bestow the bishopric upon him, and thereby gave him an
opportunity of resuming his former usurpations. Glad of
this, and of obliging the king, and showing his power at
the same time, the pope immediately accepted him ; ob-
jections, however, were made against him by some of the
cardinals, as a man of light behaviour, and no way fit for
the place ; to this the pope answered, that if the king of
England had requested him for an ass, he would not at
that time have denied him : he was therefore elected the
8th of May, and consecrated bishop of Durham, 10th of
July, 1345.
What his former behaviour, on which the cardinals
grounded their objections, may have been, is uncertain ;
but it is scarce to be imagined, that a king of Edward's
judgment and constant inclination to promote merit, would
have raised him to such a dignity had he been so unde-
serving; nor would he have employed him in so many
affairs of consequence as he appears to have done had he
not been capable of executing them. In 1346, David king
of Scotland, at the head of 50,000 men, invaded England,
and after plundering and destroying the country wherever
he came, encamped his army in Bear-park, near Stanhope,
141 the county of Durham, from which he detached parties
to ravage the neighbouring country ; to repel these in-
vaders, a great number of the northern noblemen armed
all their vassals, and came to join the king, who was then
at Durham; from thence they marched against the Scots
in four separate bodies, the first of which was commanded
by lord Percy and bishop Hatfield, who on this occasion
assumed the warrior, as well as several other prelates. The
Scots were defeated, and their king taken prisoner. In
13 54 the bishop of Durham and lords Percy and Ralph
Nevill were appointed commissioners to treat with the
Scots for the ransom of their captive monarch. In 1355,
when king Edward went into France at the head of a large
army, he was attended by our prelate; to whom, however,
H A T F I E L D. 225
It is more important to mention, that Trinity college, in
Oxford, owed its foundation ; it was at first called Durham
college, and was originally intended for such monks of
Durham as should chuse to study there, more particulars
of which may be seen in Warton's Anglia Sacra. Wood,
in his Annals, relates the matter somewhat differently.
At the dissolution it was granted, in 1552, to Dr. Owen,
who sold it to sir Thomas Pope, by whom it was refounded^
endowed, and called Trinity college. Before Hatfield's
time, the bishops of Durham had no house in London to
repair to when summoned to parliament ; to remedy this,
this munificent prelate built a most elegant palace in the
Strand, and called it Durham-house (lately Durham-yard),
and by his will bequeathed it for ever to his successors in
the bishopric. This palace continued in possession of the
bishops till the reformation, when it was, in the fifth of
Edward VI. demised to the princess Elizabeth. In the
fourth of Mary it was again granted to bishop Tunstall and
his successors, and afterwards let out on a building lease,
with the reservation of 200/. a year out-rent, which the
bishop now receives. On this pfat of ground the Adelphi
buildings are erected.
Bishop Hatfield was the principal benefactor, if not the
founder, of the Friary at Northallerton, in Yorkshire, for
Carmelites or white friars. The records of his time give
large accounts of his charities to the poor, his great hos-
pitality and good housekeeping^ and of the sums he ex-
pended in buildings and repairs during the time he held
the bishopric. After a life spent in an uniform practice of
munificence and charity, he died at his manor of Alfond,
or Alford, near London, May 7, 1381, and by his will
directed his body to be buried in his own cathedral. ' It is
there entombed in the south aile under a monument of
alabaster, prepared by himself in his life-time, which is
now remaining very perfect, though without any in-
scription. *
celli, in Italy, of a noble family, was born in Piedmont iri
the beginning of the tenth century, and was esteemed a
learned divine and canonist. He was promoted to the
bishopric of Vercelli in the year 945, and by knowledge
and amiable manners proved himself worthy of this rank,
1 Godwin.— Antiq. Repertory. — Hutchinson's Hist, of Durham, vol. L
226 H A T T O.
It is not mentioned when he died. His works are, I. " Li-
beilus de pressuris Ecclesiasticis," in three parts, inserted
in D'Achery's " Spicilegium." This treatise on the suf-
ferings and grievances of the church, Mosheim says, shews
in their true colours the spirit and complexion of the times.
2. " Epistolae." 3. " Canones statutaque Vercellensis Ec-
clesiae," both in the same collection. In the Vatican, and
among the archives of Vercelli, are many other produc-
tions of this author, all of which were collected by Baron-
zio, and published as the " Complete works of Hatto," in.
1768, 2 vols. fol.1
HATTON (Sia CHRISTOPHER), a statesman and lawyer
in queen Elizabeth's reign, was the third and youngest son,
of William Hatton, of Holdenby in Northamptonshire, by
Alice, daughter .of Lawrence Saunders, of Horringworth,
in the same county. He was entered a gentleman com-
moner of St. Mary Hall, Oxford, but removed, without
taking a degree, to the society of the Inner Temple, not
to study law, but that his mind might be enlarged by an
intercourse with those who were at once men of business
and of the world, for such was the character of the lawyers
of that day. He came on one occasion to the court at a
masque, where queen Elizabeth was struck by the elegance
of his person, and his graceful dancing. It is not impro-
bable also that his conversation corresponded with his out-
ward appearance. He was from this time, however, in the
way to preferment ; from one of the queen's pensioners he
became successively a gentleman of the privy chamber,
captain of the guard, vice-chamberlain, and privy-coun-
sellor, and by these unusual gradations rose to the office
of lord chancellor in 1587, when he was likewise elected a
knight of the garter. His insufficiency is said at first to
have created strong prejudices among the lawyers against
him, founded, perhaps, on some degree of envy at his
sudden advancement without the accustomed studies ; but
his good natural capacity supplied the place of experience
and study; and his decisions were not found deficient
either in point of equity or judgment. In all matters of
great moment he is said to have consulted Dr. Swale, a
civilian. " His station," says one of his biographers, " was
great, his dispatches were quick and weighty, his orders
.many, yet all consistent : being very seldom reversed ijii
1 Biog. Uaiverselle in Acton — Moreri iu Atton,— JMosheij»»
H A T T O N. 227
thartcery, and his advice opposed more seldom in council.
He was so just, that his sentence was a law to the subject,
and so wise, that his opinion was an oracle to the queen.'*
When, in 1586, queen Elizabeth sent a new deputation to
queen Mary of Scotland, informing her that the plea of
that unhappy princess, either from her royal dignity, or
from her imprisonment, could not be admitted, sir Chris-
topher Hatton was one of the number, along with Bur-
leigh, and Bromley the chancellor; and it was by Hatton's
advice chiefly, that Mary was persuaded to answer before
the court, and thereby give an appearance of legal pro-
ceed u re to the trial.
Sir Christopher did not enjoy his high office above four
years, and died unmarried, Sept. 20, 1591, of a broken
heart, as usually reported, owing to the stern perseverance
with which Elizabeth had demanded an old debt which he
was unable to pay. Camden enumerates him among the
liberal patrons of learning, and as eminent for his piety
towards God, his fidelity to his country, his untainted
integrity, and unparalleled charity. In his opinions re-
specting matters of religion, he appears to have been
averse to persecution, which brought upon him the re-
proach of being secretly affected to popery, but of this we
have no proof. As chancellor of Oxford, which office he
held from 1588 to his death, he did much to reform the
education and discipline of that university. He was buried
under a stately monument in the choir of St. Paul's. Wood
says he wrote several things pertaining to the law, none of
which are extant2 but the following has been attributed to
him, " A Treatise concerning Statutes or Acts of Parlia-
ment, and the exposition thereof," Lond. 1677, 8vo. War-
ton thinks he was the undoubted writer of " the fourth act
in the tragedy of Tancred and Gismund," which bears at
the end composuit Ch. Hat. This play was the joint pro-
duction of five students of the Inner Temple, and was
acted at that society before the queen in 1568, but not
printed till 1592. It is reprinted in the second edition of
Dodsley's collection. *
HAUTEFEUILLE (JOHN), an ingenious mechanic, born
at Orleans, March 20, 1647, made a great progress in me-
chanics in general, but had a particular taste for clock-
1 Lives of the Lord Chancellors. — Ath. Ox. vol. II. — Lodge's Illustrations,
x'Qls. II. and III, — Park's edition of Royal and Noble Authors. — Lloyd's State
Worthies. — Peck's Desiderata, vol. I. — Hume's Hist. — Fuller's Worthies,
*2ft H A U T E F E U I L L E.
work, and made several discoveries in it that were of
singular use. He found out the secret of moderating
the vibration of the balance by means of a small steel-
spring, which has since been made use of. This dis-
covery he laid before the members of the academy of
sciences in 1694 ; and these watches are, by way of emi-
nence, called pendulum-watches ; not that they have real
pendulums, but because they nearly approach to the just-
ness of pendulums. M. Huygens perfected this happy
invention ; but having declared himself the inventor, and
obtained a patent for making watches with spiral springs,
the abbe* Feuille opposed the registering of it, and pub-
lished a piece on the subject against Huygens. He died
iu 1724. Besides the above, he wrote a great many other
pieces, most of which are small pamphlets, but very cu-
rious; as, 1. His " Perpetual Pendulum." 2. " New In-
ventions." 3. " The Art of Breathing under Water, and
the means of preserving a Flame shut up in a small place."
4. " Reflections on Machines for raising water." 5. His
opinion on the different sentiments of Mallebranche and
Regis, relating to the appearance of the Moon when seen
in the horizon. 6. " The Magnetic Balance." 7. " A
Placet to the king on the Longitude." 8. " Letter on the
secret of the Longitude." 9. " A New System on the
Flux and Reflux of the Sea." 10. "The means of making
sensible experiments that prove the Motion of the Earth ;"
and many other pieces. *
HAVERCAMP (SIGEBERT), a classical editor of consi-
derable fame, was born in 1684, but where, or where edu-
cated, none of our authorities mention. In 1718 we find
him a preacher at the village of Stad aan't Haringvliet,. in
the island of Overflacke, between Holland and Zealand,
in which year he published " Tertulliani Apologeticus,"
Leyden, 8vo, with a commentary. In 1721 he was ap-
pointed professor of Greek in the university of Leyden,
and afterwards filled the chair of history and rhetoric. He
died in that city, April 25, 1742. He translated many of
the writings of the Italian antiquaries into Latin for Van-
der Aa's " Thesaurus Italiae," and for Polenus's " Sup-
.plementa nova utriusque Thesauri Romanarum Grsecarum-
que Autiquitatum." His principal separate publications-
are, 1. " Dissert, de Alexandri magni numismate," Ley-
1 Moreri.— Button's Diet — Ward's Gresham Professors, p. 180.
ien, 1722, 4to. 2. " Oratio cle actione oratoris, sive cor-
poris eloquentia," ibid. 1724, 4to. 3. " Series numisma-
tum antiquorum Henr. Adriani a Mark," 1727, 8vo. 4.
" Museum Hilenbroekianum," without date or place. 5..
" Thesaurus Morellian us: familiarum Romanarum numis-
mata," with a commentary, Amst. fol. 1734. 6. "A His-
tory of Asia, Africa, and Europe, from the end of the fa-
bulous ages," in Dutch, three parts, 1736 — 39, fol. with
plates of coins. 7. " Sylloge scriptorum de pronunciations
Grascae Linguae," Leid. 1736 and 1740. 8. " Reguin et
imperatorum Romanorum numismata, ducis Croyiaci, et
Arschotani, &c." Amst. 1738, 4to, &c. The classics he edited
were, 1. " Lucretius," Leyden, 1725, 2 vols. 4to, a very
splendid, learned, and critical edition : some have given
it the preference to all former editions, and it appears* as
yet doubtful whether it be excelled by that of the late
Mr. Gilbert Wakefield. 2. " Josephus," fol. Amst. 1726.
By this he seems to have lost almost as much reputation as
he gained by his Lucretius, it being shamefully incorrect.
3. " Eutropius," Leyden, 1729, 8vo, an excellent edition.
4. " Dionysius Periegetes," Gr. Lat. ibid. 1738. 5. " Sal-
lust." Amst. 1742, 2 vols. 4to, on the basis of Wasse and
Gruter, but with very little from Havercamp, except the
notes on the " Fragmenta Sallustiana," and good indexes.1
HAWE8 (STEPHEN), an English poet who flourished
about the end of the fifteenth century, was a native of
Suffolk, and educated at Oxford. He travelled afterwards
in England, Scotland, France, and Italy, and became a
complete master of French and Italian poetry. On his
return, his acquired politeness and knowledge procured
him an establishment in the household of Henry VII. who
was struck with the liveliness of his conversation, and ad-
mired the readiness with which he could repeat most of
the old English poets, especially Lydgate : his knowledge
also of the French tongue might be a recommendation to
that monarch, who was fond of studying the best French
books then in vogue.
Hawes's principal work is his " Pastime ofx Pleasure,"
first printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1517, with wooden
cuts. This, Mr. Warton says, contains no common touches
-of romantic and allegoric fiction. The personifications are
often happily sustained, and indicate the writer's familiarity
1 Moreri,— Saxii Onomast. — Pibdin's Classics.
230 H A W E S.
with the Provincial school : he also says that " Hawes has
added new graces to Lvdgate's manner." Mr. Ellis, how-
ever, seems to be of a different opinion, and thinks that
he has copied Lydgate's worst manner ; and that he is dif-
fuse, fond of expletives and epithets which add nothing to
the sense. Hawes's other works are, " The Temple of
Glass,1' in imitation of Chaucer's "Temple of Fame;1'
" The Conversyon of Swerers," and one or two other ra-
rities, described in our authorities.1
HAWES (WILLIAM), an English physician, and founder
of the Humane Society, was born at Islington, Nov. 28,1736;
and received the early part of his education in his native
village, and completed it in St. Paul's school. He was
afterwards placed with Mr. Carsan, an ingenious medical
practitioner near Vauxhall ; and, on the expiration of his
apprenticeship, was for a short time an assistant to Mr.
Dicks, in the Strand, whom he succeeded in business;
and, by his application, and unwearied attention to his
patients, acquired a considerable degree of reputation and
affectionate esteem. In May 1759, he married an amiable
woman, by whom he had a numerous family, and who
survives to lament his loss.
In 1773 he became deservedly popular, from his inces-
sant zeal in calling the attention of the public to the resus-
citation of persons apparently dead, principally by drown-
ing. In this laudable attempt he encountered much oppo-
sition, and some ridicule. The practicability of resuscita-
tion was denied. He ascertained its practicability by ad-
vertising rewards to persons, who, between Westminster
and London bridges, should, within a certain time after
the accident, rescue drowned persons from the water, and
bring them ashore to places appointed for their reception,
where means might be used for their recovery, and give
immediate notice to him. The public mind being thus
awakened to the subject, greater exertions were made by
individuals than had ever before been known ; and many
lives were saved by himself and other medical men, which
would otherwise have certainly been lost; and Mr. Hawes,
at his own expence, paid the rewards in these cases for
twelve months, which amounted to a considerable sum.
His excellent friend, Dr. Cogan (then somewhat known to
1 Ath. Ox. vol. I. Bliss's edit.— Ellis's Specimens, vol. I. p. 409.— Warton's
Hist, of Poetry.— Phillips's Theatrum.— Cens. Lit. vol. III. and IV.
the public, and since much better known, by several va-
luable publications), who had long turned his thoughts to
this subject, remonstrated with him on the injury which
his private fortune would sustain from a perseverance .in
these expences ; and he at last consented to share them with
the public. Dr. Coganancl he agreed to join their strength;
and each of them bringing forward fifteen friends to a
meeting at the Chapter coftee-house in 1774, the Humane
Society was instantly formed. From this period the weight
and organization of the infant institution devolved in great
measure on Mr. Hawes, whose undeviating labours have,
it is hoped, established it for ever ; and without which,
there would very probably not have been at this time a si-
milar establishment in Europe, America, or India; where Hu-
mane societies have now multiplied with every great stream
that fructifies the soil of those different regions.
In 1774, he published " An Account of Dr. Goldsmith's
last Illness," whose death he ascribed to the improper ad-
ministration of a popular medicine ; and from this unfortu-
nate event he deduced many useful cautions respecting
the exhibition of powerful medicines.
In 1777, appeared his " Address on Premature Death
and Premature Interment ;" which he liberally distributed,
in order to awaken attention in the public mind, against
the too early interment of persons supposed to be dead,
before it was clearly ascertained that life was totally ex-
tinct. This performance had been suggested to his mind,
even prior to the establishment of the great object of re-
suscitation, which he afterwards so successfully pursued.
In 1780 was published, his third edition of an " Exami-
nation of the Reverend John Wesley's Primitive Physick ;"
in which the absurdities and dangerous remedies recom-
mended by that venerable and (on many other accounts)
respectable writer were acutely exposed by a combination
of irony and serious argument. In 1780, or 1731, he re-
moved to Palsgrave-place, and commenced practice as a
physician ; the degree of doctor of medicine having been
conferred upon him some time before.
In 1781, Dr. Hawes published " An Address to the
Legislature, on the Importance of the Humane Society;'*
and, by his steady perseverance, and personal endeavours,
he lived to see most of his objects realized, as conducive
to the restoration of suspended animation. About the
same period, appeared his " Address to the King and Par*
332 H A'W E S.
liament of Great Britain ; with Observations on the Gene-
ral Bills of Mortality." These useful and interesting pub-
lications gradually raised the reputation of the author to
the notice of many learned, as well as benevolent, charac-
ters. In the same year, he was elected physician to the
Surrey Dispensary ; and about the same time, commenced
his medical lectures on suspended animation ; and was the
first, and perhaps the only, person that ever introduced
the subject as a part of medical education. These lec-
tures were closed by a proposal of bestowing prize-medals,
suggested by the ardour of his mind, and founded by his
munificence; and in October 1782, the gold medal was
awarded, by four respectable physicians, to Dr. Richard
Pearson, of Birmingham, and the silver medal to a writer
whose paper wat» signed Humanitas. Since that period
similar prize-medals, bestowed by the Medical Society,
have given rise to the invaluable works of Pearson, Good-
win, Coleman, Kite, and Fothergill.
In 1782, Dr. Hawes removed to East-cheap ; and (hav-
ing been elected physician to the London Dispensary in
1785) to Bury-street, in 1786; and to Spital-square in
1791. In 1793, when the manufactories of cottons had so
far superseded those of silks as to occasion temporary
want, and even beggary, among the artisans in Spitalfields,
Dr. Hawes singly stood forward ; and, principally by his
activity, 1200 families were snatched from ruin. On this
emergency he published a short address, which does great
credit to his humanity and good sense.
In 1796, Dr. Hawes favoured the public with a large 8vo
volume, entitled " Transactions of the Royal Humane So-
ciety, from 1774 to 1784," which was dedicated to the
ting by royal permission.
This worthy man died Dec. 5, 1808, and was interred in
the new burying-ground at Islington.
Dr. Hawes was a man totally without guile ; and self
never entered into his contemplation. There was a sim-
plicity in his manners, the result of an innocent and un-
suspecting heart. Without possessing, or affecting to pos-
sess, any very superior literary talents, he contrived to
furnish to the public an acceptable work in his " Annual
Reports." His practice had been considerable ; and his
medical knowledge was respectable. In the resuscitative
t he was eminently skilled. He was an honorary mem-
ber of the Massachusetts Humane Society; and of many
H A W E S. 233
others/ at Edinburgh, Manchester, Bath, &c. &c. and a
vice-president of the London Electrical Dispensary.
The Royal Humane Society is a shining and an eminent
proof of his philanthropy ; an institution which has been
found highly useful, and to establish which he employed
many years of his life. The moment in which one of the
regular anniversaries of the society were at an end, he be-
gan to meditate plans for the success of the ensuing year.
The nomination of succeeding stewards, the augmentation
of the list of regular subscribers, and the obtaining of
churches and preachers for the benefit of .his favourite in-
stitution, were never out of his sight; and so much indeed
did the Humane Society engross his attention, that his own
immediate interests appeared to him to be subordinate
considerations. He was always ready to afford both his
pecuniary and his professional assistance to distress ; and
his name ought to be recorded among those who add to
the character of the nation, by the establishment of insti-
tutions founded on benevolent principles.1
HAWKE (EDWARD, LORD HAWKE), an eminent naval
officer, was the son of Edward Hawke, esq. barrister at law,
by Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Bladen, esq. He was
from his youth brought up to the sea, and passed through
the inferior stations till, in 17134, he was appointed captain
of the Wolf. His intrepidity and conduct were first of all
distinguished in the memorable engagement with the com-
bined fleets of France and Spain on Toulon, in J744, when
the English fleet was commanded by the admirals Mat-
thews, Lestock, and Rowley. If all the English ships had
done their duty on that day as well as the Berwick, which
captain Hawke commanded, the honour and discipline of
the navy would not have been so tarnished. He compelled
the Pader, a Spanish vessel of 60 guns, to strike ; and, to
succour the Princessa and Somerset, broke the line with-
out orders, for which act of bravery he lost his commis-
sion, but was honourably restored to his rank by the king.
In 1747 he was appointed rear-admiral of the 'white ; and
on the 14th of October, in the same year, fell in with a
large French fleet, bound to the West Indies, convoyed
by nine men of war, of which he captured seven. This
was a glorious day tor England, and the event taught Bri-
tish commanders to despise the old prejudice of staying
» Pent. Mag. vol. LXXV1II. and LXXX1.
234 H A W K E.
for a line of battle. " Perceiving," says the gallant admi-
ral in his letters to the Admiralty, " that we lost time in
forming our line, I made the signal for the whole squadron
to chase, and when within a proper distance to engage."
On October the 31st, admiral Hawke arrived at Portsmouth
with his prizes, and as a reward of his bravery, he was
soon afterwards made knight of the bath. In 1748 he was
made vice-admiral of the blue, and elected an elder bro-
ther of the Trinity-house; in 1755 he was appointed vice-
admiral of the white, and in 1757 commanded the squa-
dron which was sent to co-operate with sir John Mordaunt
in the expedition against Rochfort. In 1759, sir Edward
commanded the grand fleet opposed to that of the French
equipped at Brest, and intended to invade these kingdoms.
He accordingly sailed from Portsmouth, and, arriving off
Brest, so stationed his ships that the French fleet did not
dare to come out, and had the mortification of beholding
their coast insulted, and their merchantmen taken. The
admiral, however, being by a strong westerly wind blown
from his station, the French seized this opportunity, and
steered for Quiberon-bay, where a small English squadron
lay under the command of commodore Duff. Sir Edward
Hawke immediately went in pursuit of them, and on the
20th of November came up with them off Belleisle. The
wind blew exceedingly hard at the time, nevertheless the
French were engaged, and totally defeated, nor was the
navy of France able to undertake any thing of consequence
during the remainder of the war. This service, owing to
the nature of the coast, was peculiarly hazardous; but when
the pilot represented the danger, our gallant admiral only
replied, "You have done your duty in pointing out the
difficulties ; you are now to comply with my order, and
lay me along the Soleil Royal." For these and similar
services, the king settled a pension of 2000/. per annum
on sif Edward and his two sons, or the survivor of them;
he also received the thanks of the house of commons, and
the freedom of the city of Cork in a gold box. In 1765
he was appointed vice-admiral of Great Britain, and first
lord of the admiralty ; and, in 1776, he was made a peer
of England, under the title of Baron Hawke, of Towton, in
the county of York. His lordship married Catharine the
daughter of Walter Brooke, of Burton-hall, in Yorkshire,
esq. by whom he had four children. — He was one of the
greatest characters that ever adorned the British navy ; but
HAWK E. 235
most of all remarkable for the daring courage which in-
duced him on many occasions to disregard those forms of
conducting or sustaining an attack, which the rules and
ceremonies of service had before considered as indispens-
able. He died at his seat at Shepperton in Middlesex,
October 14, 178 1.1
HAWKESWORTH (JOHN), an elegant and ingenious
English writer, was born either in 1715, or 1719, in Lon-
don, and was, as some report, brought up to the trade of a
watchmaker. Sir John Hawkins, however, informs us that
he was, when very young, a hired clerk to one Harvvood,
an attorney in Grocers'-alley in the Poultry. His parents
were probably dissenters, as he was a member of the cele-
brated Mr. Bradbury's meeting, from which, it is said, he
was expelled for some irregularities. It does not appear
that he followed any profession, but devoted himself to
study and literary employment. So early as 1744 he suc-
ceeded Dr. Johnson in compiling the parliamentary de-
bates for the Gentleman's Magazine, to which he after-
wards contributed many of his earlier productions in verse.
In 1746, he wrote in that publication, under the' name of
Greville, the "Devil Painter, a tale ;" the " Chaise Percee,"
from the French; "Epistle to the King of Prussia;"
" Lines to the Rev. Mr. Layng" (who was at this time a
writer in the Magazine), and to the celebrated Warburton :
" On a series of theological inquiries :" " A Thought from
Marcus Antoninus ;" " The Smart." In- 1747 he contri-
buted " The Accident ;" " Ants' Philosophy ;" " Death of
Arachne;" "Chamontand Honorius ;" " Origin of Doubt;"
" Life," an ode ; " Lines to Hope ;" " Winter," an ode ;"
"The Experiment," a tale. In 1748, " The Midsummer
Wish ;" " Solitude ;" " The two Doves," a fable ; " Au-
tumn ;" in 1749, " Poverty insulted ;" "Region allotted
to Old Maids;" " The Nymph at her Toilet;" " God is
Love;" " Cloe's Soliloquy." Some of these are signed
H. Greville. Whether he wrote any prose compositions is
doubtful. Mr. Duncombe, on whose authority the above
list is given, says nothing of prose.
In 1752-3-4, he was concerned with Drs. Johnson, Ba-
thurst, and Warton, in the Adventurer, and from the
merit of his papers acquired much reputation and many
friends. At this time, his wife kept a school for the edu-
1 Collins's Peerage by sir E, Br ydges.— Ckaniock'i Biog. Navalis.
£36 H A W K E S W O R T H.
cation of young ladies, at Bromley in Kent; and his ambi-
tion was to demonstrate by his writings how well qualified
he was to superintend a seminary of that kind. But an
incident happened after the publication of the Adventurer
which gave a new turn to his ambition. Arohbishop Her-
ring, who had read his essays with much delight, and had
satisfied himself that the character of the author would
fully justify the honour intended, conferred on him the
degree of doctor of civil law, with which he was so elated,
as to imagine that it opened a way for the profession of a
civilian, and, having prepared himself by study, made an
effort to be admitted a pleader in the ecclesiastical courts,
but met with such opposition as obliged him to desist.
After this disappointment, he devoted his attention again
to the concerns of his school, which was much encouraged,
and became a source of considerable emolument. This
degree, however, and the consequence he began to ac-
quire in the world, alienated him from son*e of the most
valuable of his early friends. Although he had until this
time, lived in habits of intimacy with Dr. Johnson, he
appears to have withdrawn from him ; and it is singular,
that in all Mr. Boswell's narrative of that eminent man's
life, there is not one instance of a meeting between John-
son and Hawkesworth. This seems in some degree to con-
firm sir John Hawkins's account, which states that " his
success wrought no good effects upon his mind and con-
duct :" Dr. Johnson made the same remark, and with a
keen resentment of his behaviour; and sir John thinks "he
might use the same language to Hawkesworth himself, and
also reproach him with the acceptance of an academical
honour to which he could have no pretensions, and which
Johnson, conceiving to be irregular, as many do, held in
great contempt;" thus much is certain, that soon after the
attainment of it the intimacy between them ceased.
In 1756, at Garrick's desire, Dr. Hawkesworth altered
the comedy of " Amphytrion, or the two Sosias," from
Dryden, and in 1760 wrote " Zimri," an oratorio, set to
music by Stanley, which appears to have been approved
by the public. About the same time he altered for Drury-
lane theatre, Southern's tragedy of" Oroonoko," by some
omissions and some additions, but the latter, in the opinion
of the critics, not enough to supply the place of the for-
mer. In 1761 he appeared to more advantage as the
author of a dramatic fairy tale, "Edgar and Emtneline;'
acted at Drury-lane theatre with great success. Dr.
Hawkes worth, having gained much popularity from the
eastern stories introduced in the Adventurer, this year
gave to the public, in two volumes, his line tale of " Al-
moran and Hainet," which, notwithstanding some incon-
sistencies and improbabilities of fable, is entitled to very
high praise for its moral tendency, and was long a favou-
rite with the public.
In 1765 he published dean Swift's works, with explana-
tory notes, and a life written upon a plan long before laid
down by Dr. Johnson ; and here it is worthy of remark,
that whatever coolness may at one time have subsisted be-
tween them, all traces of animosity had been effaced from
the mind of Dr. Johnson, when he characterized Hawkes-
worth as a man " capable of dignifying his narration with
so much elegance of language and force of sentiment.'*
To this edition, the critics of the day discovered many ob-
jections, which have, however, been since removed by
more accurate information respecting Swift, and by the
indefatigable researches of his more recent editor, Mr.
Nichols, a man who cannot be praised too highly for having
enlarged the resources of literary history.
In 1766, Dr. Hawkesworth was the editor of three ad-
ditional volumes of Swift's Letters, with notes and illus-
trations. In this publication he discovers an uncommon
warmth against infidel publications, and speaks of Boling-
broke and his editor Mallet with the utmost detestation : that
4in this he was sincere, will appear from the following proof.
We have already mentioned, that in 1744 he succeeded
Dr. Johnson as the writer or compiler of the parliamen-
tary debates in the Gentleman's Magazine ; in this office,
if it maybe so termed, he continued until 1760, when
the plan of the Magazine was improved by a Review of
New Publications. Mr. Owen Ruffhead was the first who
filled this department, and continued to do so about two
years, according to sir John Hawkins, when he was suc-
ceeded by Dr. Hawkesworth ; but there must have been
an intermediate reviewer, if sir John be correct in the
time when Mr. Ruffhead ceased to write, as Dr. Hawkes-
worth's first appearance as a critic 'is ascertained, upon
undoubted authority, to have been April 1765. In the
month of October of that year, there appeared in the Ma-
gazine an abstract of Voltaire's " Philosophical Dictionary,"
by a correspondent. Dr. Hawkesvvorth's friends, to vyhom
238 H A W K E S W O R T H.
it appears his connection with the Magazine was no secret,
were alarmed to see an elaborate account of so impious a
work ; and one of them wrote to him on the subject. An
extract from his answer, now before us, and dated Nov.
8, 176:5, will perhaps fill up a chasm in his personal as well
as literary history.
" I am always sorry when I hear anonymous perform-
ance«, not expressly owned, imputed to particular persons ,
that which a man never owned either privately or in public,
I think he should not be accountable for. J speak feelingly
on this subject, for though Mr. Duncombe assured you
that tiie Magazine was solely under my direction, I must
beg leave to assure you that it is not, nor ever was, there
being in almost every number somethings that I never see,
and some things that I do not approve. There is in the
last number an account of Voltaire's ' Philosophical Dic-
tionary,' a work of which I never would give any account,
because I would not draw the attention of the public to it.
It is true that the extracts exhibited in this article do not
contain any thing contrary to religion or good morals ; but
it is certain that these extracts will carry the book into
many hands that otherwise it would never have reached ;
and the book abounds with principles which a man ought
to be hanged for publishing, though he believed them to
be true, upon the same principle that all states hang rebels
and traitors, though the offenders think rebellion and trea-
son their duty to God. I beg, Sir, that you would do
me the justice to say this whenever opportunity offers,
especially with respect to the political part of the Maga-
zine, for I never wrote a political pamphlet or paper, or
ever directly or indirectly assisted in the writing of either
in my life."
In 1768 he published an excellent translation of " Te-
lemachus," in 4to. He continued to review new books in
the magazine, but without offering any publications from
his own pen that can now be traced, until 1772, when he
was invited to write an account of the late voyages to the
South Seas, a fatal undertaking, and which in its conse-
quences deprived him of peace of mind and life itself.
When these navigators returned home, the desire of the
public to be acquainted with the new scenes and new
objects which were now brought to light, was ardently
excited, and different attempts were made to satisfy the
general curiosity. There soon appeared a publication
H A W K E S W O R T H. 23*
entitled " A Journal of a Voyage round the World." This
was the production of some person who had been upon the
expedition ; and, although the account was dry and im-
perfect, it served in a certain degree to relieve the public
-eagerness. The journal of Sydney Parkinson, draughts-
man to sir Joseph Banks, to whom it belonged by ample
purchase, was likewise printed, from a copy surreptitiously
obtained; but an injunction from the court of chancery
for some time prevented its appearance. This work, though
dishonestly given to the world, was recommended by its
plates. But it was Dr. Hawkesworth's* account of Lieu-
tenant Cook's voyage which completely gratified the public
curiosity, as it was written by authority, was drawn up
from the journal of the lieutenant, and the papers of sir.
Joseph Banks ; and besides the merit of the composition,
derived an extraordinary advantage from the number and
excellence of its charts and engravings, which were fur-
nished at the expence of government. The large price
given by the bookseller for this work, and the avidity with
which it was read, displayed in the strongest light the
anxiety of the nation to be fully informed in every thing
that belonged to the late navigation and discoveries.
This account, chiefly from the pen of Dr. Kippis, cap-
tain Cook's biographer, in the Biographia Britannica, is
too favourable : the public was not satisfied with this work.
The literary journals, indeed, examined it with candour,
and rather with favour ; but men of science were disap-
pointed, and the friends of religion and morals were
shocked/ No infidel could have obtruded opinions more
adverse to the religious creed of the •hation, than what
Dr. Hawkesworth advanced in his preface. He denied a
special providence ; he supposed that providence might
act in some general way in producing events, but con-
tended that one event ought not to be distinguished, or
accounted an extraordinary interposition more than ano-
ther. He asks, "If the deliverance of the Endeavour was
an extraordinary interposition, why did not Providence
interpose to prevent the ship from striking at all, rather
than to prevent her from being beaten to pieces after she
* Dr. Hawkesworth owed his ap- admiralty. Hawkesworth was profuse
poiutment to write this work to the in his acknowledgments to Garrick,
recommendation of Garrick, in a con- but forgot them in a manner which de-
versation with the late earl Sand- prived him of Ganitk's frkniLhip.
wich, at that time first lord of the
had struck?" a question which was considered as much fitter
for the mouth of a professed scoffer than that of a man whose
regard tor revealed religion approached, in the opinion of
some, to intemperate zeal. In his " Almoran and Hamet,"
his notions of providence are confused and perplexed ; but
in this he has attacked revealed religion, by striking off
one of its principal duties, and one of its most consoling
hopes, the duty and efficacy of prayer, of which he was
not, however, insensible when he wrote No. 28 of the Ad-
An innumerable host of enemies now appeared in the
newspapers and magazines ; some pointed out blunders in
matters of science, and some exercised their wit in poetical
translations and epigrams ; these might hurt his feelings
as an author ; but the greater part, who arraigned his im-
pious sentiments and indecent narratives, probably ren-
dered his sufferings as a man more acute. Against their
charges he stood defenceless; and no defence indeed
could be attempted with a reasonable expectation of suc-
cess. But what, we are told, completed his chagrin, was
the notice frequently given in an infamous magazine pub-
lished at that time, that " All the amorous passages and
descriptions in Dr. Hawk th's Collection of Voyages
^should be) selected and illustrated with a suitable plate"
And this, in defiance of public decency, was actually done,
and he whose fame had been raised on his labours in the
cause of piety and morals, was thus dragged into a partner-
ship in the most detestable depravity that the human mind
can invent.
That such a reception given to a work of which he
thought he might be proud, and from which he drew so
great an emolument*, should have irritated his mind, can
excite little surprize. No respect for the services he had
rendered to religion or virtue could obliterate the memory
of his declension ; and it certainly aggravated the pain his
friends felt, when they considered that whatever was ob-
jectionable in this work, had come from his pen without
provocation and without necessity, either from the nature
of the undertaking, or the expectation of the public. He
was, indeed, so sensible that his opinions would shock the
feelings of his readers, that he thought it necessary to apo-
* He received 6MO/. for this work.
H A W K E S W O R T H.
logize for them in a very respectful, although unsatisfac-
tory manner.
Soon after the publication of this ill-fated book, he be-
.earne known to a lady who had great property and interest
in the East India company ; and through her means was
chosen a director of that body, at the general election, in
April 1773. The affairs of the company were at this time
in a confused state, and the public mind greatly agitated
by the frequent debates both in parliament and at the India-
house. Dr. Hawkesworth (who in the list is styled John
Hawkesworth, esq.) probably attended the meetings, but
took no active share: his health was indeed now declining ;
and he expired at the house of his friend Dr. Grant, of
Lime-street, Nov. 17, 1773. He was interred at Brom-
ley, in Kent, where a monument was erected to his me-
Of his personal character the following friendly sketch
appeared in the Annual Register for 1773, and was no
doubt intended to counteract some disadvantageous re-
ports respecting his principles, which were circulated
about the time of his death. " Nature had endowed him
with an uncommonly fine understanding, which had been
improved not only by long study, but by converse with
mankind. His fertile mind teemed with ideas> which he
delivered in so clear, and yet concise a manner, that no
one could be at a loss perfectly to comprehend his meaning,
or ever tired by hearing him speak ; especially as his dic-
tion was so unaffectedly pure, and his language so simply
elegant, that the learned and unlearned attended with
equal pleasure to that unstudied flow of eloquence, which,
without seeming to look for them, always adopted those
words which were most suitable to the subject, as well as
most pleasing to his hearers. It has been objected to him,
that he suffered his passions to hold too strong a dominion
over him j and it must be confessed a too keen sensibility
seemed to him, as indeed it ever is to all who possess it,
a pleasing but unfortunate gift. Alive to every tender sen-
timent of friendship, his heart dilated with joy whenever
heaven put it in his power to be beneficial to those he
loved ; but this feeling disposition was the means of leading
him into such frequent, though transient gusts of passion,
as were too much for his delicate constitution to bear,
without feeling the effects of them. Yet with all these
quick sensations, he was incapable of lasting resentment
242 H A W K E S W O R T H.
or revenge ; and had he never found an enemy till he had
done an injury, he would, we may venture to pronounce^
have left the world without having known one." l
HAWKINS (SIR JOHN), an able naval commander, was*
born at Plymouth about 1520. Being the son of a sea-
man, captain William Hawkins, he imbibed a love for the
profession, and when a youth made several voyages to
Spain, Portugal, and the Canaries. In the spring of 1562
he formed the design of his first famous voyage, the con-
sequence of which was very important to his country, as
he then began that traffic in slaves, which after two cen-
turies and a half we have seen abolished. At that time,
however, this trade was accounted honourable and useful,
and sir John bore the badge of his exploits in a crest of
arms granted him by patent, consisting of a " demi-moor
in his proper colour, bound with a cord," not unlike a
device which we have seen employed to excite an abhor-
rence of the slave-trade when its abolition was first agi-
tated. In returning from a third expedition of this kind
he -was attacked and defeated by a Spanish fleet. After
undergoing many hardships, he reached home in Jair.
1568; and it is said that his ill-success in this instance
damped his ardour for maritime enterprise. In 1573 he
was appointed treasurer of the navy, and in a few months
he had nearly lost his life by a wound from an enthusiastic
assassin, who mistook him for another person. He was
now consulted on every important occasion, and in 1588;
was appointed rear-admiral on-board the Victory, to con-
front the famous armada. His conduct on this occasion
obtained for him the high commendations of his illustrious
queen, the honour of knighthood, and other important com-
mands in the navy. He died in 1595, it is said of vexation,
on account of an unsuccessful attempt on the enemies pos-
sessions in the West Indies, and in the Canaries. He was a
good mathematician, and understood every thing that re-
lated to his profession as a seaman. He possessed much
personal courage, and had a presence of mind that set
him above fear, and which enabled him frequently to de-
liver himself and others out of the reach of the most im-
minent dangers ; he had great sagacity, and formed his
plans so judiciously, and executed the orders committed
1 ftrUifih Kssayists.— Preface to the Adventurer.— Gent. Mag. see Index
D'Israeli's Calaipitics.-r-JIawkifls'e Life of Dr. Johnson, — Boswell's ditto, &e.
to him with so much punctuality and accuracy, that he
ever obtained the applause of his superiors. He was sub-
missive to those above him, and courteous to his inferiors,
extremely affable to his seamen, and much beloved by
them. He sat twice in parliament as burgess for Ply-
mouth, and once for some other borough. He erected
an hospital at Chatham for the relief of disabled and dis-
eased seamen, and is highly applauded by his contempo-
raries and by historians, who lived after him. His son,
sir RICHARD Hawkins, was brought up to a maritime life,
and in 1582, when very young, he had the command of a
vessel in an expedition under his uncle to the West In-
dies ; he also commanded a ship in the action against the
Spanish armada, in which he was greatly distinguished.
About 1593, he sailed with three ships, his own property,
to the coast of Brazil, at the commencement of a much
longer voyage; but he was obliged to burn one of his
little squadron, another deserted their commander, so that
he was under the necessity of sailing alone through the
straits of Magellan. To satisfy the desires of his men, he
made prizes of some vessels, which drew upon him the
whole force of a Spanish squadron, to which he was com-
pelled to yield. After a confinement of two years in Peru
and the adjacent provinces, he was sent back to Europe. He
died in 1622, as he was attending, on business, the privy-
council. He left behind him a work of considerable value,
which was printed and ready for publication ; it is entitled
" The Observations of sir Richard Hawkins, knight, into
the South-sea, A.D. 1593." From this piece, which the
author dedicated to prince Charles, afterwards king
Charles I., it appears that the issue of his voyage to the
South-seas, his long confinement, and the disasters which
naturally attended it, brought him into great distress. His
nautical observations, his description of the passage through
the straits of Magellan, and his remarks on the sea-scurvy,
and on the best methods of preserving his men in health,
were considered at that period of very great importance.
He intended to have published a second part of his obser-
vations, in which he meant to have given an account of
what happened to him and his companions during their
stay in Peru, and in Terra Firma, but which death pre-
vented him from accomplishing.1
1 Biog. Brit.— Prince's Worthies of Devon,
R 2
HAWKINS (sir JOHN), a recent English writer,
the son of a man, who, though descended from the pre-
ceding sir John Hawkins, followed at first the occupa-
tion of a house-carpenter, which he afterwards exchan-
ged for the profession of a surveyor and huijder. He
had married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Gwatkin
of Tou nhope, co. Hereford, gentleman ; and the issue of
this marriage were several children. Of these the present
object of this article was the youngest, and was born in the
city of London, on the 30th day of March, 1719. After
fcaving been sent first to one school, and afterwards to a
second, where he acquired a tolerable knowledge of Latin,
he was placed under the tuition of Mr. Hoppus, the au-
thor of a well-known and useful architectural compendium,
published in 1733, 8vo, and entitled " Proportional Ar-
chitecture, or the Five Orders regulated by equal Farts."
Under this person he went through a regular course of ar-
chitecture and perspective, in order to fit him for his
father's profession of a surveyor, for which he was at first
intended ; but his first cousin, Mr. Thomas Gwatkin, being
clerk to Mr. John Scott of Devonshire-street, Bishops-
gate, an attorney and solicitor in full practice, persuaded
him *to alter his resolution, and embrace that of the law,
which he did, and was accordingly articled as a clerk to
Mr. Scott. In this situation his time was too fully em-
ployed in the actual dispatch of business, to permit him
without some extraordinary means to acquire the neces*
sary knowledge of his profession by reading and study ;
besides that, his master is said to have been more artxious
to render him a good copying-clerk, by scrupulous atten-
tion to his hand-writing, than to qualify him by instruc-
tion to conduct business. To remedy this inconvenience,
therefore, he abridged himself of iiis rest, and rising at
four in the morning, found opportunity of reading all the
necessary and most eminent law-writers, and the works
of our mos% celebrated authors. By these means, be-
fore the expiration of his clerkship, he had already
rendered himself a very able lawyer, and had possessed
himself of a taste for literature in general, but particu-
larly for poetry and the polite arts ; and the better to
facilitate his improvement, he from time to time fur-
nished to " The Universal Spectator," " The West-
minster Journal," « The Gentleman's Magazine," and
other periodical publications of the time, essays and
HAW K-I N S. 245
disquisitions on several subjects*. The first of these is
believed to have been an " Essay on Swearing ;" but the
exact time of its appearance, and the paper in which it
was inserted, are both equally unknown. It was, however,
re-published some years since (without his knowledge till
he saw it in print) in one of the newspapers. His next
production was an " Essay on Honesty," inserted in the
Gentleman's Magazine for March, 1739; and which oc-
casioned a controversy, continued through the magazine*
for several succeeding months, between him and a Mr.
Calamy, a descendant of the celebrated Dr. Edmund Ca-
lamy, then a fellow-clerk with him.
Without friends or family connections, or at least with-
out such as could advance him in the profession to which
he had betaken himself, he was now (his clerkship being
expired, and he himself admitted an attorney and solicitor)
to seek for the means of procuring business by making for
himself reputable and proper connections.
About 1741, a club having been instituted by Mr. Im-
inyns, an attorney, a musical man, (but better known as
the amanuensis of Dr. Pepusch), and some other musical
persons, under the name of " The Madrigal Society," to
meet every Wednesday evening, he became a member of
it, and continued so many years. Pursuing his inclination
for music still farther, he became also a member of " The
Academy of Ancient Music," which used to meet every
Thursday evening at the Crown and Anchor in the Strand,
but afterwards removed to Freemasons' -hall ; and of this
he continued a member till a few years before its removal.
Impelled by his own taste for poetry, and excited to it
by his friend Foster Webb's example, who had contributed
to «* The Gentleman's Magazine" many very elegant
poetical compositions, he had, before this time, himself
become an occasional contributor in the same kind, as well
to that as to some other publications. The earliest of hi?
productions of this species, now known, is supposed to be
a copy of verses " To Mr. John Stanley, occasioned by
looking over some compositions of his, lately published,"
which bears date 19th February, 1740, and was inserted in
"The Daily Advertiser" for February 21, 1741; but,
about 1742, he proposed to Mr. Stanley the project of
* In some of his visits on these and first became acquainted with Dr. Joh n-
similar occasions to Cave, the editor son, soon after the connection betwe e$
of "The Gentlcmau's Magazine," he Cave and Johnson commenced.
publishing', in conjunction with him, six cantatas for a
Voice and instruments, the words to be furnished by him-
self, and the iriusic by Mr. Stanley. The proposal was
accepted, the publication was to be at their joint expence,
and for their mutual benefit ; and accordingly, in 1742, six
cantatas were thus published, the five first written by Mr.
Hawkins, the sixth arid last by Foster Webb ; and, these
having succeeded beyond the most sanguine expectations,
a second set of six more, written wholly by himself, were
in like manner published a few months after, and succeed-
ed equally well. >
As these compositions, by being frequently performed
'at Vauxhall, Ranelagh, and other public places, and at
many private concerts, had become favourite entertain-
ments, and established the author's reputation as a poet,
many persons, finding him also a modest well-informed
young man of unexceptionable morals, were become desi-
rous of his acquaintance. Among these was Mr. Hare of
Lhnehouse, a brewer, who being himself a musical man,
and having met him at Mr. Stanley's at musical parties,
gave him an invitation to his house ; and, to forward him
in his profession, introduced him to a friend of his, Peter
Storer of Highgate, esq. This introduction became, from
his own good conduct, the means of making Mr. Hawkins's
fortune, though in a way which neither he nor Mr. Hare
at that time could foresee, and different from that in which
it was first intended.
In the winter of this year 1749, Dr. (then Mr.) Johnson
was induced to institute a club to meet every Tuesday
evening at the King's Head, in Ivy-lane, near St. Paul's.
It consisted only of nine persons, and Mr. Hawkins was
invited to become one of the first members ; and about
this time, as it is supposed, finding his father's house,
where he had hitherto resided, too small for the dispatch
of his business, now very much increasing, he, in conjunc-
tion with Dr. Munckley, a physician, with whom he had
contracted ah intimacy, took a house in ClementVlane,
Lombard-street. The ground-floor was occupied by him
as an office, and the first floor by the doctor as his apart-
ment. Here he continued till the beginning of 1753,
when, on occasion of his marriage with Sidney, ; the
youngest of Mr. Storer's daughters, who brought" him a
considerable fortune, which was afterwards greatly in-
creased, he took a house in Austin Friars, near Broad-
H A W K I N S. 247
street, still continuing to follow his profession of an attor-
ney. Having received, on the death of Peter Storer, esq.
his wife's brother, in 1759; a very large addition to her
fortune, he quitted business to the present Mr. chamber-
lain Clark, who had a short time before completed his
clerkship under him, disposed of his house in Austin Friars,
and purchasing a house at Twickenham for a country, he
soon afterwards bought the lease of one in Hatton-street,
London, for a town-residence.
From a very early period of his life he had entertained a
strong love for the amusement of angling ; and being long
acquainted with Walton's. " Complete Angler," had, by
observation and experience, himself become a very able
proficient in the art. Hearing, about this time, that Mr.
Moses Browne proposed to publish a new edition of that
work, and being himself in possession of some material
particulars respecting Walton, he, by letter, made Mr.
Browne an offer of writing, for his intended edition,- Wal-
ton's Life. To this proposal no answer was returned, at
least for some time, from which circumstance Mr. Hawkins
concluded, as any one reasonably would, that his offer was
not accepted ; and, therefore, having also learnt in the
mean time that Mr. B. meant not to publish the text as
the author left it, but to modernize it in order to file off
die rust, as he called it, wrote again to tell Mr. Browne
that he so understood it; and that, as Mr. B.'s intention
was to sophisticate the text in the manner above men-
tioned, he, Mr. Hawkins, would himself publish a correct
edition. Such an edition, in 1760, he accordingly pub-
lished in octavo with notes, adding to it a " Life of Wal-
ton" by himself, a " Life of Cotton," the author of the
second part, by the well-known Mr. Oldys ; and 'a set' of
cuts designed by Wale, and engraved by Ryland*.
His propensity to music, manifested by his becoming a
member and frequenter of the several musical societies be-
fore mentioned, and also by a regular concert at his house
* Of this work, three editions, each ever, every fact in the former, and
containing a very large impression, adding several others. In 1792, after
were sold off before 1784, when, there his death, a fifth edition was published
being a demand for a fourth, he revised by his eldest Son (in which, fruui his
and made very large additions to the papers, were inserted his last correc-
" Life of Walton," and the notes to the tions and additions), the former im-
work throughout ; and he re-wrote the pression of 1784 being at that time
" Life of Cotton," in order to compress nearly disposed of.'
it into less compass, retaining, how-
in Austin Friars, had led him, at the same time that he
was endeavouring to get together a good library of books,
to be also solicitous foY collecting the works of some of the
best musical composers ; and, among other acquisitions,
it was his singular good fortune to become possessed by
purchase of several of the most scarce and valuable theore-
tical treatises on the science itself any where extant, which
had formerly been collected by Dr. Pepusch*. With this
stock of erudition, therefore, he about this time, at the
instance of some very good judges, his friends, set about
procuring materials for a work then very much wanted, a
" History of the Science and Practice of Music," which he
afterwards published.
At the recommendation of the well-known Paul White-
head, esq his neighbour in the country, who, conceiving
him a fit person for a magistrate, had mentioned him as
such to the duke of Newcastle, then lord lieutenant for.
Middlesex, his name was, in 1761, inserted in the com-
mission of the peace for that county ; and having, besides
a due attention to the great work in which he was engaged,
by the proper studies, and a sedulous attendance at the
sessions, qualified himself for the office, he became an
active and useful magistrate in the countyt. Observing,
as he had frequent occasion to do in the course of his duty,
the bad state of highways, and the great defect in the laws
for amending and keeping them in repair, he set himself
to revise the former statutes, and drew an act of parlia-
ment consolidating ajl the former ones, and adding such
other regulations as were necessary. His sentiments on
this subject he published in octavo, in 1763, under the
title of " Observations on the State of Highways, and on,
the Laws for amending and keeping them in Repair," sub-
joining to them the draught of the act before mentioned,
which bill, being afterwards introduced into parliament,
passed into a law, and is that under which all the highways
in the kingdom are at this time kept repaired. Of this
* This collection of treatises, he, af- house quarrel produced an application
ter tlio completion of his work, gave, fora warrant. To check this, there-
in 1778, to the British Museum, where fore, he altered his mode, and received,
it still continues. his due fees, but kept them separately
f When he first began to act, he in a purse ; and at the end of every
formed a resolution of taking no fees, summer, before he left the country for.
not even the legal and authorized on«, the winter, delivered the whole amount
and pursued this method for some time, to the clergyman of the parish, to be
II he found that ii was a temptation to by him distributed among such of the
litigation, and that every trilling ale- poor as he judged fit.
bill it is but justice to add, that, in the experience of more
than thirty years, it has never required a single amend*
Johnson, and sir Joshua (then Mr.) Reynolds, had, in,
the winter of this year 1763, projected the establishment
of a club to meet every Monday evening at the Turk's
Head in Gerrard street, and, at Johnson's solicitation, he,
Mr. H. became one of the first members. This club, since
known by the appellation of " The Literary Club," was at
first intended, like the former in Ivy-lane, to have con-
sisted of no more than nine persons, and that was the num-
ber of the first members ; but the rule was broken through
to admit one who had been a member of that in Ivy-lane,
Till this admission, Johnson and Mr. Hawkins were the
only persons that had been members of both.
An event of considerable importance and magnitude, in
1764, engaged him to stand forth as the champion of the
county of Middlesex, against a claim, then for the first
time set up, and so enormous in its amount as justly to
excite resistance. The city of London finding it necessary
to re-build the gaol of Newgate, the expence of which,
according to their own estimates, would amount to 40,OOOJ.
had this year applied to parliament, by a bill brought into
the House of commons by their own members, in which, on
a suggestion that the county prisoners, removed to New-
gate for a few days previous to their trials at the Old
Bailey, were as two to one to the London prisoners con-
stantly confined there, they endeavoured to throw the bur-
then of two-thirds of the expence on the county, while they
themselves proposed to contribute one third only. This
attempt the magistrates for Middlesex thought it their duty
to oppose ; and accordingly a vigorous opposition to it was
commenced and supported under the conduct of Mr. Haw-
kins, who drew a petition against the bill, and a case of
the county, which was printed and distributed amongst the
members of both houses of parliament. It was the subject
of a day's conversation in the House of lords ; and pro-
duced such an effect in the House of commons, that the
city, by their own members, moved for leave to withdraw
the bill. The success of this opposition, and the abilities
and spirit with which it was conducted, naturally attracted
towards him the attention of his fellow-magistrates; and, a
vacancy not long after happening in the office of chairman
of the quarter sessions, Mr. Hawkins was, on the 19th day
4>f September, 1765, elected the successor.
In the year 1771 he quitted Twickenham, and, in the
summer of the next year, he, for the purpose of obtaining,
by searches in the Bodleian and other libraries there, far-
ther materials for iiis History of Music, made a journey to
Oxford, carrying with him an engraver from London, to
make drawings from the portraits in the music-school.
On occasion of actual tumults or expected disturbances,
he had more than once been called into service of great
personal danger. When the riots at Brentford had arisen,
during the time of the Middlesex election in 1768, he and
some of his brethren attended to suppress them ; and, in
consequence of an expected riotous assembly of the jour-
neymen Spitalfields weavers in Moorfields, in 1769, -the
magistrates of Middlesex and he at their head, with a party
of guards, attended to oppose them, but the mob, on see-
ing them prepared, thought it prudent to disperse. In
these and other instances, and particularly in his conduct
as chairman, having given sufficient proof of his activity,
resolution, abilities, integrity, and loyalty, he, on the 23d
of October, 1772, received from his present majesty the
honour of knighthood.
Mr. Gostling of Canterbury, with whom, though they
had never seen each other, he had for some years corre-
sponded by letter, having invited him, he, in this year,
paid him a visit at Canterbury, and procured from him a
great deal of very curious musical intelligence, which none
but Mr. Gostling could have furnished ; and in the month
of June in the next year, 1773, he repeated his visit. In
this latter year, 1773, Dr. Johnson and Mr. Steevens pub-
lished, in ten volumes octavo, their first joint edition of
Shakspeare, to which sir J. H. contributed such notes as
are distinguished by his name, as he afterwards did a few
inbre on the republication of it in 1778. An address to
the king from the county of Middlesex, on occasion of the
American war, having, in 1774, been judged expedient,
end at his instance voted, he drew up such an address, and
together with two of his brethren had,, in the month of
October in that year, the honour of presenting it.
After sixteen years' labour, he, in 1776, published, in
five volumes, quarto, his " General History of the Science
and Practice of Music," which, in consequence of permis-
sion obtained in 1773 for that purpose, he dedicated to
the king, and presented it to him at Buckingham-house
on the Mth of November 1776, when he was honoured
with an audience of considerable length both from the king
and queen. Few works have been attacked with more
acrimony and virulence than this. Its merit, however, as
containing a great deal of original and curious information,
which, but for its author, would have perished, has been
amply attested by the approbation of some of the very best
judges of the science and of literary composition ; and by
thai of the university of Oxford, who, in consequence of
its publication, made him soon after, a voluntary offer of
the degree of doctor of laws, which he had reasons for de-
clining, and afterwards paid him the compliment of re-
questing his picture.
Not long after this publication, in November 1777, he
was induced, by an attempt to rob his house, which,
though unsuccessful, was made three different nights with
the interval of one or two only between each attempt, to
quit his house in Hatton-street ; and, after a temporary
residence for a short time in St. James's- place, he took a
lease of one, formerly inhabited by the famous admiral
Vernon, in the street leading up to Queen- square, West-
minster, and removed thither. By this removal, he be-
came a constant attendant on divine worship at the parish
church of St. Margaret, Westminster ; and having learnt,
in December 177S, that the surveyor to the board of ord-
nance was, in defiance of a proviso in the lease under
which they claimed, carrying up a building at the east end
of the church, which was likely to obscure the beautiful
painted glass window over the altar there, sir J. H. with
the concurrence of some of the principal inhabitants, wrote
to the surveyor, and compelled him to take down two feet
of the wall, which he had already carried up above the sill
of the window, and to slope off the roof of his building in
such a manner as that it was not only no injury, but, on
the contrary, a defence, to the window.
In the month of December, 1783, Dr. Johnson, having
discovered in himself symptoms of a dropsy, sent for sir
John Hawkins, and telling him the precarious state of his
health, declared his desire of making a will, and requested
him to be one of his executors. On his accepting the
office, he told him his intention of providing for his ser-
vant; and, after concerting with him a plan for investing a
sum of money for that purpose, he voluntarily opened to
him the state of his circumstances, and the amount of what
he had to dispose of. Finding the doctor, however, not-
withstanding liis repeated solicitations from time to time,
extremely averse to carrying this intention into effect by
the actual execution of a will, and thinking it might in
some measure arise from the want oi legal information as
to the necessary form, he, sir J. from the above communi-
cations, some time afterwards, drew and sent him a draught
of a will, with instructions how to execute it, but leaving
in it blanks for the names of his executors, and for that of
the residuary legatee, (for though Johnson had given no
instructions on this latter head, sir J. H. had apprized him
of the absolute necessity of a bequest of the residue, that
it might not become, as it would otherwise, by the silent
operation of law, the property of his executors). Johnson
still procrastinated, but at length executed this draught; so
carelessly, however, as to omit firsts filling up the blanks,
When this circumstance became known to sir J. H. he
represented this act to him (as it really was) as a mere nul-
lity; and Johnson was prevailed upon, on the 27th of No-
vember, 1784, at Mr. Strahan's, at Islington, to give him
the necessary instructions, which he, sir J. on the spot con-
verted into proper legal form, by dictating, conformably to.
them, a will to Mr. Hoole, who, with some other friends,
had there called in upon Johnson, and which being coin-*
pleted, was executed by Johnson and properly attested. In
the codicil, which Johnson afterwards made, sir J. assisted
in the same manner, as to legal phraseology, and directing
the proper mode of execution and attestation.
From so long an acquaintance with him, and from hav-
ing been intimately consulted in his affairs, and, as it is
strongly believed, in consequence of a conversation that
passed between them, sir J. H. was induced, on the event
of Johnson's death, on the 13th day of December, 1784, to
undertake to write a life of him, and accordingly he st;t
himself to collect material^* for that purpose, and for an.
edition of his works, which with his life was afterwards
published. But, not three months after the commence-
ment of this undertaking, he met with the severest loss
that a literary man can sustain, in the destruction of his
library ; consisting pf a numerous and well-chosen collec-
tion of books, ancient and modern, in many languages,
fnd on most subjects, which it had been the business of
^bove thirty years at intervals to get together. This event
was the consequence of a fire. Of this loss, great as it
was in pecuniary value, and comprising in books, prints,,
and drawings, many articles that could never be replaced,
he was never heard in the smallest degree to complain ;
but, having found a temporary reception in a large house
in Orchard-street, Westminster, he continued there a short
time, and then took a house in the Broad Sanctuary,
This event, for a short time, put a stop to the progress
of his undertaking. As soon, however, as he could suffi-
ciently collect his thoughts, he recommenced his office of
biographer of Johnson, and editor of his works ; and com-
pleted his intention by publishing, in 1787^ the life and
works, in eleven volumes, 8vo, which he dedicated to the
king. With this production he terminated his literary la-
bours ; and, having for many years been more particularly
sedulous in his attention to the duties of religion, and ac-
customed to spend all his leisure from other necessary con-
cerns in theological and devotional studies, he now more
closely addicted himself to them, and set himself more es-
pecially to prepare for that event which he saw could be at
no great distance ; and, the better to accomplish this end,
he, in the month of May 1788,, by a will and other proper
instruments, made such an arrangement of his affairs as he
meant should take place after his decease.
In this manner he spent his time till about the month of
May 1789, when, finding his appetite fail him in a greates
degree than usual, he had recourse, as he had sometimes
had before on the same occasion, to the waters of the Isling-
ton Spa. These lie drank for a few mornings; but on the
14th of that month, while he was there, he was, it is sup-
posed, seized with a paralytic affection, as on his return-
ing to the carriage which waited for him, his servants per-
ceived a visible alteration in him. On his arrival at home
he went to bed, but got up a few hours after, intending
to receive an old friend from whom he expected a visit in
the evening. At dinner, however, his disorder returning,
he was led up to bed, from which he never rose, for,
being afterwards accompanied with an apoplexy, it put a
period to his Jife, on the 2 1st of the same month, about
two in the morning. He was interred on the 28th in the
cloisters of Westminster-abbey, in the north walk near
the easternmost door into the church, under a stone, con-
taining, by his express injunctions, no more than the ini-
tials of his name, the date of his death and his age ; leav-
ing behind biox a high reputation for abilities and integrity,
united with the well-earned character of an active and reso-
lute magistrate, an affectionate husband and father, a firm
and zealous friend, a loyal subject, and a sincere Christian
(as, notwithstanding the calumnies of his enemies, can be
abundantly testified by the evidence of many persons now-
living), and rich in the friendship and esteem of very many
of the very first characters for rank, worth, and abilities,
of the age in which he lived.1
HAWKSMOOR (NICHOLAS), an architect of consider-
able note, was born in 1666, and at the age of seventeen
became the scholar of sir Christopher Wren, but deviated
a little from the lessons and practice of his master, at least
he did not improve on them, though his knowledge in
every science connected with his art, is much commended,
and his character remains unblemished. He was deputy-
surveyor at the building of Chelsea college, clerk of the
works at Greenwich, and was continued in the same posts
by king William, queen Anne, and George I. at Kensing-
ton, Whitehall, and St. James's ; surveyor of all the new
churches, and of Westminster-abbey, from the death of
sir Christopher, and designed many that were erected in
pursuance of the statute of queen Anne for building fifty
new churches : viz. St. Mary Wool no th, in Lombard-street;
Christ church, in Spitaifields ; St. George, Middlesex ; St.
Anne, Limehouse ; and St. George, Bloomsbury ; the
steeple. of which is a master-stroke of absurdity. It con-
sists of an obelisk : topped with the statue of George I.
hugged by the royal supporters: a lion, "an unicorn, and a
king, on such an eminence, as Walpole observes, are very
surprizing. He also rebuilt some part of All Souls' college,
Oxford, and gave the plan for a new front to the street,
which may be seen in Williams's " Oxonia," but has never
been executed. At Blenheim and Castle-Howard he was
associated with Vanbrugh, and was employed in erecting
a magnificent mausoleum there, when he died in March
1736, near seventy years of age. He built several man-
sions, particularly Easton Neston in Northamptonshire ;
restored a defect in Beverley minster by a machine that
screwed up the fabric with extraordinary art ; repaired, in
a judicious manner, the west end of Westminster-abbey ;
and gave a design for the Radcliife library at Oxford.2
1 From information communicated by the family, for the last edition of this
work. 3 whole's Anecdotes.
H A W K W O O D. 25S
HAWKWOOD (SiR JOHN), a brave officer of the four,
teenth century, has been slightly noticed by his contem-
poraries at home, and would not have been brought into a
conspicuous point of view but for the engraved portrait of
him presented to the society of antiquaries in 1775, by
lord Hailes. He is said, by the concurrent testimony of
our writers, to have been the son of a tanner of Sible He-
dingham, in Essex, where he was born in the reign of
Edward II. Mr. Morant says, the manor of Hawk wood in.
that parish takes its name from sir John. But it was
holden before him by Stephen Hawkwood, probably his
father, a circumstance which would lead one to doubt the
meanness of his birth as well as his profession. Persons
who gave names to manors were generally of more consi-
derable rank : and the manor appears to have been in the
family from the time of king John.
Our hero is said to have been put apprentice to a tailor
in London : " but soon," says Fuller, " turned his needle
into a sword, and his thimble into a shield," being prest
into the service of Edward III. for his French wars, where
he behaved himself so valiantly, that from a common sol-
dier he was promoted to the rank of captain ; and for some
farther good service had the honour of knighthood con-
ferred on him by that king, though he was accounted the
poorest knight in the army. His general, the black prince,
highly esteemed him for his valour and conduct, of which
he gave extraordinary proofs at the battle of Poictiers.
Upon the conclusion of the peace between the English
and French by the treaty of Bretigni 1360, sir John, find-
ing his estate too small to support his title and dignity,
associated himself with certain companies called, by Frois-
sart, " Les Tard Venus ;" by Walsingham, " Magna Co-
mitiva." These were formed by persons of various nations,
who, having hitherto found employment in the wars be-
tween England and France, and having held governments,
or built and fortified ho.uses in the latter kingdom which,
they were now obliged to give up, found themselves re-
duced to this desperate method of supporting themselves
and their soldiers by marauding and pillaging, or by en-,
gaging in the service of less states, which happened to be
at war with each other. Villani, indeed, charges Edward
III. with secretly authorizing these ravages in France,
while outwardly he affected a strict observance of the
peace. At this time, in tlie summer, continues this his-
ft A W K W O O D.
torian, ah English tailor, named John della Guglea, that
is, John of the needle, who had distinguished himself iri
the war, began to form a company of marauders, and col-
lected a number of English, who delighted in mischief,
and hoped to live by plunder, surprizing and pillaging
first one town, and then another. This company increased
so much that they became the terror of the whole country.
All who had not fortified places to defend them were forced
to treat with him, and furnish him with provision and mo-
ney, for which he promised them his protection. The
effect of this was, that in a few months he acquired great
wealth. Having also received an accession of followers
and power, he roved from one country to another, till at
length he came to the Po. There he made all who came
in his way prisoners. The clergy he pillaged, but let the
laity go without injury. The court of Rome was greatly
alarmed at these proceedings, and made preparations to
oppose these banditti. Upon the arrival of certain English-
men on the banks of the Po, Hawkwood resigned his com-
mand to them, and professed submission to the king of
England, to whose servants he presented a large share of
his ill-gotten wealth.
The first appearance of Hawkwood in Italy- was in the
1*isan service in 1364; after which period he was every
where considered as a most accomplished soldier, and
fought, as different occasions presented themselves, in the
service of many of the Italian states. In 1387 we find him
engaged in a hazardous service in defence of the state of
Florence. The earl of Armagnac, the Florentine general,
having been lately defeated by Venni, the governor of the
Siannese, the victors marched to surprize Hawkwood, and
encamped within a mile and a half of him. But this cau-
tious general retreated into the Cremonese, and when by
several skirmishes he had amused the enemy, who kept
within a mile of him, and thought to force his camp, he
sallied out and repulsed them with loss. This success
a little discouraged them. Venni is said to have sent
Hawkwood a fox in a cage, alluding to his situation ; to
which Hawkwood returned for answer, " the fox knew how
to find his way out." This he did by retreating to the
river Oglio, placing his best horse in the rear till the
enemy had crossed the river, on whose opposite bank he
placed 400 English archers on horseback. The rear by
their assistance crossed the river and followed the rest,
H A W K W O O D. 257
who, after fording the Mincio, encamped within ten miles
of the Adige. The greatest danger remained here. The
enemy had broken down the banks of the river, and let out
its waters, swoln by the melting of the snow and mountains
to overflow the plains. Hawkwood's troops, surprized at
midnight by the increasing floods, had no resource but im-
mediately to mount their horses, and, leaving all their
baggage behind them, marched in the morning slowly
through the water, which came up to their horses bellies.
By evening, with great difficulty, they gained Baldo, a
town in the Paduan. Some of the weaker horses sunk
under the fatigue. Many of the foot perished with cold,
and struggling against the water; many supported them-
selves by laying hold on the tails of the stronger horses.
Notwithstanding every precaution, many of the cavalry
were lost as well as their horses. The pursuers, seeing
the country under water, and concluding the whole army
had perished, returned back. The historian observes, that
it was universally agreed no other general could have got
over so many difficulties and dangers, and led back his
small army out of the heart of the enemy's country, with
no other loss than that occasioned by the floods, which no
precaution could have prevented. One of the most cele-
brated actions of Hawkwood's life, says Muratori, was this
€ treat, performed with so much prudence and art, that
! deserves to be paralleled with the most illustrious Ro-
man generals ; having, to the disgrace of an enemy infi-
nitely superior in number, and in spite of all obstructions
from the rivers, given them the slip, and brought off his
army safe to Castel Baldo, on the borders of the Paduan.
Sir John Hawkwood, as soon as he found himself among
his allies, employed himself in refreshing his troop and
watching the enemy's motions.
At the end of 1391 the Florentines made peace with Ga-
leazzo and the rest of their enemies, though on disadvanta-
geous terms. To reduce the expences of the state, they
discharged their foreign auxiliaries, except Hawkwood,
of whose valour and fidelity they had had such repeated
proofs, with 1000 men under his command.
Peace being now re-established abroad, the city of Flo-
rence was, in 1393, distracted with civil feuds, which were
not terminated by the execution and exile of some prin-
cipal citizens. But at the close of this year they sus-
tained a greater loss in sir John Hawkwood, who died
,. XVIL s
258 H A W K W O O D.
March 6, advanced in years, at his house in the street
called PulveYosa, near Florence. His funeral was cele-
brated with -reat magnificence, ami the ge.teral lamenta-
tion of the whole city. His bier, adorned with gold and
jewels, was supported by the first persons of the republic,
followed by horses in gilded trappings, banners, and other
military ensigns, and the whole body of the citizens. His
remains were deposited in the church of St. Repar.ita,
where a statue (as Poggio and Rossi call it, though it is
well known to be a portrait) of him on horseback was put
np by a public decree. If the Florentine historians did
not distinguish between a statue and a portrait, no wonder
our countryman Stowe talks of an " image as great as a
mighty pillar," erecteci to the memory of sir John Hawk-
wood at Florence ; or that Weever, copying him, calls it
" a statue."
In the representation of this hero painted on the dome
of the church, he appears mounted on a pacing gelding,
whose bridle, with the square ornament embossed on it, is
covered with crimson velvet or cloth, and the saddle is red,
stuffed or quilted. He is dressed in armour with a surcoat
flowing on from his shoulders, but girt about his body ;
his greaves are covered with silk or cloth, but the knee-
pieces may be distinguished under them : his shoes, which
are probably part of his greaves, are pointed according to
the fashion of the times. His hands are bare : in his right
he holds a yellow baton of office, which rests on his thigh ;
in his left the bridle. His head, which has very short hair,
is covered with a cap not unlike our earls' coronets, with
a border of wrought work.
Sir John had a cenotaph in the church of his native town,
erected by his executors Robert Rokeden senior and junior,
and John Coe. It is described by Weever, as " a tomb
arched over, and engraven to the likeness of hawks flying
in a wood," which, Fuller says, was " quite flown away."
It is plain the last of these writers never took any pains to
visit or procure true information about this monument,
which still remains in good preservation near the upper
end of the fourth aile of Sible Hedingham church. The
arch of this tomb is of the mixed kind, terminating in a
sort of bouquet, on both sides of which, over the arch, are
smaller arches of tracery in relief. The arch is adorned
with hawks and their bells, and other emblems of hunting,
.as. a hare, a boar, a boy sounding a conch-shell, £c. The
H A W K W O O D. 259
two pillars that support it are charged with a dragon and
lion. Under this arch is a low altar-tomb with five shields
in quatrefoils, formerly painted. In the south window
of the chantry chapel, at the east end of this aile, are
painted hawks, hawks bells, and escallops, which last are
part of the Havvkwood iirms, as the first were probably the
crest, as well as a rebus of the name ; and we find a hawk
volant on sir John's seal. In the north and west side of
the tower are two very neat hawks on perches in relief, in
rondeaux hollowed in the wall : that over the west door is
extremely well preserved. They probably denote that
some of the family built the tower. Mr. Morant imagines
some of them rebuilt this church about the reign of Ed-
ward III. but none appear to have been in circumstances
equal to such munificence before our hero ; and perhaps
his heirs were the rebuilders.
Contemporary and succeeding writers agree in their
praises of this illustrious general. Both friends and ene-
mies considered him as one of the greatest soldiers of his
age. Poggio styles him " rei militaris scientia clarus, et
bello assuetus," " dux sagax," " dux prudens," " tantus
dux," " rei bellicae peritissimus," fl ad belli officia pruden-
tissimus," " expertae virtutis et fidei ;" epithets these
which might serve instead of a particular character. Mu-
ratori calls him, " II prodeet il accortissimo capitano." As
he had been formed under the Black Prince, it is not to
be wondered that his army became the most exact school
of martial discipline, in which were trained many captains,
who afterwards rose to great eminence.
The circumstances of the times must make an apology
for the frequent changes of his service, which led him to
engage as suited his interest. He was a soldier of fortune;
and his abilities in the field occasioned him to be couned
by different rival states. The Florentines offered the best
terms, and to them he ever after adhered with an irre-
proachable fidelity. His chanty appears in his joining with
several persons of quality in this kingdom, in founding the
English hospital at Rome for the entertainment of poor
travellers. *
HAWLES (JOHN), an English lawyer, the son of Tho-
mas Hawles, gent, was born at Salisbury in 1645, and edu-
cated at Winchester school, whence he entered as a com*
* Life, by Mr. Gojigh, in Bibl. Topog. Brit. No. I V.— Shepherd's Life rf
Poggio, p, 18.
S 2
260 H A W L E S.
moner of Queen's college, Oxford, in 1662, but, like most
men intended for the study of the law, left the university
without taking a degree. He removed to Lincoln's Inn,
and after studying the usual period, was admitted to the
bar, and, as Wood says, became " a person of note for
his profession." On the accession of king William, he
more openly avowed revolution-principles, and published
" Remarks upon the Trials of Edward Fitzharris, Stephen
Coiledge, count Coningsmarke, the lord Russel, &c." Lond.
1689, foho; and a shorter tract called " The Magistracy
and Government of England vindicated ; or a justification
of the English method of proceedings against criminals, by
way of answer to the Defence of the late lord Russel's
innocence," ibid. 1689, fol. In 1691 he stood candidate
for the recordership of London against sir Bartholomew
Shower, but was unsuccessful. In 1695, however, he was
appointed solicitor general, which office he held until
1702. He was one of the managers against Dr. Sacheverel
in his memorable trial. He died Aug. 2, 1716. l
HAY (WILLIAM), esq. an agreeable English writer, was
born at Glenburne in Sussex, Aug. 21, 1695, and edu-
cated partly at Newick, near Lewes, and partly at Lewes.
In 1712 he went to Oxford, which he left without a degree,
and removed to the Temple. Here he studied the law
until a defect in his sight from the small pox obliged him
to relinquish it. In 1718 he travelled in England and
Scotland, and in 1720 on the continent, where he was a
very acute observer and inquirer. After his return he re-
sided for some years at his house in Sussex.
When lord Hardwicke was called up to the house of
lords in 1734, he was chosen to succeed him in repre-
senting the borough of Seatbrd in the Commons ; and he
represented this borough for the remainder of his life. He
defended the measures of sir Robert Walpole in general,
but was far from being subservient or indiscriminate in his
approbation of public measures. In 1728 he published his
1 Essay on Civil Government;" in 1730 his poem entitled
" Mount Caburn," dedicated to the duchess of Newcastle,
in which he celebrates the beauties of his native country,
and the virtues of his friends. In 1735 he published " Re-
marks on the Laws relative to the Poor, with proposals for
their better relief and employment ; and at the same time
1 Ath. OK. vol. H.
H A Y. 261
brought in a bill for the purpose. He made another at-
tempt of this kind, but without effect. In May 1738, he
was appointed a commissioner of the victualling-office. In
1753 appeared " Religio Philosophi ; or, the principles
of morality and Christianity, illustrated from a view of che
universe, and of man's situation in it." This was followed,
in- 1754, by his " Essay on Deformity ;" in which h*3 rallies
his own imperfection in this respect with much liveliness
and good humour. " Bodily deformity," says he, " is
very rare. Among 558 gentlemen in the House of com-
mons, I am the only one that is so. Thanks to my worthy
constituents, who never objected to my person, and I hope
never to give them cause to object to my behaviour." The
same year he translated Hawkins Browne " De Immortali-
tati Animse." In 1755 he translated and modernized some
" Epigrams of Martial ;" but survived this publication only
a short time, dying June 22, the same year. A little time
before, he had been appointed keeper of the records in
the Tower ; and it is said that his attention and assiduity,
during the few months he held that office, were eminently
serviceable to his successors.
He left a son, who inherited the imperfect form of his
father. This gentleman went into the service of the East
India company, where he acquired rank, fortune, and re-
putation; but, being one of those who opposed Cossim
Ally Kawn, and unfortunately falling into his hands, was,
\vith other gentlemen, ordered to be put to death at Patna,
October 5, 1762. Mr. Hay's works were collected by his
daughter in two volumes, quarto, 1794, with a biographi-
cal sketch, exhibiting his many amiable qualities, and pub-
lic spirit. l
HAYDN (JOSEPH), an eminent musical composer, was
born at llhorau, in Lower Austria, in 1733. His father,
a wheelwright by trade, played upon the harp without the
least knowledge of music, which, however, excited the
attention of his son, and first gave birth to his passion for
music. In his early childhood he used to sing to his fa-
ther's harp the simple tunes which he was able to play, and
being sent to a small school in the neighbourhood, he there
began to learn music regularly ; after which he was placed
under Reuter, maestro di capella of the cathedral at Vi-
enna; and having a voice of great compass, was received
» Life prefixed to his works.— Nichols's Eowyer
262 HAYDN.
into the choir, where he was well taught, not only to sing,
but to play on the harpsichord and violin. At the age of
eighteen, on the breaking of his voice, he was dismissed
from the cathedral. After this, he supported himself
during eight years as well as he could by his talents ; and
began to study more seriously than ever. He read the
works of Matthcson, lieinichen, and others, on the theory
of music ; and for the practice, studied with particular at-
tention the pieces of Emanuel Bach, whom he made his
model in writing for keyed instruments. At length, he
met with Porpora, who was at this time in Vienna; and
during five months was so happy as to receive his counsel
and instructions in singing and the composition of vocal
About this time he resided in the house with Metastasio
three years, as music-master to mademoiselle Martinetz,
and during this time had the great advantage of hearing
the Italian language spoken with purity, and of receiving
the imperial laureat's counsel, as to cloathing the finest
lyric compositions with the most appropriate and expres-
sive jnelodies. In 1759 he was received into the service
of count Marzin, as director of his music, whence, in 1761,
he passed to the palace of prince Esterhazi, to whose ser-
vice he was afterwards constantly attached. He arrived
in England in 1791, and contributed to the advancement
of his art, and to his own fame, by his numerous produc-
tions in this country ; while his natural, unassuming, and
pleasing character, exclusive of his productions, endeared
him to his acquaintance and to the nation at large. It
ought to be recorded, that twelve of his noble and match-
less symphonies were composed here expressly for Salo-
mon's concerts, and that it was from his spirit of enterprize,
and enthusiastic admiration of Haydn, and love of his art,
that we were indebted for his visit to this country : besides
tht>e sublime symphonies, his piano-forte sonatas, his
quartets and songs, were sufficient to establish his reputa-
tion as a great and original composer, upon a lasting foun-
dation, ii only what he produced during the few years
which he remained among us was known. He returned to
Germany in 1796.
The first time we meet with his name in the German ca-
talogues of music, is in that of Breitkopf of Leipsic, 1763,
to a « Divertimento a Cembalo, 3 Concern a Cembalo,
5 Trios, 8 Quadros or quartets, and 6 Symphonies in four
HAYDN. 263
and eight parts." The chief of his early music was for the
chamber. He is said at Vienna to have composed, before
1782, a hundred and twenty-four pieces for the bariton, a
species ot viol di gamba, for the use of his prince who was
partial to that instrument, and a great performer upon it.
Besides his numerous productions for instruments, he
has composed many operas for the Esterhazi theatre, and
church music that has established his reputation us a deep
contrapuntist. His " Stabat Mater" has been performed
and p imed in England, but his oratorio of " II Ritorno di
Tobia," composed in 1775, for the benefit of the widows
of musicians, has been annually performed at Vienna ever
since, and is as high in favour there as Handel's " Mes-
siah" in England. His instrumental " Passione," in six-
teen or eighteen parts, was among his later and most ex-
quisite productions previous to his arrival in England. It
entirely consists of slow movements, on the subject of the
last seven sentences of our Saviour, as recorded in the
Evangelists. These strains are so truly impassioned and
full of heart- felt grief and dignified sorrow, that though
the movements are all slow, the subjects, treatment, and
effects, are so new and so different, that a real lover of
music will feel no lassitude, or wish for lighter strains to
stimulate attention.
His innumerable symphonies, quartets, and other instru-
mental pieces, which are so original and so difficult, had
the advantage of being rehearsed and performed at Ester-
hazi under his own direction, by a band of his own forming.
Ideas so new and so varied were not at first so universally
admired in Germany as at present. The critics in the
northern parts of the empire were up in arms, but before
his decease he was as much respected all over Europe by
professors, for his science as invention. And the extent
of his tarne may be imagined from his being made the hero
of a poem on music, in Spanish, written and published at
Madrid, thirty years ago, entitled " La Musica Poema^
par D. Tomas de Yarte." This sublime work was pro-
duced for Cadiz. He lias not long since published it in
score with German and Italian words, so that it may be
performed as an oratorio.
The la>t of his compositions which were received in
England subsequent to the " Creation," were, two sets of
quartets, of which the first violin, calculated to display
Salomon's powers of execution and expression, is very dif-
264- HAYDN.
ficult ; and his " Seasons." There is a general cheerful-
ness and good-humour in Haydn's allegros, which exhila-
rate every hearer. But his adagios are often so sublime in
ideas and the harmony in which they are clad, that though
played by inarticulate instruments, they have a more pa-
thetic effect on our feelings than the finest opera air united
with the most exquisite poetry. He has likewise move-
ments and passages that are sportive, playful, and even
grotesque, for the sake of variety ; but they are often so
striking and pleasant, that they have the eifect of bon mots
in speaking or writing.
His grand and sublime oratorio of the " Creation," and
his picturesque and descriptive " Seasons," composed since
his departure from England, if music were a language as
intelligible and durable as the Greek, would live anct be
admired as long as the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. And
we cannot help thinking that future ages will be as curious
to know when and where he flourished, as the country and
chronology of Orpheus and Amphion.
In 1791, when at Oxford, he was created doctor of
music, and some time before his death, was admitted a,
member of the French institute. On his return from this
country, he took a small house and garden at Gumpendorf,
where he lived as a widower until the time of his death,
which happened in May 1309.1-
HAVE (JoHN DE LA), a learned Franciscan, preacher in
ordinary to queen Anrie of Austria, was born in 1593 at
Paris, and died there in 1661. His principal works are,
"Biblia Magna," 1643, 5 vols. fol. ; and " Biblia Max-
ima," 1660, 19 vols. fol. No part of the last is esteemed
but the Prolegomena, and even they are too diffuse ; but his
" Biblia Magna" is reckoned a very good work. He must
not be confounded with John de la Haye, a Jesuit, who
died 1614, aged seventy-four, leaving an " Evangelical
Harmony," 2 vols. fol. and other works ; nor with another
John de la Haye, valet de chambre to Margaret of Valois,
who published her poems.3
HAYES (CHARLES), esq. a very singular person, whose
great erudition was so concealed by his modesty, that his
name is known to very few, though his publications are
many. He was born in 1678, and became distinguished
cycl°P*dia, by Dr. Burney. —Gent. Mag. vol. LXXIX. and
a Diet. Hi»t.— Moreri.
HAYES. 265
in 1704 by a " Treatise of Fluxions," in folio, which was,
we believe, the first treatise on that science ever published
in the English language ; and the only work to which he
ever set his name. In 1710 came out a small 4to pamphlet
in 19 pages, entitled "A new and easy Method to find out
the Longitude from observing the Altitudes of the Celestial
bodies." Also in 1723, he published " The Moon, a Phi-
losophical Dialogue," tending to shew that the moon is not
an opaque body, but has native light of her own.
To u skill in the Greek and Latin, as well as the modern
languages, he added the knowledge of the Hebrew; and
he published several pieces, which we shall enumerate, re-
lating to the translation and chronology of the Scriptures.
During a long course of years he had the chief manage-
ment of the African company, being annually elected sub-
governor. But on the dissolution of that company, in
1752, he retired to Down, in Kent, where he gave him-
self up to study ; from whence, however, he returned in
1758, to chambers in Gray's-inn, London, where he died
Dec. 18, 1760, in his eighty ^second year.
His works relating to the translation and chronology of
the holy Scriptures, were, 1. " A Vindication of the His-
tory of the Septuagint," from the misrepresentations of its
opponents, 1736, 8vo. 2. " A Critical Examination- of
the Holy Gospels according to St. Matthew and St. Luke,
with regard to the history of the birth and infancy of our
Lord Jesus Christ," 1738, 8vo. 3. " Dissertation on the
Chronology of the Septuagint," 1741, 8vo, a very learned,
and in many respects an original work, to which in 1757, he
printed " A Supplement." 4. " Chronographiae Asiatics
et Egyptiacae Specimen; in quo, 1. Origo Chronologiae
LXX Interpretum investigatur; 2. Conspectus totius
operis exhibetur," 1759, 8vo. In this laborious work,
which he began in 1753, when he was seventy-five years
old, his opinions are sometimes not quite correct, nor such
as he perhaps would probably have advanced had he begun
it in an earlier period of lite, but the whole is highly cre-
ditable to his learning and researches.1
HAYES (WiLUAM), an eminent musical composer, was
born in 1708, and began his musical career as organist of
St. Mary's, Shrewsbury, but quitted that place on being
chosen successor to Goodson, organist of Christ Church,
1 Gent. Mag. vol. X^XI.— HicUols's Bowycr.— Button's Dictionary,
266 HAYES.
Oxford, where he settled. He took his degree <5f bachelor
of music July 8, 17V5 and was appointed professor of
music Jan. 14, 1741. In April 1749 he was created doctor
of music, and was also organist of Magdalen college. For
many years he was sole director of the choral meetings,
concerts, and encaenia, and every musical exhibition in
that university to the time of his death
He was a studious and active professor ; a great collector
of curious and old compositions, and possessed of consi-
derable genius and abilities tor producing ^iew. He pub-
lished while at Shrewsbury, a collection of English ballads,
his maiden composition. But at Oxford his ecclesiastical
compositions for different colleges were innumerable ; yet,
being local, they were never printed, and but little known
out of Oxford. Those productions which gained him the
most general celebrity, were his canons, catches, and
glees for the catch-club, in London, during the first years
of its institution ; several of which were justly crowned.
His canon of " Let's drink and let's sing together," is per-
haps the most pleasant of all those laboured compositions
which go under the name of canons. He had a true sense
of Handel's superior merit, over all contemporary com-
posers ; and on the publication of Mr. Avison's well-written
" Essay on Musical Expression," in which it is perpetually
insinuated that Geminiani, Rameau, and Marcello, were
greatly his superiors, Dr. Hayes produced a pamphlet en-
titled " Remarks on the Essay of Musical Expression,"
written with much more knowledge of the subject than
temper : he felt so indignant at Avison's treatment of
Handel, that he riot only points out the false reasoning in
his essay, but false composition in his own works.
Dr. Hayes died July 27, 1777, and was buried in the
church-yard of St. Peter's in the east, in Oxford. His
son PHILIP was regularly educated by his father in the
same art. When grown up, after he had lost his treble
voice, which dropped into a tolerable tenor, he was ad-
mitted one of the gentlemen of the king's chapel, and re-
sided chiefly in London, till the decease of his worthy fa-
ther; who having established a family interest in the uni-
versity, he succeeded to all his honours and appointments.
He took his degree of B. M. in May 1763, and proceeded
doctor of music Nov. 6, 1777, when he succeeded his
father in the professorship. He also became organist of
Magdalen, New college, and St, John's. He succeeded in
HAYES. 267
the same style of composition as his father, and was a con-
siderable benefactor to the music-school and orchestra, and
gave many valuable portraits both to that room and to some
of the colleges. Dr. Philip Hayes was perhaps the most
corpulent man in the kingdom, and his friends were long
in apprehension of a sudden death, which at last took place
when he was on his annual visit to London, about the time
of the anniversary of the new musical fund. He dropped
down dead, after he had dressed himself, in the morning
of March 19, 1797, in his fifty -eighth year. His remains
were interred in St. Paul's cathedral with due respect.1
H\YM (NICOLAS FRANCIS), a native of Rome, appears
to have come to London in the early part of the last cen-
tury, as a musical professor, and engaged with two others,
Clayton and Dieupart, in an attempt to establish an Italian
opera here. This scheme had some success until 1710,
when the superior merits of Handel's " Rinaldo" diverted
the public attention from Haym and his colleagues. Haym
appears afterwards to have tried various literary projects,
one of which was his " II Tesoro Britannico," Lond.
1719 — 20, 2 vols. 4to, in which he proposed to engrave
and describe all the coins, statues, gems, &c. to be found in
the cabinets in England, and not before made public. In
the execution of this work, however, he committed so many
egregious blunders, and advanced so many ignorant and
rash conjectures, that it has ever been thrown aside with
contempt by able antiquaries. His most useful publica-
tion was his " Notizia de Libri rari nella Lingua Italiana,'*
which appeared first in 1726, in an Svo volume, printed at
London, and was several times reprinted with additions.
The edition of Milun, 1771, 2 vols. 4to, appears to be
the best.
He likewise wrote two tragedies, " La Merope," and
"La Dernodice," and edited an edition of Tasso in 2 vols.
4to. In the last years of his arrive life, he published pro-
posals for a History of music, upon an admirable plan ; but
it was not encouraged, which Dr. Btirney thinks is much
to be lamented, as far as Italy was concerned ; as he was
not only a good practical musician, but a man of extensive
learning, and perfectly acquainted with the history of the
art in his own country, and its progress in England during
his residence there. He had not only knowledge in coun-
1 Rees's Cyclopaedia, by Dr. Burney.— Wood's Annals.— -Gent. Mag. 1797.
268 H A Y M.
terpoint, but genius for composition, as he published at
Amsterdam in 1713, two sets of sonatas for two violins and
a bass, which are little inferior to the sonatas of Corelli.
There is more variety in them, though less grace. He
died in March 1730, and his effects were sold by auction
soon after his decease.1
HAYMAN (FRANCIS), an English artist, much cele-
brated in his day, was born in 1708, at Exeter, and was
the scholar of Brown. He appears to have come to Lon-
don in the early part of his life, and was much employed
by Fleetwood, the proprietor of Drury-lane theatre, for
whom he painted many scenes. In the pursuit of his pro-
fession, he was not extremely assiduous, being more con-
vivial than studious ; yet he acquired a very considerable
degree of power in his art, and was the best historical
painter in the kingdom, before the arrival of Cipriani. It
was this superiority of talent that introduced him to the
notice of Mr. Jonathan Tyers, the founder and proprietor
of Vauxhall, by whom he was employed in decorating
those well-known gardens, and where some of his best
historical pictures are still to be seen. He also painted
four pictures from subjects taken from Sbakspeare, for
what is called the prince's pavilion in Vauxhall, but Mr.
Tyers had such an high opinion of them, as to remove
them to his own residence, and place copies in their room.
His reputation procured him much employment from the
booksellers, whom he furnished with drawings for their
editions of Moore's Fables, Congreve's Works, Newton's
Milton, Hammer's Shakspeare, Smcllet's Don Quixote,
Pope's Works, &c. These drawings have in general great
When the artists were incorporated by charter, Mr.
Lambert was appointed the first president ; but he dying
shortly after, Hay man was chosen in his stead, in which
office he remained till 1768, when, owing to the illiberal
conduct of the majority of the members of that society, he
was no longer continued in that station. For this exclu-
sion, however, he was amply recompensed on the founda-
tion of the royal academy, of which he was chosen a mem-
ber, and soon after appointed librarian. This place he
held till his death, Feb. 2, 1776.8
1 Hawkins's tfist. of Music.— Rees's Cyclopaedia, by Dr. Burney.— Diet. Hist.
4 Pilkmgton,— Edwards's Supplement to Walpole.
H A Y N B. 269
HAYNE (THOMAS), a learned schoolmaster, the son of
Robert Hayne, of Thrussington, in Leicestershire, was
born probably in that parish, in 1581, and in 1599 was
entered of Lincoln-college, Oxford, where, being under
the care of an excellent tutor, he obtained great know-
ledge in philosophy, to which, and his other studies, he
was the more at leisure to give diligent application, as he
was, by a lameness almost from his birth, prevented from
enjoying the recreations of youth. In 1604 he took his
bachelor's degree, and became one of the ushers of mer-
chant taylors' school, London : and after taking the degree
of master, was usher at Christ's hospital. He was a noted
critic, an excellent linguist, and a solid divine, highly re-
spected by men of learning, and particularly by Selden.
He died July 27, 1645, and was buried in Christ-church,
London, where a monument was erected over his grave,
(destroyed in the fire of London) with an inscription to his
memory, as an antiquary, a teacher, and a man of peace.
He bequeathed his books to the library at Leicester (which
is commemorated in an inscription in that place), except a
few which he left to the library at Westminster. He gave
also 400/. to be bestowed in buying lands or houses, in or
near Leicester, of the yearly value of 24/. for ever, for the
maintenance of a schoolmaster in Thrussington, or some
town near thereto, to teach ten poor children, &c. Fif-
teen are now educated in this school. He founded also
two scholarships in Lincoln-college, the scholars to come
from the free-school at Leicester, or in defect of that, from
the school at Melton, &c. Several other acts of charity
are included in his will. His works are, I. " Grammatices
Latinae Compendium, 1637, reprinted in 1649, Svo, with
two appendices. 2. " Linguarum cognatio, seu de linguis
in genere," &c. Lond. 1639, Svo. 3. " Pax in terra;
seu tractatus de pace ecclesiastica," ibid. 1639, Svo.
4. " The equal ways of God, in rectifying the unequal
ways of man,'* ibid. 1639, Svo. 5. " General View of
the Holy Scriptures ; or the times, places, and persons of
the Holy Scripture," &c. ibid. 1640, fol. 6. " Life and
Death of Dr. Martin Lutlier," ibid. 1641, 4to.'
HAYNES (HOPTON), a strenuous advocate for Socinian-,
ism, was born in 1672, and became assay-master of the
mint, and principal tally-writer of the exchequer. In
1 Nichols's Leicestershire; vol. HI. Part I,
270 H^A Y N E S.
defence of the independence and prerogatives of his office,
he printed and privately dispersed a tract entitled " A
hriel enquiry relating to tiie right of his majesty's Chapel
Royal, and the privileges of his servants within the Tower,
in a Memorial addressed to the rignt hon. the lord viscount
Lonsdale, constable of tiis majesty's Tower of London,'1
1728, folio. His principal effort in favour of Socicianism
was entitled " The Scripture account of the attributes and
worship of God, and of the character and offices of Jesus
Christ, by a candid Enquirer after Truth." This he left
for the press, and it was accordingly printed by his son, in
obedience to his father's injunctions, but probably against
his own inclinations, nor was it generally known as a pub-
lication until reprinted in 1790 by the late rev. Theophilus
Lindsey. Mr. Haynesdied November 19, 1749. — His son
SAMUEL HAYNES was educated at King's college, Cam-
bridge, where he took his degrees of A. B in 1723, A. M.
1727, and D. D. in 1748. He was tutor to the earl of
Salisbury, with whom he travelled, and who, in 1737,
presented him to the valuable rectory of Hatfield in Hert-
fordshire. In March 1743, he succeeded to a canonry of
Windsor; and in May 1747, he was presented by his
noble patron to the rectory of Clothal, which he held by
dispensation with Hatfield. He died June 9, 1752. He
published " A Collection of State-papers, relating to af-
fairs in the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary and
Elizabeth, from 1542 to 1570," transcribed from the Cecil
MSS. in Hatfield-house, 1740, fol.1
HAYWARD (Sir JOHN), an English historian, was edu-
cated at Cambridge, where he took the degree of LL. D.
In 1599 he published, in 4to, « The first Part of the Life
and Raigne of King Henrie IV. extending to the end of
the first yeare of his raigne," dedicated to Robert earl of
Essex ; for which he suffered a tedious imprisonment, on
account of having advanced something in defence of here-
ditary succession to the crown. We are informed, in lord
Bacon's " Apophthegms," that queen Elizabeth, being
highly incensed at this book, asked Bacon, who was then
one of her council learned in the law, " whether there was
any treason contained in it?" who answered, "No, ma-
dam ; for treason, I cannot deliver my opinion there is
any ; but there is much felony." The queen, apprehend-
1 Nichols's Bowyer.
H A Y W A R D. 271
ing it, gladly asked, " How and wherein ?" Bacon an-
swered, " because he had stolen many of his sentences
and conceits out of Cornelius Tacitus.'* This discovery is
thought to have prevented his being put to the rack.
Carnden tells us, that the book being dedicated to the
earl of Essex, when that nobleman and his friends were
tried, the lawyers urged, that " it was written on purpose
to encourage the deposing of the queen ;" and they par-
ticularly insisted on these words in the dedication* in which
our author styles the earl " Magnus & present! judicio, &
futuri temporis expectatione." In 1603 he published, in
quarto, " An Answer to the first part of a certaine Con-
ference concerning Succession, published not long since
under the name of R. Doleman." Tais R. Doleman was
the Jesuit Parsons. In 1610 he was appointed by king
James one of the historiographers of Chelsea college, near
London, which, as we have often had occasion to notice,
was never permanently established. In 1613, he published
in 4to, " The Lives of the Three Normans, kings of Eng-
land; William I ; William II. ; Henry I." and dedicated
them to Charles prince of Wales. In 1619, he received
the honour of knighthood from his majesty, at Whitehall.
In 1624, he published a discourse entitled " Of Supre-
macie in Affaires of Religion," dedicated to prince Charles,
and written in the manner of a conversation held at the
table of Dr. Toby Matthews, bishop of Durham, in the
time of the parliament, 1605. The proposition main-
tained is, that supreme power in ecciesiasticaJ affairs is a
right of sovereignty. He wrote likewise, " The Life and
Raigne of King Edward VI. with the beginning of the
Raigne of queen Elizabeth," 1630, 4to, but this was post-
humous; for he died June 27, 1627. He was the author
of several works of piety, particularly " The Sr.nctuarie of
a troubled soul," Lond. 1616, 12mo; "David's Tears,
or an Exposition of the Penitential Psalms," 1622, 8vo.
and te Christ's Prayer on the Crosse for his Enemies,"
1623. Wood says that " he was accounted a learned and
godly man, and one better read in theological authors,
than in those belonging to his profession ; and that with
regard to his histories, the phrase and words in them were
in their time esteemed very good ; only some have wished
that in his * History of Henry IV.' he had not called sir
Hugh Lynne by so light a word as Mad -cap, though he
were such j and that he had not changed his historical style
272 H A Y W A R D.
into a dramatical, where he introduceth a mother ut-
tering a woman's passion in the case of her son." Ni-
colson observes, that " he had the repute in his time, of a
good clean pen and smooth style ; though some have since
blamed him for being a little too dramatical," Strype
recommends that our author " be read with caution ;
that his style and language is good, and so is his fancy ;
but that he uses it too much for an historian, which puts
him sometimes on making speeches for others, which they
never spake, and relating matters which perhaps they ne-
ver thought on." In confirmation of which censure, Ken-
net has since affirmed him to be " a professed speech-maker
through all his little history of Henry IV."1
HEADLEY (HENRY), a very elegant poet and critic,
was born at Instead in Norfolk in 1766. At an early age
he was placed under the care of the rev. Dr. Samuel Parr,
then master of the grammar-school at Norwich. Even at
this period he exhibited a superior elegance of mind, taste,
and genius. He had a certain pensiveness of manner,
which conciliated esteem and sympathy ; and which,
though it might in part have been excited by the delicacy
of his constitution, was promoted and increased by his stu-
dious pursuits. From Norwich he removed, in 1782, to
Oxford, where he became a member of Trinity college, a
circumstance for which the world was probably indebted
for his celebrated publication on the old English poets.
Thomas Warton was then resident, as senior fellow of the
college, and Headley naturally became acquainted with
his labours as a poetical historian, which confirmed the bias
of his mind ; and from this time the study of old English
poetry superseded every other literary pursuit.
He left Oxford after a residence of three years, in which
interval he lost his father. His biographer informs us that
his friends could not for some months discover the place
of his residence ; but that at length it appeared he was
married, and had retired to Matlock in Derbyshire. From
our other authority, however, we learn, that during his
occasional visits from Oxford to his friends in Norfolk, he
formed an attachment of the tenderest kind to a very beau-
tiful woman, now alive, but of no fortune. Many of the
most charming and interesting of his poetical compositions
addressed to this lady. The connexion appeared to
»- Ath. Ox. toK I. — Biojf. Brit. YO). V. p. 3Q5S.— -Gen. Diet.
H E A D L E Y. 273
their common friends to be indiscreet, and the object of
his affections married a deserving man, with whom she is
now happy in a lovely family. It appears, however, that
he did marry hastily, in the anguish of disappointment, a
lady, who died before him. From Matlock he went to
reside at Norwich, and in a short time the consumptive
tendency of his constitution rendered it advisable to try
the climate of Lisbon, from which he returned only to die,
at Norwich, in November 1788.
What Headley might have produced, had he lived to
persevere in the line of study in which he had engaged,
may he easily conjectured from the "-Select Beauties of
Ancient English Poetry," which he published in 1787, 2
vols. Svo. It may be said to have given a new direction to
the public taste, and to have pointed out to poetical anti-
quaries those objects of research which they have since
pursued with equal avidity and success. These volumes
soon became popular, and certainly possess various claims
to attention, whether we consider the taste and judgment
with which the selection was made, or the neatness, point,
and felicitous discrimination of character with which the
biographical sketches are universally marked. Previous to
the appearance of this work, Mr. Headley had published a
small volume of original poems, and is said to have contri-
buted some papers to the u Olla Podrida," and to a less
known periodical paper, entitled " The Lucubrations of
Abel Slug," of which a few numbers only were printed.1
HEARNE (SAMUEL), an enterprising English navigator,
was born in 1745 ; he was the son of Mr. Hearne, secretary
to the water-works, London-bridge, a very sensible man,
and of a respectable family in Somersetshire ; he died of a
fever in his fortieth year, and left Mrs. Hearne with this
son, then but three years of age, and a daughter two years
older. Mrs. H. finding her income too small to admit her
living in town as she had been accustomed, retired to Bim-
mister, in Dorsetshire (her native place), where she lived
as a gentlewoman, and was much respected. It was her
wish to give her children as good an education as the place
afforded, and accordingly she sent her son to school at a very
early period : but his dislike to reading and writing was so
great, that he made very little progress in either. His
1 Biographical Sketch prefixed to the Rev. H. Kett's new edition of the
" Beauties." — British Critic, vol. XXXV. an article drawn up by one why kns\»
Mr. Headley well.
274 H E A R N E.
masters, indeed, spared neither threats nor persuasion to
induce him to learn, but their arguments were thrown
away on one who seemed predetermined never to become
a learned man ; he had, however, a very quick apprehen-
sion, and in his childish sports shewed unusual activity and
ingenuity; he was particularly fond of drawing; and
though he never had the least instruction in the art, copied
with great delicacy and correctness even from nature.
Mrs. Hearne's friends, finding her son had no taste for
study, advised tier fixing on some business, and proposed
such as they judged most suitable for him ; but he declared
himself utterly averse to trade, and begged he might be
sent to sea. His mother very reluctantly complied with
his request, took him to Portsmouth, and remained with
him till he sailed. His captain (now lord Hood) promised
to take care of him, and gave him every indulgence his
youth required. He was then but eleven years of age.
They had a warm engagement soon after he entered, and
took several prizes: the captain told him he should have
his share ; but he begged, in a very affectionate manner,
it might be given to his mother, and she would know best
what to do with it. He was a midshipman several years
under the same commander; but on the conclusion of the
war, having no hopes of preferment, he left the navy, and
entered into the service of the Hudson's Bay company, as
mate of one of their sloops. He was, however, soon dis-
tinguished from his associates by his ingenuity, industry,
and a wish to undertake some hazardous enterprize by
which mankind might be benefited. This was represented
to the company, and they immediately applied to him as
a proper person to be sent on an expedition they had long
had in view, viz. — to find out the north-west passage: he
gladly accepted the proposal, and how far he succeeded is
shewn to the public in his Journal. On his return he was
advanced to a more lucrative post, and in a few years was
made commander in chief, in which situation he remained
till 1782, when the French unexpectedly landed at Prince
of Wales' s Fort, took possession of it, and after having
given the governor leave to secure his own property, seized
the stock of furs, &c. &c. and blew up the fort. At the
company's request Mr. H. went out the year following,
saw it rebuilt, and the new governor settled in his habita-
tion (which they took care to fortify a little better than
formerly), and returned to England in 1787. He had
H E A R N E. 275
saved a few thousands, the fruits of many years' industry,
and might, had he been blessed with prudence, have enjoyed
many years of ease and plenty ; but he had lived so long
where money was of no use, that he seemed insensible of
its value here, and lent it with little or no'security to those
he was scarcely acquainted with by name ; sincere and
undesigning himself, he was by no means a match for the
duplicity of others. His disposition, as may be judged by
his writing, was naturally humane ; what he wanted in
learning and polite accomplishments, he made up in na-
tive simplicity ; and was so strictly scrupulous with regard
to the property of others, that he was heard to say, a few
davs before his death, " he could lay his hand on his heart
and say, he had never wronged any man of sixpence."
Sucii are the outlines of Mr. Hearne's character ; who,
if he had some failings, had many virtues to counterba-
lance them, of which charity was not the least. He died
of the dropsy, November 1792, aged forty-seven. In 1797
appeared his "Journey from the Prince of Wai es's Fort,
in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean ; undertaken by
order of the Hudson's Bay Company, for the discovery of
Copper-mines, a North-west passage, &c. in the years
1769, 1770, 1771, 1772," a volume which forms a very
valuable addition to the discoveries of our enterprizing
HEARNE (THOMAS), an eminent English antiquary,
and indefatigable collector and editor of books and manu-
scripts, was the son of George Hearne, parish-clerk of
White Waltham, Berkshire, by Edith, daughter of Thomas
Wise. He was born at Littlefteld-green in the above
parish, in 1678, and baptised July 1 1th of that year. He
appears to have been born with a taste for those researches
which formed afterwards the business of his life ; and even
when he had but attained a knowledge of the alphabet,
was seen continually poring over the old tomb-stones in
the church-yard. As to education, he had very little. His
father, who kept a writing-school, and who, as parish-
clerk, was also a kind of amanuensis to the illiterate part of
his neighbours, could teach him English and writing, in
both which he made considerable proficiency ; but he had
other children, and, instead of being able to place Thomas
at any superior school, was obliged to let him earn his sub*
1 European Mag. 1797.
T 2
H E A R N E.
sistence as a day-labourer. His natural abilities, howe?erf
appeared through this disadvantage, and his being a better
reader and writer than could have been expected from his
scanty opportunities, recommended him to the kind atten-
tion of an early patron, whom he calls " that pious and
learned gentleman Francis Cherry, esq." By this gentle-
man, in whose house he was for some time a menial ser-
vant, he was placed at the free-school of Bray in Berkshire,
in the beginning of 1693, and rewarded his care by such
diligent application, as to acquire an accurate knowledge
of Greek and Latin. He was on this account much re-
spected both by the master and his fellow-scholars, who
were accustomed to consult him in their little difficulties,
and used to listen to his information respecting English
history, which his original taste had led him to study as
he found opportunity.
His patron, Mr. Cherry, pleased with the happy effects
of his care, determined to take our young antiquary into
his house, and maintain him as his son. In this it is said
he partly followed the advice of the learned Mr. Dodwell,
who then lived in the neighbourhood, and had probably
watched the progress of Hearne's education. He was ac-
cordingly taken into Mr. Cherry's house about Easter 1695,
and his studies in classical learning promoted by this gen-
tleman, or by Mr. Dodwell, both taking that trouble with
him, which, from his diligence and apt memory, they
foresaw would not be lost. With the same benevolent
views, Mr. Cherry sent him to Oxford, where, in Michael-
mas term of the above year, he was entered of Edmund-
hall, but returned immediately after his matriculation,
and pursued his studies both at Mr. Cherry's, and at the
school of Bray.
In Easter term 1696, he came to reside at Edmund-hall,
a society which had probably been recommended to Mr.
Cherry by Dr. White Kennet, who was at that time vice-
principal, and also rector of Shottesbrooke, which he re-
ceived from Mr. Cherry. The learned Dr. John Mill was
at this time principal. Both his tutor, Dr. Kennet, and
his principal, Dr. Mill, appear to have soon discovered the
bent of his studies ; and Dr. Mill, who was then employed"
on the appendix to his edition of the Greek Testament,
finding young Hearne an apt reader of MSS. employed
him in the laborious task of collation. It was also at the
doctor's request, that when he was about three years stand-
II E A R N E. 277
ing, he went to Eton to compare a MS. of Tatian and
Athenagoras in that college library. The variations he
discovered were afterwards made use of by Mr. Worth in
his edition of Tatian, in 1700, and by Dechair in his edi-
tion of Athenagoras, 1706; but Mr. Hearne complains,
and with some justice, that neither mentioned the person
who collated the MSS. Hearne' s own copy of the varia-
tions is now in the Bodleian. About this time Mr. Cherry
sent for him to Shottesbrooke, and employed him in tran-
scribing sir Henry Spelman's " History of Sacrilege,"
which was soon after printed at London. Mr. Dodwell
also appears to have employed him in transcribing two
copies of his " Paraenesis." At Edmund Hall Dr. Grabe
availed himself of his useful talents in transcribing and col-
lating various old manuscripts.
Irr act term 1699, he took his bachelor's degree, soon
after which a proposal was made to him by Dr. Kennet to
go to Maryland, as one of Dr. Bray's missionaries. What
particular fitness Dr. Kennet discovered in Hearne for a
situation of this kind we know not. He says, indeed, that
he mentioned him as " a man of a pious, sober, and stu-
dious inclination," but we are much mistaken if Hearne's
habits were not at this time irreconcileahle with the func-
tions of a missionary; and accordingly we find Dr. Ken-
net endeavouring to render the office palatable, by inform-
ing our antiquary, that besides the stipend, &c. he was to
have a library worth 50/. was to be librarian to the whole
province, and visitor of all the public libraries.
Hearne, as may be expected, had no inclination to ac-
cept this offer, and exchange the libraries of Oxford for
those of Maryland ; and his refusal appears to have been
sanctioned by some, although not all, of his best friends.
Having now obtained access to the Bodleian library, he
visited that noble repository every day, and his visits were
so long, and his knowledge of books so visibly increasing,
that in 1701, when Dr. Hudson was chosen librarian, he
applied for leave to employ him as an assistant, and soon,
found him a very useful one. Having by this official ap-
pointment obtained a wider range, he began by examining
the state of Dr. Hyde's catalogue, published in 1674, and
finding it, from the gradual increase of the library, very
defective, he endeavoured to supply what was wanting in.
an interleaved copy, and afterwards transcribed his ad-
ditions into two volumes, which he entitled " Appendix
278 H E A R N E.
Catalog! librorum impressorum Bibl. Bod." This was in-
tended to have been printed by itself, but it was afterwards
incorporated with Hyde's catalogue. The same service
Mr. Hearne afterwards performed for the catalogue of MSS.
and of coins.
In act term 1703, betook his master's degree, and was
offered a chaplainship of Corpus college by Dr. Turner,
the president, provided he could keep his place in the
library; but Dr Hudson objecting to this, he declined it,
as he did, for the same reason, a chaplainship of All Souls.
He had been made janitor of the library, and in 1712
succeeded to the place of second keeper, with which he
was allowed to hold his office of janitor; and, as he says,
it was " by virtue of these two offices being united that he
still kept the keys of the library, &c." In 1713 an offer
was made to him of the place of librarian to the royal
society and keeper of their museum, which he declined,
" his circumstances not permitting him to leave Oxford."
It is less accountable why he should at this time decline
the honour of being made a fellow of this society. The
offer, however, shows that the society thought him worthy
of it, and that, with all his peculiarities, he had at this
time attained considerable reputation in the learned world.
In January 1714-15, he was elected architypographus,
and esquire beadle of civil law in the university of Oxford,
which post he held, together with that of under-librarian,
till November following ; but then, finding they were not
tenable together, he resigned the beadleship, and very
soon after the other place also, by reason of the oaths to
government, with which he could not conscientiously com-
ply. He continued a nonjuror to the last, much at the
expence of his worldly interest ; for, on that account he
refused several preferments which would have been of
great advantage and very agreeable to him. So many in-
deed were the offers made, that his motives for refusal must
have been urgent and conscientious. His enemies took
some pains to bring a charge of inconsistency against him,
by publishing <; A Vindication of those who take the Oath
of Allegiance to his present majesty." This he wrote
when a very young man, in king William's reign, but, as
he very justly remarks, it proves no more than that he had
viewed the question in another light, and surely must be
accounted sincere, when we find him refusing so many
profitable situations. In the latter part of his life he
H E A R N E. 27&
appears to have resided in Edmund-hall, preparing and
publishing his various works, but not, as will be noticed in
our catalogue of them, without interruption from what he
thought the candid declaration of his political sentiments
clashing with those of the university, and of the nation at
large. This, in one or two instances, occasioned serious
prosecutions, and considering himself as an injured man,
he was not sparing in his censures of some of his most
learned contemporaries, who, in their turns, were equally
disrespectful in their notices of him. With these disputes
the present age has little to do, and it owes too much to
the industry of Hearne to trace his failings with anxious
care, or treat them with the animosity that might have
been natural in his own times. How useful his industry
was, may be estimated from the number of valuable pieces
which lie hid in public or private repositories, of no utility
even to the possessors of them, for want of persons who
have perseverance enough to travel through the drudgery,
or spirit enough to hazard the expence of printing them.
By a life of the greatest regularity and ceconomy, Hearne
was enabled in a great measure to prevent this injury to
literature : and his endeavours were assisted by the en-
couragement of many noble and opulent patrons. It might
therefore be matter of surprize, though no reflection upon
his character, that a sum amounting to upwards of 1000/.
was found in his room after his decease. His death, which
happened June 10, 1735, was occasioned by a severe cold
and a succeeding fever, which, being improperly treated,
terminated in a violent flux. He was buried in the church
yard of St. Peter's in the East, where is erected over his
remains a stone with an inscription written by himself:
" Here lyeth the body of Thomas Hearne, M. A. who
studied and preserved Antiquities. He died June 10,
1735, aged 55 years. Deut. xxxii. 7. * Remember the
clays of old, consider the years of many generations; ask
thy father, and he will shew thee, thy elders, and they
will tell thee.' Job viii. 8, 9, 10. " Enquire I pray thee,'
&c." -This stone was repaired by Dr. Rawlinson in 1754.
As the value of Hearne' s labours have been much under-
rated, and indeed grossly misrepresented, in the Biog.
Britannica, and its servile copyists, we shall make no
apology for adding the sentiments of his Oxford biogra-
pher, Mr. Huddesford : " Since that kind of study pur-
sued by Mr. Hearne is more general now than it was in
280 H E A R N E.
his time, to praise and speak well of him will of conse-
quence be more safe, as it will be better received. His
chief excellence, so often celebrated, but to the misfor-
tune of learning so little imitated, was unwearied in-
dustry, which began almost with his life, and continued in
full vigour till within a few weeks of his death. By means
of this industry, and of a good disposition, he raised him-
self from the lowest state of dependence to a station of
ease and honour. When his worth was in some sort ac-
knowledged, by the offer of the best offices the univer-
sity had to bestow, he manifested uncommon integrity in
declining those offers, because the acceptance of them
appeared to him inconsistent with the principles which he
had adopted. If there was a singularity in his exterior
behaviour or manner which was the jest of the man of wit
and polite life, he secretly enjoyed the approbation, fa-
vour, and correspondence of the "greatest men of the age.
Succeeding times have given testimony to his abilities,
which the age in which he lived so lightly esteemed. It is,
at least, not flattery, to consider him as a pattern to all
•whose duty it is, as well as inclination, to unite much
learning and erudition, with the greatest plainness and
simplicity of manners."
Much of Hearne's personal history, opinions, and pecu-
liarities, might be derived, if a piece of minute biography
were undertaken, from his correspondence, and particu-
larly from his manuscript diary, of which there are 1 50
small paper books in the Bodleian. Some information
gleaned from these has lately been given to the public in
that valuable and curious work, " Letters written by eminent
persons, &c." printed in 3 vols. 8vo, 1813, to which we have
often to own our obligations. It appears that Hearne's
anxiety to recover manuscripts became in him a species of
religious enthusiasm, and that he was accustomed to return
thanks in his prayers for success of this kind *. It is more
to be regretted that his perpetual recurrence to Jacobite
* Of such forms of thanksgiving, taken of me. I continually meet with
the following is a specimen ; and, we most signal instances of this thy pro-
agree with the editor of the " Letters," vidence, and one act yesterday, when
exemplifies the native simplicity of I unexpectedly met with three old MSS.
Hcarne's character as much, perhaps, for which, in a particular manner, I
as any anecdote that has descended to return my thanks, beseeching thee to
u*. " O most gracious and merciful continue the same protection to me, a
L'>rd God, wonderful in thy provi- poor helpless sinner, and that for Je*
deuce, I return all possible thanks to sus Christ his sake."
thee for the care thou hast always
H E A R N E. 281
sentiments, in his prefaces, where they were surely out of
place, created him many enemies, kept him at perpetual
variance with his neighbours in the university, and pro-
moted an irritability of temper, and a querulous disposition,
which made him unhappy. For social enjoyments he was
not well qualified. His manners were originally clownish
and simple, and little improved by his intercourse with
the world.
Hearne left his MS collections by will to Dr. William.
Bedford, of whom Dr. Rawlinson purchased them tor an.
hundred guineas, and at his death bequeathed them with
his own MSS. to the Bodleian library. Among other in-
jurious reports at the time of Hearne's death, one was,
that he died a Roman catholic, an imputation on the non-
jurors not very uncommon at that time, but which, as to
Hearne, has been fully disproved in a letter printed by
Mr. Huddesford in his life. Hearne had no more of po-
pery than antiquaries in general, who can never forgive
the injuries done to libraries at the time of the reformation.
His publications were, 1. " An Index to L'Estrange's
translation of Josephus," 1702, fol. 2. " Reliquiae Bod-
leianae, or some genuine remains of sir Thomas Bodley,
&c." 1703. 3. " Plinii Fpistolae et Paneg\ricus, &c."
1703. 4. " Eutropius.' Messala Corvinus. Julius Obse-
quens, &c." 1703. 5. "Indices tres locupletissimi in Cy-
rilli opera," Ox. 1733. 6. " Ductor Historicus," 2 vols.
They did not come out together; a second edition of the
first was published in 1705, and the second volume was
published in 1704. Our author was not solely concerned
in this work, some parts of it being written by another
hand, as was the preface. He had made great collections
for a third volume, but laid aside this design upon the ap-
pearance of the English translation of Puffendorf's intro-
duction, which begins where the second volume of the
" Ductor Historicus" ends, and continues the history to
the present times. 7. " Index to Dr. Ed»vards's Preserva-
tive against Socinianism," 1740, 4to. 8. " Index to Cla-
rendon's History of the Rebellion," fol. 1704. This " lit-
tle work," or opella, he informs us, he undertook at the
request of dean Aldrich. 9. An edition of " Justin," 1705,
a very good one, compiled from four MSS. but not equal
in value to his " Eutropius." 10. " Livy," 1708, 6 vols.
#vo, a very accurate edition, which, in the opinion of Dr.
Harwocd, does honour to Hearne, It has of late risen very
282 H E A R N E.
much in price. 11. " A Letter containing an account of
some Antiquities between Windsor and Oxford, with a
list of the several pictures in the school gallery adjoining
to the Bodleian library," printed in 1708, in the " Monthly
Miscellany, or Memoirs for the Curious;" and reprinted
at the end of the fifth volume of Leland's " Itinerary," but
without the list of the pictures j for which, however, there
being a demand, he reprinted 100 copies of the whole in
1725. 12. "The Life of Alfred the Great, by sir John
Spelman, from the original MS. in the Bodleian library,
1710" 13. " The Itinerary of John Leland the antiquary,
intermixed with divers curious discourses, written by the
editor and others, 1710," 9 vols. A new edition was
printed in 1744. 14. " Henrici Dodwell de Parma Equestri
Wood ward iana dissertatio," 1713. Some expressions in
his preface to this brought upon him a serious loss, as the
work was prohibited until he had cancelled the offensive
parts. Of this some no* ice has already been taken in our
account of Dodwell. 15. '* Lelandi de rebus Bntannicis
collectanea," 17 15, 6 vols. 16. " Acta Apostolorum, Gras-
co Latine, literis majusculis. E codice Laudiano, &c.
1715." 17. " Joannis Rossi antiquarii Warwicensis histo-
ria regum Anglue, 1716." It was printed again with the
second edition of Leland's " Itinerary," and now goes
along with that work. 18. " Titi Livii Foro-Juliensis vita
Henrici V. regis Anglire. Accedit sylloge epistolarum a
variis Angliae principibus scriptarum, 1716." 19. " Aluredi
Beverlacensis annales ; sive historia de gestis regum Brit-
tannin, &c. 1716." 20. " Gulielmi Roperi vita D. Tho-
mse Mori equitis aurati, lingua Anglicana coutexta," 17l6.
21. " Gulielmi Camdeni Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hi-
bernicarum, regnante Elizabetha," 1717, 3 vols. 22. " Gu-
lielmi Neubrigensis historia sive chronica rerum Anglica-
rum," 1719. 23. "Thomas Sprotti Chronica, &c." 1719.
24. " A Collection of curious Discourses written by emi-
nent antiquaries upon several heads in our English anti-
quities," 1720. 25. "Textus RorTensis,' &c." 1720. 26.
" Roberti de Avesbury historia de mirabiliKus gestis Ed-
wardi III. &c. Appendicem etiam subnexuit, in qua inter
alia continentur Letters of king Henry VIII. to Anne Bo-
leyne," 1720. 27. " Johannis de Fordun Scotichronicon
genumum, una cum ejusdem supplemento ac continua-
tione," 1722. 28. " The History and Antiquities of Glas-
tonbury, &c." 1722. 29. " Hemingi Chartularium eccle-
H E A R N E. 283
sis; Wigorniensis, &c." 1723. 30. "Robert of Glouces-
ter's Chronicle," 1724, &c. in 2 vols. 31. " Peter Lang-
toft's Chronicle, as illustrated and improved by Robert of
Brune, from the death of Cadwaladon to the end of king
Edward the Ist's reign, £c." 1720, 2 vols. 32. «' Johan-
nis, confratris et monachi Glustoniensis, chronica : sive
historia de rebus Glastoniensibus, &c." 1726. 33. " Adami
de Domerham. historic de rebus gestis Glastoniensibus,
&c." 1727, 2 vols. 34. " Thomas de Elmham vita et gesta
Henrici V. Anglorum regis," &c. 1727. 35. " Liber niger
Scaccarii, &c." 1728, 2 vols. 36. " Historia vitae et reg-
ni Richardi II. Anglioe regis, a monacho quodam de Eve-
sham consignata," 1729. 37. " Thomae Caii vindiciae anti-
quitatisacademiseOxoniensis, &c." 1730, 2 vols. 38." Wal-
teri Hemingforde, canonici de Gisseburne, historia de re-
bus gestis Edvardi I. II. III. &c." 1731, 2 vols. 39. " Duo
rerurn Anglicarum scriptores veteres, videlicet, Thomas
Otterbourne et Johannes Wethamstade, ab ori«ine gentis
Britannicae usque ad -Edvardum IV. &c." 1733, 2 vols.
40. " Chronicon sive annaies prioratus du Dunstable, &c."
1733. 41. " Benedictus, abbas Petroburgensis, de vita
et gestis Henrici II. Richardi I. &c." 1735, 2 vols.
Such are the general titles of Hearne's works, but it
must be understood that almost every one of these volumes
contains various articles relating to antiquities and biogra-
phy, perfectly distinct, and indeed generally nowise con-
nected with the principal subject ; many of which have
been acknowledged the most useful of his productions. It
cannot be denied, however, th:it he would have been more
generally useful had he now and then questioned the im-
portance of what he was about to publish ; but with Hearne
an old MS. seemed to possess an infallible claim to public
attention merely because it was old and unknown. No-
body, says Mr. Gough, will condemn him for the pains he
took to preserve Leland's pieces ; but Ross's compendium
.contains very little that is interesting, and Alfred of Be-
vcrley, if genuine, is legendary. Hearne himself seems
almost ashamed of Sprott's Chronicle, to which, however, he
has tacked a valuable anonymous fragment relating to the
first eight years of Edward IVth's teign. Avesbury and
Elmham's relations of Edward III. and Henry V. are accu-
rately and methodically put too ether. Livius Koro-julien-
sis's life of this last prince is an elegant abridgment of
Elmham's too pompous work. Healing's Chartulary and
284 H E A H N E.
the " Textus Roffensis" are valuable collections of the
most ancient monuments of their respective churches.
Rohert of Gloucester's Chronicle takes precedence of all
English poets. The two monks of Glastonbury are histo-
rians of their own house, of which its English history by
an anonymous later hand gives a tolerable account. Death,
adds Mr. Gough, prevented Hearne from encumbering
our libraries with a meagre history of England, or additions,
to Martin Polanus's Annals, ascribed to one John Mure-
lynch, a monk of Glassenbury, and another from Brute or
Ina to Edward I. by John Bever, a monk of Westminster,
borrowed from the " Flores Historiarum." His friend
Thomas Baker, the Cambridge antiquary, " often cau-
tioned him against fatiguing himself too much, and over-
loading his constitution ; but he was not to be advised, and
so died a martyr to antiquities." It appears from some of
his correspondence, that even in his own time his works
rose very much in price, and it is well known that of late
years they have been among the most expensive articles
brought to market, the best of them being now beyond
the reach of common purchasers. A few years ago, Mr.
Bagster, of the Strand, with a spirit of liberality and en-
terprize, published one or two of them in an elegant and
accurate manner, as the prelude to a reprint of the whole
series; but it is to be regretted that this scheme was soon
obliged to be abandoned for want of encouragement. l
HEATH (BENJAMIN), a lawyer of eminence of the last
century, and recorder of Exeter, was a celebrated scholar
and an author. He wrote, 1. " An Essay towards a demon-
strative proof of the Divine Existence, Unity, and Attri-
butes ; to which is premised, a short defence of the argu-
ment commonly called a priori," 17iO. This pamphlet
was dedicated to Dr. Oliver of Bath, and is to be ranked
amongst the ablest defences of Dr. Clarke's, or rather Mr.
Howe's, hypothesis; for it appears to be taken from Howe's
" Living Temple." 2. " The case of the county of De-
von with respect to the consequences of the new Excise
Duty on Cyder and Perry. Published by the direction of
the committee appointed at a general meeting of that
county to superintend the application for the repeal of
1 Life of Hearne from his own MS. published by Huddesford with the Lives
of Lelafcd and Wood, 2 vols. 8vo, m2.— Gent. Mag. vols. LVII. LVI1I.
LXIX. — Letters by eminent persons. — Cough's Topography. — Dibdin's Biblio-
grapher, vol. I. and II.— Nichols's Bowyer.
HEATH. 285
that duty," 1763, 4to. To this representation of the cir-
cumstances peculiar to Devonshire, the repeal of the act is
greatly to be ascribed ; and very honourable notice was
taken of it at a general meeting or the county. 3. " Notre
sive Lectiones ad Tragicorum Graecorum veterum, JEs-
chyli, &c." 1752, 4to ; a work which places the author's
learning and critical skill in a very conspicuous light : a
principal object of which was to restore the metre of the
Greek tragic poets. It is highly valued by all sound cri-
tics of our own and foreign countries. He also furnished
the notes on the Eton Greek tragedies. The same solidity
of judgment distinguished the author's last production, 4.
" A Revisal of Shakspeare's Text, wherein the alterations
introduced into it by the more modern editors and critics
are particularly considered," 1765, 8vo. It appears from
the list of Oxford graduates, that he was created D. C. L.
by diploma, March 31, 1762. He died Sept. 13, 1766.
The brother of this author, Mr. Thomas Heath, an alder-
man of Exeter, published " An Essay towards a new Ver-
sion of Job," &c. in 1755. This gentleman was father to
John Heath, esq. one of the judges of the common pleas. *
HEATH (JAMES), an English historian, was born 1629,
in London, where his father, who was the king's cutler,
lived. He was educated at Westminster-school, and was
elected to Christ Church, Oxford, in 1646. In 1648 he
was ejected thence by the parliament-visitors, for his ad-
herence to the royal cause ; lived upon his patrimony till
it was almost spent ; and then married, which prevented
his return to Christ Church at the restoration, where he
might have qualified himself for one of the learned profes-
sions. To maintain his family he now commenced author,
and corrector of the press. He died of a consumption and
dropsy, at London, in August 1664, and left several chil-
dren to the parish. He published, 1. "A brief Chronicle
of the late intestine War in the three kingdoms of Eng-
land, Scotland, and Ireland, &c." 1661, 8vo, afterwards
enlarged by the author, and completed from 1637 to 1663,
in four parts, 1663, in a thick 8vo; a work which, on ac-
count of the numerous portraits, rather than its intrinsic
value, bears a very high price. To this edition was again
added a continuation from 1663 to 1675 by John Philips,
nephew by the mother to Milton, 1676, folio. 2. " Elegy
1 Nichols's Bovrye'r.
286 HEATH.
upon Dr. Thomas Fuller," 1661. 3. "The glories and
magnificent triumphs of the blessed Restoration of king
Charles II. &c. 1662," 8vo. 4. " Flagellum ; or, the Life
and Death, Birth and Burial, of Oliver Cromwell, the late
usurper," 1663, of which a third edition came out with
additions in 1665, 8vo. 5. "Elegy on Dr. Sanderson,
bishop of Lincoln," 1662. 6. " A new book of loyal Eng-
lish Martyrs and Confessors, who have endured the pains
and terrors of death, arraignment, &c. for the maintenance
of the just and legal government of these kingdoms both in
church and state," 1663, 12mo. 7. "Brief but exact Survey
of the Affairs of the United Netherlands, &.c." 12mo.
Heath, as a historian, is entitled to little praise on account
of style or argument, but his works contain many lesser
particulars illustrative of the characters and manners of
the times, which are interesting to a curious inquirer. In
the meanest historian there will always be found some
facts, of* which there will be no cause to doubt the truth,
and which yet will not be found in the best; and Heath,
who perhaps had nothing but pamphlets and newspapers
to compile from, frequently relates facts that throw light
upon the history of those times, which Clarendon, though
he drew every thing from the most authentic records, has
omitted. *
HEATHCOTE (RALPH), an ingenious English divine,
and miscellaneous writer, descended of an ancient Derby-
shire family, whose property was injured during the civil wars,
was born Dec. 1 6, 1721, at Barrow upon Soar, in Leicester-
shire. His father was then curate of that place, but afterwards
had the vicarage of Sileby in that county, and the rectory
of Morton in Derbyshire. He died in 1765. His mother
was a daughter of Simon Ockley, Arabic professor at Cam-
bridge. He passed the first fourteen years at home with
his father, who taught him Greek and Latin, but in April
1736, sent him to the public school of Chesterfield, where
he continued five years under the rev. William Burrow, a
learned man, and a very skilful teacher. In April 1741r
he was admitted sizar of Jesus college, Cambridge, and in
Jan. 1745, took his degree of A. B. and soon after entered
intered into holy orders. In March 1748 he undertook the
cure of St. Margaret's, Leicester, and the year after was-
presented to the small vicarage of Barkby, in the neigh-
1 Ath. Ox, Tol. II.— Letters by eminent persons, 3 vols. 8vo, 1313.
H E A T H C O T E. 287
bourhood, which, with his curacy (worth 50/. yearly) he
says made him " well to live." In July 1748, he took his
master's degree, and at the same time withdrew his name
from college, having in view a marriage with miss Mar-
garet Mompesson, a Nottinghamshire la;iy of good family,
which tie accomplished in August 1750, and whose fortune,
in his estimation, made him independent. This lady died
April 12, 1790.
In 1746 he published, at Cambridge, a small Latin
work entitled " Historia Astronomic, sive de ortu et pro-
grt ssu astronomic," Svo, a juvenile, but ingenious per-
formance, and which seems to have made up tor some little
want of mathematical fame when he took his master's de-
gree. On this last occasion he distinguished himself most
in the classics, and appears to have little disposition to
mathematical and physical attainments. In 1752, while
the Middietonian controversy on the Miraculous power,
&c. was still raging, although Dr. Middleton himself was
dead, he published two pieces, one entitled " Cursory
animadversions upon the Controversy in general;" the
other, " Remarks upon a Charge by Dr. Chapman." Iii
1753 he published " A Letter to the rev. Thomas Fother-
gill, A. M. fellow of Queen's college, Oxford, relating to
his Sermon preached before that university, Jan. 30, 1753,
upon the reasonableness and uses of commemorating king
Charles's Martyrdom," which Mr. Heathcote endeavoured
to show was neither reasonable nor useful.
These were published without his name, but his pamph-
lets on the Middietonian controversy attracted the notice
of Dr. War-burton, who discovered the author, and send-
ing him his compliments, offered him the place of assist-
ant preacher at Lincoln's Inn, with the stipend of half a
guinea for each sermon. This was little, but he accepted
it, as affording him an opportunity of living in London,
and cultivating learned society. He accordingly removed
to town in June 1753, and became one of a club of literati
who met once a week, as he says, " to talk learnedly for
three or four hours." The members were Drs. Jortin,
Birch, and Maty, Mr. Welstein, Mr. De Missy, and one
or two more.
On the appearance of lord Bolingbroke's works, he pub-
lished in 1755, "A Sketch of lord Boiingbroke's philoso-
phy," the object of which was to vindicate the moral attri-
butes of the Deity. In the latter end of the same year,
came out, " The use of Reason asserted in matters of Re*
ligion, in answer to a Sermon preached by Dr Patten at
Oxford, July 13, 1755," whom he act used of being a
Hutchinsonian ; and, the year after, a Defence of this
against Dr. Patten, who had replied. Dr. Home also, a
friend to Dr. Patten, animadverted on Mr. Ht athcote's
pamphlet: but it seems not to have been long before ail
their sentiments concurred ; at least, the Hutchinsonians
could not blame Mr. Heathcote more than he blamed him-
self. " When," says he, " the heat of controversy was
over, I could not look into them (the pamphlets) myself,
without disgust and pain. The spleen of Middleton, and
the petulancy of Warburton, had too much infected me."
This candid acknowledgment, however, seems to justify
Mr. Jones's language in his life of bishop Home. " A Mr.
Heathcote, a very intemperate and unmanly writer, pub-
lished a pamphlet against Dr. Patten, laying himself open,
both in the matter and the manner of it, to the criticisms
of Dr. Patten, who will appear to have been greatly his
superior as a scholar and a divine, to any candid reader
who shall review that controversy. Dr. Patten could not
with any propriety be said to have written on the Hutchin-
sonian plan ; but Mr. Heathcote found it convenient to
charge him with it, &c." Warburton, too, who had com-
plimented Mr. Heathcote to his face, speaks of him in a
letter to Dr. Kurd (in 1757) as one whose " matter is ra-
tional, but superficial and thin spread." He adds, " he
will prove as great a scribbler as Comber. They are both
sensible, and both have reading. The difference is, that
the one has so much vivacity as to make him ridiculous ;
the other so little as to be unentertaining. Comber's ex-
cessive vanity may be matched by H.'s pride ; which I
think is a much worse quality." In this censure the reader
may perceive somewhat that will recoil upon the writer,
but Heathcote, we see, lived to acknowledge what was
amiss, which Warburton did not.
In 1763-4-5, Mr. Heathcote preached the Boy lean lec-
tures, twenty-four in number, at St. James's, Westminster,
by the appointment of the trustees, archbishop Seeker
and the duke of Devonshire. He published, however, only
two of them, in 1763; on the " Being of a God," which
soon passed into a second edition. In 1765, on the death
of his father, he succeeded to the vicarage of Sileby, and
in 1766 was presented to the rectory of Sawtry- All-Saints,
in Huntingdonshire 5 and in 1768 to a prebend in the col*
H E A T H C O T E. 289
legiate church of Southwell. " These," he says, " in so
short a compass, may look pompous; but their clear an-
nual income, when curates were paid, and all expences
deducted, did uot amount to more than 150/." In 1771
he published " The Ireuarch, or Justice of the Peace's
Manna!," a performance which, witii some singularities of
opinion, was accounted both sensible and seasonable. He
was now in the commission of the peace. A second edi-
tion of this work appeared in 1774, with a long dedication,
to lord Mansfield, with a view to oppose the invectives
levelled against that illustrious character in a time of po-
litical turbulence; and in 1781 he published a third edi-
tion, to which he gave his name.
In the summer of 1785 he left London, and resided for
the remainder of his life principally at Southwell, of which.,
church he became, in 1788, vicar-general. He died May
i28, 1795. He Jeft a son, RALPH Heathcote, esq. his ma-
jesty's minister plenipotentiary to the elector of Cologne,
and to the landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, who died in Ger-
many in 1801.
To the preceding list of Dr. Heathcote's works, we may
add that, at the request of Mr. Whiston, he wrote the life
of Dr. Thomas Burnet, the learned master of the Charter-
house, prefixed to the edition of his works printed in I75y ;
and in 1761, on the recommendation of Dr. Jortin, was
engaged as one of the writers in the ftrst edition of this
Dictionary, and contributed also some articles for the se-
cond, printed in 1784. In 1767 he published "A Letter
to the hon. Horace Walpole, concerning the dispute be-
tween Mr. Hume and Mr, Rousseau," 12mo, which in some
of the Reviews wu*> supposed to be by Mr. Walpole him-
self. He also published an te Assize Sermon,*' and a
pamphlet called " Memoirs of the late contested election for
the county of Leicester," 1775. His " Irenarch," and the
dedication and notes, he scattered up and down, but with-
out alteration, in a miscellaneous work, published in 1786,
entitled " Sylva, or the Wood;'1 an entertaining collection
of anecdotes, &c. which was reprinted in 1783; and in
1789, he had begun another .volume of miscellanies, in-
cluding some of his separate pieces, and memoirs of him-
self, of which last we have availed ourselves in the pre-
ceding sketch, from Mr. Nichols's " Literary Anecdotes."1
» Nichols's Bowyer.— Cent. Mag. LXV. LXVI. LXXI.— Jones's Life of Bp.
Home, first edit. p. 45. — U'arburUm's Letters to Hurd, 4to, p. 167.
HEBENSTREIT (JOHN ERNEST), a celebrated physician
and philologer of Leipsic, was born at Neuenhoff in the
diocese of Neustadt, in 1702. In 1719, he went to the
university of Jena, but, not finding a subsistence there,
removed to Leipsic. He piassed the greater part of his life
in the latter university, and finally died there in 1756.
Besides his academical and physiological tracts, he pub-
lished, in 1739, 1, "Carmen de usu partinm," or Physio-
logia metrica, in 8vd. 2. " De homine sano et ajgroto
Carmen, sistens Physiologiam, Pathologiam, Hygienen,
Therapiam, materiam medicam, cum pnefatione deantiqua
medicina," Leipsic, 1753, Svo. 3. " Oratio de Antiqui-
tatibus Romanis per Africam repertis," 1733, 4to. 4.
" Museum Richterianum," &c. Leips. 1743. And, 5. A
posthumous work, entitled " Palasologia therapirc," Halae,
1779, Svo. This author had also an elder brother, JOHN
CHRISTIAN Hebenstreit, who was a celebrated divine, and
profoundly versed in the Hebrew language. Ernesti has
published an eulogium of each, in his "OpuscuhiOratoria."1
HEBER (REGINALD), a learned and amiable English
clergyman, the second son of Thomas Heber, &sq. of Mar-
ton-hall in the deanery of Craven, one of the oldest families
in that district of Yorkshire, was born at Marton, Sept. 4,
1728, O. S. He had his school education under the rev.
Mr. Wilkinson at Skipton, and the rev. Thomas Hunter at
Blackburn, Lancashire, afterwards vicar of Weaverham,
Cheshire, author of " Observations on Tacitus," and other
works of credit. From Blackburn he 'removed to the free-
school at Manchester, and on March 4, 1746--7, was en-
tered a commoner of Brazen-nose college; where his elder'
brother, Richard Heber, was at that time a gentleman
commoner. In October 1752, his father died, and his mo-
ther in the month of March following. He was admitted
to the degree of M. A. July 5, 1753, and chosen fellow of
the college November 15 following, having previously in
that year been ordained deacon by bishop Trevor, Match
18, and priest by bishop Hoadly, Nov. 1, to qualify him-
self for the fellowship founded in 1533 by William Clifton,
subdean of York, for which he was a candidate. He had
private pupils when he was only B. A. and was afterwards
in much esteem as a public tutor, particularly of gentle-
men commoners, having at one time more than twenty of
1 Diet. Hist.— Rees's Cyclopaedia — Saxii Onomaat.— Haller Bib!, Botsm
H E B E R. 291
that rank under his care. In July 1766, his brother died,
and, as he left no male issue, Mr. Heber succeeded to a
considerable estate at Hodnet in Shropshire, which was
bequeathed in 1752 to his mother, Elizabeth Heber, by
Henrietta, only surviving daughter and heiress of sir Tho-
mas Vernon of Hodnet, bart. who chose for her heir the
daughter, in preference to the son, of her niece Elizabeth
wife of Richard Atherton, esq. ancestor of Henrietta wife
of Thomas lord Liftbrd. Dec. 5, 1766, he was inducted
into the rectory of Chelsea, the presentation to which had,
several years before, been purchased for him by his bro-
ther and another kind relative. He resigned his fellowship
July 1, 1767. Finding the rectorial house at Chelsea bad
and unfinished, he in part rebuilt and greatly improved the
whole, without asking for dilapidations, as the widow of
his predecessor, Sloane Elsmere, D. D. was not left in
affluent circumstances. In 1770, he exchanged Chelsea
for the Upper Mediety of Malpas, Cheshire, into which
he was inducted, July 25, on the presentation of William.
Drake, esq. of Ainersham, Bucks ; whose eldest son, the
late William Drake, esq. had been one of his pupils in
Brazen- nose college. In the long incumbency, and lat-
terly non-residence, of his predecessor, the honourable and
rev. Henry Moore, D. D. chaplain to queen Anue, and son
of the earl of Drogheda, who was instituted to Malpas,
Nov. 26, 1713, the parsonage was become ruinous. Mr.
Heber therefore built an excellent new house, on a new
site, which commands an extensive view of Flintshire and
Denbighshire, and some other counties.
On the death of lord James Beauclerc, who held the
rectory of Hodnet in commendam with the bishopric of
Hereford, Mr. Heber was instituted to that living, of which
he was patron, holding it with Malpas, from which it is
distant about fourteen miles. In March 1303, he succeeded
to the family estate in Yorkshire by the death of his bro-
thers widow, Mrs. Heber of Weston, Northamptonshire,
who held it in jointure. In the summer of that year, re-
taining still the vigour and faculties of younger days, he
was present at a very interesting sight, when his second
son, Mr. Reginald Heber, who two years before obtained
the chancellor's prize at Oxford for Latin verse, by his
very spirited and classical " Carmen Sceculare," spoke,
with unbounded applause, a second prize poem, the ad-
mirable verses on-" Palestine," since published,
U 2
292 II E B E R.
Mr. Heber died Jan. 10, 1804. In April 1773, he mar-
ried Mary, third daughter and co-heiress of Martin Baylie,
M. A. rector of Kelsall and Wrentbam in Suffolk. She died
Jan. 30, 1774, leaving an infant son, RICHARD Heber, esq.
afterwards M. A. of Brazen-nose college, 1797, a gentleman
well known in the literary world, as the judicious collector
of one of the most extensive private libraries in the king-
dom, and whose liberality in assisting men of literature
with its valuable contents, has been often publicly acknow-
ledged, and cannot be too highly commended. In .July
1782, Mr. Reginald Heber married Mary, eldest daughter
of Cuthbert Allanson, D. D. of Brazen-nose, rector of
Wath in Yorkshire, who was for some years before his
death chaplain to the house of commons. By this lady he
left a daughter Mary, and two sons, Reginald and Thomas
Cuthbert, commoners of Brazen-nose college. Mr. Heber,
the father, although a man of taste and learning, published
little. He has, however, some elegant English verses ad-
dressed to the king, on his accession to the throne, among
the Oxford poems on that occasion, in 1761. The follow-
ing year he published, but without his name, tf An Elegy
written among the Tombs in Westminster Abbey," printed
for Dodsley ; which was afterwards inserted, \vithout his
knowledge, in Pearch's continuation of Dodsley's Poems.
The lines are moral, plaintive, and religious.1
HEBERDEN (WILLIAM), an eminent physician and
very accomplished scholar, was born in London in 1710,
and received the early part of his education in that city.
At the close of 1724, he was sent to St. John's college,
Cambridge, where he proceeded A. B. in 1728, and M. A.
in 1732. In 1730 he obtained a fellowship, and directed
bis attention to the study of medicine, which he pursued,
partly at Cambridge, and partly in London. Having taken
his degree of M. D. in 1739, he practised physic in the
university for about ten years. During that time he read
every year a course of lectures on the Materia.Medica, and
made for that purpose a valuable collection of specimens,
which he presented to St. John's college in 1750, to which
society, about ten years after, he presented soirre astrono-
mical instruments. In 1746 he became a fellow of the
royal college of physicians, and two years afterwards leav-
ing Cambridge, he settled in London, and was elected
1 J.ife by Mr. Archdeacon Clmrtoa in Geat. Ma£. vol. LXXIV,
H E B E R D E N. 293
into the royal society in 1749. He very soon got into great
business, which he followed with unremitting attention
above thirty years, till it seemed prudent to withdraw a
little from the fatigues of his profession. He therefore
purchased a house at Windsor, to which he used ever after-
wards to retire during some of the summer months ; but
returned to London in the winter, and still continued to
visit the sick for many years.
In 1766 he recommended to the college of physicians
the first design of the " Medical Transactions," in which
he proposed to collect together such observations as might
have occurred to any of their body, and were likely to illus-
trate the history or cure of diseases. The plan was soon
adopted, and three volumes have successively been laid
before the public, in 1768, 1772, and 1785. Among the
useful communications contained in these volumes, the
papers of Dr. Heberden himself are most prominent in
number and value. His account of a fatal disorder of the
chest, which he denominated Angim pectoris, first called
the attention of physicians to it, as an idiopathic disease :
and the numerous cases of it, which have since been pro-
mulgated, evince its frequency and importance. In this
work, also, Dr. Heberden first gave an accurate descrip*.
tioii of the chicken-pox, pointing out its diagnostic symp-
toms with precision, chieHy with a view to prevent the very
easy mistake of confounding it with a mild small-pox. Dr.
Heberden communicated some other papers to the royal
society, which were printed in its Transactions.
In 1778, the royal society of medicine in Paris chose
him into the number of their associates. He declined all
professional business several years before his death, which
did not take place until May 17, 1801, when he was in his
ninety-first year.
" From his early youth he had always entertained a deep
sense of religion, and a consummate love of virtue, an ar-
dent thirst after knowledge, and an earnest desire to pro-
mote the welfare and happiness of all mankind. By these
qualities, accompanied with great sweetness of manners,
he acquired the love and. esteem of all good men, in a de-
gree which perhaps very few have experienced ; and after
passing an active life with the uniform testimony of a good
conscience, he became an eminent example of its in*-
fluence, in the cheerfulness and serenity of his latest age."
To this character, part of a sketch of his life prefixed to
his " Commentaries,0 published in 1802, much might be
added. No physician, indeed, was ever more highly or
more deservedly respected. His various and extensive
learning, his modesty in the use of it, his freedom from
jealousy or envy, his independent spirit, his simple yet
dignified manners, and his exemplary discharge of all the
relative duties, are topics on which all who knew him de-
light to dwell. Mr. Cole, who bestows very high praise
on him, an article in which that gentleman was in general
penurious, gives us the following anecdote of Dr. Heber-
den, which corresponds with the above account of his
reverence for religion. " Understanding that Dr. Con.
Middleton had composed a book on the ' Inefficacy of
Prayer,' he called upon his widow soon after the Dr.'s
death, and asked her if she was not in possession of such
a tract? She answered that she was ; he then asked her, if
any bookseller had been in treaty with her for it? She said
that a bookseller had offered her 50l. for it. He then de-
manded, if there was a duplicate ? ' No :' upon that he
requested to see it, and she immediately brgught it, and
put it into his hands. The Dr. holding it in one hand,
and giving it a slight perusal, threw it into the fire, and
with the other hand gave her a 50/. note." This anecdote
Mr. Cole had from Dr. Newton, bishop of Bristol. It is
certain that Dr. Middleton's widow bequeathed her hus-
band's remaining MSS. to Dr. Heberden, from which, in,
1761, he obliged the learned world with a curious tract,
entitled " Dissertations de servili Medicorum conditione
Appendix," &c. ; with a short but elegant advertisement
of his own. In 1763, a most valuable edition of the " Sup-
plices Mulieres" of Euripides, with the notes of Mr. Mark-
land, was printed entirely at the expence of Dr. Heber-
den ; and, in 1763, the same very learned commentator
presented his notes on the two Jphigenix, " Doctissimo,
& quod longe prastantius est, humanissimo viro Wilhelmo
Heberden, M. D. arbitratu ejus vel cremandtE, vel in pub-
licum emittendae post obiturn scriptoris," &c. He wrote
the epitaph in Dorking church on Mr. Markland, who had
"bequeathed to him all his books and papers. One of these,
a copy of Mill's Greek Testament in folio, the margin
filled with notes, was kindly lent by Dr. Heberden, " with
that liberal attention to promote the cause of virtue and
religion which was one of his many well-known excel-
lences," to the publisher of the last edition of Mr. Bowyer's
H E B E R D E N. 295
" Conjectures on the New Testament, 1782," 4to. To
Dr. Heberden Mr. Bowyer also bequeathed his " little,
cabinet of coins, a few books specifically, and any others,
which the doctor might chuse to accept." To Dr. H.'s
other publications, we may add his " ANTI0HPIAKA, an
Essay on Mithridatium and Theriaca," 1745, 3vo. He
was also a writer in the " Athenian Letters," and in his
early life contributed some notes to Grey's " Hudibras," as
acknowledged by that editor in his preface.
Dr. Heberden married, Jan. 19, 1760, Mary, eldest
daughter of William Woilastou, esq. by whom he had five
sons and three daughters, who all died before him, except
Dr. William Heberden, one of his majesty's puysiciuns,
and Mary, the eldest daughter, married to the rev. George
Jenyns, prebendary of Ely. His son published in 1802, a
Latin and English edition of his father's last work, entitled
" Gulielmi Heberden Commentarii de Morborum Historia
et Curatione," in Svo. These faithful records of expe-
rience are related with perfect candour, and without any
admixture of hypothesis : the powers of medicine, how-
ever, are estimated with that moderation which arises from
the scepticism of long life and practice, and which some
have thought carried a little too far in this work; yet a
work, like this, formed on the most accurate observation,
cannot be too often referred to by medical practitioners
and medical writers, both, as a source of instruction and
as a model.1
HECHT (CHRISTIAN), a German protestant divine, was
born at Halle in Saxony in 1696, and hecame minister of
Essan in East Friezeland, where he died in 1748. He
wrote several treatises in the German language, and some
in Latin, the most esteemed of which are his " Com men-
tatio — de secta Scribarum," and " Antiquitas Haraeorum
inter Judaeos in Poloniue et Turcici Imp. regionibus. floren-
tis sectrc," &c.2
HECHT (GODFREY), by some said to be a brother of
the preceding, was born in the latter part of the seven-
teenth century at Juterbach, and educated at Wittemberg.
In 1711 he was appointed rector of the college of Luccau,
where he died in 1721. His principal works are on matters
of biography and antiquities; particularly " Germania
> JLif« prefixed to the Commentaries.— -Nichols's Bowyer.— Cole's MS Atben»
in Brit, Mus. * Diet, Hist,
296 II E C H T.
sacra et literaria," 1717, 8vo; " De Hcnrico Guelfo Leone
— - commentarius," 1715, 4to ; "Vita Joannis Tezeli ;"
" Memoria Joannis Lucani," &.C.1
HECQ.UET (Pinup), a French physician of singular
merit and skill, hut a strong partizan of the use of warm
water and of Weeding, for which reason he was ridiculed
by Le Sage in his Gil Bias, under the name of Dr. San-
grado, was born at Abbeville, in 1661, and practised first
in that city, then at Port-royal, and lastly at Paris. He
was not properly san grado, for he took the degree of doc-
tor in 1697 ; and in 1698 had more business than he could
attend. Though attached to the most simple mode of life,
he was obliged to keep his carriage, in which he studied
with as much attention as in bis closet. In 1712, he was
appointed dean of the faculty of medicine, and superin-
tended the publication of a sort of dispensary, called,
" The New Code of Pharmacy," which was published some
time afterwards. Hecquet was no less zealous in religious
matters than studious in his own profession, and is said
never to have prescribed in doubtful cases, without having
a previous recourse to prayer. He lived in the most ab-
stemious manner, and in 1727 retired to a convent of Car-
melites in Paris, where he continued accessible only to the
poor, to whom he was a friend, a comforter, and a father.
He died April 1 1, 1737, at the age of seventy-six. He was
interred in the church of the CaYmelites, where is a monu-
ment with a Latin inscription by Rollin. This able phy-
sician published several works, nene of them devoid of
merit. They are thus enumerated : 1. " On the indecency
of men-midwives, and the obligation of women to nurse
their own children," 1728, 12mo. The reasons he adduces
on these subjects are both moral and physical. 2. "A
Treatise on the Dispensations allowed in Lent," 1705, and
1715, 2 vols. 12mo. His own abstemious system inclined
him very little to allow the necessity of any indulgence;
and it is said that when he visited any of his wealthy pa-
tients, he went into the kitchen, and embraced the cooks
and officers of that department, acknowledging that they
were the best friends the faculty had. 3. " On Digestion,
and the Disorders of the Stomach," in 2 vols. 12mo. 4.
" Treatise on the Plague," 12mo. 5. " Novus Medicine
conspectus," 2 vols. 12mo. 6. " Theological Medicine,'*
\ Moreri.
H E C Q U E T. 297
J vols, 12mo. 7. "Natural Medicine," ditto. 8. " De
purganda Mediciftl a curarum sordibus," 12mo. 9. "Ob-
servations on Bleeding in the Foot," I2mo. 10. "The
Virtues of common Water," 2 vols. 12mo. This is the
work in which he chiefly supports the doctrines ridiculed
by Lft Sage. 1 I. " The abuse of Purgatives," 12mo. 12.
" The roguery of Medicine)," in tlm-e parts, 12:no. 13.
"The Medicine, Surgery, and Pharmacy of the Poor," 3
vols. I2mo; the best edition is in 1742. 1 *. "The Na-
tural History of Convulsions," in which he very saga-
ciously referred the origin of those disorders to roguery in
some, a depraved imagination in others, or the conse-
quence of some secret malady. The life of this illustrious
physician has been written at large by M. le Fevre de St.
Marc, and is no less edifying to Christians than instructive
to medical students.1
HEDELIN (FRANCIS), at first an advocate, afterwards
an ecclesiastic, and abbe of Auhignac and Meimac, was
born at Paris in 1604. Cardinal Richelieu, whose nephew
he educated, bestowed on him his two abbeys, and the
protection of that minister gave him consequence both as
a man of the world and as an author. He figured by turns
as a grammarian, a classical scholar, a poet, an antiquary,
# preacher, and a writer of romances; but he was most
known by his book entitled " Pratique du Theatre," and
by the quarrels in which his haughty and presumptuous
temper engaged him, with some of the most eminent
authors of his time. The great Corneille was one of these,
whose disgust first arose from the entire omission of his
name in the celebrated book above mentioned. He was
also embroiled, on different accounts, with madame Scu-
deri, Menage, and Richelet. The warmth of his temper
exceeded rhat of his imagination, which was considerable;
and yet he lived at court a good deal in the style of a phi-
losopher, rising early to his studies, soliciting no favours,
and associating chiefly with a few friends, as unambitious
as himself, lie describes himself as of a slender constitu-
tion, not capable of taking much exercise, or even of ap-
plying very intensely to study, without suffering from it in
his health ; yet not attached to any kind of play. " It is,"
»ays he, " too fatiguing for the feebleness of my body, or
too indolent for the activity of «iy mind." The abbe iT Au-
1 Moreri.— Diet. IJjst.
29S H E D £ L I N.
bignac Irred to the age of seventy-two, and died at
xnours in 1676. His works are, 1. " Pratique du Theatre,"
Amsterdam, 1717, two vols. 8vo; also in a 4to edition pub-
lished at Paris ; a book of considerable learning, but little
calculated to inspire or form a genius. 2. " Zenobie," a
tragedy, in prose, composed according to the rules laid
clown in his " Pratique," and a complete proof of the total
inefhcacy of rules to produce an interesting drama, being
the most dull and fatiguing performance that was ever re-
presented. The prince of Conde said, on the subject of
this tragedy, " We give great credit to the abbe d'Auhig-
nac for having so exactly followed the rules of Aristotle,
but owe no thanks to the rules of Aristotle for having made
the abb£ produce so vile a tragedy." He wrote a few other
other tragedies also, which are worse, if possible, than
Zenobia. 3. u Macaride ; or the Queen of the Fortunate
Islands," a novel, Paris, 1666, 2 vok 8vo. 4. " ConseiU
cTAriste a Celimene, I2mo. 5. " Histoire da terns, ou Re-
lation du Royaume de Coqueterie," 12mo, 6. " Terence
justifie," inserted in some editions of his " Pratique." 7.
" Apologie de Spectacles," a work of no value. A curious
book on satyrs, brutes, and monsters, has been attributed
to him ; but, though the author's name was Hedelin, hq
does not appear to have been the same.1
or Grossen-hayn, in Misnia, was born in 1675. His first
publication was an edition of Empedocles " de Sphsera,"
xvith his own notes, and the Latin version of Septimius
Florens, in 1711, Dresden, 4to. He then published a
"Notitia Auctorum," 1714, 8va. His celebrated " Greek
Lexicon'* was published, first at Leipsic, in 1722,, 8vo, and
has been republished here with many additions, by Young,
Patrick, and Morell. It was also much improved by Er-
nesti, and repubiished at Leipsic in 1767. Hedench
published other lexicons on different subjects, and died in
1748. Erncsti says of him, that he was a good man, and
very laborious, but not a profound scholar in Greek, nor
well qualified for compiling a lexicon for the illustration
of Creek authors.2
HEDGES (Sir CHAHLES), a civilian and statesman of
some note, was educated both at Magdalen- hall and cok*
1 Chnnfepie.— Moreri.— Diet. Hist. — Nieeron, vol. IV. and X.
8 Diet. Hist. — Saxii Otfqnaast.
H E D G E & 299
lege, Oxford, where he commenced M. A. May 31, 1673,
and LL. D. June 26, 1675. Engaging in the profession of
the civil law, he acquired considerable eminence, and in
March 1686 was appointed chancellor and vicar-general
of Rochester, by a patent, for life, probably upon the re-
signation of sir William Trumball, who was going as am-
bassador to the Ottoman court. This promotion was soon
after followed by his acquisition of the mastership of the
faculties, and the dignity of judge of the high court of
admiralty, of which sir Richard Raines was dispossessed,
and on whose demise some years afterwards, he became
judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury. His pro-
gress in political life was equally successful, for he re-
ceived the honour of knighthood, and served in parliament
for Orford in Suffolk in 1698, for Malmsbury in Wilts in
1701 and 1702; for Calne, in 1702; and for two Cornish
boroughs from 1705 to 1713. He was advanced to be one
of the principal secretaries of state, Nov. 5, 1700, under
king William, and again, May 2, I1) 02, under queen Anne.
It was he that drew up the much-debated act of abjura-
tion in 1701. In parliament, it is said, he voted with the
vvhigs or tories, as his interest prompted, but his attach-
ment was to the tories, who procured his promotion to the
office of secretary of state. The whigs, however, prevailed
on queen Anne to dismiss him from tliat trust in 1706, with
a proviso that he should be judge of the prerogative court
on the death of sir Richard Raines, which, we have already
said, he lived to enjoy, although for a short time. He died
at Richmond, June 10, 1714. *
HEDIO (CASPAR), one of the early reformers, was born
in 14l>5, at Etlinggen, in the marquisate of Baden; and
educated at Friburg, where he took his master of arts de-
gree. Thence he went to Basil, studied divinity, and com-
menced doctor of philosophy and divinity about 1520.
Having imbibed the principles of the reformed religion, he
inculcated it with great success, as preacher in the church
at Mentz, until the violence of persecution obliged him to
go to Strasburgh in 1523, where, under the sanction of
the senate, he co-operated with Capito and Bucer in the
reformation. Here he married in 1533 In 1543 Her-
man, bishop of Cologn, wishing to promote the cause in
his diocese, invited Bucer and Hedio, who were very sue-
1 MS account by Dr, Ducarel.— -Coote's Catalogue of Civilians,
cessful, until driven away by the emperor and the Spa-
niards. Hedio made his escape with much difficulty, and
returned to Strasburgh, where he composed most of his
works, and where he died Oct. 17, 1552. His original
\vorks, enumerated by Melchior Adam, are theological,
historical, and philological; besides which, he was editor
of some parts of the Fathers.1
HEDWIG (JoiiN), a celebrated botanist, was born
Oct. 8, 17 SO, at Cronstadt, in Transylvania, where his fa-
tbi-r was one of the magistrates. After the first rudiments
of domestic education at home, he studied for four years
at the public school of his native town. On the death of
his father in 1747, he went for further improvement to the
university of Presburg in Hungary, where he remained
two years, and then proceeded toZittau in Upper Lusatia.
In 1752 he removed to Leipsic, where his diligence and
talents, as well as his personal character, procured him
the favour and friendship of the celebrated Ludwig in par-
ticular, by whose lectures of various kinds, as well as those
of Hebenstreit, Boehmer, and others, he rapidly and
abundantly profited. In 1756, he was taken into the house
of professor Bose, to assist him in the demonstration of
plants- in his botanical lectures, as well as in the care of
patients at the infirmary; and it is supposed that this en-
gagement was full as advantageous to the master as to the
pupil. Having at length finished his studies, he was de-
fcirons of settling as a physician in Ills native place, but
was- prevented by an exclusive la\v in favour of such as are
educated in some Austrian school. In 1759 he took bis
degree of doctor of physic at Leipsic, and was induced to
establish himself at Chemnitz. He was now so far master
of his own time, that he found himself able to alleviate the
labours of his profession by almost daily attention to bis
favourite studies. His morning hours in summer, from
five till breakfast-time, were spent in the fields and woods,
and his evenings in the investigation of what he had col-
lected, or else in the care of a little garden of his own. To
pursue with success his inquiries, he found it necessary, at
forty years of age, to learn drawing, which enabled him
to publish some of the most curious and authentic botanical
1 Melchior Adaui in viiis ThcQlogovum. — Fuller's Abel Redivivus.— - Jcrtin's
H E I> W I G. 30*
The first and greatest fruit of Heclvvig's labours, was the
determination of the mule and female Mowers of mosses, the
theory of which was h'rst clearly detailed by him. He
also first beheld the bladder-like anther, of the Liuneeaii
Biyum pulvinaliun, discharging its pollen, on the 17th of
January, 177O. He was already satisfied that what Lin-
nteus, misled by Dillenius against his own previous opi-
nion, had taken for anthers, were in fact the capsules of
mosses, and produced real (seed. A history of his disco-
veries was published in a German periodical work at Leip-
sic in 1779. In 1782 appeared his valuable " Fuiuiamen-
tum Historise Nuturalis Muscorum Frondosorum," a baud-
some Latin quarto, in two parts, with 20 coloured micro-
scopical plates. The earliest account given of Hedwig's
opinions in England, was from the communications of the
late professor J. Sibthorp, who had just then visited him,
to Dr. Smith, in 1786, and is annexed to a translation of
Limiaeus's " Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants," pub-
lished that year.
Hedwig lost his first wife in 1776, and again married a
very accomplished lady the following year, who was, like
the former, a native of Leipsic. By her persuasion he re-
moved to Leipsic in 1781, and the following year die work
above mentioned was there published. The same subject
is happily followed up in his " Theoria generationis et
fructificationis plant arum cryptogamicarum Linnaet," pub-
lished at Petersburgh in 1784. This work gained its author
the prize from that academy in 1783, of 100 gold ducats.
In it the fructification and germination of mosses is further
illustrated, and a view is also taken of the fructification of
the other cryptogam ic families, the author being very na-
turally desirous of extending his discoveries throughout
that obscure tribe of plants. A new and encreased edition
of this work appeared in 1798.
The literary fame of Hedwig, und his medical practice,
were now every day increasing. He was made physician
to the town guards, and professor of physic and of botany at
Leipsic. The latter appointment, in which he succeeded
Dr. Pohl removed to Dresden in 1789, was accompanied
with a house, and the superintendance of the public gar-
den. In 1791 the senate appointed him physician to the
school of St. Thomas. The duties of all these various sta-
tions might be supposed to have fully occupied his time,
yet he still found leisure ta attend to new communications
302 H E D W I G.
from his friends. Many nondescript mosses were sent him
from Pennsylvania by the rev. Dr. Muhienberg, and many
West- Indian ones by Dr. Swartz. A fine collection of
new or rare ferns, in full fructification, was forwarded to
him by sir Joseph Banks, at the suggestion of Dr. Smith,
in hopes that he might be induced to take up their exami-
nation ; it not being then known in this country, that lie
was already intent on the subject, and preparing his essay
for the Petersburgh academy. The fruits of these com-
munications were not given to the world in his life-time.
But the former ones contributed, with other matter, to a
posthumous work, pablished by his able pupil Dr. Schwae-
grichen, entitled " Species Muscorum," in 4to, with 77
coloured plates ; and the latter to some subsequent works
of his son; 'but his great work is his " Cryptogam ia»"
1787 — 1797, 4 Vols. fol. the figures in which are given
with a fidelity rarely to be seen. Hedvvig died Feb. 17,
1799. As an observer and faithful describer, he cannot
be ranked too high ; as a vegetable physiologist, if not
always infallible, he stands in the first order; and his know*
ledge was enhanced by modesty, candour, affability, the
strictest probity, and the most elevated piety. His scien-
tific character in other respects is well delineated in our
HEERBRAND (JAMES), a German divine, and one of
the propagators of the reformation, was born at Nurem-
berg in 1521. He was educated in the principles of the
reformed religion by his father, and happened to be at
school at Ulm, when Erasmus's Colloquies were prohibited,
as containing too many reflections on the papists ; but
Heerbrand continued to read them privately, and imbibed
their spirit. After a classical education at Ulm, his father
sent him to Witteniberg in 1538, to hear Luther and Me-
lanctbon, Bugenhagius, and other divines ; and in 1540 he
commenced M. A. After five years* study here, he was
ordained deacon at Tubingen, where he prosecuted his
studies, and where in 1547 he married. The year fol-
lowing, as he objected to the Interim, he was banished
from Tubingen, but was soon recalled, and made pastor of
Herenberg. In 1550 he took his degree of D. D. and this-/
being about the time of the council of Trent, he endea-
J Rees's Cyclopaedia, by DivS
H E E R B R A N D. 303
toured to make himself master of the controversy between
the Roman catholic and reformed church, by a careful
study of the Fathers. In 1559 he was invited by Charles,
marquis of Baden, to assist in the reformation in his domi-
nions; and while here he prescribed a form for the ordina-
tion of ministers. Very soon after, he was chosen divinitv-
professor at Tubingen, and expounded the Pentateuch in
his lectures, and preached statedly. In this city, likewise,
he wrote his answer to Peter Soto, " De Ecclesia, pa'.ribus,
et conciliis," which was afterwards printed. In 1 557 he
was chosen successively rector and chancellor of the uni-
versity, and pastor and superintendant of the church.
Having rejected some valuable offers to remove to other
universities, lie fixed his final residence at Tubingen,
where prince Christopher giving him some land, he built
a house ; and when old age obliged him to remit his labours,
a stipend was allowed him. He died at Tubingen, of a
.lethargic complaint in 1600. He was a man of great learn-
ing, and happil > adapted to the times in which he lived ;
and appears to have been consulted in difficult emergen-
cies by many of the German princes and noblemen. Of
his works, which are numerous, both in German and Latin,
the principal are, " Compendium Theologian," and Hiany
theological dissertations and lives.1
HEEHE ( LUCAS DE), a painter of considerable fame,
when there were few who deserved it, was born at Ghent,
in 1534, the son of John de Heere, the best statuary of
his time ; and Anne Smyters, who had the reputation of
being a most surprising pain tress of landscapes in minia-
ture. Van Mander gives almost an incredible account of
one performance of that female artist. From such parents
De Heere had a fair prospect of gaining every necessary
part of instruction ; and having under their direction
learned to design and handle the pencil with ease and free-
dom, he was placed as a disciple with Francis Fioris. With
that master he improved very expeditiously, and on quit-
ting his school travelled to France, where he was employed
for some years by the queen-mother, in drawing designs
for tapestry. At his return to his native city, he painted
a great number of portraits with applause; and was re-
markable for having so retentive a memory, that if he save
any person but once, he could paint his likeness as strong
' >Ie1«W<jr Adam.— Fflehrri Thcatfura,
304 H E E R E.
4s if he had his model before his eyes. On the shutters of
the altar-piece in the church of St. Peter at Ghent, he
painted the Descent of the Holy Ghost on the Apostles, in
which the draperies are extremely admired ; and in the
church of St. John he painted an altar-piece representing
the Resurrection.
His manner was stiff, resembling that of his master; but
m the colouring of the heads of his portraits there appears
a great deal of nature and clearness ; and he is very com-
mendable for his high finishing, as welt as for giving a full-
ness to his draperies. This artist resided for several years
in England, where many of his portraits of the nobility are
still preserved, and much esteemed, such as lady Jane
Grey, lord Darnley husband of Mary queen of Scotland,
Frances duchess of Suffolk, &c. and at Longleate there is
a large picture of a gentleman, his wife and family, con-
sisting of eight persons. Soon after he came to England,
he painted a naked man with different-coloured clothes
lying besides him, and a pair of sheers in his- hand, as a
satire on our fickleness in fashion ; it is illustrative of a
verse by Andrew de Borde, who in his " Introduction to
Knowledge," has prefixed to the first chapter a naked
maa with these lines:
f< I am an Englishman, and naked I stand here,
Musing in mind what raiment I shall wear."
De Heere, before he died, which happened in 1584, in
the fiftieth year of his age, returned to Ghent j but his last
works are unknown.1
ningen, was one of the most elegant Latin poets that part
of Europe has produced for a century past. Of his early
life we have no memorials. In 176o"he went to Italy, and
became acquainted with the most eminent scholars of that
period, and seems to have joined the cultivation of the modern
Italian, with that of the ancient classical taste, which he had
before imbibed, and of which be gave an excellent specimen
in his work " De Valetudine Literatorum," Leyden, 1749,
8vo, and again more decidedly in his " Satyra de moribus Par-
hisiorumet FrUiae," 1750, 4to; " De Oflicio mectici poema,
dedicated to cardinal Quirini," Groningen, 1752, 8vo ;
1 Iter Veiietum," which he published at Venice, when on
1 PilkingtoiK—Walpole's Anecdo es-.
H E E R K E N S. 305
his tour in 1760, and which displays the feeling, taj»te, and
sentiment of a refined scholar. At Rome he was elected a
member of the Arcadi, and under the name which he as-
sumed in compliance with the usual practice of that society,
he published in the above-mentioned year " Marii Cu-
rulii Groningensia satyrse," 8vo. In this his satire is free
and poignant, yet without merciless severity, and his Latin
uncommonly pure. In 1764, after his return home, he
published his " Notabilia," 2 books, and two more under
the same title in 1770, containing many anecdotes of the
Italian literati, and notices of his own history and opinions.
His other publications are, " Anni rustici Januarius," Gro-
ningen, 1767 ; and " Aves Frisicse," Rotterdam, 1787,
in which he describes in Ovidian style, and with a happy
imitation of that poet, ten different birds; the lark, the cross-
bill, the inagpy, &c. The notes to this poem evince a great
knowledge of natural history, and many facts respecting
these birds which are not generally known. Heerkens was
a physician, but of his character or practice in that pro-
fession we have no information. The Diet. Hist, mention*
Jiis death as having taken place in 1780, whicli must be
wrong, as in the last- mentioned publication he promises a
continuation. It does not appear that he was dead ia
1803, when Saxius published his last volume.1
HEGES1PPUS, an ecclesiastical historian of the second
century, lived before or near the time of Justin Martyr.
He came to Home about the year 157, while Anicetus was
bishop there, and continued in that capital till the year
185, in friendship and communion with Anicetus, and
with Soter and Eleutherus, his two successors in office,
and is accounted to have been sound in the orthodox faith
respecting the divinity of Christ. He is thought to have
died about the year 180. He wrote an ecclesiastical his-
tory from the commencement of the Christian aera to his
own time, of which a few fragments only have been pre-
served by Eusebius. As to five books of the Jewish war
which have been ascribed to him, and which are in the
" Bibl. Patrum," as well as separately printed at Cologn,
in 1559, 8vo, they are generally allowed to have been the
production of some later author.2
, • Diet. Hist. — Saxii Onovnast. — Mouth. Rev. vol. LXXVII.
8 Cave. — Oupia. — Lariqer's Works.
306 H E I D A N U S.
HEIDANUS (ABRAHAM), a learned protestant divine,
professor of theology at Leyden, was born August 10,
1597, at Frakenthal, in the palatinate. He acquired
great reputation by his sermons and writings ; was the in-
timate friend of Descartes, and died at Leyden, October
15, 1678, leaving several children. Heidanus was author
of a " System of Divinity," 1686, 2 vols. 4to, and other
valuable works ; among them, " An Examination of the
Remonstrant's Catechism," 4to, " De origine Erroris," &c.'
HEIDEGGEfl (JOHN HENRY), a protestant divine of
Switzerland, was born at Ursevellon, a village near Zu-
rich, July 1, 1633. He was first a teacher of Hebrew and
philosophy at Heidelberg, then of divinity and ecclesias-
tical history at Steinfurt ; and lastly, of morality and di-
vinity at Zurich, where he died Jan. 18, 1698. He pub-
lished, 1. " Exercitationes selectee de Historia sacra Pa-
triarcharum," in 2 vols. 4to, the first of which appeared
at Amsterdam in 1667, the latter in 1671. 2. " De ra-
tione studiorum opuscula aurea," &c. Zurich, 1670, 12mo.
3. " Tumulus Tridentini Concilii," Zurich, 1690, 4to.
4. "Historia Papatfts," Amst. 1698, 4to. There is also
ascribed to him, 5. A tract " De peregrinationibus reli-
giosis," in 1670, 8vo. And, 6. " A System of Divinity,"
1700, folio.2
HEIDEGGER (JOHN JAMES), a very singular adven-
turer, was th« son of a clergyman, and a native of Zurich,
in Switzerland, where he married, but left his country in
consequence of an intrigue. Having had an opportunity
of visiting the principal cities of Europe, he acquired a
taste for elegant and refined pleasures, which by degrees
qualified him for the management of public amusements.
In 1708, when he was near fifty years old, he came to Eng-
land on a negotiation from the Swiss at Zurich ; but failing
in his embassy, he entered as a private soldier in the
guards for protection. By his sprightly engaging conver-
sation, and insinuating address, he soon became a favou-
rite with our young people of fashion, from whom he ob-
tained the appellation of " the Swiss count," by which
name he is noticed in the " Tatler." He had the address
to procure a subscription, with which in 1709 he was en-
abled to furnish out the opera of " Thomyris," which was
1 Gen. Diet. — Moreri.
9 Niceron, vol. XVU.— M«rori.— Saicii Onomast.
written in English, and performed at the queen's theatre
in the Haymarket, with such success, that he g ined by
this performance alone 500 guineas. The judicious re-
marks he made on several detects in the conduct of our
operas in general, and the hints he threw out for improving
those entertainments, soon established his character as a
theatrical critic. Appeals were made to his judgment;
and some very magnificent and elegant decorations, intro-
duced upon the stage in consequence of his advice, gave
such satisfaction to George II. who was fond of operas,
that his majesty was pleased from that time to countenance
him, and he soon obtained the chief management of the
opera-house in the Haymarket. He then undertook to
improve another species'of diversion, not less agreeable to
the king, the masquerades, and over these he always pre-
sided at the king's theatre. He was likewise appointed
master of the revels. The nobility now caressed htm so
much, and had such an opinion of his taste, that all splen-
did and elegant entertainments given by them upon par-
ticular occasions, and all private assemblies by subscription,
were submitted to his direction, for which he was liberally
From the emoluments of these several employments, he
gained a regular and considerable income; amounting, it
is said, in some years to 5000/. which he spent with much
liberality, particularly in the maintenance of perhaps
somewhat too luxurious a table ; so that it may be said he
raised an income, but never a fortune. His charity was
so great, that after a successful masquerade he has been
known to give away several hundred pounds at a time.
u You know poor objects of distress better than I do," he
would frequently say to the father of the gentleman who
furnished this anecdote, " Be so kind as to give away this
money for me." This well-known liberality, perhaps,
contributed much to his carrying on that diversion with so
little opposition as he met with.
That he was a good judge of music, appears from his
opera; but this is all that is known pf his mental abilities*;
* Pope (Dunciad, I. 289), calls the strange bird from Switzerland, and not
bird which attended on the goddess, (as some have supposed) the n»me of
" a monster of a fowl, an eminent person, who wss a man of
Something betwixt a Heidegger and parts, and, as was said of Petrouiu*,
owl." Arbiter Elegaotiarum."
And explains Heidegger to mean " a
X 2
unless it may be added in honour to his memory, that hfc
walked from Charirrg-cross to Temple-bar and back again,
and, when he Came home, wrote down every sign on each
side the Strand.
As to his person, though he was tall and well-made, it
was not very pleasing, from an unusual hardness of fea-
tures*. But he was the first to joke upon his own ugli-
ness ; and he once laid a. wager with the earl of Chester-
field, .that within a certain given time his lordship woukl
not be able to produce so hideous a face in all Londort.
After strict search, a woman was found, whose features were
at first sight thought stronger than Heidegger's ; but, upon
clapping her head-dress upon himself, he was universally
allowed to have won the wager. Jolly, a well-known tay-
lor, carrying his bill to a noble duke; his grace, for eva-
sion, said, " 1 never will pay you till you bring me an
uglier fellow than yourself!" Jolly bowed and retired,
wrote a letter, and sent it by a servant to Heidegger, say-
ing, " his grace wished to see him the next morning on
particular business." Heidegger attended, and Jolly was
tjiere to meet him ; and in consequence, as soon as Hei-
degger's visit was over, Jolly received the cash.
The late facetious duke of Montagu (the memorable
contriver of the bottle-conjuror at the theatre in the Hay-
market) gave an entertainment at the Devfl tavern, Temple-
bar, to several of the nobility and gentry, to whom he im-
parted his plot. Heidegger was invited, and a few hours
after dinner was made drunk, and laid insensible upon a bed.
A profound sleep ensued ; when the late Mrs. Salmon's
daughter was introduced, who took a mould from his face
in plaster of Paris. From this a. mask was made, and a few
days before the next masquerade (at which the king pro-
mised to be present, with the countess of Yarmouth) the
duke made application to Heidegger's valet de chambre,
to know what suit of clothes he was likely to wear ; and then
procuring a similar dress, and a person of the same stature-,
lie gave him his instructions. On the evening of the mas-
querade, as soon as his majesty was seated .(who was always
known by the conductor of the entertainment and the of-
ficers of the court, though concealed by his dress from the
company), Heidegger, as usual, ordered the music to play
* There is a metzotinto of Heideg- loo, a slrikiog likeness. His facj» is
nr by J. Fabcr, 1742, (other copies also introduced in more than oire\>f
1749) from a painting by Van- Hogarth's print*
• f-'fv\ save th.e King;" but his back was no sooner turned,,
thiwi the false Heidegger ordered them to strike up " Charly
over the Water." The whole company were instantly
thunderstruck, an;! all the courtiers not in the plot were
throw. i into a stupid consternation. Heidegger flew to the
rriu.sic-gf'.!lery, stamped and raved, and accused the mu-
si..iiins of drunkenness, or of Wing set on by some secret
enemy to ruin him. The king and the countess laughed
so immoderately, that they hazarded a discovery. While
Heidegger stayed in the gallery, " God save the King"
was the tune ; but when, after setting matters to rights,
lie retired to one of the dancing-rooms, to observe if de-
corum was kept by the company, the counterfeit stepping
forward, and placing himself upon the floor of the theatre,
just in front of the music gallery, called out in a most au-
dible voice, imitating Heidegger, and asked them if he
had not just told them to play " Charly over the Water?'1
A pause ensued ; the musicians, who knew his character,
in their turn thought him either drunk or mad ; but, as he
continued his vociferation, " Charly" was played again.
At this repetition of the supposed affront, some of the of-
ficers of the guards, who always attended upon these oc-
casions, were for ascending the gallery, and kicking the
musicians out; but the late duke of Cumberland, who
could hardly contain himself, interposed. The company
were thrown into great confusion. " Shame! Shame!"
resounded from all parts, and Heidegger once more flew
in a violent rage to that part of the theatre facing the gal-
lery. Here the duke of Montagu, artfully addressing him-
self to him, told him "the king was in a violent passion ;
that his best way was to go instantly and make an apology,
for certainly the musicians were mad, and afterwards to
discharge them." Almost at the same instant hq ordered
the false Heidegger to do the same. The scene now be-
came truly comic in the circle before the king. Heideg-
ger had no sooner made a genteel apology for the insolence
of his musicians, but the false Heidegger advanced, and
in a plaintive tone cried out, li Indeed, Sire, it was not
my fault, but that devil's in my likeness." Poor Heideg-
ger turned round, stared, staggered, grew pale, and could
not utter a word. The duke then himianely whispered in
his ear the sum of his plot, and the counterfeit was ordered
to take off his mask. Here ended the frolic ; but Heideg-
ger swore he would never attend any public amusement, if
that witch the wax-work woman did not break the mould,
and melt down the mask before his face.
Being once at supper with a large company, when a
question was debated, which nation of Europe had the
greatest ingenuity; to the surprise of all present, he claimed
that character for the Swiss, and appealed to himself for
the truth of it. " I was born a Swiss," said he, " arid
came to England without a farthing, where I have found
means to gain 5000/. a year, and to spend it. Now I defy
the most able Englishman to go to Switzerland, and, either
to gain that income, or to spend it there." He died Sept.
4, 1749, at the advanced age of ninety years, at his house
a: Richmond, in Surrey, where he was buried. He left
behind him one natural daughter, miss Pappet, who was
married Sept. 2, 1750, to captain (afterwards admiral sir
Peter) Denis. Part of this lady's fortune was a house at
the north-west corner of Queen -square, Ormond -street,
which sir Peter afterwards sold to the late Dr. Campbell,
and purchased a seat in Kent, pleasantly situated near
Westram, then called Valence, but now (by its present
proprietor, the earl of Hillsborough) Hill Park.1
HEINECCIUS (JOHN GOTLIEB), a German lawyer, was
born at Eisemberg in 1681, and trained in the study of
philosophy and law. He became professor of philosophy
at Hall, in 1710, and of law in. 1721, with the title of
counsellor. In 1724 he was invited to Franeker ; and
three years after, the king of Prussia influenced him to
accept the law-professorship at Franc fort upon the Oder.
Here he continued till 1733, when the same prince almost
forced him to resume the chair at Hall, where he remained
till his death, in 1741, although he had strong invitations
from Denmark, Holland, &c. His principal works (for
they are numerous) are, 1. " Antiquitatum Romanorum
Jurisprudentiam illustrantium syntagma ;" the best edi-
tion of which is the fifth, published at Lewarden, in 1777.
2. " Elementa Juris Civilis secundum ordinem Institutio-
num & Pandectarum," 2 vols. 8vo. 3. " Elementa Phi-
losophic Rationalis & Moralis, quibus pnemissa historia
Philosophical' This is reckoned a good abridgment of
logic and morality. 4. " Historia Juris Civilis, Romani ac
Germanici." 5. " Elementa Juris Naturae & Gentium,"
which was translated into English by Dr. Turnbull. 6,
> Nichols's inecdotes of Hogarth.— Hawkins's Hist, of Miwic.
H E I N E C C I U-3. 311
" Fundamenta styli cultioris;" a work of his youth, but
much approved, and often reprinted, with notes by Ges-
ner and others, Also several academic dissertations upon
various subjects. His works were published collectively
at Geneva in 1744, and form 8 vols. in 4to. His brother,
JOHN MICHAEL, deacon of the church of St. Peter and St.
Paul at Goslar, who died in 1722, wrote many works of
reputation in his country, among which is his " Account
of the Antiquities of Goslar and the neighbouring places;"
and his view of the ancient and modern Greek church.1
HEINECKEN (CHRISTIAN HENRY), a child greatly ce-
lebrated for the wonderfully premature developemerit of
his talents, but whose history will require strong faith, was
born at Lubeck, Feb. 6, 1721, and died mere June 27,
1725, after having displayed the most amazing proofs of
intellectual powers. He could talk at ten months old, and
scarcely had completed the first year of his life, when he
already knew and recited the principal facts contained in
the five books of Moses, with a number of verses on the
creanon ; at thirteen months he knew the history of the Old
Testament, and the New at fourteen ; in his thirtieth month,
the history of the nations of antiquity, geography, anato-
my, the use of maps, and nearly 8000 Latin words. Be-
fore the end of his third year, he was well acquainted with
the history of Denmark, and the genealogy of the crowned
heads of Europe ; in his fourth year he had learned the
doctrines of divinity, with their proofs from the Bible; ec-
clesiastical history ; the institutes ; 200 hymns, with their
tunes; 80 psalms; entire chapters of the Old and New
Testament; 1500 verses and sentences from ancient Latin
classics ; almost the* whole Orbis Pictus of Comenius,
whence he had derived all his knowledge of the Latin lan-
guage; arithmetic; the history of the European empires
and kingdoms; could point out in the maps whatever place
he was asked for, or passed by in his journeys, and recite
all the ancient and modern historical anecdotes relating to
it. His stupendous memory caught and retained every
word he was told ; his ever active imagination used what-
ever he saw or heard, instantly to apply some examples or
sentences from the Bible, geography, profane or eccle-
siastical history, the " Orbis Pictus," or from ancient clas-
sics. At the court of Denmark he delivered twelve speeches
1 Chaufepic. — Saxii Onomast.
312 H E I N E C K E N.
\\ithout once faltering; and underwent public examina-
tions on a variety of subjects, especially the bistory of
Denmark. He spoke German, Latin, French, and Low
Dutch, and was exceedingly good-natured and weil-be-
havecl, but of a most tender and delicate bodily constitu-
tion ; never ate any solid food, but chiefly subsisted on
nurses milk, not being weaned till within a very few months
of his death, at which time he was not quite four years old.
There is a dissertation on this child, published by M. Mar-
tini at Lubeck, in 1730, where the author attempts to
assign the natural causes for the astonishing capacity of
this great man in embryo, who was just shewn to the world,
and snatched away. This was addressed to M. Christ, de
Schoeneich, the child's tutor, who had published an ac-
count of him, and is given entire in vol. V. of " The Re-
public of Letters." Schoeneich's account was republished
so lately as 1778 or 1779 in German.1
HEINSIUS (DANIEL), a celebrated scholar and critic,
professor of politics and history at Leyden, and librarian of
the university there, was born at Ghent, in Flanders, May
1£SO, of an illustrious family, who had possessed the first
places in the magistracy of that town. He was frequently
removed in the younger part of his life. He began his
studies at the Hague, and afterwards went with his parents
into Zealand, where he was instructed in polite literature
and philosophy. He soon learned the outlines of morality
and politics, but did not relish logic, and had an unconquer-
able aversion to the niceties of grammar. He discovered
early a strong propensity to poetry, and began to make verses
before he knew any thing of prosody or the rules of art. He
composed a regular elegy at ten years of age, upon the
death of a play-fellow ; and there are several epigrams and
little poems of his, written when he was not above twelve,
which shew a great deal of genius and facility. He is re-
presented, however, as having been somewhat indolent,
and not likely to make any progress in Greek Und Latin
learning ; on which account his father sent him, at fourteen
years of age, to study the law in the university of Fra-
neker. But from that time, as if he had been influenced
by a spirit of contradK*:on, nothing would please him but
classics; and he applies inmself there to Greek and Latin
authors, as obstinately as he had rejected them in Zealand.
1 Schoeneich's account.— Moreri. — Diet. Hist.
H E I N 8 I U S. 3U
tie afterwards removed to Leyden, where he became a
pupil of Joseph Scaliger ; and was obliged to the encou-
ragement and care of that great man for the perfection to
which he afterwards arrived in literature, and which at the
beginning of his life there was so little reason to expect.
He published an edition of " Silius Italicus," in 1600, pro-
fessedly taken from an ancient MS. and added notes of his
own, which he called " Crepundia Siliana," to shew that
they were written when he was extremely young. This
edition was reprinted at Cambridge, 1646, 12mo. Hein-
sius was made Greek professor at eighteen, and afterwards
succeeded Scaliger in the professorship of politics and his-
tory. When he was chosen librarian to the university, he
pronounced a Latin oration, afterwards published, in which
he described the duties of a librarian, and the good order
and condition in which a library should be kept. Being a
great admirer of the moral doctrine of the stoics, he wrote
an elegant oration in praise of the stoic philosophy. He
died Feb. 25, 1655, after having distinguished himself as a
critic by his labours upon Silius Italicus, Theocritus, He-
siod, Seneca, Homer, Hesychius, Theophrastus, Clemens
Alexandrinus, Ovid, Livy, Terence, Horace, Prudentius,
Maximus Tyrius, &c. He published two treatises " De
Satira Horatiana," which Balzac affirms to be master-
pieces. He also wrote poems in various languages, which,
have been often printed, and always admired. He was
the author of several prose works, some of which were of
the humourous and satirical cast; as u Laus Asini," " Laus
Pediculi," £c.
The learned have all joined in their praises of Heinsius.
Gerard Vossius says that he was a very great man ; and
calls him the ornament of the muses and the graces. Ca-
saubon admires him equally for his parts and learning.
Pareus calls him the Varro of his age. Barthius ranks
him with the first writers. Bochart pronounces him a truly
great and learned man ; and Selden speaks of him as " tarn
severiorum quam amceniorum literarum sol ;" a light to
guide us in our gay as well as severe pursuits in letters.
Some, however, have thought that, he was not so well
formed for criticism ; and Le Clerc, in his account of the
Amsterdam edition of Bentley's " Horace," says that
though doubtless a learned man, who had spent his life in
the study of criticism, yet if we may judge by his Horace,
he was by no means happy in his conjectures ; but he
314 H E I N S I U S.
speaks much more advantageously of his son Nicolas Hein-
sius ; and agreed, with the rest of the world, that though
not so learned a man as his father, he had a better taste
for criticism. Daniel Heinsius was, however, highly ho-
noured abroad as well as at home ; and received uncom-
mon marks of respect from foreign potentates. Gustavus
Adolphus, king of Sweden, gave him a place among his
counsellors of state: the republic of Venice made him a
knight of their order of St. Mark: and pope Urban VIII.
was such an admirer of his fine talents and consummate
learning, that he made him great offers if he would come
to Rome; "to rescue that city from barbarism," as the
pontiff is said to have expressed himself.1
HEINSIUS (NICHOLAS), son of the preceding, and
more eminent both in the literary and the political world,
was born at Leyden, July 1620, and at first educated under
his father's inspection. In early life he formed an inti-
macy with his learned contemporaries John Frederick Gro-
novius, Vincent Fabricius, and Isaac Vossius. The latter
accommodated him with the MSS. of Ovid, which were in
the library of his grandfather, John Gerard Vossius, and
his attention to this author terminated at last in an excel-
lent edition of his works, highly praised by Ernesti and
Harles, which he published in 1661, 3 vols. 8vo. In 1641,
when he was about twenty-one years of age, he came over
to England, and spent three months at Oxford, examining
some MSS. of Ovid and Claudian in the Bodleian library.
He returned the following year to Leyden, and thence to
Spa, on account of his health, but in this tour visited the
libraries and the learned of Brabant. About 164-7 he went
to Paris, where he remained a year and a half, and pub-
lished his Latin poems. He also employed himself in col-
lating some manuscripts in the library of Messrs. Dupin.
From Paris he went to Italy, and both at Florence and
Rome examined with great care the literary treasures in
the grand duke's library, and in the Vatican. Happening
unfortunately to be at Naples during a civic revolt, he lost
part of his papers, and among others his collation of Mar-
tial. In 1648 he published at Padua his elegies, in which
he celebrates Italy and Rome, but speaks somewhat dis-
respectfully of his own country, for which he was after-
1 Moreri.— Foppen, Bib!. Belg,— Baillet Jugemens,— Blotmt's Censtra.—
Saxu Ononvast.
II E I N S I U S. 315
wards blamed. He meant to have visited Svvisserland on
his return, but his father's age and infirmities making him.
desirous of his company, he returned home. He had
refused a professor's chair at Bologna, because the terms
were that he should embrace the Roman catholic religion.
In 1649, hearing that Christina, queen of Sweden, had de-
sired to see his poems, he published a new edition dedi-
cated to her, which procured him an invitation to Stock-
holm, where he was very graciously received by her ma-
jesty. In 1651 he made another tour to Italy, and the
following year being in Florence, was received a member
of the academies of Delia Crusca and the Apathisti. A
considerable part of his object in this tour was to purchase
manuscripts and medals for queen Christina; but, being
now greatly in advance for these purchases, without hav-
ing received any money from Stockholm, he found it ne-
cessary to return and make a personal application. In the
mean time Christina had abdicated the throne, and Hein-
sius, who had spent 3000 florins in her purchases, pre-
sented petition after petition to no effect. Promises indeed
he had in abundance ; he was to have a grant of lands in
Pomerania, a canonry at Hamburgh, a vicariate at Bremen ;
the title of secretary, and four thousand crowns to defray
the expences he had been at ; but none of these was
While in this situation, he received the glad tidings that
the States of Holland had appointed him their resident at
the Swedish court, with a salary of 4000 florins. This ap-
pointment took place Oct. 7, 1654. The following year
his father died, which obliged him to return to Holland.
In 1656 he was made secretary to the city of Amsterdam,
which he was obliged to resign two years after in conse-
quence of being prosecuted by a young woman for a
breach of promise of marriage, under the faith of which
she had lived with him and borne him two children. This
affair seems very little to Heinsius's credit, for he was not
only cast in the suit, but the sentence was afterwards con-
firmed in 1662 by the supreme court of Holland, to which
he had appealed.
In the mean time, in 1660, he was again appointed re-
sident at the court of Stockholm, Where he rerhained until
1667. In 1669 he was appointed deputy extraordinary at
the court of Moscovy. After holding this post about two
years, and executing some other political commissions for
316 H E I N S I U S.
the States, he retired to a country residence in 1675, first
near Utrecht, and afterwards at Vianen. It was when in
this latter place that Peter Francius addressed to him a
Latin poem, " Ad Nic. Heinsinm, de secessu suo Via-
nensi." In 1681, while at the Hague, whither he went on
account of the marriage of 'his niece, he difcd Oct. 7. His
body was carried to Leyden, and interred in the same
grave with that of his father, in the church of St. Peter.
His poems, which are much admired, have been several
times printed : but the best edition is that of Amsterdam,
1666. Some think him worthy to be called " The Swan
bf Holland." He wrote notes upon, and gave editions of
Virgil, Ovid, Valerius Flaccus, Claudian, Prudentius, &c.
Bentley, in a note upon Horace, 2 Sat. vi. 108. calls his
edition of Virgil, " editio castigatissima." His Claurlian
is dedicated, in a Latin poem, to Christina queen of Swe-
den ; and his Ovid to Thuanus, At his death, it is said,
that he capriciously disowned all his works ; and expressed
the utmost regret at having left behind him so many "mo-
numents of his vanity," as he called them. l
HEISTER (LAURENCE), a celebrated physician, surgeon,
anatomist, and botanist, was born at Frankfort on the
Maine, in 1683. He was educated in several German
universities, and in 1706 spent some time in the study of
anatomy and surgery at Amsterdam under Ruysch, then
$o famous for his dissections and anatomical preparations.
In the following year he went to serve as a surgeon in the
Dutch camp in Brabant; devoting the subsequent winter
to further improvement, under Boerhaave and his eminent
colleagues, who at that time attracted students from ail
parts to the university of Leyden, where Heister took his
degree. Returning afterwards to the camp, he was, in
1709, appointed physician -general to the Dutch military
hospital. The experience he thus acquired, raised him to
a distinguished rank in the theory and practice of surgery,
especially as he had a genius for mechanics, and was by
that means enabled to bring about great improvements in
the instrumental branch of his art. In 17 10 he became
professor of anatomy and surgery at Altorf, in the little can-
ton of Uri, and rendered himself celebrated by his lec-
tures and writings. Ten years afterwards a more advan-
~Moreri-— Burman's Sylloge.— Baillet Jugetnens.— Saxii
•fc E I S T E R. 317
tageous situation offered itself to him at Helmstad, where
he became physician, with tiie tide of Aulic counsellor, as
usual, to the duke of Brunswick, as well as [professor of
medicine, and afterwards of surgery and botany, in that
university. Here he continued till his death, which hap-
pened in 1758, at the age of seventy-five. The czar Peter
invited him to Russia, but he was too comfortably situated
in Germany, where the favour of several sovereigns already
shone upon him at an early period, to accept the invitation.
Heister continued from time to time to publish^ number
of books relating to anatomy and surgery, to several of
which he supplied figures drawn by his own hand. Among
these, his most distinguished work is the " Compendium
Anatomieuai," an octavo volume, first printed in 1717,
whidi became quite a classical book, superseding ail that
had been previously in use in the schools. It went through
numerous editions, with successive additions and improve-
ments, and was translated into most of the modern lan-
guages. His " Institutions of Surgery," also published in-
German in 1718, was soon translated into Latin, and most
of the modern languages of Europe, and went through*
numerous editions. He wrote also some works on the
theory and practice of medicine, in which his opinions are
formed on the mechanical principles of the Boerhaavian
school ; and a valuable practical work of Heister's, a col-
lection of medical, surgical, and anatomical observations,
in quarto, is well known in this country by an English
Heister seems early to have had a taste for botany, and
to have collected plants, as Haller observes, in his various
journeys. This taste enabled him to (ill the botanical chair
at Helmstad with credit and satisfaction, and he paid great
attention to the garden there, which he much enriched.
His first botanical publication, " De Coilectione Simpli-
cium," was the inaugural dissertation. of one of his pupils
named Rabe, printed in 1722 ; and had he written nothing
else, his botanical labours should have been consigned to
oblivion; but his subsequent works rank him as an original
writer, and he might have acquired more fame had he been
favoured with leisure to look deeper, and not been warped
by preconceived ideas. In 1732 ha published a disserta-
tion on the " Use of the Leaves" in founding genera of
plants, preferring those parts for a natural arrangement,
on account of the obscurity and difficulty attending those
318 H E I S T E R.